Wicked Games

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"What a wicked thing to do...to make me dream of you..." - Chris Isaak

Chapter 19: Wicked Games

I glanced up at the office window as I made way through the quiet pub. The blinds were down, but I could see a silhouette, most likely Taran sitting at his desk holding his meeting with Brian. Which meant I had to brave walking through the house alone, hopefully it was still too early for the rest of The Blackbird's residents to be awake.

My phone began to vibrate in my back pocket as I made my way through the staff door. I stopped short when I saw 'Mum' flashing on the screen, resisting the urge to swipe the hang up button. Leaning back against the door, I took a deep breath and answered, hoping my voice sounded light and cheerful and not thick with dread.


"Sorcha. You haven't called us since last week, we were beginning to worry."

Sure they were. "Sorry, I've been busy studying and working. I had my last exam today-"

"Working?" My mother sniffed, already waiting to pick apart my life choices. "Working where? I thought you didn't want to work? You turned down your uncle's offer to assist at his firm just down the road from that silly university."

"A place came up that worked better with my schedule. The pay is really good and I'm enjoying it."

A long drawn out silence made me begin to pick at the skin around my nail. If she asked anymore questions, I would have to tell her I was a basically a waitress, and I wasn't ready to face her wrath or defend my choice, not when I knew she would most likely throw everything she'd done for me in my face to guilt me into quitting for the sake of reputation. Thankfully, she was too caught up in her reason for calling.

"You missed Christmas at Braemar so I'm to remind you about the Summer garden party. I hope your new job won't keep you from joining us because your grandmother will be most upset if you skip another family gathering. Maybe you have a nice boy to bring with you this year, instead of Laura?"

Her not-so-subtle way of saying she would prefer I didn't bring my best friend after the events that occurred last time, and asking if I was single or dating someone to her standards all at once.

"I'll come up," I promised, if only for my grannie. My gaze drifted towards the stairs leading to Taran's office and I chewed my lip before clearing my throat. "I um, I'll probably come alone though."

Her sigh grated on my nerves, full of exasperated judgment. "Alright then, dear. We will see you in a few weeks, love and kisses."

No questions about how my exams had gone, no congratulations on finishing another year, but there was no trying to persuade me to skip my final year either, nor any hints about eligible bachelors of influence who might be at this year's garden party either.

"Love and Kisses, Mum. Bye."

As soon as I heard the line disconnect, I let out a hard whoosh of air and stared up the blinking fluorescent lights, then down towards the Red Door. Today was one stressful event after another.

"You know I'm trying to have a meeting up here."

The voice gave me such a fright, my head jerked back to collide with the door. I stepped away and rubbed the back of my head, blinking a few times before I could make out Taran standing at the top of the stairs. Hands folded behind his back, dressed in a smart suit, the sight of him made me stand to attention immediately.

"Sorry, Sir."

"Your mother was on the phone?"

I cringed, remembering that vampire hearing meant he had probably heard every word of the conversation. "Yes, just reminding me I can't skip another family get together."

He hummed, shadowed features understanding far more than I'd like. "I thought you might be eavesdropping, Little Mouse, I didn't mean to listen in myself."

"I should have taken the call in the house. Sorry for interrupting, I'll go." Because I had absolutely no idea how to act in front of him after this morning, after he'd kissed me and declared us exclusive; on threat of death to any other man who might touch me. What was more terrifying was I believed him and that exhilarated me instead of adding another item to my list of reasons to run a mile as soon as I was free.

"Wait." He stopped me before I could take a step. "How do you think you did today?"

At first I was confused, but when I realised what he was asking, I couldn't help but smile. "I think I passed, so I'll be stuck at Uni for another year."

"Good. Come here."

I scanned his expressionless features as I slowly climbed the rickety stairs.

Did he regret what he'd said and done this morning? Was he going to tell me to forget it? Pretend it never happened?

The closer I got, the more he stiffened, swaying forward as if holding himself back from closing the distance between us himself. I didn't hear a growl pass his lips, but the air thrummed and my insides quivered in response to some preternatural call. By the time I reached the last step, the air between us threatened to implode. Swallowing the lump in my throat, hand gripping the banister tight, I looked up at him through my lashes and waited. His arm hooked around my waist to draw me into the landing with him, his nose going to my throat where he inhaled deeply, then pulled back with a curious look, onyx eyes twinkling with a knowing glint. I stiffened in his hold as I tried to work out what he'd caught into, what made him look suddenly intrigued. He smirked with a show of fangs that made my heart skip a terrified beat.

My hands flattened against his chest.

After my interaction with Wren, I was in no mood for fangs and blood. But Taran chased away the beginning of any fear with a rough kiss. It shocked me as much as it had the first time. But this time, I made an effort to kiss him back, to soak up as much of this moment as possible. Butterflies in my stomach made me feel like a teen-girl kissing her first crush, my fingers curling into his suit jacket to stop me from tumbling right back down the stairs as my legs trembled. 

"There's a box on top of the dresser for you," he murmured huskily against my lips, fingers tangling in my hair, tugging at strange to make my scalp sting. "I intended to be there when you opened it but I trust you will make the right choice and wear it while you work. Trust me." A nip to my jaw drew a sharp gasp. "With what is in store, you will want to be relaxed when you finish your shift. Relaxed and ready for me."

Heat pooled between my legs, my body suddenly hyper aware of even the air brushing against my skin. Taran cupped my face in his hand, then pulled away just as quickly, turning towards the door to his office seconds before I heard it creak open.

Heavy steps came towards us.

Brian was dressed more refined today. Auburn hair was neatly combed and pulled back from his face, one lock braided and bound with leather. His scar puckered brow was stern, and then crinkled with surprise when he spotted me, giving way to a friendly smile.

I half expected Taran to put further distance between and to brush off any sign of contact between us. Instead he aimed lifted an arm in front of me and aimed a growl at the other vampire. Brian stopped short and raised his hands with a perplexed look, brown eyes flicking between each of our faces. The longer Taran acted like he was being threatened, or like a possessive cat over prey, the more Brian's expression slowly morphed from confusion into smug amusement.

"One would have to be a fool with a death wish to try to feed from a human so covered in another vampire's scent, old friend." He took a deep inhale through his nose. "Well, it seems Wren got close enough to try."

My mouth popped open. That must have been what Taran had caught onto.

"He walked me home," I said quickly.

"And kept a very very close eye on you too, I bet." Brian tipped his head. "It's a wonder he doesn't shadow your every footstep if what I've been told about your bond is true. It hasn't faded yet?"

The question felt intrusive, and intimate. My instinct was to recoil, but Taran nodded for me to answer.

"I guess it's faded, somewhat."


I didn't want to admit truth; that Wren was hearing fully formed thoughts and I was always too aware of exactly how he was feeling, but my hesitation to elaborate made both men peer at me questioningly.

Taran gave my hip a nudge. "You should get ready."

"Why don't you let her sit in?" Brian suggested. "We were discussing her after all. I'd be able to offer better advice if I could speak to her and Wren together, to get a better sense of their bond. Besides. . ." He gave me a sly smile that caused goosebumps to pebble my flesh. ". . .it's not often I meet a human who has defied death, especially when it comes in the form of one of our kind."

If I wasn't so disconcerted by his tone, I would have demanded to know why they were discussing me and Wren at all. Taran had assured me the connection forged when I'd drank from Wren would fade as his blood left my system, but if Taran was certain, why would he be asking another vampire about it?

As it was, the reminder of slipping from death's grasp was enough to douse any curiosity I had. I scratched at my neck. "Actually, I'd rather not know why yous were talking about me, and I'm starving, so I have to take around to find a decent meal to make out of what you vampires think a stocked kitchen is."

Taran chuckled.. He'd most likely expected me to try and weasel my way into his meeting after Brian had all but invited me.

"I never thought I'd hear one of your humans speak like that." Brian guffawed, eyeing Taran speculatively.

I folded my arms and looked away, forever being reminded that Taran had a long line of subs before me, and probably a long line of other women besides, was getting old.

Fingers gripped my chin to force me to meet penetrating dark eyes. "She isn't just any human, so she gets away with more than she probably thinks." His thumb swept over my bottom lip. "My tenacious little mouse, off you run. I'll catch you later."

A giddying threat.

What would he do once he caught me?

An hour later, my mind continued to supply me with every sordid image it could come up with, and now I knew exactly what Taran looked like under his stern-suited exterior, it made it all the harder to focus as I put the finishing touches of my Laura-inspired makeup on. However, the longer I looked in the mirror, the more my conscious screamed that I was being too bold in my choice of dark matte red lipstick, and too brazen in the sheer black top that showed a little of the lace bra I wore underneath. The burgundy skirt was shorter than I remembered it being when I bought it too, so my only comfort was my beat-up converse. There was no way I could manage a whole shift in ankle-breaking heels.

It was too late to rethink my choices now anyway. Nor could I ignore the reason I had procrastinated so long doing eyeliner either. Winding Taran's silk mark around my wrist helped somewhat, almost as if having the reminder I belonged to him took away some of my fear. I didn't have to think, I reminded myself. Just do. So I braved the creeping suspicion that whatever he had waiting for me might scare me off. The small box certainly wasn't another collar, but I wasn't stupid enough to think the velvet case hosted an expensive piece of jewellery either.

At first glance, I wasn't entirely sure what it was. The lid flipped back to reveal a small egg-shaped contraption, garishly pink in colour, and with an attachment coming off one end.

Frowning, I picked it up to study it just when then the device buzzed to life, sending tingling vibrations right up my arm. I gasped and about dropped it in fright, but then just as inexplicably as it had come to life, it went dead.

I fumbled for my phone when it buzzed.

Just in case you weren't sure what it was for - Taran

I barked a laugh.

No. No, he couldn't be serious.

Off course he was in control of the small vibrator, though I couldn't figure out how he'd known when I would open it. How was I supposed to go through my shift knowing at any time it could turn on?

Was this a game?

A test?

Was it for punishment or pleasure? And whose?

Did it matter?

Breath fast, skin flushed, I was already shutting myself in Taran's bathroom to push up my skirt and shove down my tights before I could think to refuse.

Debauched, a voice whispered harshly in my head as I bit my lip and slid the vibrator through wet folds.


I pushed the egg-shaped part inside me, and my mouth popped open on a wanton moan as it nudged against a spot that made a pulse of pleasure convulse through me, followed by a gentle shiver as the attachment settled right against my clit.

For a moment, all I could do was wait, pressed against the door in agonised anticipation.


I should have known he wouldn't give me a dose straight away, not so much as to prepare me for to expect once I was in public

That would have been too easy for me.

And Taran didn't go easy.

I wasn't sure I had it in me to take part in this.

Walking with the vibrator in was challenge enough, my teeth working my bottom lip with each step that made it shift inside me, the smaller end nudging the steadily throbbing bundle of nerves demanding attention.

"Shit." I paused at the staff door to squirm, hoping to move the device to give me some relief but none came.

Surely everyone would notice how red my face was, that my skin was glittering with sweat even though it was quite cool thanks to passing rain.

And I should have known. . .I should have known Taran would be watching from his office window, waiting for the very moment I stepped through the door. . .

I nearly staggered into the busy bar low vibrations made the nerves of my pussy jump to life. My throat closed up to stop a moan, eyes fluttering and knees going weak.

"Are you alright?" Ness asked, one eyebrow raised as he watched me flatten my hands against the bar.

All I could manage in reply was a jerky nod.

Then suck in a ragged breath when the vibrator turned off. The sudden loss of sensation was just as jarring, my body slumping against the bar, a deep ache twisting low in my belly.

This wasn't a twisted game of pleasure, not for me, for me this would be torture. I cast a glance up towards Taran's office but the blinds were still down and showed no sign of the man determined to have me embarrass myself in front of his staff and customers. And yet deep down, the fact I was in a room full of unwitting people, entirely at Taran's mercy, forced to endure whatever he gave me, only sweetened the agony.

Smoothing down my skirt, I ignored the way Ness sniggered, and slid under the flip-top to join him behind the bar.

I was determined to outlast my boss. Determined not to break, not before he did. But each time the toy turned on again, then off, on, off, a different setting every time, so strong I was certain the buzzing must be audible to everyone, and so gentle it drove me to search for more, I lost a bit more of the fight. At random times without warning, all throughout my shift as I served customers, I fought between crying every time an orgasm was denied - despite the humiliation I'd feel if I was to come in a room full of people – and marching to the bathroom to tear the damn thing out and use my fingers to bring me to the finish line myself.. More than once I nearly dropped a glass or overfilled a drink, hands shaking and skin so flush beads of sweat dripped down the back of my neck.

Ness said nothing, but I knew he knew. His smirking and exaggerated whiffs of my scent told me that.

By the time I reached my first break, I was on the cusp of dropping to the floor. Sweat coated my skin in a sheen, causing my hair to stick to my face and become even more uncomfortable than I already was. I was sure I could sense Taran's gaze on me, but when I peered over the rim of my glass of water, the blinds in the balcony were still down and still.

"You look like you might combust," Ness teased as he effortlessly poured a round of drinks.

My nose scrunched, embarrassment creeping in. How many others in the pub tonight were vampires? Could they tell what was going on with me too?

"I believe that might be his intent," I grumbled. Hip pressed against the bar, I gulped at the cool water as if it were life itself, flinching every time I felt the ghost of vibrations.

This was the longest break he'd given me all night.

As soon as my break was finished, the torture began all over again, and Taran must have been determined to watch me crumble.

Glasses threatened to slide from shaking fingers, the smile I plastered on for customers almost breaking. When somehow, the vibrations amped up to the point I was sure the buzzing noise must be audible to everyone, fire licked through my veins. I bit my lip, breath caught in my throat, head bowing as I was pushed past what I could take. I nearly slid to the floor moaning, my legs unable to keep me up as the waves refused to let up, Taran pulling every ounce of pleasure from my every cell at the push of a button.

"Are you alright, lass?"

The voice sounded distant to my ears, the man at the bar watching with concern blurry to my eyes. I managed a nod, not trusting myself to speak. Another did for me anyway.

"She's not feeling well, I'm here to take her home."

Taran's voice was husky, warm with appreciation as he pressed against my back and slid his arm around my waist, holding me up when I was sure I'd buckle. His touch only furthered the shocks still rattling my body. I swore I could feel the ghost of his fingers pressing between my legs.

Falling back against his chest, I bit my lip to hold back an overwhelmed whimper.

Taran pressed a kiss behind my ear.

"You've been such a good girl."

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