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Abby's POV:
I sauntered into the Hogwarts Great Hall. It was beautiful. A different kind of beauty then Beauxbatons though. I clicked my fingers covering the whole school in colourful glitter.

I snickered. 4 boys from the red and gold table smirked at me. But I didn't care. They looked like twats to me. "Abigail!" Yelled my mother yelled. I grinned. "So sorry, Professor Mum McGonagall." I laughed. Albus chuckled at the shocked looks on the students.

I skipped over to the stool. I was in 5th year but I was getting sorted after the 1st years. I put the talking hat on my head. "Hello. Welcome to my thoughts." I smirked to the hat.

"Thank you. Now, let's see what we're working with. Sly, ambitious, brave, clever, cunning, courageous, loyal. Hmm. A good Slytherin in you. How about Hufflepuff? Maybe... Hmm. Or not. No patience. Gryffindor? Perhaps..." The hat said on my head.

I groaned. "Hurry the heck up you stupid hat!" I yelled annoyed. Some students snickered. "Okay, okay." The hat mumbled. "SLYTHERIN!" It yelled. I smirked and strutted over to the green and silver table.

Mum looked disappointed and shocked. I felt slightly destroyed as I saw the look on my mother's face. I sat next to a boy with greasy, black hair that everyone avoided.

I stuck my hand out. "Abby McGonagall. What's your name, buddy?" I asked smiling. The kid looked slightly shocked. "I'm S-Severus Snape." He stuttered shaking my hand. "Awesome! We make good friends. What do you say?" I asked smiling.

Severus raised his eyebrows slightly. "Forward, much?" He asked. I shrugged. "You look nice. I need friends. So why not?" I replied bored. Severus thought for a second. "Sure. You can meet my Gryffindor friend too." Severus smiled. I grinned. "Nice." I replied smiling.

At the end of dinner Sev dragged me over to a Gryffindor Prefect with ginger hair and green eyes. Gorgeous. I recognised her somewhat...

When the girl had done her duties she turned to us. "Sev!" She hugged. Sev smiled. "Hello Lils. I wanted you to meet my friend." Sev replied motioning to me. I smirked. "Abby McGonagall. What's your name, love?" I asked grinning.

She turned to me and her smile faltered slightly. She smiled broadly again. "I'm Lily Evans." She replied. My grin faltered slightly. Then I smirked. "Cool. Lovely to meet you." I replied. "Yes. Lovely to meet you." Lily muttered.

I felt a sense of déjà vu as a boy accidentally knocked into Lily. I caught her. "This is the second time. I didn't know you were this clumsy." I whispered into Lily's ear.

"You alright?" I asked louder as Lily stood up straighter. "Yes. I'm fine thank you, Abby." Lily said coldly. It broke my heart hearing her this cold. It reminded me of that day.

No stop it Abby. Stop thinking about what happened. But you broke her poor heart. Now she's back.

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