Bio: Lucas Hiro Shizuki

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Name: Lucas Hiro Shizuki

Alias:King, emperor, weapon master, God of combat, transcendent being


Race: Human/Demi God

Likes: Maria,His family,his mom's cooking, his pet rathalos

Dislikes: cowards, people threatening his family, arrogant people

Combat suit:

Formal wear:


Outfit the girls like him in:

Body type:


Name:Maria Claire Shibuki


Race:Human mizutsune

Likes:Her boyfriend, cooking, music

Dislikes: perverts, cowards, girls hitting on her boyfriend

Combat suit:

Formal wear:


(Tail included)

Body type:

Pets and school guardians:

Dread King Rathalos:Ira

Shagaru Magala: Eclipse

Disufiroa: Kaiser

Info: Boundless: Boundless removes all restrictions that prevent the use of certain things such as abilities powers or unique magic such as the power of destruction used by the Bael family or wielding certain weapons like Excalibur or EA or any weapon from the Gate of Babylon or using Gate of Babylon itself the possibility of boundless are insurmountable.

The source of the Shizuki families abilities all trace back to one woman.

The goddess of all Minerva her blood flows through all members of the Shizuki family thus the reason why they have such overpowered abilities.

There are occurrences where a child could get the same ability as the parent but it's rare. Thus many would seek to have a child with a member of the Shizuki family.

Theme Song:

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