Chapter Eight

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Just a quick note, this chapter features some OCs from 41Budder that I was asked to include! Anyways, on with Chapter Eight!


"Shh, Dapplestar's waking up!" Frogpaw whispered, battering Fallenpaw's head. Looking over his shoulder, the tom's back fur brushed against Breezepaw's, who'd fallen asleep curled up beside him. Dapplestar's eyes still looked vacant as she opened them, but the wild glare was gone.

"Dapplestar?" Sorrelpaw question tentatively, padding slowly towards her aunt. Dapplestar sighed, hissing at her unsheathed claws.

"I-I'm sorry, Sorrelpaw. I don't know what came over me." Dapplestar whispered, wrapping her tail around the apprentice.

"Should I wake Scorchpaw, Leafpaw and Breezepaw so we can keep going?" Sorrelpaw asked softly. Dapplestar nodded, struggling to her paws. Fallenpaw reached over and nosed Breezepaw awake. The she-cat stared bleary-eyed at him before yawning.

"How's Dapplestar?" Breezepaw asked him. Fallenpaw shrugged.

"She's alright. We're going to continue on." Fallenpaw replied, pushing himself up. Breezepaw seemed exhausted, so Fallenpaw took the opportunity to help her up. "Here, I'll help you like you helped me last sunrise."

"Thank you," Breezepaw sighed, resting against Fallenpaw's shoulder. Scorchpaw and Leafpaw were chattering like birds as they padded behind Dapplestar, while Frogpaw and Sorrelpaw were trotting alongside each other in front of Dapplestar. Breezepaw yawned again, her eyes almost closed.


A huge cave loomed over him. Fallenpaw was amazed. "This is it, kits. My cave." Dapplestar meowed. Fallenpaw and Breezepaw dashed in, the refreshingly cool air enveloping them.

"Lionclaw, I'm telling you, I definetly heard something." A she-cat's voice echoed through the cave. Fallenpaw skidded to a stop.

"Did you hear that?" He whispered to Breezepaw, his ears pricked to catch anything else.

"Yeah," Breezepaw whispered, pressing against him in nervousness. Fallenpaw rested his tail across her shoulders as if to comfort her, but he was pretty terrified himself.

"Tigereye, calm down. It's a cave, you probably heard one of the kits." The tom- Lionclaw, most likely -meowed. Fallenpaw and Breezepaw began to slowly creep towards the voices. They were definetly full grown cats, they sounded like them and Lionclaw must've been hinting at their kits.

"I hope we find StormClan soon," the she-cat- Tigereye -sighed.

"StormClan? Like the one near JungleClan?" Fallenpaw whispered, eyes widening. Breezepaw looked equally afraid.

"I do too, Tigereye, I do too." Lionclaw whispered. Fallenpaw and Breezepaw kept creeping towards the two, but Fallenpaw sensed the rest behind them.

"Ah! Who in StarClan's name are you?!" The she-cat- Tigereye -exclaimed as the two apprentices rounded a corner. Fallenpaw jumped, taking a step back.

"We're JungleClan cats, our leader took us and our littermates to this cave." Breezepaw explained, eyes wide and voice shrill.

"Oh, my, I'm so sorry. I thought you were rouges that were after my mate and I as well as our kits." Tigereye meowed, licking her paw and drawing it over her ear awkwardly. Lionclaw stood up, and Fallenpaw noticed his wince as he raised his back leg off the ground slightly.

"Are you okay?" Fallenpaw asked as Lionclaw limped toward Tigereye.

"Fine," Lionclaw meowed, sitting down. His leg was extended instead of folded up like the other one, and Fallenpaw knew something was wrong.

"Your leg is... Bitten." Breezepaw meowed from behind him. Lionclaw sighed.

"Rats. Oh, by the way, I'm Lionclaw." Lionclaw responded. Breezepaw and Fallenpaw didn't tell them they already knew their names.

"I'm Tigereye." The striped tortoiseshell who was Tigereye- as they already knew -mewed. Three little kits dashed out from behind a stone, tackling each other before leaping to their paws. Tigereye laughed at her tiny kits. Fallenpaw took into account that she had one amber eye and one green one. Lionclaw was the color of sand with a flame-colored patch on his back.

"Kits, I'd like you to meet these two JungleClan apprentices. They know where StormClan is!" Tigereye called to her kits. The three stopped playing and trotted over, tails and chins raised. They tried to sit down elegantly as if they were leaders, which made Breezepaw chuckle.

"I'm Flamekit! I'll be you can't win a game of mossball against me!" The little flame-colored tomkit yowled proudly.

"Glowkit!" The she-kit meowed. Fallenpaw opened his mouth but Breezepaw beat him to it.

"You're... Green!" The apprentice exclaimed. Glowkit giggled.

"Tigereye says it's because of a cat who poisoned her while she was expecting." Glowkit explained. Fallenpaw could see her fur was supposed to be tortoiseshell like her mother's, but the green tainted her pelt an awkward shade. The final kit looked about the strongest.

"I'm Shadowkit. I'll beat you in a fight any day!" He meowed proudly, his chest puffed out. It was an ashy-grey color, while the rest of his pelt was black. Fallenpaw looked down at his own grey and white fur. In the presence of Glowkit, he felt so plain! He watched Breezepaw give her chest fur a few quick licks and knew that asking about Glowkit had embarrassed her, not to mention the deathly stare Tigereye had given her.

"Would you like to stay in our den for a meal? You must be starving. We didn't catch much, but it's still food and we'd like to share." Lionclaw asked. Tigereye nodded and the kits squeaked with joy. Fallenpaw and Breezepaw glanced at each other before nodding. Dapplestar and the rest had gone to explore another part of the huge cave and wouldn't know about their visit with Tigereye and Lionclaw, surely?

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