Chapter Eleven

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Breezepaw's stomach twisted in pain as she awoke in the Dark Forest again. She remembered the pile of NightClan apprentice from last time and shivered.

"Hey, Breezepaw, get your tail over here. Sootflower and Aspenfeather are sleeping still." Crowpaw called to her softly. She saw the tom hidden among the branches in a tree, his dark eyes glittering down at her. Breezepaw's heart sank.

"Coming," she rumbled tiredly. Crowpaw hurried her over, and before long the short she-cat was scaling the withering branches.

"What do you need?" Breezepaw snapped. The dark tom stared at her.

"We're going to find the other apprentices and kill our mentors. I'm getting out of here." Breezepaw blinked a few times and suddenly Nightsky was sitting in front of her.

Anger blazed in her mother's eyes. "You have betrayed everything we stand for, Breezepaw. I am thoroughly disappointed in you." Nightsky spat coldly at her. Breezepaw gazed blankly at her mother before other cats joined the dark-colored queen.

"I'm Riverstar." A brown tabby she-cat meowed. She hissed at Breezepaw. The grey she-cat shrank back. "You are no longer welcome to sit near StormClan cats at the gatherings when you return." Riverstar growled at her. Breezepaw squeaked in protest but a tall white tom silenced her.

"I am Ashenstar, and I led NightClan. You aren't welcome to patrol the NightClan border and leave your filthy scent marks there." Ashenstar meowed. Breezepaw's heart was sinking rapidly.

"I'm Duskstar and DesertClan won't have you anywhere near our cats. You will not sit within two foxlengths from a DesertClan cat at Gatherings." A black and brown she-cat smirked at the apprentice.

"I'm Dovestar," a ginger tabby tom hissed at her. "You aren't welcome to swim anywhere, not even outside your camp. Setting a whisker in the water will grant ShimmerClan rights to kill you." Dovestar and the rest of the leaders were gone.

A russet she-cat, a black she-cat and a white she-cat with black and brown spots, a blue tom and a brown tabby she-cat surrounded her. All but one smelled of JungleClan.

"I'm Sunstream, your mother's sister. You are no longer granted a full warrior ceremony." The russet cat hissed.

"I'm Nightsky, and you may no longer have a mate or kits." Her mother growled.

"I'm Shimmersky, and your siblings are no longer allowed to interact with you." The spotted cat spat.

"I'm Larkstar and you may no longer interact with cats from other Clans."

Breezepaw shivered, trembling. She couldn't talk to anyone anymore! What could she do? She never wanted to join the Dark Forest...

She woke up. She was crying and she knew what she had to do. Giving a sorrowful glance to her travelling friends, she sprinted away. She ran as far as she could, trampling everything in her path. She ran away, paws flying across the ground. I have to do this. Fallenpaw... I'm so sorry. Sorrelpaw better treat you well. I... I wouldn't do this if I didn't have to... How I wish you could know this..

It was dawn by the time Breezepaw couldn't recognize anything around her. She was in a clearing surrounded by little cave and rocks. She shifted around, staring in awe at everything.

Breezepaw, look what you've found! A new home? I think so! She squeaked, dashing towards the largest, most sheltered cave. She heard mumblings and growls and she stopped. A group of cats? Oh, joy. Hopefully they won't chase me away..

Breezepaw stared in shock when she saw a cat padding toward her.
A tall white she-cat with a tooth-studded blue collar- presumably not her own. She had abnormally long and large claws and was staring menacingly down at her with bloody fangs bared.

"Um, hi! I'm Breezep- I'm Breeze." She meowed, puffing out her chest.

"And I'm Fang. Why should I care?" Fang replied. Breeze stared at her.

"Uh, because I want to... Um, join your group!" She meowed unconvincingly. Fang narrowed her eyes.

"Really. Well, I'll have you know that'd mean getting a collar and training in our ways. We are Scarlett Hollow, and we will be feared." Breeze's eyes narrowed as well as she thought. Could this be my new life? Yes. I think so! I could live here... It's sort of like a Clan!

"I'm positive. I want to join Scarlett Hole." She meowed proudly before realizing her mistake. "I want to join Scarlett Hollow." She corrected quickly. Fang shrugged.

"Come on, then. Let's see how long you'll last." Fang purred at her. Breeze smiled. She liked Fang already, and thoughts of Fallenpaw and her siblings had been pushed to the back of her mind.


It's a little short, but I'm getting towards the end of the story :3 Anyways.... Breezepaw's gone.. What will the other 'paws think?

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