Chapter 28

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Six years ago

Emily's eyes twinkle at me as she has something to tell me, but she is holding the entire day. Apart from Martin, she is the oldest of the cousins, the most self-confident of the girls. "The return of the living dead is playing at the cinema. Do you want to go?"

"Isn't it an old movie?"

"So what? We are all going on a date. Honestly, there is a boy for each one of us. I'm going with Roger, Dalilah with Edmund, and you could go with Elliot. He is interested in you."

I freeze in place, "Idiot Elliot? No way. I don't want to go on a date with him," I say in disbelief. "So, what's up with Dalilah and Edmund?" I had no clue those two were holding feelings for each other. But I couldn't know that. Dalilah has always been close to Emily like I've been close to Jessa.

"You don't need to kiss Elliot, Cassidy. Just come over with us and sit there with him."

"And about Jessa? Does she have a date, too?"

"Jessa is a little bit younger, so, unfortunately, boys at her age don't even know what to act around a girl."

"She is thirteen, only a few months younger."

"Well," Emily plays with her hair. We watch Jason heading toward us as we are sitting on the porch of granny Gigi. "Let's change the subject. Don't tell him anything. Even Edmund is keeping to himself," she whispers.

Jason sits on the doorstep and gives a bite of his apple. "What's up with you guys? Doing anything interesting tonight?"

Emily shakes her head, "No plans, cousin."

He looks at me, "You, Cassidy?" I shake my head just like her.

"I heard there is a new zombie movie playing at the cinema."

"You mean, the classic one? Not new."

His dark eyes stare at me intensely, "You know what I mean."

Next, Jessa and Dalilah arrive, and we all talk about our favorite 80's movies. I vote for the Goonies, Dalilah votes for The Girl in Pink, Jessa for ET, and Jason for the Lost Boys.

"And about the Gremlins? Never-ending story? Willow?" I ask, more to distract Jason from any conversation that might lead him even to guess the girls are going to the cinema tonight.


I meet Dalilah and Emily downtown, and we all head to the cinema together. I'm. Obviously, I'm going to watch the movie, but I'm not on a date with anyone. Jessa is with me, so I'm not playing the third wheel. It is just a movie. The three boys arrive, all dressed neatly just when we got our tickets, and I'm thinking here that they don't even want to pay for them.

Elliot Idiot offers me something to eat, but I refuse. His hair, styled with gel, makes him look a little strange, not the usual Elliot I know from the school and the neighborhood. He keeps pushing himself on me, but I keep my posture firm, standing next to Jessa and avoiding eye contact with him.

The door opens, and we all sit down. Of course, he sits next to Jessa and me on the other. How couldn't I get away with that? The lights turn off, and the trailer begins. He places his hands above mine, and I move quickly. I want to call Emily and ask her if she explained I'm not on a date with him, but she is a few chairs away from mine, and she can't hear what I'm whispering.

Before the movie begins, Jessa and I exchange looks when Dalilah kisses Edmund and Emily is kissing Roger. Idiot Elliot appears more frustrated than excited, and the whole thing about being stuck with him bothers me. The kissing scene between the two seems to be lasting forever as they don't break apart from each other.

As it wasn't enough, more people arrive late, taking the chairs behind me. "Think you can fool me?" Jason's voice appears, anger consuming him. I turn my head and see him sitting with Eddie, his eyes flickering like fireworks.

He throws popcorn at Elliot and me, "What the hell?" Elliot interferes, annoyed.

"I'm not talking to you, idiot. I'm talking to Cassie." He approaches my chair behind me, "Do you think Eddie wouldn't tell me about you guys little plan, this stupid date."

"Jason, stop. I'll tell mom."

"Go ahead. And I tell her about all this shit."

"Don't you have anything else to do, bro?" Elliot asks him, his tone of voice certainly annoyed. People start looking in our direction as we are probably interrupting their movie.

"Yes, I'm here. Leave Cassie alone."

"You leave me alone. I know how to fend myself. Why don't you go after your cousins? They are the ones who are kissing," I point out to them.

Jason hesitates, "I saw, but I don't care about them. I trust Edmund and Roger for Dalilah and Emily. I don't trust Elliot."

"Shiiii." We hear someone saying in the darkness.

The girls break apart from kissing their boys, and their expression is a pure shock when they come across Jason sitting behind me, disturbing my movie. He claps a hand for them as if he is watching a show. Eddie doesn't open his mouth to say anything, but I bet he is the one who ratted us out.

"Maybe we should consider going home," Jessica suggests. "I can go to your house if you want." But my house doesn't seem to be a good idea with my parents arguing all the time.

"I guess I'll have to see you in another time," tells Elliot. But I don't care what he says. It is better that way. I came for the movie, not to spend time with him.


"Where is he?"

"He is outside in the jacuzzi. You know he loves this jacuzzi in the evening," I head outside, the night embracing me one more time—my father waves at me. Dad doesn't bother me much; he usually keeps to himself and lets me do my own things.

"Aren't you going to Adele tonight?"

"I decided to stay over. I've already spent the whole day hanging out there. Why?"

"Great. What did you do, honey?"

"We played some games and then headed to the theater to watch zombie stuff." I can recognize my father's expression when he calls for me.  I wondered what's going on since the entire week has been chaotic in this house. 

"So, honey, you know that I like Adele and her family very much, but there is some wrong with that kid of hers."


"No, not her. Everyone in town knows Jessa is a sweetheart and wouldn't hurt anyone, but that boy is always making trouble. I'd heard he is trying to boycott my campaign."


"By spreading rumors about my mission and the projects we are running." I know Jason and my father have totally different political views, but the last thing I want is having to stay in the middle of it.

"Dad, but first of all, he is not old enough to vote, so why do you care?"

"He doesn't need to be old enough to vote, but he is old enough to spread rumors and to put people against me."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I have ears, and people talk, believe me, besides I don't like him and the way he is when he is around you. The other day I was driving around town and saw him gripping his hands in your waist. It was the same thing tonight. I see you leaving the cinema with a group, and there he is, getting his hands on you as if you are a piece of property for him."

"Jason? He is just super protective about me, dad. Just like a big brother. You promised me you would stop picking on him."

"But he has his own sister to behave like that. I get you are close to them and all that, but you're not part of their family."

"It feels as If I am."

"Cassidy, honey. It is okay to have friends, but I was hoping you could watch out for this boy. Something is wrong with him."


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