Chapter 3

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The strapless orange dress in my closet immediately catches my attention as I look for something to wear tonight. The clock hits eight-forty-five when a knock on the door makes me jump. Wait? Is Meggie already here? 

I thought she was supposed to be here by nine. I think.  Water dripping on the carpet, I struggle to wear the dress quickly, and instead, rush to the door still wrapped on the towel. But instead of the blonde hair over her shoulders, I come across with a boy wearing a bright tie-dye shirt. The colors are so bright, I have to move my eyes away from them.  


He looks me up and down as I face him, "What are you doing here?"

"Meggie asked me to pick you up. She had a little incident..." 

I wouldn't be surprised if Meggie tried hooking me up with him. After all, Denver is attractive, despite his dressing style..  If it wasn't for hi tie-dye shirt and pair of unlaced shoes, I might have liked him better. 

"What incident?" I ask Denver. My question might sound like the perfect opportunity to change my mind about going out and staying home instead. 

"Mike showed up."

"I'm confused...but never mind. I am calling off for tonight. I will wear my pajamas and hit the bed.

"Wait!" Denver says, "I don't want to be Meggie's third wheel. Despite...I need you there. There is this girl and I feel uncomfortable around her."

"Okay..." I am more confused the toiled paper. "What do I have to do with you and her?"

"I don't know. It is just that....That would be nice to hang out. That's it. Maybe it won't be as bad as you think."

 "Okay, but you can't come in while I a changing quickly. Wait outside in the hallway." I warn him.

"Ten four," Denver says. 


"Shit," he exclaims loudly when he sees me with the orange dress. I know that type of look. 

"Is it something wrong?" I ask as inch away from him when he approaches me too quickly.

"I mean, wow." Denver stares at me in amazement, lingering between my dress and face. I fix my hair with both hands because they are not completely dry. I am not used to compliments.  "Meggie had told me how pretty you are, but I didn't believe it."

"Well, Meggie said she would pick me up. She is a flake. I can see where this is going. And if she doesn't show up at Sparrow? I want to be clear we are not on a date," I snap at him.

He smiles, "I know this is not a date,"  Denver opens the door to the parking lot. His eyes glow like a cat in the darkness. "But we can pretend we are," he stumbles into his words, making me feel uneasy.

"For that girl? Nah...I don't think so. So where did you park?" I ask him.  I see no new cars, aside to the ones I am used to.

"Who said I have one?" Denver smiles, placing his hands inside the pocket of his jeans. I gasped at the thought of walking a few miles on foot just to get to Sparrow. I feel hard to believe someone who has a business on his name does not have a car.

"Why did you come here to pick me up if you don't have one?"

"For company?" 

 I snort, "For company?"

"A protector, I would say..."

"You protecting me... Give me a break. I know how to take care of myself."

Denver show me his bike instead parked on the corner of the lot. I glance at the rusty white bike, "There is no chance I'm getting on this thing with you. Just forget it." I say impatiently. "I'm getting an Uber," I say, opening my Uber app, but the prices are too high for tonight.

After debating whether I should go with him or not on his bike, I agree to sit on the front. "This thing doesn't look comfortable."

"Her name is Skywalker."

I don't have time to talk and the next thing I know, Denver is taking Gorham Street toward downtown in full speed with Skywalker. I close my eyes and hold tight. The breeze blows over my hair and face as the tires squeal when Denver finally pushes the brakes. My eyes then meet the Capitol's dome with its bright lights beaming into the distance.

Denver parks Skywalker in front of a club bar I assume it is Sparrow. "Give me a second. I am going to talk to the bouncer." I nod because I think I have an idea what is going on here. We are not twenty one yet, so I am assuming Denver has connections. 

"What a cutie like you are doing here?" A man with crooked teeth asks me. My phone rings just in time this man is bugging me. I walk to the corner to answer my mother's call.

"Why have you been avoiding my calls lately?" Mother asks me. I notice her shortness of breath behind the call, something not unusual. 

"I'm fine," I tell her. 

"Where are you by the way? You don't look like you are home.  I'm worried about you all day since you haven't responded to my texts. Have you talked to Dr. Audrey?"

I roll my eyes, "I don't need Dr. Audrey anymore, mom. I'm fine," I say defensively. "I live in Madison now. A fresh start, remember? Just like you and dad suggested." I keep my voice low while still waiting for Denver to come back. I don't want to talk about my past. Not here, not now.

Mother sighs, "I thought you got along with Dr. Audrey."

I feel Mother's energy on the phone. "What did you call me for, mom?"

"Well, I was reading the Madison news this morning. Did you hear about the guy who prey on young girls like you on the bike path near your apartment? He is out there."

I feel my impatience growing by the minute, "Why are you reading the Madison News, mom?" I can't hide the irritation in my voice. Mother lives in Seattle. Why doesn't she read the Seattle News instead?

But I can't stop her. Mom always reads the news. Most of them are depressing and related to rape or gun violence, but she refuses to see the invisible danger in many unreported places. She continues,  "Honey, Madison city is too crowded. It is Saturday night. There are college kids drinking and doing stupid things."

"Okay, mom. I have to go."

"Where are you going? You know how much your father and I feel about the Frat parties around campus. These parties tend to get too wild."

"Classes even started, mom. I don't know anyone here. And by the way. I got a job today. Thanks for asking."

Denver shows up and I quickly hang up the phone.

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