Chapter 27 - "Be safe."

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"We are in agreement then, this is the best thing for the Compound," Louie said, looking between Marc and Mr. Andrews.

They both nodded.

"Alright," Louie said. "I'll call a Council meeting tomorrow morning and make the announcement then."

"I know this is difficult for you Louie, but it's for the best. For everyone," Mr. Andrews said.

Louie let out a heavy sigh. Her eyes dropped to the desk in front of her and Chief's letter.

"I feel I have let him down," she said.

"Louie, Chief thought he would have more time," Mr. Andrews said. "Have time to slowly transfer the power to you while he was still here. He didn't plan for you to take this weight on at such a young age. He had hoped you would at least be twenty before his role fell to you."

Louie nodded.

"I know," she said. "This is for the best. The safety of the Compound is what I have worked for. I jeopardize that safety by staying in charge when so many stand against me."

"You would have made a great leader, ma'am," Marc said.

Louie smiled at him.

"And now both of you will. I know in your hands Chief's hope to see this place last twenty years more will be seen through.  Thank you."

Louie stood and stretched out her hand. They both shook it in turn.

"Louie, you are a leader," Mr. Andrews said. "Because a leader is the person who makes the hard decisions despite what it means for them. Thank you."

Louie bowed her head in acknowledgement.


The silence of the Compound sat around Louie. She gazed over the familiar features of the Kitchens, Storage, Housing and the Cage, taking in all their details. She stared, absorbed in the sounds of sleep. Her thoughts darted through each member of the Compound, dwelling briefly on those who had stood by her. The minutes ticked by, a count down for the next part of her journey.

She didn't move, her thoughts tangled in the unknown that lay before her. The freedom that was just inches away. Eventually she stirred and walked back to the Cage. She paused as she settled into her bunk, her eyes falling to Peyton's sleeping form. She watched as his chest rose and fell. Soon her eye lids drooped and she pulled the covers over her. He father's face flashing through her mind as she slipped from reality.


The Council was silent. Eyes settled on Louie. Some hard. Some curious. Some defiant. Some supportive. Louie straightened her shoulders and met each stare.

"Thank you for coming today," she said. "I know that this meeting isn't part of our normal routine. I have an announcement to make that might surprise you."

Louie paused, breathing deeply, her  gaze dropping to her father's words before her. She looked up.

"I have decided that it is best for the Compound if I step down as leader."

The room stirred, heads turning towards neighbors, voices muttering.

"I will be handing over the position to Mr. Andrews and Marc," Louie said. "I believe that there are no two people more qualified to help make this Compound run smoothly."

"That's it? You're stepping down as easy as that?" someone asked.

"Yes. I will not fight for respect when it means fighting against the people that I am trying to help."

The Council went silent again, Louie's words hanging in the air.

"Before I step aside I would like to say one more thing."

All eyes held her in their gaze as she took another deep breath.

"I want to say thank you," Louie said. "This Compound has been the only life I have ever known. I want to thank each and everyone of you for working to keep this place running. For supporting Chief and giving him the help that he required. I have no doubt in my mind that he felt all of your love in his final days."

Louie swallowed and lifted her chin.

"So for him and for me I offer you my deepest gratitude. It has been a pleasure being part of this Compound and knowing each and everyone of you. Thank you."

The Council made no sound, her words ringing in their ears. Louie folded up her father's letter and pocketed it. She stepped back as Mr. Andrews moved forward. He took her hand, smiling.

"Thank you Louie. For all that you did. Be safe."

Louie nodded and walked off the platform, all eyes watching her departure.

A sense of freedom and relief washed over Louie as she shouldered her pack. She walked to Security where Peyton was talking to Marc. His pack was settled on his shoulders, his knife holsters strapped to his belt. Her boots made barely a sound as she approached, but Peyton stopped mid sentence and turned around. A smile brightened Louie's face.

"That offer still open?" she asked.

Peyton closed the distance between them and kissed her, his smile breaking across his lips.

"I realized you probably need me more than the Compound does," Louie said, looking up at him. "You are fighting Crawlers after all."

"That's true and someone once told me I don't have a brain."

"I will admit I've doubted that fact at times, but you did choose me to come with you. So there must be something behind those good looks."

"Then I did something right." Peyton face went serious and he studied Louie's face. "You sure about this?"

Louie gave Peyton a flat look, defiance sparking in her eyes. He laughed.

"That's a stupid question. Let's go."

He backed away and Louie stepped over to Marc, accepting the knife holsters and rifle.

"Be safe," Marc said.

"I will, as long as you promise to keep this place safe."

Marc straightened, clasping his hands behind him.

"Yes, ma'am."

Louie smiled.

"Goodbye Marc."

"Goodbye Louie," Marc said.

Louie accepted his hug, feeling small in his long arms. As she stepped back the sound of racing footsteps reached her ears and she turned finding Jonas, Dax, Trevor and Luther hurrying towards them.

"We just heard," Trevor said.

"Did you really plan on leaving without saying goodbye?" Jonas asked.

"The thought never crossed my mind," Louie said.

"So you're really leaving?" Dax asked.

Peyton and Louie nodded.

"It's for the best," Louie said. "I trust that you will look out of the Compound, train the next group."

They all nodded, straightening under the weight of her request. With a round of hugs Peyton and Louie stepped back. Peyton slipped his hand into Louie's and their gazes met.

"You ready?" he asked.

Louie nodded and looked back at the home that had been her's for all her life. With one last long look about the familiar sight, Louie turned away. The metal gate creaked its way open, revealing a clear afternoon. They walked out, waving goodbye as the closing gate cut them off. Once beyond the barrier Peyton turned to Louie, his hand tightening around her's.

"How do you feel about meeting my parents?" he asked.

Louie gently cupped his face and kissed him.

"As long as you're leading, I will follow you any where."

Peyton smiled and they headed off, the world stretching out before them as the Compound faded into the distance behind them.


Holy flippin' dolphins people!! I'm done!

Can you believe it? I know it has been one wild ride! I want to thank you for reading! If you have enjoyed this story I would be crazy thankful if you would share the love and vote! 😊

If you are looking for something with a little more romantic that will take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, check out my completed book, A Second Chance!
Or perhaps you want a romance that is drowning in humor and sarcasm, then check out Mr. Write!
OR! Maybe you want another story about a kick butt girl! Then go check out A Secret Service!

Thanks again for reading and being an awesome person. May all your interactions with Crawlers end in your favor! Stay prepared and remember to always carry a knife, best defense.

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