Chapter 15 - "Yes, you have my permission to go."

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Louie had barely taken a step out of the Cage before Ryland was in front of her.

"Hey Lou, you going to tell me what happened?"

Louie kept walking, letting Ryland hurry to keep pace with her.

"Rye, I think you should know by now that I am not a source and never will be. Everything you will need to know will be told to you in the Council meeting today."

Her hands were clasped behind her and she didn't look at him as she spoke. Ryland pivoted his body towards her, walking sideways.

"Come on Lou. People are dying to know what happened. Last night everyone is eating dinner and everything is fine. Then suddenly Marc bolts from his table followed by some of his guys. They come back half an hour later with two unconscious Searchers and one very battered looking Peyton."

"Sounds like you have everything you need Rye. Use that head of your's to put it together."

"So there was an attack?"

Louie paused at the entrance to the Med Wing, giving Ryland a blank look.

"I have patients waiting for me Rye. This is where I leave you."

Ryland took a step forward, raising his hand to block her path.

"Just blink once if it's a yes on the attack."

Louie stared at Ryland for a long moment not blinking, then pushed past his arm and entered the Med Wing. All the beds were empty except for the two Searchers and Peyton. Louie stepped over to Teresa, who stood at the end of one of the Searcher's bed, clip board in hand.

"How are they doing this morning?" Louie asked.

Teresa looked up from the chart, meeting Louie's gaze before she turned attention to the two sleeping men.

"Still stable. No infection. They haven't stirred, but that's for the best."

"Good, let me know if anything changes. How's Peyton?"

Teresa glanced over her shoulder.

"He could answer that question better than me."

Louie turned and saw Peyton swinging his legs off his bed, his face tightening with the movement. He didn't glance up as Louie walked over and stood before him, keeping his head down as he pulled on his boots.

"Peyton, you need to rest."

Peyton looked up briefly, but kept lacing his boots.

"No, I need to get out of the Med Wing. I'm..." he stood, clenching his fists, "fine. I don't plan to spend the day laying around. It's a couple cuts, nothing I haven't dealt with before."

Louie took a step, blocking his path, her shoulders rigid and face hard.

"Peyton as your nurse-"

Peyton didn't bother letting her finish her sentence.

"Look Louie, I get it. You think the best thing for me is to rest for a few days, but it's not going to happen. All that last night proved was your Compound isn't as prepared as it should be. That means training this morning with your Security team. I need to train them now so I can get back out there. Now, do I have your permission or not to leave?"

Peyton gave Louie an even look, waiting for her to respond. Louie's mouth was a thin line, but she nodded once.

"Yes, you have my permission to go."

She stepped aside allowing Peyton to pass her. He bowed his head at her and slipped out. Louie headed to the far end of the Med Wing, grabbed a Med bag and slung it over her shoulder.

"Teresa come get me when the men wake up. Don't worry if I'm in the middle of something."

"Will do."

Teresa's voices followed Louie as she stepped out into the bustle of the Compound. The Cage was quiet, the commotion from the dining area faint. Louie entered Chief's office.

"Good morning Elouise, I heard we had an eventful evening."

Louie pulled up a chair beside him, settling the Med bag on her lap.

"Yes. Marc tell you what happened?"

"He did. He was in here early this morning."

"How do you think the Council will react to last night?"

Chief settled back in his chair, his glasses dangling from the edge of his fingers.

"I'm not sure. It's serious. We haven't had an attack like this in years. Never one that was so close. It would have been a lot worse if Peyton hadn't been there. How is he doing by the way?"

"Fine. He is currently eating breakfast and plans to continue training this morning with the Security team."

Chief nodded, his expression going thoughtful.

"I figured that might be the case. He really knows how inexperienced we are now. Is he up for the work?"

"Whether he is or isn't, I'm not sure it matters because I can't stop him."

"Yes, there are probably not many people who could. Anyway we will see what the aftermath is with the Council. It could be possible this event is the thing that makes them realize we need more information. It could not, we'll find out today."

"I guess we will. Now, unbutton your shirt for me."

Louie rummaged through her bag as Chief, unbuttoned his shirt.

"How have you been feeling lately?" Louie asked, as she worked.

"As well as you can expect. The meds help the pain."

"Do you need more?"

"No, I'm fine with what I have."

Louie nodded and brought the stethoscope up to his chest. Silence settled around them as Louie listened to Chief breath in and out, her shoulders relaxing.

"You still want to go with the scouting team," Chief said.

Louie straightened, looking at Chief. She wrapped the stethoscope up and tucked it back into her bag, as Chief buttoned his shirt, watching her.

"Yes. I do."

"Even after last night?"

Louie held Chief's gaze for a long moment.

"Yes, because I know what we're facing. I know asking others to risk their's lives isn't fair when I'm not willing to risk my own."

This was half the truth but Louie didn't feel the need to express the other half, her desire to go beyond the barrier.

"And that's what makes you a leader," Chief said. "Not knowing how things are run, but understanding that sacrifices are something that are necessary. I would ask you not to go because I don't want you hurt, but its not my choice to make for you."

Louie gave Chief a small smile.

"Don't worry, its Peyton's decision who goes or not. You might get lucky and I'm not good enough."

Chief took Louie's hand in his, looking down at it with a quiet smile.

"Unfortunately I know that that's not true," Chief said. "There isn't anyone more courageous. I've seen you give up a normal way of life to help me run this Compound and that takes guts."

Chief leaned forward and kissed Louie's forehead.

"I'm proud of everything you have become Elouise."

Words slipped from Louie's mind and all she could do was smile. A knock on the door broke the moment. Louie stood as Chief slid his glasses back into place. 

"You're doing fine, by the way," Louie said. "Everything sounds good, just promise me to keep taking care of yourself."

"Of course doctor," Chief said, with a wink.

Louie gave him one last smile as she reached for the doorknob.

"Elouise one last thing."

Louie looked back, waiting.

"I'm going to announce the idea for the scouting party this time."

"Yes, sir."

Louie pulled open the door, nodding at Mr. Andrews as she left.


Voices echoed off the concrete floors. The normal, self contained Council members talked animatedly. Every conversation revolved around the event of the previous night. Louie took her usual spot at on the platform and exchanged a silent nod with Mr. Andrews. Chief climbed the stairs and Louie held herself back as she watched his fist clench with a shock of pain. Wordlessly, Chief moved over to the podium and raised a hand. Conversations were dropped mid sentence, as all eyes fell to him.

"As you are most likely aware there was an attack last night just beyond the fence," Chief said. "Two Searchers were making the usual rounds when a group of seven Crawlers attacked. Both member's are stable and relatively unharmed, though they won't be getting up any time soon. Mr. Jones is responsible for taking down the group of Crawlers. We don't know where they came from or whether they are the only group."

"Are you saying there could be more close by?" a voice called out.

A murmur of curiosity rippled through the Council, as heads turned towards neighbors exchanging thoughts.

"We don't know. There could be," Chief said.

"But we don't know for certain. These Crawlers could have just wondered off." Jacob called out.

"Again, that is where we are blind," Chief said. "We saw no signs of this group before they attacked. So we can not be sure that there isn't more just beyond our line of search."

This statement agitated the Council even more, tones of concern butting heads with tones of denial. Louie watched as fear, disbelief, skepticism, and doubt flashed across the faces before her. Chief seemed to wait as words and thoughts were passed about, the Council trying to wrap their heads around the turn of events.

"What does Peyton say about all this?" someone asked.

"Peyton has currently given no comment on the subject." Chief said. 

"But it's just one group. They didn't get past the barrier. We're still in no big danger," another voice said.

"Two of our men who are laying in beds unconscious would say otherwise," someone else countered.

Louie watched Chief remain silent as comments bounced around the Cage, rousing more questions.

"What are we suppose to do?"

Chief straightened, seeming to have been waiting for the question to be asked. The question silenced everyone as they looked to Chief, waiting for the reply.

"Knowledge is the thing that is needed now," Chief said. "We do not know where these Crawlers came from and we don't know if more are on their way. That's why I propose that the idea for a scouting party be brought back to the table. Peyton would lead a group of five.

"They would be able to get us the information we need. I know that some of you are worried about sending our own out there, but there isn't a better option. Without the knowledge of the Crawlers location we stand to lose more."

The Council was still, all minds processing the words.

"I second the motion," Mr. Andrews said.

Chief and Mr. Andrews exchanged a nod as Teresa appeared at the entrance to the Cage, waving her hand. Louie met her gaze and stood, leaving the platform, as Chief spoke.

"All in favor of sending out a scouting party raise your hands."

Louie looked back once, then followed Teresa to the Med Wing.


Night had engulfed the world outside the barn. The lights from the Compound poured out into the darkness, illuminating the scarred land around it. Louie flipped the knife twice, catching the blade. She threw it at the wall, watching as it spun though the air and dug itself in between two wood panels. Picking up another knife, she proceeded to go through the same motion. The next knife landed inches above the previous one.

"I thought I might find you here," Peyton said.

Louie didn't even glance his way, already reaching for the next knife.

"I would be impressed by your tracking skills, but really the Compound isn't that big and I don't really have anywhere else to go."

"You missed dinner."

"Wasn't hungry."

It was a lie, but Louie hadn't been in the mood for the endless chatter of gossip, and Ryland's prying question.

"I told Marie you were working late and she let me steal this for you."

Peyton pulled out a roll and apple.


When Louie made no move to take them though, Peyton tucked them away again.

"The Council gave me the go ahead to choose the five members who will go with me on the scouting party."

Louie glanced at Peyton, he was leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I would say congratulations but I'm not sure leaving to track a pack of Crawlers is really something to celebrate."

Peyton shrugged. "I'll take it anyways."

"You choose who you want to take?"

Another knife whistled through the air, lodging into the wood.

"I have."

Louie paused with a knife in one hand and looked at him.


She turned away.

"We leave in a week."

The barn seemed to take on a tense silence as Louie sent the knife sailing.

"You really want me to come along?" Louie asked, not looking at Peyton.

"Isn't that why you are constantly in here?"

Louie crossed the space and yanked the knives free. With the last knife in hand, Louie spoke to the wall.

"I froze."

She turned, meeting Peyton's gaze. He shrugged carelessly.

"True, but you also ran after me, killed one and managed not to throw up when you saw what they looked like." Peyton quirked a smile at Louie's puzzled look. "It's usually one of the reactions people have when they first see a Crawler."

Louie moved back into position.

"And so this is why you have decided I should be the one to go. I didn't throw up?"

Louie raised her hand, but paused as Peyton took a step forward.

"No, I'm deciding you should come because out of all the people I've being training you show the most promise.  You have the stomach to kill. The determination to fight, to protect the people who need defending."

Louie lowered the knife staring at Peyton.

"It's not enough to know how to throw a knife," Peyton continued. "You have to be willing to do it while the world around you is falling into chaos. While people you know might be dying before your eyes. You need a clear head, and though you froze, when I needed help, you gave it. That is why I chose you. Did I make a mistake?"

Peyton arched one eyebrow. Louie put the knife away in its holster.

"No, you didn't. Why a week?"

Peyton settled onto a crate, crossing his arms.

"I need time to let my cuts heal. I also don't plan on leaving the Compound defenseless. So in the week I will keep training the Security team, as well as my replacement. I've chosen two of the three Security members that are in our training team to come with me.

"I will leave the third in charge to keep helping the rest. I also believe you need time to bring Ryland on and teach him how to do what you do. Am I correct in thinking that?"

Louie nodded.

"So a week should be sufficient amount of time to get ready." Peyton said.

"Whose in the scouting party?"

"Like I said the two Security members, Trevor and Dax. One from Kitchen, Luther. One from Storage, Jonas."

Louie nodded, but paused, giving Peyton a curious look.

"They are all not much older than you. Jonas is your age." Louie said.

Peyton nodded once.

"I know, it was one of the reason for them being chosen. What we are going to do is not for anyone older, who has children or people depending on them. It's a job that takes quick reflexes and a lot of energy, so they were the best options."

Peyton pulled out the apple and lifted it.

"Are you going to eat or not?"

Louie hesitated for a heart beat than reached out and took the apple.

"Thank you."

Peyton smiled and nodded.


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