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Sophocles: C'mon, Ash! What were you and Lillie up to yesterday? I would've joined you guys!

Ash: I, uh...

Ash peered over Sophocles's shoulder and saw Serena walking away from him and heading back to her desk. 

Ash: We were... out battling!

Sophocles: In the middle of town...?

Ash: Well, I mean, eventually we had to call it a day, so I walked her back-

In the corner of Ash's eye, Serena had jumped from his last statement. 

Lana: Wow Ash, you and Lillie seem to be getting close these days...

Kiawe: Yeah, no fair! We definitely need to have a get together with you both included soon! 

Mallow: The one we had with Serena was so much fun! Wasn't it, Serena?!

Serena is completely dejected from the conversation and is not her cheery self whatsoever. 

Mallow: Serena?

Serena: O-oh.. I'm sorry guys, I'm... not feeling too well today..

Sophocles: Maybe the Alola sun is beating a bit too much...

Lana: Do you need us to take you to the nurse?

Serena: Actually, I think I'm going to head back...

She gets up and heads out of the classroom.

Kiawe: Woah, class didn't even start yet. This must be bad...

Mallow: Ash? Isn't she living with you? You didn't check on her whether she was well enough to come today or something?

Ash: I, uh... No...

Sophocles: Geez, Ash... You should really check on her more often!

Lana: Honestly! Aren't you going to walk her back?

Mallow: Don't forget, she is famous too... We wouldn't want her to be crowded while she's not feeling well.

Kiawe: Well Ash?

Ash: I've... been such a bad friend to her... Alright. Tell the Professor I'll be back, I'll go look for her.

Ash bolts out the door and looks for Serena. She couldn't have gone that far, could she?

To his surprise, Serena was no where to be found. 

He runs to the nurse. She isn't there. He runs to the school lobby. Not there either. Cafeteria, school grounds, outside, nowhere. 

Maybe she went home! Ash begins making his way on the dirt path leading to home. 

As he's running up the hill to his house, at the four way intersection, Lillie is standing underneath the directional sign, with puffy, red eyes. He instinctively stops running up to the house and goes to her. Lillie, despite it being obvious she was crying, feigns a smile.

Ash: Hey! What are you doing here? What's wrong?

Lillie: I, I... Oh Ash...

She breaks down. 

Ash: Lillie! What's the matter?

Lillie: My mom... She... Came back....

Ash was confused.

Ash: She came back? Isn't that a good thing? You've been waiting for her to come back all along!

Lillie: Not when I found out about her reasoning for being gone for so long!

Ash: What do you mean?

Lillie: She's been gone all this time because she was out trying to find these creatures called "Ultra Beasts"! When I even saw one of them with the pictures she brought home, it looked almost like how I'm dressed, and she is the one who picks out my wardrobe! 

Ash: No way...

Lillie: It's like all she cares about are these weird creatures rather than her own children! Why...? 

Ash: There's definitely got to be some reason behind this... Did you try talking to her?

Lillie: We ended up getting into an argument, and I shouted some really harsh things to her... About how she's a terrible mother and how I wish she never came home if this was the only reason...

Ash: So that's why you...

Lillie nods her head. 

Ash: Lillie, I know this must be terrible for you.. Even though it might feel like you're all alone right now, just know that I have your back!

Lillie: Ash...

Ash: I'll respect your decision about keeping this between us, but definitely consider telling some of the others at the school too! You have a whole support system in all of us! Plus, the others do worry about you too... a lot..

Lillie: I'll... Think about it. 

Ash: Great!

Lillie: I don't think I'll be going to the school today.. I need a day to clear my head..

Ash: I see.

Lillie: That's right, I forgot. Do you have my number? In case I can call you to meet up?

Ash: Oh, I don't think I do. Let's exchange.

They both type in their numbers in each others phones. As Lillie is typing in Ash's phone, a message from Serena comes up reading: We need to talk. Lillie hands the phone back.

Lillie: Great! Thank you for everything Ash, truly. You've been such a great friend to me, I don't know what else to say...

Ash: Like I said, it's nothing! It's what friends are for!

A brief moment of silence passes. Before Ash could open his mouth to indicate his leave, Lillie breaks the silence first.

Lillie: A bit off topic, but... How are things with you and Serena going?

Ash: Oh... She's kind of.. upset right now...

Lillie: Oh.. What happened?

Ash: The others back at the school saw us while we were leaving and that news traveled back to her.

Lillie: Oh no... I'm so sorry Ash, this... this is all my fault, isn't it...?

Ash: Huh? What are you talking about?

Lillie: It's because I'm hanging around with you... It probably makes her feel uneasy...

Ash: What? Uneasy?

Ash recalls the evening where he and Serena spoke and how she admitted being jealous that he was traveling with all those girls.

Ash: But that's different! You're my friend! 

Lillie: I know, but maybe we were looking a bit close... I don't want to hurt Serena with a misunderstanding... 

Ash: Don't worry, I'll go talk to her and reassure her that I still only like her! I was heading my way to the house to check if she was there anyway.

Lillie: I guess, but still... Maybe it'll be best if we don't see each other for a while then. Just so that no one else gets the wrong idea...

Ash: ...Are you sure? What about your issue?

Lillie: It'll be fine. I'll manage.

Ash: But...

Lillie feigns a smile.

Lillie: I'm serious! Don't worry about me! Worry about your girlfriend!

Ash's face turns red.

Lillie: She is your girlfriend, isn't she?

Ash: Well, it's... complicated...

Lillie chuckles a bit. 

Lillie: Well, clearly you guys need to communicate! Hurry to her already! Go! Go!

Ash perks up and his energy pumps back up as he runs up the hill at full force. He yells back at Lillie who is in the distance.

Ash: Thank you Lillie! See you later! Feel better!

Lillie waves off an enthusiastic Ash. As soon as she's out of sight, she clasps her chest and falls to her knees.

Lillie: Miss Serena, I'm so, so, so, sorry...

She covers her face and starts crying.


Ash bolts through his front door.


No response. He checks in the living room, kitchen, the rooms, no where. 

Ash: This is so strange! Where could she have even gone?

He checks his phone. No new notifications.

Ash: This is so strange...

There's nothing else Ash can really do. He heads back to the school.

On his way past the lush forrest of greenery and palm trees, on the bottom of the dirt path hill, he hears voices. One sounds like...a guy?

Guy: C'mon, just a sneak peek..

Upon listening more closely, Ash hears the other voice as Serena.

Serena: Uh.. I don't think that's a good-

Guy: C'mon! I'll literally stand here all day if I have to! Show me!

Serena: N-No! I can't!

With a rush of adrenaline and anger, Ash sprints to the scene.

Ash: What do you think you're doing! She said no!

Guy: Dude! Who are you? Scram! Do you know who she is? She's literally Serena!

Ash: Yeah! And she's literally uncomfortable! Leave her alone!

Guy: What! I was only asking her to show me unreleased footage for her next performance!

Serena: And I can't do that! I'll get in trouble with my management team! Do you want me to get fired? Then you'd NEVER see ANY footage of me ever again if I do!

Guy: Tch, you could've at least said that from the start. Whatever, what a waste of time.

The guy leaves. Ash turns to a flustered Serena.

Ash: Did he do anything to you?

Serena: Only got on my nerves... Other than that, thankfully, no...

Ash smiles.

Ash:It's dangerous to be out here alone, especially now that you're famous, huh?

Serena doesn't respond. There's a thickness in the air between the two of them.

Here, should we go back to the school then?

Serena: N-No...

Ash is confused.

Ash: No?

Serena: Y'know, I'm still upset with you... How could you lie to me? I was worried sick about you last night! You never came back! And you didn't even leave me a message! And then to find out where your whereabouts were through your classmates when we live together? C'mon...

Ash: Serena, I'm sorry... Listen, about yesterday, I was with Lillie.

Serena: But why?! 

Ash: It's something personal to her that I swore I wouldn't tell anyone else... I'm sorry.

Serena: I see...

Serena tries to leave.

Ash: Wait! please don't get the wrong idea! The two of us are only friends! Even Lillie felt bad about pulling me on the side away from you! So much that she was the one who suggested we keep our distance for a while!

Serena: She.. did?

Ash: Yes! She truly meant no harm, and neither did I. I'm sorry it bothered you so much... I should've taken account to how you felt!

Serena: ... I'm sorry too...

Ash: Huh? 

Serena: I'm getting so worked up over something like this when.. we aren't even dating yet! 

She chuckles a bit and puts on a smile.

Serena: It's kind of embarrassing...  You're free to talk to whoever and you shouldn't feel like you can't. Same goes with Lillie..

There's a slight silence til Ash breaks it.

Ash: How about I change that then?

Serena: Change... What?

Ash: Let's... go out.

Serena is caught off guard and is visibly shocked.

Serena: Are you... serious?

Ash: I mean, unless you don't want to-

Serena: No! I mean yes! I want to! All the way, yes!

The two of them embrace.

Ash: I couldn't sort out my feelings in the end, but I hope I'll be able to, now with you on my side.  Seeing you just now with that other guy made it unbearable to picture you in a situation like that alone. I don't want you to be alone, I want to be right beside you!

Serena: Ash.. for years I've always been the one who wanted to stand alongside you. I've alwasyThis is a dream...

She hugs Ash's arm. 

Ash: Are you still feeling unwell? I'll walk you back home if-

Serena: Oh, no, I'm fine...

Ash: Hm... Unless, we go out into the Island and have some fun! To commemorate today!

Serena's face lights up.

Serena: Yes! Please!

The two walk into Hau'li City's Shopping District where they run along the beachside, buy out a ton of sweets and pastries and watch the sunset.

Upon nightfall, they watch the Marowak Performances. Serena even calls out her Braixen to join in, causing a commotion as people begin to recognize her and call after her. Even though there were many people cheering loudly for her, Ash made sure he was the loudest for her, which amplified her and Braixen's performance.

By the end of the day, the both of them were exhausted upon coming home. After the two of them had gotten ready for bed, Serena approaches Ash one last time before heading off to sleep. 

Serena: Thank you for today, Ash, I truly had a lot of fun!

Ash: Of course! I'm having fun if you're having fun!

Serena chuckles, leans after his cheek, kisses it and blushes.

Serena: Well then, good night...

Ash stands there, even after Serena had gone into her room and holds that spot for a while before going to his own room himself.


The next day, the two arrive at the school, holding hands. Immediately, it catches the eyes of everyone.

Mallow: Wow! See, I knew it'd happen sooner or later!

Lana: Please, you placed bets yesterday, saying that it'd happen today! And you were right!

Kiawe: Congrats you two!

Sophocles: Just don't get all lovey dovey on us now!

The professor walks in, indicating class starting and for everyone to go to their seats.

Prof K: Good morning everyone! Today, we're going to be learning about the Kalos region! Have you guys visited there before?

Everyone shakes their head "no." Everyone except Ash and Serena of course.

Prof K: Oh, and how do you two know about the Kalos region?

Serena: That's my home region!

Prof K: Wow! I didn't know such a famous trainer being from the Kalos region! That's awesome! And you Ash?

Ash: I competed at the Pokemon League there!

Prof K: Oh! I didn't know you're into competitive battling! Are you going to challenge Alola's this year?

Ash: Alola has a league too?

Prof K: Of course! And a tough one at that!

Ash: Wow! Tell me when and where and I'll do it!

Prof K: Will do! Once class finishes, I'll tell you the details!

Mallow: Wow, a Performer and a future champion together? They're a power couple!

The two of them blush.

Lana: Too bad Lillie's still not back to see this... I hope she's okay...

When Lana points this out, Ash looks back at Lillie's desk and to his confirmation, in was in fact empty.

After getting the information for the league, he walks home with Serena, reading the paper.

Ash: Wow, I can't wait to give it a shot at the League!

Serena: You got this! I'm sure of it!

They pass the intersection that leads to Lillie's place. Ash looks back up at it worried. Serena picks this up.

Serena: Go see her.

Ash: What?

Serena: Lillie, I mean.

Ash: Wait, but are you-

Serena: I'm okay with it! Tell her I said that I hope she comes back to school soon!

Ash: You're the best.

He hugs her.

Ash: I'll be back before dinner!

He runs up the hill and looks for Lillie. She's standing in the front of her place, looking even more crestfallen than before. 

Ash: Lillie!

Lillie perks up immediately after hearing Ash.

Lillie: Ash!

Ash: Is everything okay?

Lillie: Well... No... 

Ash: Huh? What's going on now?

Lillie: My mom approached me again... Suggesting that I come live with her at the Aether Paradise... That way, we're not so distant, both physically and emotionally anymore. But... I don't want to leave here! I want to stay here with you guys and everyone at the school!

Ash: So then don't go with her!

Lillie: I can't! She sold our house already!

Ash is stunned Lillie starts crying.

Lillie: The Aether Paradise is so far away from here! I'd have to take a boat to come see you guys! I don't want that! What do I do...?!

Ash can't think of anything, until a crazy, impulsive idea pops in his head. He won't know her reaction, but he gives it a shot anyway.

Ash: What if.... What if you come and stay with me at my place?


A/N - Dec. 15th, 2022. I'd be genuinely shocked if anyone's still keeping up with this story. But if you are, thank you! I intentionally made them get together early on in this story! You'll see why in the future! (Hopefully not too distant in the future)

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