Chapter 18

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Everything is dysfunctional inside my closet. A laundry basket is full of dirty underwear, socks, and clothes. Carrying a basket to the nearby laundry mat is a difficult task. The coin-operated laundry machine in the lower level is always broken.

I don't even want to think about how I will manage laundry during the winter months. I let the thoughts take over my head as I grab the only clean towel sitting on one of the closet shelves. Although the rest of my bedroom has been clean and organized, it doesn't mean I can find where most things are. I got to the point where I need free time for myself. I need days off.

So, I am doing laundry with TJ on Tuesday.

I then grab a pair of comfortable pants, warm socks, never-used underwear, and a large shirt for her skinny body. She has gotten so skinny now. I knock on the bathroom door and enter. Meggie opens half-inch of the shower curtain to grab the towel from my hands, her hair dripping water over the rug, "Do you think he'll call me back?" The mirror is foggy with the steam. It is worse than a sauna, but it doesn't smell like eucalyptus, only my Dove shampoo, and conditioner. I place the clothes on the moisture sink.

"Maybe," I say with a faded smile, "I think so." I turn on the fan, so the apartment doesn't get mold. I can't believe she is still thinking about Mike, hoping he will go after her.

I return to the living room, where Maroney plays with his phone. His legs are crossed, "Everything okay there?"

"Yes. I'll prepare her something to eat. Meggie needs something on her stomach."

"Let me help you," offers Maroney with a big smile across his face, and at that, he stands up, following me into the small kitchen. "Ginger tea and bananas are the best options for settling her stomach," he suggests.

"I don't think I have ginger tea," I press my lips together." Besides, Meggie hates tea."

He looks at me, "Well, in this case, I have to tell you how much I love to see women cooking, especially when they are as beautiful as you." My cheeks turn red in an instant, but deep inside, I'd prefer if he held his compliment.

I head to the kitchen, remembering TJ still has leftovers from yesterday. I get the chicken breast and shred it. Then I dice half of an onion and mix it with salsa, mayo, salt, and pepper. I place the chicken salad in bread and wait for her to come over.

"I thought I heard Meggie mentioning you being a vegetarian."

"That's true, and that's for Meggie. Only her. Unless you would like some." I tell him while grabbing an orange tea and a banana for myself.

"I used to be a cook in a restaurant a long time ago. I used to spend the whole day cutting onions and tomatoes." He says as he grabs two forks to help me shred the rest of the chicken breast inside the container. "I think I will take one sandwich to my work tomorrow. It looks yummy."

Mr. Dude jumps out from the window sill, running toward where we are. His response is quick to the smell of meat. His behavior turns from crying and meowing to anger and aggressiveness pretty quickly.

Meggie comes in already dressed up, her hair still wet, clothes lose on her skinny body.

"How can I make him shut up?" I ask her. I've never seen a crazy cat acting like that around food. Is it normal? "He is completely out of his mind." I watch Mr. Dude spinning and jumping around.

"He won't stop. He can't be around chicken or tuna. You'll have to feed him," she says calmly.

I feed him a slice of chicken as he almost ate my entire finger. Then he won't shut up and beg for more.

"Shut up, Mr. Dude," Meggie yells, trying to help out but with no success.

"Jeez," Maroney exclaims. "This one is a tortie for sure."

"A what?" Meggie and I ask in confusion.

"A Tortie. Look at his coat colors." I look at the cat's red and black coat, a big black patch around his face.

"He is feist," I add. "That's what he is." I go back to my task in the kitchen, ignoring the cat's aggressiveness.

"I'm surprised this one is a male, though," Maroney confesses. "It is sporadic to find a male tortoiseshell cat nowadays. When you find one like this, it is more because of a genetic mutation."

"You're so smart!" Meggie says it loudly. "How did you learn all that?" Her tone of voice is flirty with him.

"I'm just an animal lover. This is not a mystery."

I don't even want to think about TJ's reaction when he comes home and sees this cat here. I don't think TJ cares too much about animals in the house. He can be freaky when it comes to cleaning, and he doesn't like fur or pets in bed. I look around to make sure his bedroom is closed.

"Wow. It would be best if you had gone to school for biology," Meggie pushes conversation with him. "Why didn't you?"

"I would have chosen animal behavior over biology. Studying plants aren't my thing," he smiles. "Look," he points to the cat still meowing in the kitchen, "This one even jumps like a dog."

But it is not too long until I suddenly hear a knock on the door.

"Would you like me to open?" Maroney offers since my hands are dirty with chicken and onions. Meggie continues to struggle to manage Mr. Dude by holding him with her two hands. He fights to free himself from her, and I notice a few scratches on her arm.

"Sure," And Maroney does what I say. A familiar pair of glasses appear through the door.


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