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"He is your destiny and destination..."
"Shiv and Shakti will complete each other..."

Gauri woke up with a gasp, drenched in sweat. Yesterday's event had taken a toll on her. Radhika was with her the whole time, making sure that she was fine. In fact, she left late in the evening on Gauri's persistence. Gauri's eyes moved towards the cloak. It read 10:30 a.m. It didn't bother her, she slept at 3:00 a.m. She decided to take a leave. Just then her phone buzzed, Radhika was on line.

"Hello," Gauri croaked, much too her own dismay.
"Jaan (life), what happened to your voice? Are you still thinking about yesterday? These people don't have any business rather than catching hold of random people? I mean, isn't it ridiculous? Predictions and all. We live in 21st century babes. I peg her for a fraud woman who wouldn't have thought twice to yank your hand, had you held out your hand."

"I know, Rads, but..."

"No buts," Radhika intervened. "Okay, you need a mood upliftment. Umm, I know just the right thing, let's go for our girl's outing. Shopping, eating and lots of fun. I have already placed our leave application, and no, I'm not listening, okay? Be ready at 12. I am coming." Rads cut the call. Gauri smiled for the first time in 24 hours. This was so like Rads, always ready to do her mind. She decided to get ready quickly, lest her friend threw a fit over her.


ITC Rajputana, Jaipur

"Tell me again, why are we staying in the hotel?" Siddharth questioned again to Rudra who was sipping his fruit punch enjoying the beauty of swimming pool with shades on.

"I like it here," Rudra repeated his answer. Siddharth sighed and slumped against the chair. "You know, right, it won't take long for them to know we are back in Jaipur, Rudra."

Rudra appeared to be thinking hard then with a poker face said, "Let's go for shopping." Siddharth choked on his drink, "What? Are you, like, serious?"

Rudra rolled his neck and replied with a bored look, "Yes, let's go. This is not up for the discussion. Be ready." Rudra walked towards the hotel, passing a gorgeous smile to a female and leaving behind a flabbergasted Siddharth.

In the late afternoon, both were seen walking on the streets of Jaipur. They were happily roaming and getting familiar with things that had changed during their stay in New York. Rudra had happy sparkles around him. They were roaming outside the mall premises. Rudra stopped short in his steps abruptly. Getting hold of Siddharth, he all but dragged him inside the mall.

"Hey, hey, easy dude. What's wrong with you?"

Rudra face had a grim expression which changed instantly into a jolly one. "Just felt like buying something. We are in Jaipur," He hollered.

Siddharth shook his head and both walked towards the clothing section.

Siddharth was busy looking for some shirts when a girl came towards him. "Hi, handsome." He looked towards her and turned his attention back to the shirts. "Pardon my friend, miss. He is resistant towards females," Rudra came rushing to his friend's rescue. Obscuring Siddharth's grumbling presence, he gave a lopsided grin to the girl who was already checking him out.

"Oh my, you are so tall. I just love tall men," she squealed albeit a bit too high-pitched, earning collective winces from both Rudra and Siddharth.

"Ya, 2 tablespoons of Complan in warm milk twice a day, and see the wonders."

Siddharth grimaced at that one - lame joke. Figures, the girl was thoroughly entertained. That would explain her unreasonable strings of giggles.
"Oh, you have such a good sense of humour," She stated, resting her hand upon Rudra's forearm.

Rudra smirked. "Trust me, I have much more than just a good sense of humour..." He drawled. The girl's eyebrows rose high enough to touch her hairline.

A resounding sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed through the shop.

"How dare you?"

Everyone stopped their work to enjoy the spectacle, given a pin-drop silence stretched its tired limbs. Rudra frowned, swivelling his head towards the owner of the voice.
"Damn. Beautiful owner."

"How dare you flirt with me? I was quiet that doesn't mean I am dumb you... you idiot. How dare you touch me? I will not leave you?" Gauri held a man by his collar who looked like a scared cat rather than a molester. Rudra cocked his head, staring at her.

Siddharth and the girl in their company also offered their absolute attention.

"Rads, call the police, call the media, call the freaking army, I don't care. This guy is seriously gonna get from me." She said, shaking the man by his collar.

If her raised leg was telling any story, then Rudra knew where she anticipated to strike a full blow. "Ouch," he winced apparently and sent his condolences to the fellow man.

"Please madam, sister. Yes, sister, leave me," the man begged.
"I will sue you," Gauri yelled as Radhika held her back. Which was very difficult, Radhika mused with a huff. "I will drag you to the court." Radhika got a hold of a very furious Gauri and successfully pulled her out of the store.

Siddharth pulled his dropped jaw from the ground. "Bro, what a woman?" He glanced at Rudra who stood smiling like a newly wedded bride, sneaking a last glance at the woman's retreating figure.

Gauri had stomped her way to the parking lot.
"How dare he, huh?" Gauri spoke furiously, fixing her helmet and inserting the ignition key. "Cool, jaan. Think about ice creams or Himalaya," Radhika pacified her. "Better?"

Gauri hummed, "but still, how dare that..."

She rode towards the exit of parking lot, cursing the man. Out of no where, a puppy waltzed onto the path. With a shriek, she diverted her scooty towards a red jeep that had been moving in a reverse gear, and...

Gauri heard an unpleasant sound of scrapping of metal.

A big, bad, hideous 5.7cm scratch - she measured it, courtesy her experience - now adorned the Dazzle yellow metallic skin of Chetak. Gauri's lips trembled, she caressed the scratch with shivering hands.

Radhika eyed the man furiously.
"The rear view mirror is there for a reason. Or are you blind? Idiot... "

Siddharth raised an eye brow. No one, no one could belittle him and get away with that, especially with no fault of his.
"I think, you are the blind one here if you can't see your friend's fault."

Whistling, Rudra had been walking towards them. His gaze fell upon the trio. Rest aside, he didn't take long to understand the situation. "Sh*t. Hell to the no... Sid boy."

"Chetak, my baby," Gauri cried out, drawing all of their attentions. She then turned towards Siddharth with blood shot eyes.

It would be a lie if Siddharth didn't admit that he was slightly frightened. He wanted his male dignity intact, after all. "God, save me," he pleaded mentally.

"You, you... I will kill you..."

Gathering the bits of his courage, he accused, "Oh hello, it was your mistake."
"My mistake?" Radhika could almost see fumes coming out of Gauri's ears. Her friend was fiercely protective when it came to her scooty.
"Poor Chetak," She blinked.

Gauri felt like breaking something. "Excuse me, miss. Can I have a minute with you?" A tall man walked in between them. Gauri nodded hesitantly, they moved away from Radhika and Siddharth.

"Pardon my friend's impolite behaviour, miss," Rudra started calmly. "Actually, his situation isn't very stable...mentally. He is suffering from NPD."

"NPD? What's that?"

"NPD; Narcissistic personality disorder, a psychological disorder which causes you to think, you are always right and superior than others. These people need to be the centre of attention and want to control others. Treatment is going on. Let's hope for the best", Rudra explained with an innocent face, glancing back at Siddharth. Gauri too followed his line of sight. The guy of the discussion was scanning Radhika with a grimace on his face. Gauri gulped.

She felt bad for Siddharth, "Oh, I didn't know. It's okay, I'll manage. Take care of your friend."

Rudra took hold of Gauri's soft hand and gave them a light squeeze. "Thank you, miss. I have never come across such an understanding woman," He flattered, earning his prize in the form of her beautiful smile.

Gauri cautiously walked towards Siddharth and apologized with an uneasy a smile. Radhika was dumbfounded.

Gauri blinked her eyes twice at her, and pulled a protesting Radhika, flying off on her scooty. Rudra waved at them, mentally noting the model and number of the scooty. He would need it.

"What did you say to her?" Siddharth asked. "Just to mind her business in a polite manner," Rudra mentioned stoically.

"Then why on the earth was she giving me sympathetic glances?" Siddharth thought.


Rudra and Siddharth were on their way to the hotel when Rudra noticed a black SUV following them. His eyes hardened. He might as well beat the thought inside them, if they thought he hadn't noticed them.

He had.

Few hours ago, outside the mall's premises, he had noticed them. Morons didn't even have the decency to hide. Or rather, they were being too obvious. The men had been glancing at Siddharth and him time and again. He had dragged Siddharth inside the mall in order to lose them. God knew, he had been least interested in dealing with them.

"I am ready to meet them. We must check out of the hotel," Rudra spoke to which Siddharth gave a nod.

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