Chapter Thirteen

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It had been a few days since Fallenpaw had learned the fate of his friend, yet he had gotten no better. He felt cornered, miserable and depressed. Leafpaw had officially taken lead over the group- Fallenpaw was too depressed to care. They had since entered Clan territory and were slowly making their way home. What will we tell Silvergaze? Fallenpaw thought suddenly. He had only realized now that she would be the new leader of JungleClan. He appreciated the jungle trees above his head, but without Breezepaw to enjoy them with him, it just wasn't the same. He felt hollow and empty. She can't be dead. I can feel it. She's still living. Fallenpaw tried to convince himself. He was jerked back to reality when his mother rushed up to him.

"Fallenpaw!" She yowled, nuzzling her son. Leafpaw and Frogpaw were pressed against her, happy and gleeful. Silvergaze darted out, her eyes brightened.

"Dapplestar, I-" She stopped suddenly. "Where's Dapplestar?"

Fallenpaw answered. "She left JungleClan. Congratulations, Silverstar." He hissed, still beside Tallflower. Silvergaze looked dumbfounded.

"She's gone?" She meowed quietly. Leafpaw nodded. Fallenpaw followed them as they slowly padded into camp. Silvergaze looked very distraught.

"Cats of JungleClan! Gather round to hear my call!" Silvergaze shouted. Fallenpaw couldn't help but be amazed at the sight of every single warrior, including Darktail and his gang, quickly gathering at the base of the TallStones.

"Our apprentices have returned!" She announced. Some cheers were heard as the Clan gave their 'welcome backs' and greetings of the sort.

"Yet on a lower note, Dapplestar has decided to leave JungleClan. I respect her decision, but I am not fond of it. So, without further ado, StarClan will hear and accept my choice of Hawkfeather as JungleClan's deputy."
Fallenpaw felt a little happier as he watched his father make his way to TallStones and lick Silvergaze's shoulder like a new warrior.

"Hawkfeather! Hawkfeather!" Tallflower cheered. A few other quiet cheers were heard before the apprentices really got everyone in the spirit with their loud shouts. Tallflower was gushing with pride and soon rushed over to her mate with glittering blue eyes.

"But that's not all, folks!" Silvergaze yelled over the chatter. "Our apprentices from long ago have returned, granting to us six new warriors." Fallenpaw tuned her out after she said six. There were only five warriors today- yet Breezepaw would be a warrior in StarClan.

"I, Silvergaze, the leader of JungleClan call up to our great Warrior Ancestors to present six fine warriors to you. They have not had normal training, but they have gone above and beyond to prove they would to anything for our Clan. Leafpaw, Frogpaw, Fallenpaw, Breezepaw, Sorrelpaw and Scorchpaw, do you promise to remain loyal to the warrior code and to JungleClan, even at the cost of your lives?"

The apprentices weren't hesitant to give an enthusiastic, "Yes!"

"Good." Silvergaze purred. "Leafpaw- You have demonstrated courage and leadership, helping to lead your friends home after Dapplestar abandoned you. StarClan praises that, and from this moment on, you are Leafheart." Leafheart licked Silvergaze's shoulder respectfully after the silver leader jumped down to finalize her ceremony.

"Frogpaw, you have demonstrated empathy and concern for your friends and for your Clanmates in the few mooms you have spent with them. StarClan can all agree that you are a valuble apprentice, and they are proud for you today. From this moment onward, you are Frogleap." Silvergaze placed her head on Frogleap's as he licked her shoulder before stepping away.

"Fallenpaw. You have demonstrated respect, courage and concern as well. StarClan praises you for everything you've done for your friends and your Clanmates, and from this moment on you will be known as Fallenstorm." Fallenstorm gave a small smile. What I wouldn't give for Breezepaw to be here with me... Though I know she is.

"Sorrelpaw. You have demonstrated perserverance and leadership. StarClan praises this, for you have made it known that nothing will get in your way. From this moment on, Sorrelpaw shall be known as Sorrelshine." Sorrelshine bowed her head as she licked Silvergaze's shoulder.

"Scorchpaw. You have shown StarClan your carefullness and your concern for others. I'm sure we all agree that StarClan welcomes you as a full member of this Clan. From this moment on, you are Scorchdust." Silvergaze rested her muzzle on the tom's head for a moment before pulling away.

"Bree-" Silvergaze's voice died away when she noticed Breezepaw was not among the apprentices. "Oh... I'm so sorry." She murmured, preparing to conclude the ceremony. Blazingfur stood up.

"Where's my daughter?" Sorrelshine rolled her eyes before shouting a reply at her father.

"It's not like it ever mattered to you! Did you care for us when Nightsky died? Would you even care that Breezepaw is dead?" Fallenstorm touched Sorrelshine's shoulder with his tail.

"Sorrelshine, calm down." He muttered, flattening his ears to his head.

"That is all." Silvergaze yowled over the chatter again, leaping down.

The Clan began to cheer, the new warriors' names echoing through the camp.

"Leafheart! Frogleap! Fallenstorm! Sorrelshine! Scorchdust!"

Fallenstorm left the cluster of cats quickly, making a b-line to the warrior's den. He was exhausted and miserable. He didn't want to face his Clanmates or his friends just yet. It took the grey and white tom a while to find an empty nest, but when he did, he collapsed into in, beginning to cry.


Fallenstorm woke to a start, heart pounding. Breezepaw is alive! I feel it!

He jumped out of his nest, moonlight streaming into the den. He glanced around for Leafheart and Sorrelshine- Breezepaw's closest friend, other than Fallenstorm, and her sister. He saw them sleeping in nests a few tail-lengths away. He quickly prodded them awake, hushing them as soon as they went to yowl at him. With a flick of his tail, they were padding out of the Warrior's Den and into the clearing.

"What is it, Fallenstorm?" Sorrelshine hissed, clearly irritated. With determination filling his eyes, Fallenstorm gave his hopeful reply.

"Breezepaw is alive."


"Nightsky, you have done a very bad thing." The white, brown-spotted she-cat hissed, her voice low and angry. Nightsky lowered her head. She knew she had done wrong, but how could she fix it?

"Lighcloud, I'm sorry... I never meant for this. I never meant to drive my daughter away. I never meant for Dapplestar to leave JungleClan." Nightsky murmured, her black pelt fluffed up.

Lightcloud hissed. "That is not good enough. You will help Fallenstorm, Sorrelshine and Leafheart every step of the way as they go to search for the daughter you carelessly left behind." The queen's mother snapped, eyes showing clear anger and hatred. She was ashamed of Nightsky, the she-cat knew it.

"You'd better get going, the little group is leaving the camp right now." Lightcloud growled. Nightsky's eyes were filling with tears. How could she have done this to her own flesh and blood? It wasn't her fault for being pressured into the Dark Forest!


"Soulpaw, you have much to learn." Aspenfang said with a sarcastic tone. Soul hissed, her blue eyes glowing with anger as she awoke to another night of Aspenfang's insults.

"StarClan no longer walks with me... What do you want?" Soul growled, her words low and clearly angry. Aspenfang gave a sly smile.

"Oh? Is that so? I'm sure that Fallenpaw would beg to differ." She taunted, waving around her thin tail. Soul was beginning to notice more than ever how sickly thin her "mentor" was. Aspenfang was sick, but without a medicine cat she had nothing to help her. Soul had tried hunting for her, but of course, in the Place of No Stars, it also happened to be the Place of No Prey.

"Aspenfang, just leave me alone. I'm content without StarClan and you. Scarlett Hollow is all I need." Her spotted tail lashed as she became more impatient. All she wanted was sleep!

"I know, Soul, but don't you get it? I'm starving and I can't eat unless you start picking up the pace. Please, Soul, for me." Aspenfang whispered.

Soul snorted. "As if. You're just ill. Get over yourself. I don't want my Clan ties anymore! Let me be a Scarlett Hollow cat- what I am."

"But you're not. You belong in JungleClan. Nightsky was wrong, Breezepaw, you are quite a lot more than what you think." Aspenfang mewed, ditching her appearance of a mangy old rad. She became the tough-looking she-cat Soul had first met.

"Like what? I'm useless to JungleClan now. Nightsky and Dapplestar didn't want me, Blazingfur is basically nonexistent.. My siblings are all I have. Fallenpaw misses me, yes, but he has Sorrelpaw." Soul's voice dropped to a pain-filled whisper. "He loved her more anyways."


WOO! Chapter 13 clearly poses a new hope for Fallenstorn and Breezepaw! (Wanna know what's hard? Writing on an Android phone) Also, _TheFadedLights_ the reason Fallen has a different name is because I want to write Breeze and Fallen's actual story.

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