Prologue: From Despair hope is born

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3rd pov

Union Academy the greatest school that trains some of the world's greatest warriors, but that so called perfect little school is not as perfect as it seems. Cutting to the headmasters office we see the headmasters we see the headmasters with a light skin boy this is Lucas Hiro Shizuki.

Ozpin: Mr.Shizuki do you know why you're here.

Hiro:Hmm let's me guess is it because I defended my best friend for the perverted dragon emperor.

Sirzech:Hiro you broke Issei's nose,broke Cardin's arm, fractureed Yang's skull.

Hiro:So I defend my friend it's a crime huh.

Nezu:You injuried them.

Hiro:So I get beat up almost everyday and you don't do a damn thing about it.

Serafall: Hiro-kun just listen we know you have been bullied and are trying to get this resolved.

This only resulted in a very deadly glare from the teen which made everyone flinch.

Hiro: Trying to resolve it you don't shit you just sit on your asses and watch how are you retards are even headmasters I don't even.

Serafall: That's enough Hiro

Hiro: Shut your cheap dollar brand magical girl ass up.

The made her double back as she started crying.

Ozpin: That's enough Mr.Shizuki!!!

Sirzech:Hiro you leave us no choice you are here by expelled from Union Academy.

The boy was unfazed by and responded with a middle finger.

Hiro: Fuck you and your expulsion you fake heroes.

A with that he walked out of the office and to his dorm room only to be stopped by a small Blonde girl.

Mavis Vermilion creator of the fairy tail guild,she started to interact with Hiro when she realized he could see her when only fairy tail should be able to see her.

Mavis: Are you really leaving the academy.

Hiro:Yes there is no place for me here any ways.

Mavis:I could try to convince them to let you stay.

Hiro:I don't need you to do that for me Mavis now I have a reason to get out of this hellhole.

Mavis:I guess I can't convince you to stay at least let me see you off.

After getting all of his stuff packed Hiro and Mavis made it to the entrance when Hiro heard someone call his name.


Maria Claire Shibuki Hiro's childhood friend who has had a crush on him since middle school. She's half mizutsune her blonde and pink hair really looked amazing her water manipulation and bubbles are her go to she's usually seen either with Hiro or by herself blowing Bubbles from her bubble pipe.

Maria:Are you really leaving without me Lucas Hiro Shizuki.

Hiro: You're coming along?

Maria:Yes I don't feel right staying here anymore and besides I don't wanna be around that pervert any way.

Hiro:Are you sure once we leave we won't be coming back here.

Maria: I'm sure as long as I'm with you it'll be okay.

Hiro:Wait with me?

Maria:Yes with you. You see Hiro ever since we were little you always took care of me you were always there when I was sad, you protected me when others saw me as a monster because I am part mizutsune, all I want to say I love you Lucas Hiro Shizuki.

Hiro:You do?

Maria:Yes with all my heart.

Hiro did nothing he just kissed Maria.

Hiro's Pov

???: So the loser got himself a girlfriend just as lame as him.

We turned to see the Hyperion three.

Hiro: Ugh these bitches.

Kiana:Hey who are you calling bitches loser.

Hiro:I don't see no other dogs but you three.

Mei:Why are you still here aren't you expelled?

Hiro:Yes I am and that God I am expelled this sausage feast of a school is whack as shit anyway.

Bronya: Bronya will never understand why you came here in the first.

Hiro:I don't need you to understand me nor well you ever. So if you would kinda like fuck off.

Kiana: You've really gotten full of yourself lately it's about time someone put your place.

Maria stood in front of me protectively.

Kiana:Move it freak of nature or do I have to go through you too.

3rd pov

Hiro:Hey runt.

Kiana: Do you even know who you are talking to.

Hiro: It doesn't matter who you are.

The three girls flinched see Hiro's face and his glowing yellow eyes even the herrschers felt intimidate by the boy the felt an immense power surging within him ready to burst. They were about to fight Hiro and Maria but stopped when they saw a group of girls walking up to them.

Alka:Hey what do you think you're doing to our boyfriend!!!

Hyperion trio: Boyfriend!!!!!?????


Hiro: When was this decided?????

Kotori: We been planning this for quite some time now.

Grima:But first things first you worms get lost!!!!! I have to prepare to leave with my slave as well.

The three left immediately not wanting to get into a fight especially with Alka and Leen

Hiro:Slave when was I considered your slave.

Grima:The moment you made me realize even if I destroyed everything I'd be alone for eternity.

Leen: That's quite enough Grima but we decided that all of us love you.

Stheno: Yes you should feel honored to have such cute girls wanting you.

Hiro: Why do you girls like me anyway there are other guys better than me.

Euryale:(laugh) Better than you maybe but they're not what we want. We want you and only you. If you didn't want us to come after you you shouldn't have been so nice to us.

Nyaruko: besides Hiro-San there are a lot of things about you that makes you the ideal boyfriend.

Shalltear:You know how to cook, you clean after yourself,you treat everyone equally, always stand up for others especially Maria, you're not a jerk like most of Union.

Ru:You spend so much time around us why wouldn't we fall for you.

Alexia:Most of the boys here are either perverts or idiots.

Dizzy: not to mention bullies in your case.

Tiamat:If anything you're the only person in this school who has their head on straight.

Hiro: Honestly I didn't think you girls had a thing for me.

Alka: Well Maria was always telling us the good things about you and we've witnessed it first hand.

Stheno:And that basically started the whole let's make Hiro his own harem thing.

Euryale:It was decided after Maria confessed first the rest of us would afterwards.

Before anything else could be done the twelve girls each took turns kissing Hiro.

Hiro:(Brain rebooting)........................

Ru:I think we broke him girls.(Giggling)

Kotori: It's about time we get out of this dumpster of a school anyways.

Hiro:eh?! You girls are coming too?

Alka: Of Crouse we're not going to let Maria hog all the fun.

Hiro:You know once we leave we're not coming back right?

Leen: we're fully aware of that we wouldn't have come to see you if we weren't ready.

Hiro:Well the let's go.


Hiro:(Well I guess my life is really about to start now. Once things get better I'll make a school of my own better than Union Academy ever could be).

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