Chapter 42

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 Maroney and I sit by the lake at James Madison Park. "I can believe classes start on Tuesday."

Maroney doesn't say anything, and I'm wondering whether he is having a bad day. He is quiet, not talkative as usual. This is going on since he arrived at my place this afternoon. I suggest him to go to the lake and get some fresh air. This time he doesn't drive, so we walk to James Park. The sun is out, and the lake is peaceful, just like I wish my mood to be. It's hard to guess what's inside Maroney's mind. I don't know what's is in inside his head.

I don't know how long with sit there saying nothing to each other.

I can no longer hold what's inside of me. I'm feeling Maroney is not the right person for me, and I don't know how to tell him that.

"I have to tell you something." I cock my head to the side. "I know I should have told you this before, but you never called this week. This is not something I wanted to tell you through text message."

My words don't seem to affect Maroney. He stares at the lake, his expression completely spaced out.


"I heard what you said. Go ahead," He says, looking at the lake.  A few ducks approach the shore, expecting us to feed them with bread crumbs—instead, Maroney light up his cigarette. The smoke comes straight on my face, and I try to remove it with my hands. 

"Your ex showed up at my door at five-thirty on Sunday."

"I know." It is all he has to say.

 Realy? It is all he has to say?

"Why didn't you tell me?" I sound frustrated. I'm not here to play any games.

"Because this is how she is. Do you think it is the first time she has done something like that?"

"Wow. And you don't even text me to say sorry? Nothing?"

"I can't apologize for something that is out of my control, Cassidy. I can't put a leash on this girl."

"Yeah, right. But I don't feel safe with her coming over here to harass me. What can you do to stop her?"

Maroney doesn't have an answer. I barely can recognize who he is. "All I can say is that this is all my fault."

"What do you mean? I don't understand."

He ignores me, "Do you mind if I go upstairs and I use your bathroom?" he asks.

I shake my head. "Here is the key to the apartment. Please don't smoke inside." Maroney quickly finishes his cigarette. "Okay, I throw the bud on the garbage can upstairs," he says before going to my apartment.

Next, I wait for Maroney, but he never returns to the shore. I'm waiting for over twenty minutes. Is he okay? Is there something else going on? I grab my purse and head toward my building. I hope Maroney didn't go home with my key. I hope he didn't go home without saying good-bye. 

The apartment appears empty, and I don't hear any noise or commotion that tells me Maroney is there. The bathroom door is left open. Great! I open my purse to geta hold of my phone to call him. I need him to bring me back my key. I'm pissed.

I dialed his number as I enter my bedroom. I jump and disconnect when I see him lying on my bed. I'm not sure whether Maroney is taking a nap, but I'm relieved he is breathing. I come closer.

"Are you okay?" I shake him slowly. His body is lying on the side, his face toward the wall.

He mumbles the words with his lips and opens both eyes. "I don't feel well."

How come I haven't noticed this? I should have been less judgemental toward him for demanding answers from him.

"Maybe you are getting sick or something." I know this behavior doesn't sound like Maroney.  Do you want me to call 911? What are you feeling?"

Did he get worse after our conversation about his ex? Thank god I didn't say everything that was inside my mind. I try to rationalize things sometimes, but sometimes those things don't make any sense. Nothing does. 

Whatever happened between Maroney and his ex doesn't mean he is a bad person. He blames himself for that. This is a good sign.  And now he is sick.

"I'll get you some tea with crackers?"

"I think it is a great idea," he barely can speak, and his forehead is sweating. I place my warm hands over his forehead my his temperature is normal. He doesn't have a fever, at least for now. 

"What are you feeling?"

"Joint pain. I'm also nauseated, with diarrhea for the last three days."

"You should have stayed home. I would have understood."

"I felt better, and I wanted to see you."

"How do you know it is not viral?" I ask.

"I don't have cold or flu symptoms. My joint pain is gone now. I need to relax a little before going home. Maybe it is a food poison that needs to get out of my system. I ate a burger the other day that didn't seem to sit well on my stomach."

"Food poison can be dangerous. I'll get you tea." I'm glad Maroney is feeling better and without any more pain.

I go to the kitchen and open my tea box. There is cranberry, orange, black and green tea." Great. The orange with cinnamon seems perfect. How much worse can Maroney get with this tea? I get some crackers as I fill the water pot with water, placing it on the hot stove. I google for good alternatives that can relieve Maroney's joint pain.

I place the crackers on a plate, waiting for the water to boil. 

My phone rings, and it is Denver. What does he want? I quickly answer.

"What are you doing tonight? Would you like to go out with me?"

"It is not a good time now," I say. 

"Why not? I can stop by."

" I thought we are already meeting tomorrow at eleven-thirty."

"Yes, right," his voice breaks, and an embarrassed laugh comes out. 

"I can't wait to see you. That's all." 

"I'm seeing someone else," I tell him. I don't want to keep this going, but I still expect being friends with Denver, It is okay for him t be mad. Mad for me not telling him soon enough.  Instead, Denver's voice is calmer than I expect.

"How serious it is this relationship?"

"I don't know. We haven't talked about that yet."

"Then, I don't care. If it is not serious, I don't mind."

The water finally boils as I say good-bye to Denver and hang up the phone. TJ places his key into the locker, but it is already unlocked since Maroney had previously opened the door. I see him coming inside.

"Hum smells good in here," TJ says as he enters through the door.

"Just tea," I say while removing the pot to pour some water into the mug. "What happened to you?" I ask, surprised to see TJ limping as he walks inside a grocery bag, an orthopedic boot wrapped around his left foot. 

"I sprained my ankle while on a date with that girl. The same girl I canceled last Saturday when I drove all the way to broadhead to save Scarlet's ass."

"That's bad luck. How and when did this happen?"

"I stepped in a hole and fell to the ground. That happened yesterday."

 I don't know if I want to laugh or cry about his situation. Mine doesn't seem to get any better.

TJ places his grocery bag on the counter. There are bananas and apples inside.

"Boiling water for your tea? You always use the microwave to heat the water," he notices.

"That's for Maroney."

"Hmmm," his eyes widened. "Is he here?"

"In my room," I say. 

"In your room?" 

"It is not what you're thinking," I explain myself.  "He doesn't feel well. That's all." I headed to my room carrying the plate with crackers with one hand and the mug containing the hot tea. Maybe Maroney will feel better after all?

"Hey," I touch him softly on his back. "Tea is ready."

He doesn't move an inch, and I wonder whether he is breathing now.  "Maroney?" I feel the panic surfacing in my own voice. "Maroney?" I call him again. It is all I can do before calling 911 for help.

Maroney finally moves his arm, and then slowly his body. His eyes open, "What?" he suddenly snaps.

"Tea is ready," I tell him, feeling relieved he is breathing and conscious. 

He sits down in bed, but he is expression is out of place. His eyes have turned to an opaque color. Then he looks straight into my eyes.

"I don't fuck want anything." He pushes the plate away with his hands. The plate hits the mug, spilling tea everywhere. It burns me, I know, but I don't feel the pain. Maroney doesn't apologize. 

"What's wrong with you?" I ask in disbelief.

"You know what, Cassidy? You don't deserve me. You are so nice to everyone around you. Look how Scarlet treats you, and yet you are always doing everything she wants. You are a people pleaser. I don't want anything serious with you. I don't know what the fuck I want."

I couldn't believe his own words. "You wrote me a note. You invited me for dates.  You kissed me! I didn't ask you for anything."

"Yeah. I'm stupid. That's what guys do. Ask Theodore. Guys are all jerks, and he is not different than most." He shouts and then stands up on his feet to leave the scene. I still have to clean the mess with the tea.

TJ opens the door. "I heard what you just said about me." he frowns. "I don't promise any girl anything. That's the difference between you and me. You're leading Cassidy on. It would be best if you left immediately before you cause her more harm. And please, tell whoever came here to threaten Cassidy never to put her feet here ever again, or I'm calling the police."

Maroney leaves.

"What a jerk. He has no right to treat you that way."

"Yeah," it is all I can say. After blaming Meggie for allowing Mike to treat her miserably, here, I am. We are on the same boat now."

TJ grabs a rag in the kitchen and helps me to clean my bed, "He seemed like a nice guy, though.  He brought you a couch and did some nice things for you. I'm in shock. I don't know who to believe anymore." 

"Neither do I," I tell TJ, suddenly remembering Maroney had left with my apartment key. 

"I guess life never turns the way we expect it to be, Cassidy," he says as he grabs his meds.

" Yes, I guess not."

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