Chapter 40

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"I don't want to sleep here with you, Cassidy," Meggie says as she glances at the tiny tent on the ground. "I need to breathe. I can always sleep in someone's car."

"Your choice. I won't take Danika's tent."

"You're too proud. She was joking about you and Denver," Meggie insists, and I don't know if I want to bother Aaron again to help us with that. "I also don't know if I believe Danika and Mike had sex," she doubts me.

"I believe that, Meggie. He is an asshole," I affirm. I can't hold the truth that he forced himself on me that night at the Bunker anymore.

I can barely see Meggie now, only the shadows of her in the darkness and the stars above our head. I sense she wants to weep just by the tone of her weak voice, but I'm not sure she is willing to do that over sadness. Meggie is also a crier when she drinks.

"Why do you say that about him, Cassidy? Everyone tells me he is a jerk, but you, from all people I know, seem to say with more conviction."

"He tried kissing me." I finally let the words out.

"What do you mean he touched you?" She sounds angry.

"That night at the Bunker. You were drunk at the table, and I needed to use the bathroom. He followed me there. He said he wanted me and that you didn't mean more than a friend with benefit for him," I let the air exhales out of my lungs. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell that before. You had so much to take in already."

I hear her voice changing suddenly, tears coming from her, "You are my only friend here, and I should have told you that a while ago. I fucked up. I didn't want to hurt you more than you already were."

"But you didn't, Cassidy. You didn't tell me anything."

"I also think he is the one who sent me the flowers and a box of chocolate on my third day at Sophie's. I talked to Maroney, and he affirmed it wasn't him."

"Denver, maybe?"

"It was last month, Meggie. I hadn't even met him yet."

She stood on her feet, "You know, Cassidy? I always thought you were kind of insane, but now I'm sure that you are," she tells me as she leaves the spot. I stay there for a while until I go inside my new tent and bury myself in my pillow and blankets, ensuring I have a pair of socks to protect my feet from the cold night. 


I wake up with the rustle of plastic bags and some chatting around the campsite. The birds sing as a stray cat meow just outside my tent. This cat is pissing me off since the early hours of the day, but I ignored it by burying my face in the pillow and covering myself with the blankets. 

Meggie never came back to sleep here, and I wonder whether she slept at Danika's tent or in someone's car as she suggested she would. After wearing my bikini with shorts and a casual shirt in that tiny space, I wear my shoes and step outside, smelling the fresh coffee. A huge table is set up with coffee, scrambled eggs, pancakes.

"The hash browns are almost ready," says Scarlet while flipping the finely chopped potato on the griddle. Then she added some cheddar cheese on the top.

"The ones drinking the most are probably still sleeping and might have a hangover during tubing. Aaron is getting his first pancake, his strong muscles exposed underneath a tiny white shirt. I don't see any signs of Meggie, only Danika helping Scarlet.

I thought Danika didn't like Scarlet as I saw her complaining about her. Now they are laughing, cooking, and taking selfies for their Facebook page.

"Hi Cassidy," Scarlet greets me. "Would you mind taking a picture of Aaron and me?" I approach and take the cell from her as Danika shoots me a look.

Aaron comes over to take a picture with her, Scarlet placing her open hands over his stomach, "Sylvia gave me time off for today. Isn't that great?"

"Yeah, of course," I tell her. "It is great that you have a day off. Everyone deserves it." And she smiles.

"You're right. I don't even want to think about work for today." I shoot the picture as Aaron grabs his plate again.

"Is Taylor Junior here with you?"

"No. TJ works pretty much every weekend."

"Oh, too bad," she removes the hash browns from the griddle with a spatula and places them into a big bowl.

Danika goes ahead and flips the rest of the pancakes over the skillet, "You could have gotten my tent to use it last night." she tells me. "Sorry for the joke about you and Denver. I was a little drunk with the shots, but I also think you should have held your tongue, Cassidy. Meggie almost believes you. My deal with Mike is not sex-related. At least not with him."

I look down at her, "Where's Meggie?" I quickly change the subject. Meggie would be the first one to wake up and help out with breakfast. "Is she still sleeping?" I ask. Scarlet and Danika's exchange glances with each other, and I sense something is off.

"What is going on?" I ask.

"The obvious," Danika says. She flips the pancakes again one more time before placing them on a plate.

"I don't understand. Can you be more specific?" I'm baffled, and I hope Meggie didn't find her way home. I didn't want to hurt her last night, but how would that change if I had told her on the same night?

I see Suzan getting out of Danika's tent as she stretched her arms toward the weak morning sun, "What a headache. I might have drunk too much vodka last night." I'm more confused than ever. Meggie didn't sleep with Danika in her tent.

"Are you going to tell me where Meggie is or not?" I'm getting pissed off. "Did she go home?"

"I told you," repeats Danika, "The obvious. Why don't you go over Mike's tent and check that out for yourself?"

"Yeah, I knew this was coming," Scarlet added. "People are laughing at them because they fucked all night long."

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