We're WHAT?!

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Ash's POV: "Sweetie, I know this be kind of sudden, but we need to talk... It's a urgent matter..." Mom had a dreaded look on her face. Something was definitely up.
"Yeah, what is it mom?"
"Well you see... Ash. I'm sorry. We are moving."
I choked on the piece of pancake I was eating when she said that.
"What?! We are?" I was really shocked.
"Pallet Town, no, Kanto is my home! I grew up here as a child! How come we're leaving so sudden?" More questions were blowing up in my head now more than ever before. I thought my head would've bursted by now.
"Ash, your father and I have purchased this house in hopes of raising you together. However, as you know, he supposedly went off to become a Pokemon Master before you entered the picture. On top of that, ever since he left, he hasn't contributed to any of the bills for keeping the lights or water on! Pallet Town isn't getting much cheaper either and there's other houses in other regions that are far much better with more Pokemon to see and people to meet! Doesn't that sound exciting?"
"I guess..."
I could tell that mom was forcing herself to be overly excited about this moving idea and that deep down, she didn't really want to move. I didn't either. I really loved Kanto. I couldn't imagine anywhere else being my home. There definitely had to be something to make her want to move out of the blue. Still, what else could I do?
"If it's something that can't be helped, then I guess we have no other choice then.. I guess I can always visit around here again sometime.."
"Oh Ash... Thank you for understanding. I'm really sorry I'm putting you through all of this..." Mom said sadly.
"It's ok... Really... So, where are we moving to? Johto? Hoenn? Sinnoh? Unova? Wait! Kalos?!" I said excitedly.
"None of them." She replied flatly.
"Are we moving to a different city or town within Kanto then?" I asked confused more than ever. "Nope. We're moving to Alola."
"Alola? What's an Alola?" Now I thought I was going crazy! I've never heard of this region ever before! "Alola is a region far, far away from all the other regions you've been to. It's separated into four islands, and it's climate is very tropical like! Also, something about it is very different from all the other regions!"
"Really? How so?" I was starting to become interested.
"It's a surprise! You'll see once we get there."
"When are we going?"
"Well, I have to go get certain documents from Viridian City right now, get more boxes, and call the moving Machoke helpers. I don't know if you realized it, but most furniture in the living room and kitchen were already packed up."
It was true. I guess I didn't realize it since I was exhausted yesterday, but the majority of things were already packed up. It was my room, the bathroom, and mom's room that needed to be packed up.
"Well, that'll give me enough time to go say goodbye to my friends and revisit familiar places one last time. I guess I'll get going."
"Alright, then. Don't stay out too late, though. Be home before it gets too dark."
"I will! C'mon Pikachu, let's go."
"Pika Pikachu!" It said excitedly.
I made my way to Pewter City by bus. If I had tried to walk, it would've taken a good week or two. Besides some newer buildings, Pewter City still looked like how I remembered it from last time. Most importantly, the Gym was still there and Brock was still the Gym Leader. After excitedly bursting into his gym and being excitedly greeted by Brock, we filled in on each other's lives up to this point and I let him know that I'd be moving to Alola. He said he'd pay me a visit, especially knowing that there was a prominent Rock-Type trainer there too that he had wanted to meet.
I then took the bus to Cerulean City and visited Misty. I told Misty about my Kalos league journey and such and what happened when I left and had my first kiss. For some odd reason, her face got really red. I couldn't tell whether she was angry with me or if she was about to burst out laughing, but she only congratulated me. I then told her the news I've received this morning. She was disheartened at first, but then nodded in understanding and even hugged me, something I didn't expect out of her. She told me to visit her again in the future and that I was someone very important to her, which was again, something I'd never expect her to say. Before I was out the door, I heard her mumble something under her breath, but I couldn't understand it. I decided not to acknowledge it and continued moving along.

I had more friends I wanted to say goodbye too, but it was already getting late. I'd have to call them at this point since tomorrow would be spent on packing. I was heading home. I passed by Viridian Forest and something caught my eye. It was that place again. Nostalgia hit me really hard. I was at the section of the forrest where me and Serena first met. Everything was much smaller, now that I was bigger. All the Polywag that populated this area were mostly now Polywhirls. But when I did see a Polywag, it reminded me of that day... I remember like it was yesterday. I was chasing a Polywag around, only to find a lost, crying girl on the ground. I helped her up and pulled her into a hug, and I didn't let go. It was the first time I actually hugged a girl other than my mom! Little did I know we'd meet up again when we were older and we'd be traveling. And she'd be the girl I would have my first kiss with... Serena is someone very special to me that's for sure... I gave this place on last good look and left.

When I got home, I was too exhausted from the bus rides and walking that I used my remaining energy to climb into my bed and fell asleep.
Before I knew it, I was up packing up my bedroom furniture in boxes. The Machoke moving crew where much more stronger and faster than I was, though, and they were finished with all the other rooms while mine was only halfway done. They got the rest of my stuff and loaded the moving truck with out stuff. The house was empty, stripped of life or even traces of anyone living in it. Nothing was left behind, and it was as clean as a whistle, thanks to Mr.Mime. Mom said she had to go return the Machoke crew, load our stuff into a ferry and notify home estate agency to put up a 'for sale' sign in front of our house.
She suggested I should stay here to say goodbye to Professor Oak, since she had one last errand to run. Good thing, because I almost forgot to tell him goodbye! I went to Oak's Lab. I was greeted by Tracey and Oak right away. I filled them in on my Kalos journey and told them we were moving. Tracey was surprised, but Oak had already known about this and was even the one who suggested moving to Alola to my mother. He said it was because it was different from all the other regions and that his cousin was over there so he'd be able to help me out. I visited my Pokemon and reassured them everything was going to be alright. Before I knew it, mom was back and was waiting for me outside. Before I left, I asked Oak if Gary was around, but he said that Gary was pursuing his own things and that he actually hadn't called for a while, so he was unsure about his whereabouts. Oh well, I'll catch him around someday. Now, it was time to leave Kanto, once and for all. Getting into the moving van would be the last time I'd see the place I grew up in.
Before I knew it, I was in a plane to Alola.

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