Chapter 61

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Laying in Denver's bed with him, my head rests between a soft pillow and his bare chest. His skin is so warm against over my dress.

A sense of safety is all I need.

I turn around to face him. "Are you hurt?" He asks me, his dark eyes boring into mine. The only light, it is the one coming from a small purple lamp plugged on the outlet. It helps me calm me down. 

"I'm sore, but not hurt."

The wind coming through the half-open window blows my hair over to my face. Denver moves it away gently, kissing the side of my neck.

I want to tell him everything he needs to know, and yet I can't.

"I love you," he whispers.

My heart races with his.

I remember when Amaya and Luna warned me about walking alone in the middle of the night. I remember my mother telling she'd read the news about a pervert man strangulating and raping girls in Madison.

Whatever happened to me tonight, it did because of my stupid choices.

How can someone hurt others without feeling sorry for?

"I know you won't be able to forget what happened today."

"It isn't for what happened today. It is for whatever happened before." I finally tell him.

Denver moves closer, holding me tight around his arms. I can sense his warm skin. Warm like a fire. "You tell me when you're ready," his voice is low and soft.

"You asked me about the boy."

"The boy from your past? What about him? Did he hurt you?" his expression is concerned.

"No." My eyes burn. "I think he loved me."

"I'm sure he did." a smile escapes from Denver's lips, "How come not to love you? I wouldn't be surprised if Maroney calls you tomorrow or next week to say  the same thing."

I smile back. Maroney. What happened to him by the way? I haven't heard from anything since he left the frat party.

"Everything started the day my mother left one summer I was almost sixteen. I'd spent weeks wondering whether she had left because of me. When I was a kid, she used to tell me that one day she would turn into a bird. I wondered back then if she would get wings and fly into the sky. Later, I found out it was a metaphor. She wanted to disappear into the world. "

Denver listens as I continue," A part of me believed my mother wasn't born to have kids, but to be free. My mother was like that. She'd go anywhere. Any time. She was unstoppable. Now she wants to make up for the lost time. "

"You're not alone. My mother did similar things to me. She's always been closer to Kayla. I can still remember the nights alone in my bedroom, gazing at the fake stars stamped on the ceiling. In the darkness of my bedroom, they looked as real as the ones in the sky. "

I look up at him," Sometimes I feared seeing a ghost in the corner of my bedroom. I covered myself with my blanket, hiding my face for hours, unable to sleep. My heart still pound when I think about that. So, it turned out it wasn't a ghost. It took me a while to realize that," I say, moving my legs on the top of his.

It feels good to be wrapped with Denver.

"So, I was practically raised by another family. My dad was an workaholic and my mother absent most of the days. When she was gone that day in the summer, maybe, I had a little bit of my father, but it didn't last long, you know? After all, dad needed to work, right? His work didn't stop, and neither his many nights away from home. "

I try to hold my tears back, but they come in full force down my cheeks. Denver wipes them with a kleenex he has above his night desk.

"I loved the Anderson family as they were my own, and I felt they returned the love I deserved. My father, the workaholic, my mother, the bird without wings."

"How long did she disappear from your life? It looks like she is in the picture now. She calls you often, doesn't she?"

"That's a long story. Mom was gone for two years. My life went upside down. And then, one day came the worst."

"What is it?"

"The day Jason confessed he was in love with me, I  caught my father with his mother in the living room. Until to this day, I still don't know if mom had left us because she found out something she didn't want to know. It is hard to know if my father was seeing Jason's mother before mine took off. "

" That's hard. "

"Jessa and Jason were my best friends? Even though they were siblings, Jessa was like a sister, but not Jason. I sensed there was something with Jason since the first day we met." I pull away from Denver a little, so I can deal with my own heart pounding inside my chest.

Too fast.

"Our lives went more upside down after my father invited Adele to move in with us."

Telling that to Denver makes me feel better, but I can sense every emotion that comes with it.

"So, did you have to live with Jason in the same house?"

"Yes. My dad announced to the entire town we all would be a happy family. That's what I wanted my entire life, right? Adele was already doing my mother's job for so long... But then, I wasn't happy. Instead, I was washed with sadness."

"It might have been difficult sharing a house with someone you love."

"Jason did not respond well to this transition. I shared my bedroom with Jessa while Jason had his own in the lower level."

"But how could he? He loved you, didn't he?"

"I told him we couldn't be together. I told him out parents could never find out about our feelings for each other. I told him he would have to forget about me and move on with his life. Until my sixteen year old birthday when I made a stupid choice."


"Adele caught us that night. She told my father, of course, but he demanded that Adele sent him to a boarding school. She did send him and when he was back for holiday, it was like he wasn't the same. First, we weren't allow to hang out in the same space, speak or interact with one another. Jason hated my father. But whatever secret my father had with Adele and Jason knew about it, it died with him in his seventeen year old birthday."

I close my eyes, tears coming down my face again. Denver holds me as tight as he possibly can.

I keep going, "The day following his death, I was blamed. Adele left my father, taking Jessa with her. She said I could never see her family again. Jason died because of me and my stupid choices."

"I don't know how he died, Cassidy, but what happened to you in the past or tonight, it wasn't because of a stupid choice you've made. Sorry to break this to you, but we as human beings, don't choose whom we love. Having loved Jason, made who you are."

Denver continues,"And sorry I said those things to you in front of Susan. I never wanted her. Whatever happened to us, it was before I met you. I want you. Only you."

"Me too."

"im sorry about Jason."

"My father and I weren't allow to attend to his funeral. Next, my father sold the house and we moved to Seattle, where eventually he and my mother decided to work things out. I never returned to Chelan."

"Have you ever heard from Jessa?"

"Never. Sometimes I write letters to her, but I'm not sure she gets them. I don't even have social media. It is too painful."

Denver kisses me and I let him. Nothing else matters now. Only me and him. It's been too long since the the incident of Jason took place.

"You don't have to tell me anything else today." He says while kissing me.

I hold his hands like they are my own, allowing the heat come underneath my skin. He kisses me, and I allow his lips to kiss me.

I didn't get hurt today. Denver saved me. Just like Jason did so many times. Losing him and moving away from Chelan had been bad enough.

Now I don't want to lose Denver.

I don't have Facebook and any social media that can hurt me anymore.

I don't want to.

Just before graduating from high school, my roommate had forgotten her Facebook open on her laptop in the bedroom. Cautiously, I'd typed Jessa's name and last name, and her face immediately appeared on the screen.

She was dating. Eddie.

I barely had recognized the boy through his grown mustache. Edmund's little brother  still had the same familiar eyes. Jessa, more than anyone else, also deserved love. She had lost her brother, a piece of herself.

It is incredible the effect that social media have on people.

Is Jessa really happy? Through her pictures, she appeared to be.

At the end of the day, everyone has their own demons to deal with. Meggie with her  obsession with a guy who doesn't love or deserve her.

Jeff hiding his own self behind a pack of chips, soda, video-game and pot.

Scarlet who believes she can control the world around her, when she probably cries more times she can't count before going to bed.

TJ hiding behind his job, and schools assignments, so he can't face what real love can offer him.

My Facebook died with Jason. And I don't have a single picture of him. All I have left is a silver bracelet with the carved words, wherever you go, he'd given me for Christmas.

A silver bracelet and a broken memory.

We all have our demons, and we can't bring our past back.

I wish I had.

"Have a good night, my angel, " Denver whispers in my ear. I close my eyes.

He is my angel.

And I'm glad I'm safe, wrapped in his arms.

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