Chapter 5 - "Do you trust him?"

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There was hardly a stir in the Cage as Louie pulled on her boots and tugged on the rain jacket. The rustling of sheets and the occasional yawn followed her as she slipped from the confines and headed for security. Marc was stationed at his usual post behind the counter, talking with a broad shouldered man. Louie clasped her hands behind her back and waited until the conversation ended before stepping forward. Marc nodded, not surprised to see her so early in the morning.

"Good morning, ma'am."

"Marc have you done the perimeter check yet?"

"No, I was about to do it now."

"Good, I'm coming with you."

Marc nodded and reached behind the counter pulled out a knife holster and handed it to Louie. She strapped it to her leg, feeling the handle of the knife before tucking it away. Marc appeared from around the counter, lifting the strap of his gun over his shoulder. He handed another rifle to Louie.

She took it and followed suit, the weight of the weapon against her back feeling foreign, but not uncomfortable. They made their way to the gates and Marc signaled to the man beside them. With a low grind of wheels and the clanging of metal, the gates where lifted, revealing a wide open expanse, covered in a thick layer of mist. Louie followed Marc's lead and they headed out into the chilly morning.

Through the gray fog the skeletons of buildings could be seen in the distance, crumbling structures worn down by time and the elements. A sturdy, ten feet tall, chain link fence surrounded the Compound, the tops riddled with coils of barbed wire. Bare trees with long gnarled arms rose through the mist, their bent elbows and contorted limbs reaching up to the sky, as if begging for release from the world.

Louie kept pace with Marc's steady strides as they turned left and walked towards the fence. Their boots thudded against the rough cracked pavement, rocks and stones jumping and scurrying away from their heavy treads. Weeds and grasses poked up through the gravel, that time had covered in rivers of fractures. No noise came from the rest of the world, as if the mist had slipped into every crevice and was muffling even the sound of the last wildlife that roamed the barren land.

They made their way along the fence, neither speaking, neither feeling there was much to say this early in the morning and this close to the Compound. As they moved past the large building, the orchard and green houses burst through the fog, the stout trees in neat rows looking like soldiers ready for action. Louie scanned over everything with a searching gaze, looking for the slightest thing that could be off. Her gaze wandered to the world beyond the fence, to the dilapidated buildings, sagging houses that looked like bones picked clean.

The familiar tug in her stomach settled in as she looked out, thoughts wondering to what it was like beyond the barrier. She mentally shook herself and pushed the feeling away. The mist rolled in and out, wiping away the images and then making them reappear.

"How is Chief doing?" Marc asked.

Louie pulled her focus from the desolate world back to the one within the protective walls.

"He's doing fine. He's still strong and I expect him to stay that way for a long time," Louie said, tightening her shoulders as if daring the world to defy her statement.

"Good. How is Peyton adjusting to being out of the Med Wing?"

"His first day seemed to go well, the Compound has welcomed him easily and it seems most are very taken with him," Louie said, holding back the bitterness that rose into her throat.

"What he did was very heroic. It's hard to ignore such a fact, but not all heroes make great leaders."

The corners of Louie's mouth twitched but she held in the smile.

"I heard you will be making the welcoming speech this evening," Marc said.

"That's correct."


There was a long pause, the space filling with the noise of the livestock as they got closer to the barn.

"Have the Searchers found anything in the last few days? Evidence of Crawlers?" Louie asked.

"No, they haven't."

Louie's posture relaxed a millimeter.

"I was worried they might have followed the newcomers."

"We haven't found any evidence of that."


They fell back into silence, their thoughts preoccupying their mouths.

The mist had finally melted away by the time they finished the perimeter check, the world looking old and decrepit in the light of the Fall sun. The Compound was a hive of commotion as they entered, a new sense of excitement buzzing in people's voices and eyes as they went about their daily chores, the prospect of a celebration later that day taking up all of their thoughts.

Louie made her way back to the Cage after leaving her weapons at Security. She stopped in her tracks as she came face to face with Peyton, dressed and with his pack slung over his shoulder. Apparently even with his own bunk he wasn't going to let it out of his sight.

"Good morning," Peyton said.

"Morning," Louie said.

There was a stiff pause in which Louie tried to think of what to say next and Peyton seemed to eye her with a sense of curiosity.

"How did you sleep? Comfortable?" Louie asked, the words sounding choppy in her own ears.

"Yes, thank you."

There was another pause.

"Are you clear on where you will begin working today?" Louie asked.

Peyton nodded, but said nothing, still looking at her as if he was trying to read the thoughts behind her blank expression.

"Good. Make sure to stop by the Med Wing for your check up and your meds. It's best to do it this morning so you will not have a headache for the remainder of the day."

"I'll do that."


Louie started to walk away but as she did Peyton gave her a small smile and she stiffened in surprise. Her expression remained impassive as her thoughts darted around, trying to decipher what the smile meant. She then kept walking without another glance at him.

Louie opened the office door. Chief sat behind his desk, stacks of papers piled neatly before him. He looked up as Louie slid into the chair opposite him.

"Good morning, Elouise."

"Good morning, Chief." He gave her a long look and she sighed. "Good morning dad."

This got a small smile from Chief which Louie returned.

"Tell me, how are things going?" Chief asked.

"The newcomers have been well received into the Compound. I have checked up on them and they seem happy with their new arrangements. I have heard only good things from the heads of the departments about them."

"And Peyton?"

"He starts work this morning with the School. This was the best place for him to start with because it doesn't require manual labor, as he is still not fully healed. But even since yesterday he has been readily accepted by those who he met and people seem to admire and like him."

"And do you believe he will be able to handle the job he has been assigned?"

"I have no doubt about it. People seem to trust him."

"Do you?"

"I believe that he is still withholding information. I believe he knows something about the Crawlers."

"Do you trust him?"

"I can't say."

Chief nodded.

"Good, just because other people are easily impressed does not mean you should not use caution. Anything else?"

"We still have one unconscious man, but the girl woke up yesterday morning and is doing better already."

"Excellent, keep me posted."

Louie nodded and rose, leaving Chief as he took up one of the pieces of paper. Louie was almost out of the Cage when Mr. Andrews walked in. He nodded as he saw her and stopped, letting her walk to him.

"Are you ready for this evening?" he asked.

Louie straightened her shoulders, her hands falling behind her back.


"Good, but if anything changes know that Ryland is able to step in for you. I understand that you have different strengths."

Louie felt a stab of annoyance, but knew Mr. Andrews was only trying to help.

"Thank you, but if I'm not strong in an area then it's one place I don't plan on backing down in."

Mr. Andrews nodded and turned away, leaving Louie to look after his retreating back.


The Compound rang with laughter, as children chased after each other, through the maze of legs and tables, their shrieks adding to the carefree environment. All the departments were still for the time being, everyone gathered in the center of Compound, talking and eating. The Kitchens had gone all out for the occasion and had even baked a few cakes, something that hadn't happened since the last baby that had been born.

Groups formed and broke apart as members moved from one cluster to the next, the scene looking like one large organism that morphed, swelling and shrinking at different times and places. Disjointed chatter filled Louie's ears as she stood off to the side, watching the whole thing with her hands clasped behind her and a quiet smile pulling at the edges her mouth.

A hint of sadness flashed in Louie's eyes as kids darted passed her, their shoes scuffing the floor as they pelted after each other. Their freedom taken to new levels as their parents let loose and enjoyed themselves. Teenagers moved off to the edges of the party, couples talking with low voices, the flirtatious smiles giving away their thoughts.

The newcomers were enveloped into the folds of the Compound's gaiety, the light conversations and warm laughs helping to erase the pain that weighed on their minds. Peyton seemed unable to walk but a few feet before someone pulled him into some sort of dialogue. Marie's liking for him had enhanced his popularity, as she was one of the main sources of gossip in the Compound. Louie's smile threatened to grow as Marie linked an arm with Peyton and seemed to drag him towards a large group, most of the people being heads of the departments.

Louie's eyes drifted from Peyton's calm expression to Chief. He walked through the chaos of the crowd, handing out smiles and giving handshakes as he went. His appearance always known and always welcomed. A feeling of pride raced through Louie at the sight and she imagined one day that her presence would have the same effect.

As Chief was disentangling himself with an over eager teenager, looking for a chance to be part of the council meetings, his gaze met Louie's. With a few brief and clearly made statements, Chief walked over to where Louie stood.

"Elouise, are you enjoying yourself?"

Louie straightened.

"Of course. It always makes me happy to see everyone in the Compound happy."

Chief gave a worried sigh, studying her.

"You should also be joining in with the festivities."

"Of course."

He looked at her for another moment, taking in the rigid posture and the steady blank expression. He seemed on the verge of voicing his thoughts when Ryland broke away from the crowd and moved to Louie.

"You ready Lou, everyone is here," Ryland said.

Her stomach gave a sudden lurch, but her face remained the same.

"Of course, I am. Thank you for making sure everyone was here."

She turned to Chief and he gave her a warm, encouraging smile. With a nod, she headed for the platform at the front. Ryland followed her up the small steps, his smile wide and inviting as he looked over the scene. Louie tightened her shoulders, not willing to let her discomfort show at all. Ryland waved his arms, calling for attention.

With painstaking slowness, silence descended, as neighbors nudged each other and pointed to the platform. Groups became aware and the ends of conversations melted away around them. As every eye in the Compounded landed on Louie, she worked to keep her features neutral, forcing a small smile on her face that had the baring of a grimace more than a smile.

"Hello everyone. I'm glad to see everyone enjoying themselves." Her eyes darted around the crowd, flitting from one gaze to the next. "I want to say welcome to the newcomers we are happy to have you with us. We hope that you will be happy with your lives here," Louie said, managing a wider smile.

Louie looked to Ryland and he quickly took a step forward, his hands outstretched in warm greeting.

"As Louie said we are so happy to have you with us. What you faced to make it to us is a true sign of your bravery and courage. To face astonishing odds to make it to safety, that is a feat that not many can say they had the strength to endure. So welcome, your strength is a welcomed blessing. We call this place our home and have high hopes that you will one day soon, do the same. Welcome," Ryland said, starting to clap.

The crowd joined in with loud shouts of agreement, before everyone turned back to their dropped conversations and picked them back up. Ryland turned to Louie and gave her a bight grin.

"Good job Lou, I was impressed."

Louie felt irritation corse through her and spun away from Ryland, feeling her cheeks warm with embarrassment. She berated herself for not thinking of adding more to speech, feeling the failure of her mistake sit heavy on her shoulders. She was half towards the Med Wing, when a hand stopped her. Schooling her features into a calm exterior, she turned around and found Chief smiling at her.

"You did a good job, Elouise."

Though he meant it to be encouraging, Louie felt nothing but shame because she knew that his words were that of a father and not the leader that she was meant to take the place of.

"Thank you, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to relieve Teresa so she can join in the celebration."

Louie turned without another glance at her father and headed towards the Med Wing. The space was quiet, most of the patients who were healthy enough having left earlier to go celebrate. Teresa was doing a mindless job of straightening out pillows and tightening sheets when Louie walked in.

"You can go, I'll look out for the remaining patients," Louie said.

Teresa looked up, her smile bright with gratitude.

"Thanks. Everyone is taken care of and Molly fell asleep just a little bit ago. Her body is still working off the shock and strain," Teresa said, gesturing to the girl huddled on a cot.

Louie nodded.

"Good. Go have fun. See that boyfriend of your's, I know he misses you," Louie said.

Teresa's cheeks flushed and thanked Louie as she hurried from the Med Wing. Louie's eyes roamed the empty cots, the neat assortment of charts that lined the back wall and the cupboards that held thousands of small bottles. Her shoulders relaxed slightly and she unclasped her hands as she moved about the place, neatening already tidied beds.

She was checking on the doctor when footsteps resounded at the entrance to the Wing and Peyton walked in carrying a small three year old boy, barely bigger than a bag of flour. Louie rushed forward and took Peyton's charge out of his arms and lowered the boy to a cot.

"What happened?" she asked.

"He hurt his ankle. I was nearby and offered to bring him here so no one else had to leave," Peyton said.

Louie nodded.

"Don't leave," Louie said to Peyton.

Peyton sank down onto a cot besides them. Louie turned towards the boy. As her hands gently prodded the boy's ankle for a break, she asked preliminary questions. She was relieved when she didn't find a break.

"It's just a sprain, but you will have to be off it for a while okay?" Louie said to the boy.

He nodded, his red rimmed eyes dry, his mouth a thin line.

"On a scale from one to ten, how much pain are you in?"

The boy's eyes widened.

"A ten."

Louie held back the small smile that fought to break across her lips.

"Then you are a very brave boy indeed. I'll get you something for the pain, just wait here."

Louie was back a moment later and handed pills and a cup to the boy. He took them and Louie eased him into a more comfortable position, encouraging him to close his eyes. A second later the boy's chest was rising and falling in a low rhythmic motion. Louie motioned for Peyton to follow her to the other side of the Wing, then rounded on him, her expression stern.

"As your nurse I feel the need to remind you that you are still healing from severe injuries and carrying a boy around is unwise and could be harmful to your recovery," Louie said.

"I understand, but he barely weighed a forty pounds and I needed an excuse to leave."

Louie nodded.

"I still advise you to stay away from any lifting until your ribs have fully healed."


Peyton shifted slightly and winced with the motion.

"How do your ribs feel?" Louie asked.

"Fine," Peyton said, though his forehead disagreed.

Louie walked away and came back with a cup of water and a pill, handing them out to Peyton. He looked as if he might refuse the offer but took the items. They were silent for a moment and Peyton looked as if he wanted to say something but there was a movement on the far end of the Wing that caught both their attention.

With the same thought playing through their minds, they made for the unconscious doctor, who was stirring in his cot. Louie was there first and placed her hands on the man's shoulders, keeping him from thrashing about. His eyes opened, locking on Louie, a startled, frightened look sparking in the gray.

"Sir, relax, you're safe," Louie said, her voice both firm and soothing.

The doctor's eyes shifted to Peyton who stood on the opposite side of the cot, and recognition burned away his fear, as his body settled.

"Peyton. The maps."


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