Chapter 45

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My eyes couldn't believe who I saw it.

"Dad," I say, not sure if in disgust or shock. It is too hard to face the truth. Adele was on top of him, his neck stained with her red lipstick.

"Cassidy." He jumps when he sees me standing next to Jason. Adele almost falls to the floor and fixes her dress when she looks at me. She has no words to say anything. "Jason, I thought you were grounded." she swallows hard. 

"I guess I was, mom."

"Cassidy, you're supposed to be sleeping at my place."

 My heart races while looking at them, and I can't move an inch. How long do they see each other? Is this the reason why my mother left and never looked back?

"Honey, it is not what you are thinking," my dad says. What am I thinking? I don't even know what I am thinking about now. Tears sting my eyes and the deep inside of my throat. 

"You did that on purpose, right?" her angrily accusation faces Jason.

"Wait." I am more in shock now. "Jason, did you know about this?"

"Yes, Cassie. I knew about this for a while." 

"Since when?"

Silence. "Since when?" I yell, demanding answers. 

"I knew the shit was going to hit the fan," he burst out. "But mom, I didn't do that on purpose. I tried to convince her to come back home with me. She didn't want to come over, and Cassie," he looks at me. I see a shed of tears coming down his eyes, "Yes, I know this for a while, but it isn't my place to say it to you. I wanted to tell you. I tried to tell you today because I didn't think it was..."

"No more words!" demands Adele. But before she finishes, I run through the door as fast as I can.


I am back at Reese's bar. "Hey, Cassidy. Guess what?" Reese's son approaches me with a big smile across his lips. "My dad went to Seattle for an emergency. Tonight is the night. I will open the Underground as soon as I close this shit hole full of drunks. Can you invite the other kids to come in?" 

I look at the drunken men sitting on their stools, one passed out on the counter.

"Aren't you going to close at one or two in the morning?"

"Hell, not. I will tell them in about twenty minutes they need to get the hell out."

"I'm not in a good mood today," I tell him.

"Why not? You and Jason, big brothers at heart, not going to tell me that shit." The word big brothers at heart hit me hard. Does he know about my father and Adele, too. If he does, how many more people in this town know about them? And for who else do I have to play the good girl?

"How am I going to invite the entire town to be here in about twenty minutes? I'm not a wonder woman. Jesus."

"Tell them that Molly and Adam are here."

"Who the hell are these people?"

"You'll get to know them soon, now move your ass. Just don't invite Jessa. She looks like a twelve-year-old, and she is too conservative. She will tell her mother, and I'll be in trouble."

I have nothing to lose. If my father can get away with whatever he is doing, I can get away it, too.

 I leave the bar, not entirely sure who will want to come over with me. Alex lives down the street, and he is totally cool with parties. His sister is a bitch, though. Then, there is a part of me who doesn't want to be seen walking around. I know Martin is probably looking for me, and so does  Jason, Jessa, and their cousins. And my father. And Adele, the woman I knew my entire life and trusted to death.

I walk slowly, looking sideways. Elliot is the first person I see down the street. He is chatting with Ricky. They both see me, and it is Ricky who approaches me first.

"What happened, Cassidy?" I notice a hint of concern in his eyes, but I don't know how much I can trust him, not with Elliot a few feet away. "I thought we were supposed to meet at six at the gazebo. You vanished."

"Not sure. Want to go to a party with me?"

His eyes look at me in surprise, "Party? Of course. I'm down for a party."

"So, let's go with me."

He stops for a moment. "Wait, where is the party, and who is going?"

"At Reese's bar. His son has a cool space downstairs. I don't know who is going. He said something about Adam and Molly, but I've never met them."

"I guess me neither," he smiles. "But the party downstairs in the basement seems cool. Do you mind if I tell Elliot? I promise he regrets whatever he is done, and I won't let him come an inch closer to you."

"I'm not sure."

"I make him apologize. Want to bet?"

I nod. I wait on the corner as Elliot comes over with Ricky in less than five seconds. "I'm sorry, Cassidy. I was an asshole to you. I don't want to be that guy."

"Why did you touch me?"

"I don't know. I thought it was okay, but I guess I shouldn't have done that. Can I go to the party with you and Roderick?"

"I guess so. Are you going to tell anyone?"

"I can keep a secret. Who else is going?"

"She said two kids named Adam and Molly."

Elliot smiles wildly. "Adam and Molly? Here in Chelan? I guess I am not losing this party for nothing."

"Who are they?" Ricky and I both ask.

"Oh, man? Don't worry about it. You'll love them."

I can't believe I'm walking with Ricky and Elliot toward Reese's bar. The drunks are still there, but Jackson waves at us, making a sign with his hands closing the bar. We wait by the entrance, Elliot lighting up a cigar. "Honey flavor, want some?" he offers. Ricky takes a hint, and I say no. I still can't believe what I'd seen minutes ago at y house. The memory of Adele on the top of my father is so fresh on my mind. The fact Jason knew and played all along is what makes things worse. I can't ever forgive him for that. How can someone be so selfish?

Alex, his sister, and Diane, walk past us. It is Alex who stops. Can I try your cig, man? Diane looks at me standing next to Ricky, and through her expression, I sense she is pissed at me. Maybe she knows by now about my date with the boy she is totally into. Nobody hides a thing in this town. 

"What is up with you guys?" Elene asks, looking at Alex trying Elliot's cig. She goes for that, too. Elene is dressed in black, like a gothic girl. Her nails are colored in coffee, and her brown lipstick stands out with her white skin and her black hair with shades of blue as she moves toward the light. 

"Party at Jackson."

"No shit." she laughs. "Are you down for, Cassidy?" she looks at me. "Wait, what are you doing with the girl who ratted you out and treated you like shit?"

"I didn't treat like shit."

"Stop, Elene. We made amends. Cassidy and I are passed of what happened."

"So are you guys friends now?" she says with a laugh, a sarcastic tone when she looks at my face. 

"I guess so," he answers for me."

"We are practically adults now," interrupts Roderick. "We don't have time for grudges."

"I never say we had time for grudges. I totally agree with them being friends again. You know, their fathers work side by side, aren't they?"

"No," Diane says. Elliot's father is a judge. My father works with her father, but not side by side. They are competing for mayor. Haven't you watched the news? We are on the news all the time." she moves her hair to the side.

"I haven't paid attention to."

"Our mother is a bitch. She cut off the TV at the house and didn't pay for the cable."

"Well," fixes Alex. "She said she doesn't want to see you were watching True Blood, and she caught you right when Sookie was having sex with vampire Bill."

Jackson calls us out as the drunks are leaving the bar.  Next, we are following him, heading downstairs to the basement. 

"Welcome to the Underground," he says.

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