Chapter 37

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I arrive at Sophie's to check quickly on my schedule for next week since I haven't received my e-mail. To my surprise, I see a picture of myself stamped on the wall. It reads Employee of the month.

"Don't say anything, but Scarlet is fucking pissed," says Jeff with a chuckle. "I guess I'm an employee of the month, too. Look at my picture," he points to the other side of the wall, where his picture is also showing. He fixes his apron as he walks sideways and opens a bag of Doritos. Before eating, "Want some?"

I shake my head. "Why do we have the employee of the month title?" I ask, intrigued, remembering Scarlet had told me I would never get that title. It happened faster than I expected.

"Because we saved that man's life, obviously. He left the hospital, by the way. He is back at panhandling at state street. He greeted me right away when he saw me, and he appreciated your kindness about offering him wraps to take out."


I get excited when Meggie shows up at my apartment, ready to pick me up for the camping adventure.

"Danika is waiting in the car. Guess what? Scarlet is pissed. She is pissed that Sylvia gave you the title of employee of the month and the day off for this camping trip. Also, pissed off she hasn't been invited for the tubing. She called me to complain we don't invite her for anything." I grab the rest of my belongings, such as blankets and pillows.

"So, she is stuck working this weekend," We both laugh at the idea of Scarlet working with Jeff. As I get to the parking lot, Danika opens her Tesla trunk as I push my blankets, pillows, and a small bag containing a few clothes over her and Meggie stuff. The trunk doesn't have too much space, so Meggie and I do our best to make things fit in.

"Be careful with my food. Do not smush my bread nor my fruits," she barks at the front. She then goes back inside the vehicle, turns back the engine, and smiles, "Ready?"

"Yes," Meggie says out loud, "Danika knows how to prepare the best drink."

"Should I get some pots and pans upstairs?" I ask, wondering whether there is something else needed.

"No need," Danika replies. We enter inside as she drives the car out of the parking lot.

"Thanks," I say since I know Danika will share hers with Meggie. There is a smile across her face, and I wish I could read her mind. The car is loaded up to the ceiling, and I worry Danika won't be able to see the cars driving behind her.

"Is Denver going, Cassidy?" That smile of hers doesn't lie. I hate when people try to set me up with a guy.

"I don't really know."

Danika looks at her cell while driving, "I have bad news, though," she begins. "Scarlet just texted me. She said she found someone to cover for her shift tomorrow so that she will show up for breakfast and tubing."

"Why did you invite her?" Meggie and I ask at the same time. Just the thought of having Scarlet paying attention to everything I do makes me nervous.

"She invited herself. What am I supposed to say?"

Can you imagine waking up to find she is there before breakfast?" Meggie asks as she stretches her legs over the car's dashboard.

"Want to know who else is going?" Danika adds. "Mike." That makes things even worse. And I didn't even have the time to address things with Meggie. I don't know how much more I can push. I called her a couple of times this week, but she claimed to be busy every time. When she called me back, I worked and couldn't tell her the truth about the asshole.

"Yeah...," Danika says, "But I wasn't the one who invited him over, so get over with, Meggie." Next, Danika turns up the radio as Burn from Ellie Goulding is playing. "Hope he doesn't bring his sister at this time. She will punch you in the face. And if he brings another girl, do not dump drinks over her head. Things will end up tragic if you do."

"Jeez," I say.

"I'm still heading to pick up a friend in Fitchburg."


We hit Fitch Hatchery road with Danika following the GPS instructions. When we get there, she finally pulls over at an open park, where a few kids play in front of the apartment complex. A girl our age approaches the vehicle.

"Hi, Susan. You probably know Meggie and Cassidy," she introduces the girl to Meggie and me. The girl smiles nicely while throwing her bag in the back seat, practically hitting my face. Danika drives off the lot and heads toward the beltline, and taking the exit toward Oregon.

"Is Denver going?" The girl asks, and Danika exchange glances with Meggie.

"Ask Cassidy," Danika tells the girl with a smirk, and I don't know where she is going with that.

She looks at me, "Are you two dating?"

"Of course not," I scoff at her. I don't know why she assumes that. If I were dating him, I would be coming with him in the first place instead of getting a ride with Danika.

"I wouldn't call that dating," Danika tells her, both hands on the wheel, "I would tell it is the beginning of something."

"Congrats," she looks at me again with an open smile. I sense there is something she knows about him that I don't.

"The beginning of nothing is what Danika means," I tell her. I want to ask this girl what is her relationship with Denver. Why is she so excited to know whether he is going or not?

"Well, he is a sweet guy."

"Don't listen to Danika." I defend myself, clearly not enjoying her so inappropriate comment.

"Okay," Meggie interrupts the awkwardness, which I love her for that. She moves her head to the back seat, staring at Susan. "Tell me when the freshman party will happen."

"In two weeks. At the frat house. Are you all going?" she looks at me, but I don't know what to say to her. There is something off about this girl for the way she looks at me. She stares into my eyes as if she is analyzing me or something. Not in a competitive way.

"I don't know anything about frat parties," I say without looking at her face. We finally arrive in Oregon, where Danika pulls over again, but this time to fill her tank with gas before heading to Broadhead, where the camping ground is located.

"Does anyone need anything from the store?" Meggie offers, getting out of the car.

"No," I say and decide to stay in the car while the three girls head inside. From the window, I take a glimpse of the store that is empty. For a moment is like I am seeing Jason working behind the counter, his hair moving sideways as he is collecting a payment from a customer. His smile is radiant as it's always been.

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