part 4

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<pre style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: monospace, serif; white-space: pre-wrap; width: 600px; line-height: normal; text-align: start; font-size: 11px !important;"> 2.15 [TRDMTT] Trademeet (AR 2000)




When you first arrive in Trademeet you find a city under siege by nature.

Something has caused the animals to attack the city, and the people suspect

that the Druids are to blame.



Cernd 13 9 13 12 18 13 Human Shapeshifter True Neutral

Cernd was investigating the strange occurrences around Trademeet when he

was brought in by the locals.

Found at: Trademeet (talk to the Mayor)

Event: When Cernd enters any of the major districts in Athkatla he

learns that he is a Father. (See the Waukeen's Promenade section)

Grade: C+ At first glance you might think Cernd is the worst character

in existence. Though not entirely true, it does have some

merit. He is a good Druid due to his high Wisdom. The

rest of his stats are abysmal, HOWEVER when he turns into a

Werewolf, his stats LEAP upwards to the point of superhuman

strength, dexterity and constitution.



QUEST: Wilfred the Red [from John Knudson]

Tent - Trademeet (AR 2000, x 315 y 3015)

At a tent outside of Trademeet, you can find an arrogant sop named

Wilfred the Red. Talk to Wilfred, who asks who you are, then when

he offers to tell his story tell him you're listening and last say

his story is a lie. You receive 1000 exp and 1000 gold. Correct

conversation thread is 1,1,2. This requires a character with high

WIS to talk to him.

QUEST: Solve the Animal Troubles of Trademeet

Mayor's House - Trademeet (AR 2000, x 1300 y 2300)

Druid Temple - Druid Grove (AR 1900, x 850 y 300)

Since we were originally asked to come here to solve this problem,

it should be the one you work on first (although you should also

work on the Genie Embargo at the same time, see below). Head over

to the Mayor's House and go inside. You will find the Mayor in a

side office to the right. Talk to Logan Coprith. You will learn

of their troubles and that they have captured a druid. Logan

thinks that this Druid had nothing to do with it, and asks that

you go talk to him and escort him out of the city. Go into the


Talk to Cernd and let him join for the moment. Sure he is the

weakest human in existence, but he isn't a bad guy. Transform him

into a werewolf and leave him like that. Exit the town and go over

to the Druid Grove.

Evil Note: There is an alternative way to do this quest, see the

next quest, 'Evil Method of Druid Removal', below.

There are trolls around, so be sure that you have a way to kill

them (fire or acid). There are two structures that we must pass to

get to our goal, the Druids. First we go by the Troll Mound. This

plays a part in various other plots (notably the Druid Grove

quests), but isn't important to us right now. You can go in it and

kill the trolls if you want. Second we go by a large building.

This building contains the Rakshasa's needed to finish the Genie

Embargo quest (see below). Past those is our goal, the Druid


Note: Just below the Rakshasa's house is a small tower, within

you will find the Scimitar of Speed +2: Belm.

So, from the entrance, head left to the Troll Mound (x 900 y 2500).

Along the way you may meet a "helpful" druid. Once there you can

go in if you want:

Bracers of Archery

Spear of the Unicorn +2

Go up, then right. (x 1340 y 1200) This leads to a group of

Druids fighting trolls. If you help the Druids and fight off the

trolls for them, then the druids turn on you and attack. So, you

may as well not do anything, let the druids get killed then kill

the trolls. Go down and right, then right to another group of

stupid druids. Yes, they must be killed as well. Head right

across the rock bridge (x 3400 y 1500). This leads directly to

the Rakshasa house if you want to do that quest now. Go up, then


Cross this bridge then keep going left (fight the Myconids if you

feel like it). You will soon reach the final group of druids

(not the leader) who again attack you:

Flame Tongue +1

Club +2: Gnasher

Enter the temple. Go left to find Faldorn the Shadow Druid. (Save

it here) Have a Druid in your party (Either you, Jaheira or Cernd)

challenge her for supremacy. They will be thrown naked into a pit

(by naked I mean no armor) to fight it out. Before they challenge,

you can cast any spells you want on your Druid, such as Iron Skins,

Haste, or whatever. When Faldorn dies the first time, she turns

into a fiercer panther. When that dies you get 14,000 experience

and have cleared out the Grove. If your main character is a Druid

you can challenge for leadership of the Grove.

Duncan Clay has a battle tip for dealing with Faldorn:

Before you fight Faldorn, stand your party next to the pit. Get

your druid (I used Jaheira) to give their stuff to someone in

your group. When your druid enters the pit, pause the game and

equip all their stuff. Interestingly, although you are in combat

(can't save) you can equip your armor. Jaheira had AC-11 and the

Gnasher club and won easily without casting a single spell. I

didn't even see a panther.

Head back to Trademeet. (the easiest way out of the Grove is to go

left after you leave the temple) Talk to the Mayor to get your


2000 gold

18,000 experience for each character

He will also ask that you help them out with their Genie problem.

QUEST: Evil Method of Druid Removal [from Dominic]

The first thing I did when I entered Trademeet was talk to

Guildmistress Busya. She is in the Mayor's house. Then I talked to

the Mayor, he asked me to talk to Cernd. I didn't take Cernd into

my party, instead we agreed on meeting each other in the druid


Anyway, a halfling (Lord Khellon Menold) walks up to me and

initiates a dialog. This is the guy who gives you the poison. He

asks if I'm the mercenary hired to save them, and whether or not

I'm capable of defeating the druids. Unless I tell him to get out

of my way he will answer that he is to become the next High

Merchant. I ask him about Logan knowing about his position, he asks

me what Logan wanted me to do. I tell him about Cernd and our

investigation. After that, he will show his dislike for nature and

druids and whatnot. Then, he proposes an alternate quest.

"Allow me to present a bit of background to you. It will help you

understand the trials ahead and what you must do."

"This is not the first problem we've had with these freaks, these

tree-huggers. Far from it. Last year, my company was to open a

caravan route through the forest."

He tells you about how he attacked a druid (who was defending the

forest), and killed some other druids. Jaheira wants you to ignore

him. The druids went to Trademeet and blamed Lord Khellon Menold

for instigation and murder. He wants his revenge by poisoning the

grove. At this point he will give you the poison should you choose

to accept his task.

Meet him again outside the tavern after you accomplished the task.

Meet Cernd in the grove and tell him Jaheira will take up the


The party gets 24500 exp. for pouring the poison in the font (could

be some more or some less). Doing so will make all the druids

complain and attack you. The Guardian of the Font (4000 exp.) will

call Faldorn (I didn't get exp. for her... strange?) and they both

attack you.

When Faldorn is dead, Master Verthan (2000 exp.) warps in and wants

you dead. He summons some creatures: 2 grizzly bears and 2

panthers. Kill them. You won't get the Staff of Lightning this way.

None of the druids have any treasure (well, not exactly true... one

of them had a Charm Person Scroll).

When you get out, Cernd will have nothing to say to you. As in, you

can't initiate a dialog with him. Weird.

Back in Trademeet Lord Khellon Menold rewards you with 1000 gold

and a Shield of Harmony +2. At this point you'll probably get some

exp., but I don't know how much. The Guildmistress thanks you, but

Logan is quite angry with you (reputation decreased 1). I haven't

found a way to calm him down. Which means that you won't be heroes

of Trademeet and you don't get the family feud quest.

Some other information:

At the beginning of the quest I had an evil party with reputation

12. It consisted of Jaheira (leader, lvl 10/12), Korgan (lvl 12),

Yoshimo (lvl 16), me (kensai mage, lvl 12/11), Viconia (lvl 12) and

Edwin (lvl 12). (again, this Quest was from Dominic)

QUEST: The Genie Embargo

Genie Tent - Trademeet (AR 2000, x 3500 y 2900)

Rakshasa House - Druid Grove (AR 1900, x 4400 y 900)

If you talk around everyone will be talking of one of two things,

the animals assaulting the town, or the genies preventing the

normal flow of trade. Near the eastern entrance to town is a blue

tent that holds these genies. Go in and talk to them.

Tip: Pickpocket the genie outside of the tent to get a Bottle of

Efreeti Summoning (Ken Adams).

Talk to the Khan about what they are doing there and he'll reveal

that they are there hunting a Rakshasa and until they do they are

holding the city's trade hostage. Agree to bring him the head of

the Rakshasa in exchange for letting the city go (and some treasure

to boot). You can also buy items from him. (of course, until you

solve this they are the only people you can buy from)

After you talk to Khan Zahraa, if you go outside Trademeet's

Northeast Gate (near the City Crypt), you will meet up with a

Shadow Thief who wishes to impart to you information on the

Rakshasa location for free (they want business to return to normal

so that they can have their 'share'). She will disclose some

information on the potion seller that suggests that she has been

'replaced' by the Rakshasa. (Rolander)

When you get to the Druid Grove (you have to do the above quest in

order to get there) follow the path past the Troll Mound, and

across the bridge to find the Rakshasa House. Enter it. Talk to

the woman here and she turns into Ihtafeer and teleports in two

Rakshasa friends to help out. (If you have Keldorn -- or Jan -- in

your party, he'll detect Ihtafeer's evilness, regardless of whether

you accepted this quest)

Ihtafeer - 15,000 experience


Periapt of Proof Against Poison

Another Rakshasa had a Cleric's Staff. There are also some magic

arrows in a chest on the upper level.

Return with the Head to the Djinn to end the Embargo. The Khan

also gives you a Scimitar +2: Rashad's Talon and 10,000 experience.

Then go to Guildmistriss Busya in the Mayor's house to get a

further reward:

7500 Gold

Gems and Necklaces

Small Shield +2: Harmony (immune to charm)

Finally talk to the mayor to get another 2000 gold and become the

Heroes of Trademeet!

25,250 experience for each Character

10,750 Gold

Reputation +1

You will also be approached by the two leading houses of Trademeet,

each of whom want you to do them favors (see The Two Feuding Houses

below). Also your likeness now graces the town statue, as you

are the Heroes of Trademeet. (If Cernd was a Werewolf at the time

his statue is particularly... lifelike! Similar things happen if

other party members are polymorphed.)

QUEST: Tiris the Frightened and the Return of the Tanner

Tiris' Home - Trademeet (AR 2000, x 1275 y 900)

Darsidian Moor - Trademeet (AR 2000, x 80 y 2860)

Rejiek - Trademeet (AR 2000, x 3715 y 2030)

After you have completed the first two quests, Jenia will approach

you, the Hero of Trademeet, and ask that you go talk to Tiris. Go

up to Tiris' home (the one just to the left of the Smithy) and talk

to Tiris. He tells you that he left his love to die (not on

purpose) and that the evil-doer is Rejiek, who we all know and love

as the Tanner who flayed peasants alive in Athkatla. He tells you

to check by the southwest gate.

Go out the western gate and go south near the tent to find a

"hunter" named Darsidian Moor. He is hunting what he calls a Skin

Dancer, who may be Rejiek and could use your help. He tells you

to follow him eastwards.

From the main plaza (with the tiled face on the ground) go east

and you will find Darsidian and "Raissa". They tell you to finish

off Rejiek. Talk to him instead and it turns out that Rejiek and

Raissa are reversed. The ruse fails and Darsidian and Rejiek

attack you. (They steal the skins of people, if you are wondering)

Kill them.

The real Raissa then rises up and asks you to help her. In order

to prevent her from becoming like Rejiek she needs someone to cast

Restoration on her. (or Lesser Restoration) If one of your Clerics

doesn't have that spell go to the Temple and buy the scroll. Come

back and cast it on her. She returns to normal and you get 30,000

experience. If you don't heal her in time, she'll go hostile on


Infinite Exp Bug: When you kill the two skin dancers, talk to

Raissa and she gets up and tells you she is one of the skin

dancers, and asks you for a restoration spell to "fix" her.

She doesn't have the money, so she wants you to cast one on

her. If you don't have one, you can go buy one, and she will

wait right where you found her. I took the opportunity

to surround her, so she couldn't get away. Then cast the

spell, and she says thank you and you get 30,000 exp points.

Pause, and talk to her, and she repeats her "thank you" line

and you get another 30,000 exp. (wvfoos)

Return to Tiris' Home and talk to his parents to get a Reputation

Increase of 1.

Rolander found a few different ways to handle this quest:

Not-so-good and bad ending for this quest. If you kill off the

disguised Raissa, 'Raissa' would want to return to Tiris herself.

If you insist on escorting her back, the skin dancers would break

cover and attack. Then you return to Tiris to tell him about the

bad news. If you let 'Raissa' go off herself, when you return to

Tiris's home, Tiris would have been conned into leaving with

'Raissa', for good and his parents fear that he would never be

seen again. In both these outcomes, you don't get the Rep+1

QUEST: The Two Feuding Houses

Alibakkar Estate - Trademeet (AR 2000, x 1000 y 1280)

Crypt - Trademeet (AR 2000, x 3200 y 550)

At the little party they throw you for being the Heroes of

Trademeet, two nobles approach you and ask for your assistance in

becoming the only noble house in Trademeet. Go to one of their

homes afterwards (I went to Alibakkar). Talk to the noble there

and they will give you the key to the city crypt. They want you

to obtain for them the Mantle of Waukeen, which will prove their

superiority over the other house.

Head out to the crypt and go inside. Before you manage to do that

the Mayor comes up to you and tells you not to give the Mantle to

the nobles as it will only make their feud worse. Enter. You will

find the Mantle on one of the Skeletal Warriors within. Take it.

Now you have two options as to what to do. Give the Mantle to the

Mayor is the non-violent solution. (Reputation +1, 8000 experience,

and 250 gold) Or there is the violent solution. Give one of the

nobles the Mantle, and they soon attack each other and YOU. Then

you must fight the nobles and their guards. The Lord has a set

of Elven Chainmail (AC 5).

Of course, you could give the Mantle to the Mayor, then go kill the

Lord anyway with no loss of reputation.

QUEST: Mazzy's Family's Quest

Mazzy's Home - Trademeet (AR 2000, x 2740 y 1000)

Some time after you have Mazzy in your party (this is Real time,

not game time), Danno will approach her and ask for help. Seems

that he gave his girlfriend, Mazzy's sister, a Love potion that

went awry and her life now hangs in the balance. Return to

Trademeet and enter the Fentan home.

Pala, her sister, is on her death bed having been poisoned by

Wallace, the gnome who sold the potion in the first place. Now we

must go out and find that gnome. You will find the gnome in the

marketplace in the southern part of town. When you approach, Mazzy

automatically talks to him. (6750 experience) He tells you that

the potion came from a new Cleric of Waukeen. Go to the temple.

Talk to the priest here and tell him what you know of the other

cleric, Barl. He agrees to search his room. He comes back and

says that he found some evidence of wrongdoing. Barl is summoned

forth and very soon you are in a battle with him and some Poison

Mists. When he is dead, Mazzy finds a bottle (25,000 exp) that may

be an antidote.

You are automatically taken to Mazzy's home again, where the potion

is used and Pala is cured. Mazzy asks to stay with her for a day.

OTHER: Your Fortune

Fortune-teller - Trademeet (AR 2000, x 1060 y 3030)

There is a group of gypsies (not called gypsies, but that is what

they are) outside the town. The woman there will tell you your

fortune, but she doesn't seem to like what she sees.

Also you can have other party members talk to her and she will

tell their fortunes as well. (Max Chen)

OTHER: Neeber

Neeber - Trademeet (AR 2000, x 2433 y 1240)

Talk to Neeber about 15 times and he'll give you some Bullets +2.

And everyone also gets 1000 experience.


3. [THGLDW] Chapter 3: The Guild War




When the party has gained over 15,000 gold, while in the city, you will

be confronted by two interested parties. The first, a thief named Valen,

tells you to meet her mistress in the Graveyard. This is the evil track.

The second, Brus -- whom we met before -- tells you to go back to Gaelan.

There are many other examples of the guild war. At night throughout the

city you will see thieves and vampires conversing, attacking and whatnot.

Sansuki, a thief, will beg you for aid. You can fight off his vampire

enemies to get 8500 experience (plus what the vampires are worth). There

are other fights as well, and you can get involved in them if you wish.

The next two sections are mutually exclusive. If you work for the Shadow

Thieves, you CAN'T work for Bodhi and vice versa. Bodhi also doesn't care

for thief main characters.

Once you pay your money you start Chapter 3 and get to watch as Jon

Irenicus breaks free of the Cowled Wizards prison. Spiffy.


3.1 [WRKNGF] Working for the Shadow Thieves





Once you have paid your 15,000 gold to Gaelan, he gives you a key and

tells you to go talk with Aran Linvail, the TRUE power behind the Shadow

Thieves. (Renal Bloodscalp is for tourists) Head over to the Docks and

enter the Shadow Thieves guild from the main door.

Open the northeastern door to reach the back room. There search the

wall to find the Secret Door (which is locked with the key Gaelan sold

you). (x 1375 y 330) Go down the stairs here.

Note: If you lost the key, the item code to create it is: misc4s

Welcome to the TRUE Shadow Thieves Guild. On this level you will find

all sorts of crazy things. Thieves training with all manner of objects,

spells, and whatnot. We don't need to get involved in any of that

(although it is quite interesting, and has a few items to boot), so just

open up the secret door (x 1560 y 1800). Go down this hallway all the

way until you reach Aran's room. Talk with him and agree to help him

beat the other guild. In exchange he gives you some items:

Amulet of Power (5% magic res., reduces casting time)

Ring of Protection +2


Wait until nightfall and head down to where the ships are loaded where

you will find the thief, Mook. (x 1700 y 3625) Talk to her to get things

rolling. She has seen some guy wandering around looking suspicious.

Soon the guy shows up and she goes up to talk to him. Soon he kills her,

and you must fight him. When you get him beat, he turns to mist and

floats away. You will have to deal with Lassal again later.

Return to Aran Linvail, and tell him what transpired. He gives everyone

in your party 28,500 experience and another job.


Aran tells you that several of his thieves are suspected of wanting to

leave the guild. You are to meet with these thieves on the second floor

of the Five Flagons Inn in the Bridge District where they are to meet

with their contact from the rival guild. You will find these thieves

in the second room on the left.

Pretend to be on their side (like you are switching as well), then when

they ask you who you are there to see, turn the tables on them and

accuse them of spying on you. (3,3,1) They accidentally reveal the

name of their contact to be Gracen before attacking you.

Then wait for the Guild Contact to arrive. He asks what is going on.

Reply with 4) Nothing, Gracen... and he thinks that you are they. He

tells you to meet under the graveyard, past the big blue doors. Then

kill the Contact as he is of no more use to you (plus whatever you say

leads to him attacking you). Return to Aran.

Report to him what has happened and everyone gets 28,500 experience.

Oh, and he has one last job for you.


He wants you to go underneath the Graveyard, and clear out the vampires.

In order to get the big doors open, he will be sending a mage to assist.

He also gives you a lot of wooden stakes with which to kill the vampires.

When you're ready, head on out to the Graveyard and go down into the

crypts (x 650 y 1820). Now we need to go to the top crypts to find our

mage who will have his Golem open the big doors for us (x 1725 y 1475).

Be prepared for a battle with vampires.

Lassal soon appears, taunts you and vanishes. He sets his Grimwarders

to attack you. They are like invisible skeletons. (4000 exp) The mage

always manages to get himself killed here. He might not for you, but

he always dies on me. Oh well. Forward!

Take a left (x 1000 y 950) after Lassal taunts you again. Here you will

fight your first vampire, Gellal (14,500 exp). Notice how it turns to

mist. That means that you haven't actually KILLED him, simply destroyed

his current form. Follow this passage left, then down. Enter the first

room on the left and kill the Clay Golem. There are three coffins in

here, one of which is now occupied by Gellal (x 340 y 1360). Notice how

the mouse turns to the sword icon? Go up to the coffin and Stake the

Vampire (9000 exp). Every time you kill a vampire with a Name, come back

here to finish it off. If you need more stakes, you can find a pair in

the room to the south.

Open the big obvious secret door (x 450 y 1250). Within this room are a

Greater Ghoul, a Fledgling Vampire and another Vampire named Durst. When

Durst is dead, go back to the previous room to Stake him. (9000 exp)

Search the pool of blood (click it twice) to get: (x 400 y 700)

Mace of Disruption +1 (kills undead, can be upgraded with Illithium)

Open the right wall to return to the main room. (x 700 y 750) Go now

right in the bottom passage (x 1630 y 715) until you bump into a few more

vampires. One of them, Tanova, casts spells and such. (10,000 exp) And

despite having a "name" when you kill her she doesn't retreat to a

coffin. Further to the right is a Spiked Room. Don't go here yet as

there is nothing to see. Now go down the stairs (x 1550 y 565).

Follow this Ghoul filled passageway to the door. This brings up a battle

with 3 vampires and 4 Grimwarders. Nothing tough. If you have trouble

with it, stay within the passage and fight the monsters one at a time as

they come through the door (doesn't work on the archers).

In the left room you will find a trapped chest of treasure (x 1040 y 200)

Ashen Scale (AC 2)

Katana +2

In the right room you will find Lassal. He taunts you and tells you to

meet him upstairs in the bladed room. Go upstairs and follow his

instructions. You will find him at the top right of the bladed room.

Kill him (11,500 exp).

Return to the room of coffins and Stake Lassal (9000 exp). With that

done, Bodhi appears. She talks to you for a LOOOONG time about the

Shadow Thieves (she says you can't trust them), Imoen (who escaped your

notice) and Irenicus. Then, of course, you do battle. She soon flees

(18,750 exp) leaving you to wonder about things.

Keep a Stake around, you'll need at least one for later.


Return to Aran Linvail and talk to him. He has a lot of explaining to

do! For this everyone in the party gets 50,000 experience points. He

explains how the Shadow Thieves found Irenicus and whatnot. Then

he has a plan to rescue Imoen. You will sail to the island where the

Asylum called Spellhold is located. There you can formulate a plan to

break in and steal Imoen out. When you are ready, take his offer of a

ship to Spellhold. But, be warned, you won't be coming back to Athkatla

for a VERY long time!

This is continued in the Spellhold Section.


3.2 [WKNGFB] Working for Bodhi





You cannot do this once you have joined with the Shadow Thieves.

Conversely if you join here you won't be able to join the Shadow Thieves.

Also, if the main character is a Thief, then Bodhi won't offer you a job

at all. Finally, if you attacked any of the vampires at night, she won't


Once you have the 15,000 gold, merely go to the Graveyard at night to

meet with Bodhi, the leader of the "rival guild." Then meet with Bodhi.

She knows much about you and your situation. If you want, give her the

money and she gives you a room in her crypt to rest in if you want. You

are also given a job. Everyone in the party gains 36,750 experience.

Note: Bodhi doesn't stop you from attacking her henchmen and looting

her stronghold after you join her so long as you do it when she

is out of sight. This gets you some exp plus you can get the

mace of disruption (just get it out of the pool were it is

already) sooner if you decide to work for Bodhi instead of the

Shadow Thieves. Note that when you come back to get Imoen's

soul from Bodhi there are a fresh bunch of vampires fighting

alongside Bodhi (so this doesn't mean she is alone when you come

back). [from Nathaniel Ragatz]


The first job is the reverse of what you would do with Aran, namely,

disrupt the Shadow Thief shipment and take the cargo back to Bodhi. Go

to the Docks district. Careful, as every Shadow Thief is now your enemy.

Go to the southwest of this area, to the shipyards. (x 1850 y 3615)

Kill the thieves and then search them for treasure:

Shipment (needed for Bodhi)

Rifthome Axe +3 (throwing axe, returns to sender)

Short Sword +2

Return with the shipment to Bodhi. You'll find her in the crypt, main

hall. Give her the item and everyone in the party gets 28,500 exp.


Bodhi takes the shipment and has a choice of two jobs for you, a "noble"

task and a "not so noble" task. You must pick one as you can't do both.

Good: Rescue Palern Flynn from the Shadow Thieves. One of the Shadow

Thieves turned traitor, but was captured and is currently being

interrogated. You must break into the Shadow Thieves compound,

go to the second floor and rescue Palern. You have about one day

to complete this before he is killed.

Go to the Docks. This is easiest done by going in the side door

on the Shadow Thieves building (x 1000 y 1200) as this leads

directly to the second floor. Clear out the thieves on this level

and then talk to Palern to free him. There are also some minor

treasures on this level.

Return to Bodhi for 28,500 experience for everyone and another

job. (If Palern was killed, you get no experience)

Bad: Kill Senior Armagaran Vulova and implicate the Shadow Thieves.

Bodhi wants you to kill a member of the government and set the

blame to fall on the Shadow Thieves. She gives you a Cloak and a

Dagger for you to place in Vulova's fountain once the deed is

done. Oh, and if you have Good aligned players, they will

complain vociferously about this. Head out to the Government


You will find Vulova's Estate at the very top of the map here

(x 2400 y 133). Walk towards him and he'll automatically talk to

you. You can tell him to just die, at which point you have to

fight his goons. Once he is dead, place the Cloak and Dagger in

his fountain. If you let him live you will not get experience

from Bodhi later.

Return to Bodhi for another 28,500 experience for all party

members and one last job. (and again if you didn't kill Vulova,

you get no experience)


Your final job for Bodhi is to assassinate the secret leader of the

Shadow Thieves, Aran Linvail. You will first need to get the key from

Gaelan, so go back to the Slums. Gaelan's house is just to the left of

Jan Jansen's tower (x 3140 y 1170). Kill Gaelan and take his key. (He

has several other magical weapons, etc.)

Go now to the Docks. Enter the Shadow Thieves Guild from the front

entrance, kill everyone here and loot what you can. Then open the

northeast door and enter this small room. Search for the secret door on

the northeast wall (x 1380 y 330). Open it and go in.

After another battle with thieves here, you will find Tizzak (a member of

Bodhi's guild) just past a door down and right (x 1333 y 2220). He asks

you to kill the torturer to get his key. Go right to find the torturer.

Kill Booter and take his key. Return to Tizzak and free him. He tells

you how to get to Aran. Aran's lair is protected by two magical doors.

The first is opened via a button, while the second requires a key. You

can probably find that key on Haz, Aran's right hand man.

Go up the northwest passage (x 1100 y 1600). At the fork, turn right and

go up. Make your way across this bridge, through the enemies until you

reach the room with the false buildings. Beware of traps in here, they

will Maze you. Head up the northeast passage. This will be heavily

trapped. Here you will find a big red glowing button (x 3550 y 300).

Push it to open the first door.

Back to the false building room, then take the southeast passage. (Beware

of traps and orcs) This leads to a couple of doors, go through those and

up the next passage. Past this passage is a room that contains Haz the

mage. (x 3820 y 1175) Kill Haz and his goons to get the key to Aran's

lair. Go all the way back to where we first entered this level. (x 1333

y 2220) On the way back I was ambushed by Dedral and some Shadow Thieves

(10,000 exp).

Open the secret door on the northeastern wall (x 1550 y 1800). Go all

the way down this passage, through the orcs and elementals through the

first door (which we opened with the button) to the second door (which

you can open with the key). Open it to find Aran Linvail, the

Shadowmaster. Aran has many Shadow Thieves with him, including Mages and


Aran Linvail - 17,000 experience

Elven Chainmail +1

Amulet of Power (5% magic res., -1 casting time)

Ring of Protection +2

Short Sword +2

Light Crossbow +2

Also search his chest (x 4500 y 1930) to find more interesting treasures:

Ring of Djinni Summoning

Katana +2

We're done here, head back to Bodhi.


She explains that while you want to help Imoen, she wants to get Irenicus

and access his knowledge. She admits that they are related, and that

what he was attempting to do with you was to free your power. She has

arranged a transport for you to the Spellhold Island, aboard a ship.

Whenever you are ready, tell her you want to go to the island. Careful,

you won't be coming back for a long, long time.


4. [BRNNLW] Chapter 4: Brynnlaw (AR 1600)




First thing we get to see what Irenicus has been up to all this time,

testing various things on Imoen (and that also explains why Bodhi captured

all those Shadow Thieves). Then you are taken across the sea to the town

of Brynnlaw, which is a stone's throw away from the Asylum Spellhold.

If you followed the Shadow Thieves, then Sime will say that she doesn't

trust Saemon, your captain. He does seem suspicious...

If you followed Bodhi, then Bodhi will have Saemon show you around town

before vanishing into the night. Saemon tells you to seek the tavern,

before ending his tour. He isn't very motivated.




Once off the Shadow Thieves ship, Saemon turns traitor and has some

Vampires attack you, before vanishing himself. Fight off the three

vampires and Sime will talk to you. She recommends talking to Sanik in

the tavern to discover an entrance to Spellhold.

If you got off Bodhi's Ship, Saemon merely waits by his ship. He also

recommends talking to Sanik in the tavern to gain entrance to Spellhold.

Head out to the Vulgar Monkey Tavern. It is up one level (seeing as the

city is built on several terraced levels), about in the center of the

map (x 2000 y 1550). You will find Sanik inside, he is dressed as a

green mage. Talk with him. He begins telling you some stuff, but is

quickly assassinated in the name of Guildmistress Galvena. The innkeeper

will then talk with you. He provides some details on the situation,

telling you that Sanik's bride likely knows a way into Spellhold, but

that she would be currently held by Galvena. This would require getting

into the Guild, one way or the other.


We can now enter the Guild (x 1080 y 1485) on the first level of town.

However, talk to one of the Courtesan's just outside the guild and get

them to take you inside (which may require that you buy their services

for 100 gold). Once inside, tell the courtesan that you are there to

rescue Claire and they should leave you alone.

Leave that room. You are in the main hallway, go leftwards. Kill the

guards (one has a Halberd +2). Enter the room to the right of the guards

(x 345 y 195), and search the wardrobe in the back to find Galvena's Key.

Go back to the hall, and enter the last door.

Search the jail until you find Galvena. Tell her that her evil ways are

over, then kill her. (4000 exp) She also has her mage, Vadek, with her

(8000 exp) and they have some minor magical treasures.

Alternatively: When talking to the Courtesans in front of Lady

[from Galvena's Festhall, offer to pay to pry information

Willis Su] about Claire. You can complain about the high fee that

he/she charges you (200 gold!!) and the courtesan will

tell you what you need to know (reputation/charisma

influence?). You will find that the courtesans are

sympathetic to Claire. Offer to kill Galvena to free

the courtesans will also bring you into the Festhall.

Also ask how you might move about the Festhall secretly

without alarming people, and the courtesans will tell

you to obtain a guild pin that all courtesan masters

wear. The Ginia quest can now be completed like it


Talk to the courtesan again and he/she will offer to

take you in (that or you can offer to go in on your own

with the medallion). Once inside, the courtesan offers

you a sleeping potion that you can take to the cooks.

Before heading into the kitchen, the guards will stop

you, and now you can bluff them with your medallion.

Convince Ellie in the kitchen to help you save Claire,

and the courtesan in the kitchen will volunteer to slip

the drugged ale to the guards. In return you have to

promise to rid them of Galvena. Follow the courtesan

to drug the guards. 4,000 exp after they are all

drugged. The Galvena Quest can now be completed as

usual. When Galvena is killed, go back and talk to

Ellie and every one in the party will receive 2,250

exp. There is a bug here, and if you keep talking to

Ellie, you can keep on racking in the 2,250 exp. And

since the guards are drugged, you can finish them off

at your leisure without a nasty fight.


Talk to Claire and she'll agree to take you to see Golin who may know

how to get into the Asylum. (10,000 exp) Golin thanks you and will even

give you 22 gold (2000 exp). He mentions that only 2 types of people can

enter Spellhold, Cowled Wizards and Magical Deviants. There is one

crazy Cowled Wizard living in town, Perth the Adept who may have a way

in. You can also have the Pirate Captain throw you in there if you

prove to be unstable enough.

The best option is to go find Perth and take his wardstone. You will

find Perth's house at the top of the city (x 3000 y 1200). Perth is

apparently being Dominated by Irenicus as he wants to "test your limits."

Interestingly, Yoshimo tells him that there will no testing with Yoshimo

around, and Perth calls that inconsequential. Hmmm...

Perth - 20,000 experience

Wardstone for the Asylum

Book of Infinite Spells

We can now go to Spellhold (x 3500 y 2).


WARNING: As he is somewhat critical later, don't kill the Pirate King.

Alternatively you can go seek the Aid of the Pirate King. Head up to

the pirate king's house, and talk to his door guard (x 1115 y 665). Tell

him that Golin sent you and he'll open the door to the house. You get

38,500 exp for convincing him that you are crazy. And there is no reason

that you can't get Perth's experience then have the Pirate King commit

you. Having trouble convincing him that you're crazy? Let Minsc at him!


Keeping Yoshimo Note: [from Accord]

"If you really want to keep Yoshi, have him in your party, then before

you enter the Spellhold, go inside an inn (or any building), put him

near the doorway and drop him from the party (and tell him to wait for

you). Once you finished the whole Spellhold drama, head back to where

you drop Yoshi off, as soon as you walk into the inn (or whatever

building he is in), PAUSE the game and command your character to talk

to him. When you talk to him, talk him back into the party. When the

conversation ends and Yoshi is in your party, he will die from the

geas. Just take him to a temple or resurrect him and he is as good as


Note: Yoshimo cannot be taken to Brynnlaw in order for this to work.

Note: I've heard that even if you keep Yoshimo, he can't be taken into

the expansion.

"Nerfing" Yoshimo Note: [from Xar]

Since you know when he will betray you, dual him into a mage just

before going through the door. When he reappears with Irenicus he will

be nearly completely useless.




QUEST: Liberate Ginia the Courtesan

Ginia - Brynnlaw (AR 1600, x 3450 y 1700)

Chremy - Brynnlaw (AR 1600, x 1820 y 1450)

Calahan - Brynnlaw (AR 1600, x 1590 y 1740)

At the top right of the city you will meet a woman named Ginia who

was recently forced into prostitution. Instead, she tries begging

instead and says that she has done the deed. Ask her what the

trouble is. You see, Chremy holds her brother captive, and as long

as he does, she is forced to gather money for him. Agree to help.

You will find Chremy to the left of her. Talk to him. He doesn't

see reason (did you think that he would?), forcing you to kill him.

Interestingly, he has Galvena's Medallion on him, which you could

use to get into Galvena's Guildhall if you wanted. Now we have to

smuggle Ginia out of town. Drop down another level and find

Calahan, the Smuggler.

Talk to Calahan and ask him to get Ginia out of town. For 200 gold

he will smuggle them out to Ulgoth's Beard for you. (2000 exp)

Return to Ginia and tell her the good news (9000 exp).

QUEST: Ason the Little Thief

Ason - Brynnlaw (AR 1600, x 560 y 1170)

In the western part of the city, a young boy will approach you and

swipe 10 gold off of you. He mentions that if he doesn't steal

from you then someone will hit him. This is related to the above

quest about Ginia (Ason is her brother).

OTHER: Pirates

This town is crawling in Pirates. Some will attack you, others

will attack each other. None of them have any good treasures.

OTHER: Priestess of Umberlee

Temple of Umberlee - Brynnlaw (AR 1600, x 2530 y 1600)

Within Brynnlaw there is a temple to the goddess Umberlee. Makes

sense as Umberlee rules the waves. Anyway, you can buy several

interesting objects from her, like a Girdle of Bluntness, but you

can also kill her for no loss of reputation and 14,000 exp.


4.1 [SPLLHL] Spellhold




As there are two ways into Spellhold, there are two places you can end up.

If you simply walked to the Asylum using Perth's Wardstone, you must enter

the Asylum on your own. In that case you enter through the front doors.

(x 625 y 1050)

If you asked the Pirate King to have you committed you will find yourself

already inside one of the cell's in the Asylum. However, you won't stay

there long, as soon enough Irenicus teleports in. You can talk to each

of the inmates several times, and some give you items (gems and worthless


If Yoshimo is in your party, he turns traitor. Turns out that he was

working for Irenicus the entire time. Not that he was actually doing

anything to hamper your efforts, but still. Whether he was in your party

or not, the results are the same.

You are drugged and put to sleep, when you awaken you are in the tube...




Remember the three dreams that you had in chapters 2 and 3? Well now is

the time for the (near) Final Dream, and this time you are given control.

After listening to Imoen we're on our way. First thing first, go through

the gate to enter the castle (this is the Dream Candlekeep, and if you

didn't play the first Baldur's Gate, Candlekeep is where that game


If you don't want to lose a stat, see the Alternatively below.

You will find a Demon barring your way. He wants you to make a sacrifice

to enter. What will you sacrifice?

Your mind -1 INT

Your Health -1 CON

Your agility -1 DEX

Your wits -1 WIS

Give up whatever you can afford to give up (fighters should drop Wisdom

or Intelligence, mages Constitution, etc. Try not to give up Dexterity

whatever class you are). You lose whatever you chose to lose, and can

then enter the castle (x 2000 y 1500). Go to the back of this room to

find the dream Imoen. She tells you to "lead the beast here." Sounds

easy enough. Leave the castle.

Go left to find Bhaal (about x 1000 y 1800). Talk to him and get him to

chase you. Now return to the castle, go in and go to Imoen. Don't worry

Bhaal will follow you. Imoen then says she will make it vulnerable.

Attack. Once defeated Bhaal gets irritated.

Alternatively: [from K.C.]

The demon has to take it away from you; you don't simply lose it.

Therefore if the demon never has time to take away your stat you'll

never lose it. Fight Bhaal outside and weaken him to near death

status. Lure him over to the door and talk to the demon just as he's

about to catch up. Choose any stat to sacrifice (it doesn't matter

which). Quickly do a fake-talk as soon as the conversation ends and

use the time to run inside. If you're quick enough you won't lose the

stat. Now when you talk to Imoen the dream will come to an abrupt end

and you'll be transported out of the area without losing anything.

SPOILER: The Imoen in your dream is actually your own soul taken form

to help you out. This is why the dream ends with "Imoen"

screaming... your soul has just been sucked out of you.


4.2 [MZBNTH] Maze beneath Spellhold (AR 1512)




Bodhi was given the task of killing you, and instead she dumped you in a

maze to play with you some more. She says that she will give you time to

escape and stop Irenicus from his evil plans...

Also you can pick up Imoen again (and you really should, she IS your

sister). I assume that Yoshimo turned traitor to make room for Imoen to

return to your party. If you talk to Imoen, but don't take her with you,

she simply heads back to the surface, where you could get her later.

Due to the nature of this maze, all the optional items (the riddles and

the portal) have been integrated into the walkthrough. This is just for

convenience sake.




Ok, we are in a big evil maze, and need to find the way out. Don't be

afraid to rest. Sure, Bodhi said you are on a clock but she is an evil

vampire who can't be trusted. Go down the southwest passage, kill

whatever is there (for me it was Umber Hulks and Minotaurs) to find the

big statue head (x 750 y 2100). He asks you to find the Builder's Hand.

Also you can search a pot near him for some spells. Back to the


There are now three directions we can travel: Northeast, Northwest and

Southeast. (we've been southwest) Go up the northeast passage first,

(x 2170 y 1200). There is a door dead ahead, open it. Kill the Clay

Golem within. Then you can search for treasure (trapped!):

Bag of Holding (container that holds a lot)

Opal Stone (keep this, it's a key, not a gem)

Rogue Stone (useful if you want to go in that one Bridge door)

Spells - Prismatic Spray (Mage)

Arrows (etc.)

If you go left from this room, it goes up to a corridor with a big nasty

trap that squishes anyone who enters it. So avoid that.

Go back to the start, then go up the northwest passage (x 1300 y 1210)

and open the door to the right (x 1350 y 960). Kill whatever is in here

(Gibberlings). Search the 2 containers in here:

Ruby Stone (keep it)

Spear +3

Magical Arrows (etc.)


Head west to the next room (x 760 y 1075) and go in. Welcome to the

riddle room! In the center is a chest full of bizarre riddly objects.

These objects are then placed in the arms of the statue that they solve

the riddle for. Starting from just left of the door and going around,

the riddles are:

Riddle: Answering Object:


At night I come without being fetched, at Star Medallion

day I am gone without being stolen.

No beginning. No end. I am a symbol of the Golden Circlet

world's cycles.

Two brothers we are, great burdens we bear, Worn Out Boots

all day we are bitterly pressed; Yet this I will

say - we are full all the day, and empty when

we go to rest.

Here, in this place, you swallow me. Yet, were I Jar of Water

more, I could swallow you.

I have seen the mountains rise. I have seen the Sundial

fall of Netheril. You shall die but still shall I

march on.

To those within the dungeon I am joy. To those Sun Medallion

fully beneath my gaze, I can be Hell.

I will save your life but yet can you die by me. I Sword Medallion

will settle disputes yet not with words.

Name me and so shall you break me. Gagged Man

Always do I tell the truth, yet cannot speak. Look Mirror

to me and see what really is.

I have two heads but one body. The more I stand Hourglass

still, the faster I run.

Try to defeat me but try in vain. When I win I Grinning Skull

end your pain.

Complete all the riddles to get 20,000 experience. Then search the

center chest again to find:

Sapphire Stone (keep it)

Dusty Rose Ioun Stone

Open the next door (x 875 y 915), and then open the next door to the

right (x 1033 y 700). This is the second riddle room. Go up and click

each of the faces twice to be teleported into the center. There you will

be asked a riddle. Get it right and you are rewarded, get it wrong and

you are punished. There are 12 faces and 12 corresponding riddles:

Riddle: Answer:


Lighter than what I am made of, more of me is Ice

hidden than is seen, I am the bane of the mariner,

a tooth within the sea. Speak my name.

A spirited jig it dances bright, banishing all Fire

but darkest night. Give it food and it will live;

give it water and it will die.

The man who invented it, doesn't want it for himself. A Coffin

The man who bought it, doesn't need it for himself. The

man who needs it, doesn't know it when he needs it.

The life I lead is mere hours or less, I serve all my A Candle

time by being consumed. I am quickest when thin, slowest

when fat, and wind is the bane of the gift that I bring.

The more that there is, the less that you see. Squint Darkness

all you wish when surrounded by me.

They come to witness the night without being called, Stars

a sailor's guide and a poet's tears. They are lost to

sight each day without the hand of a thief.

They follow and lead, but only as you pass. Dress Shadows

yourself in darkest black, and they are darker still.

Always they flee the light, though without the sun

there would be none.

I have holes throughout, from back to front and top A Sponge

to bottom to core. More nothing than something within,

and yet I still hold water.

I am free for the taking through all of your life, Breath

though given but once at birth. I am less than nothing

in weight, but will fell the strongest of you if held.

Alive as you but without breath, as cold in my life as Fish

in my death; never a thirst though I always drink,

dressed in a mail but never a clink.

Of all your possessions, I am the hardest to guard. If A Secret

you have me, you will want to share me. If you share me,

you no longer have me.

I can have no color, though there may be darkness A Hole

within. I have no weight and hold nothing, and if placed

in a container it becomes all the lighter.

When all 12 riddles are answered, then everyone gets 5000 experience

points and you receive:

Ring of Regeneration (regenerate 1 HP every 6 seconds)


Go back to the previous passage, and open the other door (x 750 y 800).

Fight the monsters in here (Rakshasa and Mephits). Past them is a big

portal. Remember those gems that we gathered that I told you not to

put in your gem bag? (Opal Stone, Sapphire Stone and Ruby Stone) They

are the key to this portal. Click the portal once and a Greater Wolfwere

appears, twice and a Demon appears, three times and a Djinni appears and

gives you:

Doomplate +3 (Plate Mail AC 0)

We are done here, so go back to the start, then take the southeast

passage to the next level (x 2100 y 1800).

- LEVEL TWO (AR 1513)

We start in a room. That is ordinary enough. Just ahead, the room

narrows quite suspiciously. When someone goes through that narrow, a

gate shuts and lots of Umber Hulks appear in this room and the next.

Which means that your party will probably be split in two for this

battle. To avoid this fate, I sent out a Wizard Eye to scout out the

area, it triggered the gate and left my entire party on one side. You

can also have a thief pick the lock on the gate to open it. One "Death

Spell" will clear this room out.

Prepare yourself for a big battle with a Lich. Wander down the passage

to the first door (x 2100 y 1800) and go in it. Here you will find the

aforementioned Lich and his undead buddies (Greater Mummies and Skeletal

Warriors). With Protective Spells active, you shouldn't lose any people

(or if you do, you shouldn't lose too many). Keep the Liches defenses

down by Breaching, Piercing Magic, etc. Also make sure you have good

undead fighting weapons equipped (Daystar, Mace of Disruption, etc.)

Liches are worth 22,000 experience. After the battle you can search the

pots here for some minor treasures (Cleric's Staff +3, etc.).

Enter the room right here, and search it for treasure. (spells and gold

mostly, as well as some arrows)

Head further down the passage, it turns to the west. Follow it to the

door (x 1050 y 2070). Open it to find Dace, a vampire. This ends in a

battle. Kill him and he retreats to his coffin. Then you stake him to

get his Hand (the object we need to escape this place). If you don't

have stakes, then when you go by the library again, he reappears inside

and tells you that your job is half finished. You can find a Stake

later on in this level when you get to the Kobold Shamans. (the SECOND

group of kobolds that appears... the one with the staff has the Stake)


Back to the main passage, then continue north to the next room. (x 3000

y 1100) I found a Wandering Horror here to fight. There are also 3

containers in here with spells (Simulacrum, etc.) and other minor

treasures. Open the next door.

In the middle of this room (x 2340 y 515) you will find a book on a

pedestal. Click it twice to turn the page. Each time you do this it

summons forth a "bloodthirsty" monster:

Kobold Captain

Sword Spider

Umber Hulk

Mind Flayer


Treasures: Ring of Free Action

Spells - Simulacrum

Summon Fiend

Search the wall (x 2030 y 520) for a secret door, open it and go through.

This is the Kobold/Imp room. Past this is the Crystal Room, which also

has the Kobold Witch Doctor. More Kobolds will appear around the

Crystal, and summon forth its "defenders" (more kobolds... and one xvart

looking guy). When they are dead, you get a Piece of the Crystal. You

may need to click the crystal to get the second group to appear.

Go back to the book room, open the door and go up the stairs.


Go now to the southwest passage again to the big giant statue head. Talk

to it with both the Crystal from the Kobolds and the Hand from Dace to

get it to open the passage. For this everyone gets 29,500 experience.

The head opens its mouth, and you can now enter the door behind it.

(x 470 y 1890)

Trick: You may be able to talk to it again and again to get more

experience. Cornelius Chesterfield did it 6 times.


There are two doors to the right, we want to take the bottom one (x 630

y 820). Open the secret door to the right (x 820 y 1020). Inside is a

switch, click twice to open the secret door to the left (x 560 y 1020).

Within here are a group of trolls (including one 12,000 exp troll).

Search the nearby pot to find:

2 Mithril Tokens (used later to gain an item)

Spell - Breach

Arrows +2

Back to the passage, and take it down to the next door (x 650 y 1500).

There are Minotaurs (3000 exp) in here. Near the door we came in is a


2 Mithril Tokens (so we have 4 total now)

Spell - Sunfire

Bolts +2


Open the door at the top of the room (x 1000 y 1450) and go in. Search

the pool in the center of the room to find:

Minotaur's Horn (used much later)

2 Mithril Tokens (6 total)

Mind Flayer Painting

There are 3 statues in this room, each of which has another "monster"

painting. So click on each statue twice to get their painting. They

WILL shoot spells at you, no matter what you do. Once you have the 4

paintings, head back to the beginning room. Then open the top door

(x 900 y 650), go through the passage and open that door too.


This leads to a room full of monsters (for me it was Yuan-ti) that must

be dispatched before anything can be done. There are then four doors in

here, each with a picture of a monster on it that corresponds with one

of the paintings we got. From left to right:

Mind Flayer - 11,000 experience

Flame of the North (2Hnd +2, 10% magic res., +4 vs Evil)

Spirit Troll - 8000 experience

Katana +2: Malakar (+2 AC vs. Slashing weapons)

Umber Hulk - 10,000 experience

Djinni - 10,000 experience

Bloodstone Amulet

The Umber Hulk door leads to the next passage to go in. There were a

number of Wolfwere's in this passage. Go up and search the pot

(x 2280 y 185):


Arrows (Bolts and Bullets)

Spell - Phantom Blade

Then enter the room to the right. In this room you will find 3 Clay

Golems guarding the one treasure chest there. Funky. When you take the

items from the chest, the door slams shut and the Clay Golems attack.

Make sure you have Blunt weapons. Then I would kill the Clay Golems

first (Fake Talk works fine) and then unlock and take the treasures:

4 Mithril Tokens (10 total)

Gesen Bow String (final part of the powerful Gesen Bow)


Back into the passage, now take the southern door (x 2025 y 515). I

found a Stone Golem in here. Search the table:

3 Mithril Tokens (13 total)


Lots and lots of throwing darts and axes

And also search the pot to the left:

2 Mithril Tokens (15 total)


Throwing Items

Spell - Maze

Open the next door to the south to find the Vending Machine. This is the

reason we are collecting Mithril Tokens. Depending on how many tokens

are put in, you get a treasure:

5 Tokens - Boots of the North (50% cold resistance)

10 Tokens - Boots of Grounding (50% electrical resistance)

15 Tokens - Boots of Speed (Haste permanently on user)

20 Tokens - Jester's Chain +4 (AC 1)

Right now you should have 15 tokens. There are more than can be found

throughout the level. I found the Jester's Chain to be quite useless,

so I would get the Boots of Speed. Then later come back and spend

whatever tokens you have on the Boots of the North. (If you plan to come

back, you should probably mark it on your map)


Go back to the beginning, then back down the bottom passage to the

Minotaur room. (x 933 y 1667) Open the door on the southeast wall.

This passage leads to another door, which opens up to the Orb Room.

There are 4 orbs in here that will cast a spell on whoever is standing

on the mosaic in the center of the room. From left to right the Orbs


Slow (x 1400 y 1575)

Heal (x 1500 y 1500)

Haste (x 1750 y 1525)

Lightning Bolt (x 1850 y 1600)

A great place to Heal people, but the Haste Orb is probably more useful.

Head up the next passage.


Within the next room is a giant minotaur statue, some vampires, and, oh,

Bodhi. She has decided to kill you once and for all, well before you

were supposed to meet (at least that is what I got out of that

conversation). A battle breaks out, but quickly, the main character

changes into the Slayer. This rightly freaks Bodhi out and she flees

taking her vampire cronies with her.

Which leaves you as the Slayer, and you aren't entirely in control of

your power. Keep everyone else in the party away from the Slayer else

they might get killed by it. Your party members will rightly comment

on this when you revert to normal. The Slayer is the Avatar form (mortal

form) of Bhaal and if you are turning into Bhaal...

The next time you rest after this, you turn in the Slayer again, and

chase someone in your party around (possibly the person you are in a

romance with). You may even end out killing them.

The next time you sleep after that, you MAY get the Slayer Dream, where

you gain the ability to change into the Slayer. The cost of turning into

the Slayer is a reputation loss of 2 points. Also you cannot stay the

Slayer for too long else you will die. (It says "you feel yourself losing

control" when it gets close)


Open the door to your left (x 1965 y 1150). There will probably be a

Minotaur here to kill. Then search the pool near the door:

4 Mithril Tokens (19 total)


Spell - Chain Lightning

If you go further up this passage you will find a Gauth (small green

Beholder like creature, worth 9000 exp) and more Minotaurs. No

treasure. Back to the Statue room.

Now take the lower right passage. (x 2330 y 1425) This leads to a small

room with yet more Minotaurs. When they are dead, search the pot to


Minotaur Horn (used on the statue)

2 Mithril Tokens (21 total)

Spell - Limited Wish



You now have all the Mithril Tokens in the game, so you can go back to

the Vending Machine and get whatever you want from it.

Put the Horns on the Minotaur Statue (everyone gets 29,500 experience)

to open the exit. Go out.


Oh, but we aren't free yet! You will be in a small circular room with

6 enemies, goblins and hobgoblins for you to kill. Once they are dead,

the Tester Apparition appears to administer the test to you. These

tests have right and wrong answers, a right answer makes your life

easier (sends you to an easier area) and a wrong answer makes your life

a little harder. I will document only the easy path (although the hard

path has nothing special in it):

Agree to take the test and you will be teleported to a small room with

a Spore Colony. Kill it.

Answer the next question with 'Splinter,' and be teleported to a room

with a table:

Cloak of Reflection (reflects electrical damage back to source)

Then talk to the Apparitions around the table and answer their riddles:

Rich have need of it, poor have it: Nothing

Runs as it wills: A River

Dwell with weak, rarely brave: Fear

Shines laughter or tears: Memory

Note: If you messed up the 'table riddlers' last question (memory)

you will be teleported to a room with a machine. The correct

order of the machine is:

1. Mithril 2. Ruby 3. Emerald 4. Sandalwood 5. Jade 6. Onyx

This will get you a Bracers AC 5. [from Redd Barren]

This takes us to the Troll room. Kill the three trolls you find and

take from one of them a Head. Go up and the Apparition will appear and

mention that this room isn't part of the test. Tell him you'd like to

stay. Then put the Head in the Troll Altar. This gets you the:

Bone Club +2, +3 vs. Undead

Talk to the Apparition to get out.

You will then be judged. If you took the Easy Path (the one I just

described) then everyone in your party gets 51,250 experience points. If

you took a harder path, then he teleports in a Mind Flayer for you to

fight. (Everyone then gets 41,250 experience on the harder path)

There is one thing of Minor Treasure (x 970 y 380), but nothing

important. Leave this area.


4.3 [SCPFRS] Escape from Spellhold




Once you return to the Asylum, you will be met by Saemon (the captain who

brought you to Brynnlaw, if you forgot). He offers you one sage bit of

advice, get the deviant mages to help you defeat Irenicus.




Avoid the big room in the middle of this area for the moment, if you go

in there you WILL be destroyed by Irenicus (it's not even a fight! He

just kills you!). There are some minor treasures in a northern room

(x 1720 y 550). Open the door at (x 1400 y 400) and go up the stairs.

You will immediately meet up with Lonk the Sane. Convince him to free

the inmates (one way or another). Then convince the Inmates that

Irenicus should be killed and they will teleport you into his room

downstairs. Quickly a fight between you and him breaks out. This battle

is one of the larger battles in the game, as not only do you have

Irenicus to face, but soon he summons forth a small army (of clones that

look like your party) to help him. Plus you have allies in the Deviants

(so, if it says "Wanev casts Death Spell on Mazzy", it means that he

is casting that on your evil clone). Defeat Irenicus and everyone in

your party gets 68,500 experience.

Irenicus flees, leaving you to face another group of "murderers".

(thieves mostly)

Tip: At this point, you could close the door, preventing the thieves

from entering. Then you could rest and prepare to face them. You

could also trap the outside of the room first, so that they get

killed before attacking you.

If Yoshimo betrayed you, then he enters the scene after this and will

attack you. Kill him and take his heart. This heart will allow you to

undo the Geas on Yoshimo and give him peace in death. To do that you

have to take the heart to a temple of Ilmater (there's one on top of

the Copper Coronet, and another in Waukeen's Promenade).


Go back upstairs. Follow the passage up and left to find Saemon again.

He says that he wants to help you and that he knows a way out. You have

three options here: one, trust him and go with him; two, kill him; and

three don't kill him and enter the portal downstairs. Do the first one,

trust him and he will teleport you outside. He goes to town and tells

you to follow. Don't, re-enter the Asylum.

Note: If you take the Portal you will skip the Sahuagin City (and its

wonderful treasures). No matter which you choose, you will end

out in the Underdark eventually.

Enter Irenicus' Office (x 1550 y 1000). There was a Stone Golem here.

Search the dresser for:

Staff of Thunder and Lightning

Search the desk for:

The Complete Journal of Jon Irenicus (parts 1 and 2)

Go into the next room. Search the cabinet on the wall:

Horn of Silence

Then search the drawers south of the bed for:

Rogue Stone

Jon's Key (if you took the portal in the basement, this would open the

secret door, but don't do that)

Leave the Asylum and head back to Brynnlaw.


Go to the Vulgar Monkey Tavern and talk to Saemon again. His ship was

destroyed by the pirate lord (who probably had good reasons for doing

that). What he needs is for you to steal the Pirate Horn for him so

that you can steal one of the Pirate Lord's ships. Without the horn you

will not make it out of the harbor. He offers you the Vorpal Blade in

exchange for doing this. You will find the Horn on the lord's mistress

Cayia at night.

Go to Cayia's house (x 615 y 1475) at night, enter. After listening to

Cayia and her current lover's pillow talk, they call the guards and flee.

Kill the pirates, then search her Table to find the Pirate Horn (and

another Rogue Stone). Leave her house.

Head over to the Pirate Ship (x 1700 y 1900) where a group of pirates

will attempt to enslave you as a rower. Disabuse them of that notion.

Continue east to find Saemon (x 2950 y 2500), and talk to him. This gets

you aboard the ship, but soon the Pirate Lord tracks you down. There is

a bit of a scene, and Desharik, the Pirate Lord, even kills his own

mistress, Cayia. Saemon, ever courageous asks you to kill Desharik for

him. Kill the pirates and Saemon rewards you with:

Silver Blade (part of the Vorpal Sword)

The ship casts off...


Soon the ship is overrun by Giths looking for their sacred Blade.

Although Saemon tries to get a non-violent solution to this, it isn't

meant to be and a battle soon breaks out. You have a very brief window

to kill Saemon, if you want (18,000 experience). Soon this battle is

forced to a conclusion when the Sahuagin capsize the ship sending

everyone overboard...


4.4 [SHGNCT] Sahuagin City (AR 2300)




Welcome to the underwater city. At first you cannot understand what they

are saying, but soon they cast a spell that allows you to hear them. They

don't seem hostile (for once). They tell you that your coming was

prophesized (they usually eat surfacers that they capture). Their city

will be destroyed lest you save them.

Go willingly for the moment, as you are best served by listening.

Paul Dickinson points out:

In the Sahuagin City, I discovered that I was able to sell gems to

the temple for 4/3 of the price at which they could be bought back. For

example, I could sell a rogue stone for 4000 gold, and buy it back for

3000. At this time I had 18 charisma and 20 reputation. I could've had

unlimited gold here, but that seemed to be cheating, so I just sold my

rogue stone collection and left it at that. This place also has a nice

collection of spells to buy with all the money from gems.

Gunslinger notes:

You can pickpocket the key to the treasury of the Sahaugin city from the

King, along with the rope needed to descend to the Underdark (Now you can

leave without even caring about the issues of the Sahaugin people).




You are brought before their King, who soon enough asks you whether you

are the surfacers of prophecy. It doesn't matter what you say as they

think the same thing of you in any case. Accept their challenge to

fight one of their slaves.

You are set to fight an Ettin, nothing that challenging. Kill it (5000

experience) to prove that you are indeed the prophesized one. The losing

priestess is sacrificed, and you are told about the Sahuagin Rebels.

The King wishes the Rebels to be exterminated, while the priestess who

sponsored you wishes them to be negotiated with. Agree to the King's

demands to bring back the heart of the Rebel Prince to him. The

Priestess wishes to speak with you before you leave to go do the deed.

Head over to the temple (x 1335 y 225) and you can watch the losing

priestess get sacrificed. Then she gives you a couple of jobs to do,

first retrieve a Tooth from a Drow temple. This will allow you to leave

the city later, and second to try to get the Rebels back in power within

the city. In other words, to do the opposite of what the King asked you

to do. Agree to do that as well and she gives you an orb that the Prince

will recognize. Now you have a choice of which plots to do, kill the

Prince or kill the King.


Head down then right (x 1350 y 1900). You will be warned of Drow in the

area. Continue right, then down (careful to look for traps). You will

bump into some spiders. Continue south and take out the Bone Golem

(x 940 y 3470).

Go left (careful to look for traps), then up. Several Imps here have a

game they want you to play in order to get the Drow treasure. They will

create images of 5 famous people of the realms in front of 5 chests.

Each person has a treasure. What you need to do is gather these

treasures, then put them in the chest behind the person they belong to.

Oh, and this entire platform needs to be deTRAPPED.

Needs: Has:


Alustriel - Pendant Elminster's Pipe

Drizzt - Scimitar Piergeiron's Helmet

Elminster - Pipe Drizzt's Scimitar

Khelben - Staff Alustriel's Pendant

Piergeiron - Helmet Khelben's Staff

Once all the items are in their proper place, the Imps open the final

chest. For this everyone in your party gets 18,500 experience. Within

the chest you will find:

Boots of Etherealness

Cloak of Protection +2

Continue up the passage until a Beholder named Spectator appears. Talk

to him. He doesn't have a great existence as he was set to guard the

treasure chest behind him for 99 years. If you try to take the items

in the chest, he will attack you. But, you need the item. So, ask him

if there's no way that you could see the item. With a bit of verbal

wrangling (either you must have Cernd, Haer'Dalis, or Edwin in your party

or have at least 13 Wisdom yourself) he agrees to let you check inside

the chest. Open it and grab the tooth. Spectator seems disappointed in

it, and leaves. (15,000 exp)

Note: Or you can have anyone with at least 13 Wisdom talk to the



Head all the way north (x 2680 y 50). Then go right until you reach the

stairs (x 4600 y 1200). Don't worry about killing the rebels on the

way there, they're insignificant. Go down the stairs. Go through this

ambush to the doors (x 3700 y 2340).

Here you find the Sahuagin Chieftain who will take you to see the Rebel

Prince (if you have the Priestess' Orb, that is).


Now you have to make a choice which side to go with. On the one hand you

can go with the Prince's schemes, accept the Fake Heart and give that to

the King. (if you want to do it the other way, see below) If you have

a Monk, I would recommend siding with the King.

Take the Heart over to the King and give it to him. He does fall for it

and would reward you. Then the Prince and his goons attack the city and

you are forced into combat with the king. Kill the king to get his


The Impaler Spear +3, +10 piercing damage

Key to Treasury


The Prince then enters and takes control of the city. He then rewards

you for your efforts:

60,500 experience for each person

Magical Rope

Go over and open the treasury (x 460 y 670) to loot the contents:

Rod of Lordly Might

Magical Rope

Spell - Protection from the Elements

Of course, now you can also double cross the prince and kill him. That

way you can still get the Wave Blade (you could probably also pickpocket

it off him, but Imoen has a horrible Pickpocket rating, so if you have

her, you probably can't do that).


Or, you can assault the rebel prince and take his real heart. He also

has some treasure on him:

Wave Blade (part of the Wave Halberd)

The Impaler Spear +3, +10 piercing damage

Return to the King with the Heart and he will take you to the entrance

to the underdark. He also gives you a fairly generous reward:

Gauntlets of Crushing (+4 to THAC0, DMG, for unarmed combat)

Rod of Lordly Might (can change into different weapons)

Magical Rope

2000 gold

58,500 experience for each character

In case you are wondering, you get nothing for turning in the Priestess.

Also, the King vanishes so you can neither talk to him again nor double

cross him and kill him.


Once you are done here, you will be shown to the exit. Simply go down.



OTHER: The Cloak of Mirroring

Fish Head - Sahuagin City (AR 2300, x 2350 y 1140)

There are many rebels throughout the city, and one of them has the

fabled Cloak of Mirroring on his person. Head to the giant Fish

Head, and stand in the center. You will then be ambushed by

several Sahuagin, one of which has the cloak. The cloak reflects

spells back to their source.

OTHER: Sea Zombie Lord

Zombie Lord - Sahuagin City (AR 2300, x 2630 y 3120)

One of the stranger sights to see in the city is a bloody pit

filled with zombies and the Zombie Lord. (6000 exp) Not worth much

in terms of experience OR treasure, but it is interesting.


5. [THNDRK] Chapter 5: The Underdark (AR 2100)




If you took the portal from Irenicus' basement, you will come straight

here. The other way here is from the Sahuagin City.

You get to watch as Irenicus has sided with the Drow to defeat the surface

elves. An ... interesting alliance to say the least.




Walk east and a little south (x 1600 y 3700) to find a group of Duergar.

These are traders, and they have seen Irenicus and Bodhi hanging around

the Drow city, but believe that you wouldn't be able to simply walk into

the city (and trust me, you can't). One of them thinks he has a

better way. Then you get to shop if you want. (You can also do the

Imprisoned Mage quest while here)

Note: The Duergar merchants to the south offer a selection of scrolls

for you to buy... but they're holding out on you. Go back to

them sometime during your Ust Natha quests (when you are spelled

to look like drow) and demand to see their wares. The selection

now includes a handful of high level scrolls that wasn't there

the first time. Nothing too special, but helpful if you need

them. [from zambkptkn]

Head north, through the Drow, then west, through the Myconids and north

to get to the Svirfneblin city. (x 630 y 1135) The Deep Gnomes want you

to talk to their leader, and say you "could be useful." Enter the city,

go around the passage, south, then west. There are two rooms here, and

the leader is in the right room. Go in and talk to him.

He wants you to deal with an otherworldly creature that they accidentally

dug up, and in exchange he agrees to help you get into the Drow city to

hunt Irenicus. Within a deep dark cave is a creature called Adalon, who

can help you enter the city. However, you can't get in her cave without

getting a gem from the gnomes. (Svirfneblin is another name for "Deep

Gnome") Agree to help them with their demon problem for the gem. (Of

course, if you were Evil, you could just kill him and take the gem... IF

you were evil)

Note: Gunslinger mentions that you could just pick this gnome's pocket

to get the gem... he won't like it, but then, you don't need his

approval for anything.


He tells you that the demon can be found in the new passage to the

northeast. You will find the passage at (x 3600 y 600). Talk to the

guard there to open the door. When you are ready, click on the pit and

the Balor will appear. He requires about a +3 weapon to hit. (But if

you followed this walkthrough, you should have several +3 or better

weapons by this point) Kill him to get 26,000 experience. But we aren't

done yet! Oh no. Put that scroll (that the gnome gave you) in someone's

Quick Item slot, and use it. That seals up the hole.

Head back to the leader Gnome to get your reward:

Mace +3, Skullcrusher (extra damage to Humanoids)

Light Gem

25,000 experience for each character


Leave the city, then head eastwards. You may have to fight through the

Kuo-toa's, but possibly not. Then you go north to get to the bridge

(x 3950 y 1890). When you cross this bridge, a Drow war party ambushes

you. Make sure that everyone who can, is wearing some of the spiffy

Drow armor. (Spiffy)

This path then splits into two groups, take the left path. (x 4100

y 1200) Enter the cave.

This is the lair of the Silver Dragon Adalon. (If you are evil, and need

Silver Dragon's Blood to make the "Human Leather Armor"... WAIT and do

it later!) Go down and talk to her. She wants your help (of course).

Her eggs were stolen by the Drow to keep her from interfering with them

as they invaded the surface for Irenicus. In exchange for this she will

help you get out of the Underdark to chase Irenicus at your leisure. To

assist with that goal, she casts a powerful illusion on your party making

them all appear to be Drow.


Leave the cave, go down then take the other passage up to the Drow Gates.

The gates will automatically open and a Drow guard confronts you. Be

confidant and tell them that you are "Veldrin from Ched Nassad". You are

told to be in the Males Fighters Society within three days.

Enter Ust Natha.



OTHER: Mind Flayers

Mind Flayers - Underdark (AR 2100, x 200 y 2650)

Just north of where you first enter the area you will find some

Mind Flayers. These three goons make for good practice at fighting

them, which you might need if you want to take on the Illithid

city. (9000 exp each)

OTHER: First Drow Battle

Drow - Underdark (AR 2100, x 1735 y 2170)

The first real battle against the drow occurs just north of the

point where you free Vithal (see the next quest below). Drow fight

well with magic, summoning creatures to help them defeat you and

casting spells fairly intelligently. The most notable thing about

them is their Drow Armor, which you should definitely take. Drow

Full Plate +5 is the best armor in the game. It will dissolve

when taken to the surface, but that will still give you a lot of

good use with it.

QUEST: The Imprisoned Mage

Uder Mordin - Underdark (AR 2100, x 1770 y 3800)

Mage - Underdark (AR 2100, x 1930 y 2090)

Svirfneblin - Underdark (AR 2100, x 1633 y 750)

Vithal (later) - Underdark (AR 2100, x 2375 y 3320)

Talking with the last Duergar, Uder Mordin, he brings up the story

of a mage who was imprisoned in the earth after a battle. Seems

this fellow was looking for some artifact of importance. Talk to

the seller Duergar and buy a Freedom Scroll. Don't scribe this

to your spellbook, simply cast the spell, then move north to find

the mage. (10,000 experience)

Talk with Vithal to learn that he was searching for a great

treasure of some sort. He asks for your help in completing his

work. Agree. He wants you to fetch his Book of Rituals from the

Svirfneblin. The Svirfneblin city can be found at the top left of

the area. You will find the book on the Innkeeper in the left room

of their city. You can buy it off him for 300 gold. If you are

currently in Drow form (having already been to Adalon) then you get

the book for free.

You will find Vithal standing just northeast of the Duergar

position near one of the three portals in the area. Talk to him

and give him the book of rituals. Agree to help him out. Then a

Greater Earth Elemental (10,000 experience) appears. Keep it from

killing Vithal. Then Vithal enters the portal. Wait a moment,

then he reappears and tells you to come to the Fire Gate, which is

just above this gate. Talk to him again. A Greater Fire Elemental

(10,000 experience) appears. Same thing happens with Vithal

entering the portal. Then you go leftwards to the Air gate.

Talk to Vithal again and the same thing happens with a Greater Air

Elemental this time. (11,000 experience)

When Vithal returns (everyone gets 20,000 experience) he offers you

some treasure:

Rod of Absorption

If you complain, he will give you a couple of spells (Simulacrum

and Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting). If you complain further he will

attack you. Try to beat him quickly to avoid his Imprisonments.

Vithal - 20,000 experience

Skull of Death (Helm, casts Death Spell)

Spells - Wail of the Banshee

Incendiary Cloud

Time Stop


QUEST: The Giant Soul Gem

Gem - Underdark (AR 2100, x 1940 y 1860)

Dagglefodd - Underdark (AR 2100, x 1770 y 610)

Just left of center in this area is a giant soul gem. This gem has

6 facets, when each facet is manipulated a new monster is freed.

These will then fight you. From left to right:

Facet 1 (x 1845 y 1862) - Madman Aganalo - 6000 experience

Jhor the Bleeder (Bastard Sw +2)

Facet 2 (x 1872 y 1901) - Raevilin Strathi - 20,000 experience

Spells (summoning)

Facet 3 (x 1920 y 1920) - Riti - 8000 experience

Spear +3, Backbiter (Cursed)

Spells - Improved Haste

Facet 4 (x 1980 y 1920) - Alchra Diagott (Lich) - 22,000 exp

Spells - Summon Nishruu

Delayed Blast Fireball

Spell Turning

Facet 5 (x 2025 y 1885) - Bedlen Dagglefodd (don't attack him)

Facet 6 (x 2035 y 1850) - Gont of Riatavin - 7000 experience

(if you let him go, you get nothing but


Note: In the Underdark Soul Machine, there is a mad wizard

called Raevilin Strathi, who attacks you. His head has

been stuffed up, and if you cast the cleric spell Heal on

him, he will come to his senses, and give you the sword

Albruin +1 as a reward. [from John Howard]

Then talk to the elder Dagglefodd up in the Svirfneblin city to get

an extra reward:

Bracers AC 4

10,000 experience

He will also sell you items from then on (not that he has anything

that good).


5.1 [STNTHA] Ust Natha (Drow City) (AR 2200)




When you enter the city you get to watch a little display between a Drow

and his slave. He kills the slave, and is in turn killed by his mother.

This just emphasizes that Drow are evil. Really evil.

Do NOT reveal yourselves as "non-drow" or the entire city becomes hostile.

Worse than that, they might seal you in.




We are here to do one thing and one thing only, get the Silver Dragon

eggs to give to Adalon. In order to do that we need to keep our ears to

the ground and search for information. Also we need to ally ourselves

with a Family. Once we are allied then the quests become available

(for instance, you can't "Free the Humans" until you have become allied).

Head over to the Male Fighter's Society (x 3535 y 1650). Here you will

meet up with Solaufein. He asks for your name, tell him that it doesn't

matter what your name is and he will be amused and like you more for it.

He tells you that you are going to be working for the Matron Mothers, and

to meet up with her handmaiden on a platform near the entrance. From

this point you have three days to get to that platform and meet with the


On your way back to the entrance, you will see a meeting between some

Mind Flayers (Ambassadors, no less) and Drow. This isn't particularly

important, but it is interesting. Go to the platform. (x 1550 y 3300)

Talk to Solaufein again. He explains that some "devourers" have taken

a priestess hostage. He asks if you know what those are:

Int 15+ - You can say "Illithid" and Solaufein likes you more

Int 9 to 14 - You can say "Mind Flayers" and nothing happens

Int 8 or less - You say "Otyugh" and Solaufein likes you less

"I don't know" - nothing happens

You are to rescue that Drow from the Illithid before they take her to

their city. You have three days.


So, exit the city, and head south. I encountered an adventuring group,

that naturally assumed that I was evil. (x 3300 y 2225) One of these

goons has:

Dragons Breath, Halberd +4 (+1 ice, fire, elec., poison & acid dmg)

Continue south, then cross the bridge to find Solaufein (x 4715 y 3100).

He asks if you have any questions. If you apologize to him, he will like

you more. After which he tells you to get ready for battle. Cast all

your protective spells (Protection from Evil is very useful) and get

ready for combat with some Mind Flayers. You must fight 3 Mind Flayers

as well as 2 Umber Hulks. I would take out the Flayers first, one at a

time, then the Hulks. After the battle, Phaere (whom you just rescued)

sort of thanks you. (20,000 experience) Nothing you say to Phaere

matters. They both go back to the city. You have three days to go back

and talk with Solaufein again.

Battle Tip: Death Spell will annihilate your enemies here. Don't

assume it will always work on Mind Flayers, it won't. It

works here because these Mind Flayers are considered by

the game to be "summoned."


Enter the tavern and find Phaere and Solaufein. Phaere automatically

talks to you and asks you to join forces with her house. Respond to this

in the affirmative (say "yes")... you can also intimate that you would

rather have her as a reward (if you know what I mean), but that has some

bad consequences if you are currently in a romance with someone else.

She wants you to meet her at the same platform as before... but not right

now. For now she wants you to enjoy yourself in the Tavern. (see the

Quests below if you need something to do) When she leaves the Tavern

you have 3 days to get to the Platform.

Get to the Platform and talk with Phaere. She tells you that a Beholder

is in the city smuggling Adamantite. She wants you to go over there and

kill it. Solaufein and her will scout it out ahead of time. You will

find Phaere again in the Southeast part of the city (x 4200 y 3340).

Talk with her to get the battle rolling.

Kill the Beholder (14,000 exp) and Solaufein seems happy about things.

Phaere mentions that the body is going to be collected for... other

uses (20,000 exp). Phaere tells you to visit her in the tavern within 3



Phaere wants you and Solaufein to attack a Deep Gnome patrol to keep them

properly fearful of the Drow. Solaufein naturally hates being sent on

such stupid missions, especially given how weak the Gnomes are. You will

meet up with Solaufein west of Ust Natha near the gnomish city. (x 890

y 2225)

Talk to Solaufein. If Solaufein likes you, you can convince him to let

you handle this on your own. At that point he goes back to the city.

(of course, if you have been cheesing him off, then he won't leave) The

Gnome Patrol arrives, tell them that you were sent to kill them, and that

you won't. Then ask for their helmets as a sign that the deed was done.

Head back to the tavern.


Phaere is pleased that you brought her the helmet, and asks that you meet

her in her chambers at the Female Fighters guild within ONE HOUR.

(everyone gets 28,000 experience) Head over to the Female Fighters

(x 2500 y 2050), enter and talk with Phaere. She wants Solaufein dead.

Why? Lover's quarrel. She wants you to enter his home in the Male

Fighters guild, kill him, and take his Piwafwi Cloak as proof of his

death. Agree to her demands. You now have 3 days to get to Solaufein.

(x 3500 y 1575)

Talk to Solaufein and tell him that you were sent to kill him, but that

you don't want to do it. Then ask him for his Piwafwi Cloak as proof

that he is "dead." Solaufein has a little speech, and he likes you more.

You can then search his place, but there is nothing good here.

Evil Alternative: [from Cyrille Artho]

When you kill Solaufein, he obviously cannot give you his fake dragon

eggs, which you normally use to trick Phaere. However, not

everything is lost. When you give the real dragon eggs to Phaere,

there are three possible outcomes:

1) You interrupt the ritual (bad idea). Matron Ardulace then casts a

spell that reveals the true identity of the party, and you are

chased out of the city. It will be rather difficult to recover

the eggs and kill all the drows.

2) You let the ritual be completed.

a) You prevent Phaere from handing over the eggs to the Demon Lord

(good idea). The Demon Lord then attacks everybody. He does

not have many hit points but you need a +5 weapon to hit --

which you probably don't have at that point (unless you have a

Paladin with the Holy Avenger). A cleric with four Bolts of

Glory (10d6 damage to demons) works well enough, since that

spell ignores magic resistance (which is 95 or 100% for the

Demon Lord). Killing the demon lord gives 26000 exp. Pray

that his initial "Wail of the Banshee" does not kill anybody;

if it does, *hurry* and don't try to re-equip everything

perfectly -- just get your stuff and leave *quickly*! If

nobody is killed, you actually even have time to sell Phaere's

gems to the drow before they all turn red and try to kill

you. Incidentally, "Protection from Evil" will not prevent the

Demon Lord from casting his first attack spell, but he will not

attack you immediately. Also, I could still get out of the

city just after the drow turned hostile -- probably it takes a

few seconds until the city gates are locked.

b) You let Phaere give the eggs to the demon lord (bad idea). He

(being a mean guy) reveals the true identity of the party.

Immediately, all drows turn hostile and attack the party.

Again, this way is not the best (you will also have to deal

with an angry silver dragon then).

Note: If you have recovered the eggs, don't talk to Adalon --

otherwise you can never kill her for her blood (because she'll

teleport you away). Instead, attack her right away. This gives

you less experience and no crossbow +3, only some gold and a

scroll that allows you to proceed to chapter 6 :-(

Personal note: I found it a pity that evil parties cannot let the

drow ritual take place as planned - a duel between the silver dragon

and the demon lord would have been a grand sight. Also, the story is

not very logical in the sense that the drow attack still happens,

despite the loss of their leaders (and a few powerful warriors due to

duels in the tavern and mysterious murderers) and not having the

demon on their side. No surprise, they lose.

/End of the Evil Alternative

Report back to Phaere. (everyone gets 30,000 experience) If you are male

then she wants to talk to you alone... for a little nooky. If you refuse

her, she will sound the alarm and the entire city turns hostile. Of

course, you could try to convince her that you "*really* can't", i.e. are

impotent. In order to pull off one of these deceptions you need either

17 INT or 13 CHA (and in some cases 17 CHA).

After that (whether you talked your way out of it, did it, or didn't get

offered because you are female) she wants you to meet the Matron

Ardulace Despana, who is currently in the Temple. You have 3 days to get

there (everything takes 3 days, for some reason). Oh, and if you did

sleep with Phaere, then anyone you had a romance with is upset with you.


Head down to the Temple of Lolth (x 4200 y 2350). Enter, and walk

forward until you find Phaere, who will automatically talk to you and

introduce you to the Matron. The Matron wants you to prove yourself to

her, and in order to do that you must bring back the Blood of one of the

"noble races", which are Beholders, Mind Flayers or Kuo-Toa's. Oh, and

it can't be any of them, it must be something special.

So, depending on what you want to do:

Beholders go to the next section "Beholder City"

Mind Flayers go to the section after that "The Illithid Lair"

or the easiest Kuo-Toa's "Exit from the Underdark"

If you don't retrieve one of these items in a timely fashion, (three

days) then Phaere will track you down (wherever you may be) and tell

you that your disguise has failed, thus instigating a battle (and

forevermore keeping you out of Ust Natha). So don't waste time.

Come back when you have one of these items and she will take them and

reward you with 22,000 experience for each character. Phaere then asks

to see you in her rooms, within one hour. (she lives in the Female

Fighter's Society, if you have forgotten)


Phaere details her plans to overthrow the Matron Ardulace and set herself

up as head of the house. She wants your help in this, so agree to help

her get rid of the Matron. House Despana is going to use the Blood you

collected along with the Silver Dragon's Eggs to summon a demon. What

Phaere wants to do is replace the Eggs with false ones so that Ardulace

is destroyed when the demon is summoned. She can then use the real eggs

to gain control of the demon. She gives you a key and a set of false

eggs marked as "Phaere's". Leave her house.

Return to the Temple as that is where the eggs are kept. If you did well

by Solaufein, he will appear near the entrance with a further proposition

for you. He wants to give you a second set of false eggs that you can

give to Phaere. This way both the Matron and Phaere get killed by the

Demon. Agree to his plan and enter the temple.

Brian Camley has an interesting strategy for the temple:

While I was in Ust Natha, and was sent to retrieve and replace the

dragon's eggs, I really didn't feel like fighting Drow and Golems, so I

saw if SpookyScarecrow's trick for the Golems in the De'Arnise Hold

would work in this case - I gave Aerie the Boots of Speed, and had her

cast Sanctuary. She got in and out quickly - this works for most

encounters with guards of some sort - the exception being, of course,

getting the Gesen Bow String - using this strategy will leave your

cleric trapped in a room with some angry guardians. Not a good idea.

Once in the temple, take the passage immediately to your right, and take

that up to the Egg Room (x 2067 y 780). Kill the 2 guards and enter.

There are 5 Golems in here, just waiting to pounce on you once you have

taken the eggs. Kill the Golems. Take the Real Eggs and REPLACE THEM

with PHAERE'S EGGS. (don't forget to do that!)

Back to Phaere's. Give her Solaufein's Eggs (20,000 experience) and she

seems awfully pleased. Well, that won't last. Listen to the Imp when

it appears, then get back to the Temple. Phaere is right within the

first passage and soon the Ritual of Summoning begins. The Demon kills

the two Drow women one by one, then will leave if you remain silent.

(25,000 quest experience -- not verified) Be sure to search the two

corpses for treasure:

Ring of Spell Turning

Gorgon Plate +4

Lots of Gems

4500 gold

Evil Alternative: [from Daniel Pang]

In the Drow City, if you give the Demon lord the real eggs after

Phaere and Ardulace are gone you can ask him for a tithe in return.

Asking him for a powerful magical item yields the Halberd +4:

Blackmist, and asking him for safe exit from the Underdark will get

you just that. Ask him for anything else however, and he attacks you.

Now, QUICKLY, leave the Temple and get OUT of the city as fast as is

humanly possible. If you delay, you will be trapped in the city forever.

(Actually, in that case, you simply have to kill everyone in the city,

then you can leave)

Return to Adalon and give her the real eggs. She gives you an Item:

Necaradan's Crossbow +3

78,500 experience (for each character)

And you are then teleported to the Exit from the Underdark. The gate out

is just to the left, but you can explore around if you didn't already.

(see the "Exit from the Underdark" section for more details)

Trick: On the surface, Drow items are meant to turn to dust. Want to

keep that nifty Drow stuff you got? If you have NOT gotten the

Harper's Pin for Jaheira, you can give her all of your Drow

items, and kick her out of the party. She should go out to

the Harper Hold in the Docks District. (If you have done all

the Harper quests already, then she just leaves for good)

Then when you pick her up again, all the Drow items are still

there and can be worn in the daylight! As long as you never

take these items to the "Exit from the Underdark" area, you

can keep them forever. [from Gabriel]

Alternate Trick: [from Chris Norman]

I noticed there was a trick to save the drow items

upon leaving the underdark. I liked this idea, but did not

want to kick a member out of my party to do it. Also, my main

character was in a romance with Jaheira so I didn't know what

kicking her out would do. I decided to try to come up with an

alternate method of doing this. What I came up with works, but

it is somewhat inconvenient to do if you're walking around with

full inventories due to having to trade the armor between many

people. My trick works because the game only checks the items

every round or so and will not decay items on the ground. Here

is what you do. (When picking up items, use the inventory

screen instead of the overhead display method of picking stuff


1. Immediately pause the game when you gain control of the

party after leaving the underdark, before the drow equipment

decays. Transfer ALL the drow stuff you want to keep on to

one person and have that person drop it all into a pile on

the ground. You can then unpause it. Adamantine dust will

appear in your inventory just like if the items decayed, but

they will still be on the ground. Also, opening the bag of

holding seems to decay items as well even if paused, so do

not put anything you want to keep in there.

2. Next, string your characters to the edge of the map, and

have one of them as close as you can get without trying to

exit the screen. The trick here is to have the people

close enough together that they may pass items still. Keep

the character that dropped the items in the same spot so

that he can pass them all to the next person.

3. Now, repause the game, and have the character over the

stack of items pick them up and pass them down the line of

characters until the person near the edge has them. Have

that person drop them all in a pile on the ground again.

(Since the game is paused here, you are in effect, moving

the items to the edge of the map before any time can pass,

so they do not decay.)

4. Move your whole party close enough to the edge of the map so

that you can leave the area with just a single click and no

one will have to walk. Leave the guy on the stack of items


5. Pause again, and pick up all the equipment, passing some of

it to other people if you need to again. Leave the

inventory screen, and click where the party will leave the

area. Then unpause, and the party will leave before the

items decay.

Note: I had to do this procedure again after the Drizzt

meeting. I guess that the program checks for drow items

on that screen as well, so you will probably have to do

it again as well. After leaving the Drizzt zone, items

stuck just fine though, just like with the Jaheira


Also note that normal Drow Longswords don't turn to


Yes, this is a somewhat complex method, but if you don't want

to kick out a party member, or have Jaheira's quest completed,

this will keep your drow armor intact.

Note: Drow items aren't worth much, so unless you want to

wear them, don't bother keeping them.

Even if you keep the items perfectly, they can still

turn to dust later.



QUEST: The Duergar's Tank, the Aboleth

Duergar - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 1050 y 3150)

Qilue - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 2725 y 1890)

Just after freeing Phaere from the clutches of the Mind Flayers,

a Duergar near the entrance will tell you to talk to his "master"

who is in a big tank just behind him.

Talk to the Aboleth, the creature in the tank, and he wants an

exchange. You get him Qilue's brain and he won't reveal that you

are not Drow. Sounds good. You can find Qilue's home right next

to the Female Fighter's society. Enter.

Alternatively: When talking to the Aboleth the first time, you

can refuse to do his quest. Then when he asks

why, simply tell him that if he reveals you, then

you will reveal his treachery as well. For this

you get 12,000 experience. [from Cyrille Artho]

Once inside, kill everything that moves. Besides Qilue, there are

5 servants (mages mostly) to be killed. You can find most of these

to the right. Search Qilue: (4000 exp)

Boneblade Dagger +4

Qilue's Brain

There isn't really anything else here, so return to the Aboleth,

who gives you 10,000 experience and promises not to tell anyone who

you are.

QUEST: Free the Humans

Slave Trader - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 1111 y 1808)

Just north of the tavern is the slave area, where humans are sold

to Drow masters. If you've been on the second floor of the Tavern

you probably know that slaves don't have much to look forward to

in Drow Culture.

After you have talked to Matron Ardulace, talk to the Slave Trader

and buy the slaves. We want them armed, so pay him the full

price of 2000 gold. He will actually lower the cost to 1500 if you

ask him. The slaves will be teleported near you. Tell them that

they are now free, and that they should head to the surface. For

this you get Reputation +1 and 7500 experience.

QUEST: Defeat the Cultists

Taso Kala - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 2480 y 2100)

Cult - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 4200 y 3340)

After accepting the quest from Matron Ardulace, you will find Taso

Kala in front of Phaere's doorway. She automatically talks to you

and ORDERS you to find and destroy the Cult of Ghaunadaur. Accept

this (if you don't want your cover story blown). You will find

the "cultists" where the Beholder was earlier, in the southeastern

part of the city. You have one day to complete this quest.

This battle consists of Drow, Otyughs and Oozes of all colors.

Destroy them. None of them have any significant treasure. Go back

to the Priestess to report your success. Be subservient and she'll

go away (you weren't expecting a reward were you?).

QUEST: The Trapped Djinn

Dola Fadoon - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 1930 y 3180)

Just to the right of the entrance is a djinn being tortured for the

fun of it (or whatever). It begs for someone to destroy it. I

wouldn't do that until you have talked to Matron Ardulace. Kill

it. Then the torturer will demand compensation. She wants 4000

gold as compensation and if you don't have it, you get a day to

come up with it. If you have talked to Matron Ardulace, then you

can wheedle it down to a mere 2000 gold.

This quest is best done just before you leave the Underdark

forever. That way you can kill Dola Fadoon, tell her that you

don't have the money, and leave the Underdark before anything bad

ever happens to you. For all this you get a measly 5000 exp.

QUEST: Deirex the Lich and Jarlaxle the Mercenary

Visaj - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 3000 y 2275)

Deirex's Tower - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 3700 y 2850)

House Jae'llat - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 3260 y 1460)

Just after meeting the Matron Ardulace for the first time, Visaj

appears on the path just north of Deirex's Tower. He approaches

you and wants to sell you a Rope. Not just any rope, but a magic

lich-defense negating rope. Useful, no doubt, for breaking into

Deirex's Tower and stealing his items. There is the small chance

that the famed mercenary Jarlaxle will come looking for it, but

how likely is that? Buy the rope for 1000 gold. (If you don't have

that much he'll sell it for 750 gold. If your charisma is 15 or

higher, you can talk him down to 500, OR you could just threaten

him and take the rope from him)

Now head down to Deirex's Tower and enter. Deirex is right there,

and although the Rope does seem to do what it was advertised to do,

you are soon teleported to Jarlaxle's Pocket Dimension®. There

isn't really any way to change how things turn out in here. He

tells you that he wants some Gems from Deirex, as his men are

imprisoned within them. He gives you a day to accomplish this

before teleporting you back to Deirex's Tower.

Fight with Deirex. He is a fairly standard Lich and fights as

such. (Time Stop, Abi Dalzim, etc.) By this point Liches shouldn't

present too tough a challenge for you. (22,000 experience) Be

sure to search his body for the Lich's Tooth and the Jae'llat


Then search the place for treasures: (4 containers, not all in this

room, and some are trapped)

Spells - Glitterdust

Wizard Eye



Remove Magic

Limited Wish

Melf's Minute Meteors


Leather Armor of the Viper +5

Jarlaxle's Gems

Take the Gems and you will instantly be teleported back to his

little Pocket Dimension. Jarlaxle takes the Gems and thanks you

for your efforts. Now you can either accept his thanks (2500 gold

and 10,000 experience) or you can attack and kill him and his

mage (14,000 experience and 12,000 experience). They don't have

any good items for you to take. In any case you will be teleported

back to Deirex's Tower.

Go up to the next door (x 3475 y 2730), and enter. Search the lake

for treasure:



Spells - Cacofiend

Ruby Ray of Reversal

Spear +3

Wand of Frost & Wand of Magic Missiles

Two Handed Sword +2

Crossbow of Affliction +4 (-2 STR, +4 DMG & THAC0)

Short Sword +2

Ring of Folly (cursed)

That's it for the Lich's treasure (the other door on the outside

leads in here). Leave the tower, go up and right to reach the

House Jae'llat (it's marked on the map). The Wardstone will allow

you entrance. (x 3260 y 1460)

This is, of course, a fairly large battle against many Drow

warriors and priestesses. It just wouldn't be a Drow House

without those elements. Each Jae'llat Guard is worth 6000

experience. This is the first battle, there is another one when

you go over to the right. This battle has Hindra Jae'llat in it

(14,000 experience) as well as Istar Jae'llat (16,000 experience).

Then search the place for treasure:

2500 Gold

And a LOT of Gems (about 50)

If you are wondering about the other warded door out there, it also

leads into the Jae'llat house.

OTHER: The Running Girl

Near the female fighter's society you will see a human girl running

for her life. Later a couple of drow warriors ask you which way

she went. You can lie or tell the truth, I've seen no real

consequences of it.

OTHER: The Tavern Duels

Tavern - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 1835 y 2550)

Sondal - Tavern (AR 2202, x 580 y 1133)

On the main level of the tavern, to the left near the stairs, you

will find Sondal, the Duel master. Agree to watch the first duel.

One Drow easily defeats four others, comes out and asks for your

opinion on the matter. Tell him that he shouldn't gloat over

children and he challenges you to a duel. Accept.

Note: If you lose any duel, you will be permanently barred from

dueling. Also, all the duels here are One-on-One (unlike

the Monster battles).

When Lasonar is close to being defeated (30,000 experience) he

yields the fight and gives you his sword.

Blade of Searing +3 (Bastard Sword, with extra "searing" dmg)

After the battle, Chalinthra challenges you to a duel. (She was

involved with Lasonar, and found insult in you beating him) When

you are ready, talk to Sondal again to get the duel going.

Chalinthra is a Cleric of no small ability. However, she dies just

the same. (12,000 experience)

The next fight is against a Mage, and requires a Mage from your

party to duel him. So send a mage over and let the battle begin!

(6000 experience) The next battle is also a mage battle, but this

one is slightly more difficult (8000 experience). After that there

is one final mage (11,000 experience). I won these battles by

summoning a Nishruu and using the Cloak of Mirroring.

OTHER: The Tavern Monster Battles

Tavern - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 1835 y 2550)

Szordrin - Tavern (AR 2202, x 1450 y 840)

On the main level of the Tavern is a man standing to the right,

Szordrin. Talk to him if you want to duel some animals. He has

several combats, which must be done in order: (return to him after

the battle to get a reward and another battle)

Umber Hulk - 4000 exp, 250 gold (from Szordrin)

Nabassu - 16,000 exp, 500 gold (from Szordrin)

Sahuagin Prince - 2000 exp, 750 gold (from Szordrin)

Beholder - 14,000 exp, 1000 gold (from Szorddrin)

He then claims that he will go to the pens to find more challenges

for you to fight, but he never returned (for me at least).


5.2 [BHLDRC] Beholder City (AR 2101)





You will find the entrance to the Beholder City in the Southeast part of

the Underdark (x 4120 y 3700). It is the passage that leads down. (The

other one goes to the Illithid Lair)

We are here to find a Beholder Eye Stalk, and conveniently enough, we

can find it on one of the first Beholders here. Kill the Elder Orb to


Elder Orb Eye

Blade of the Equalizer

Amulet of Spell Warding

Once you have the Eye, you can head back to Ust Natha and give it to the

Matron Mother. Or you can finish exploring in here and kill a LOT of

Beholders. If you have either the Shield of Balduran (from the

Collector's Edition bonus shop) or the Cloak of Mirroring (from the

Sahuagin City), then this place is a breeze. Put those items on your

two best fighters, and only send them out. The Beholders won't be able

to touch you. Elder Orbs can still cast Imprisonment on you, so you are

NOT invulnerable. This just means that you should attack Elder Orbs



Go up and right to find Drow battling a Beholder. Explore the place at

your leisure. There are many Beholders, Gauths and a few Mind Flayers.

Just above and to the left of the Drow (x 790 y 605) is a small nook of

treasure: (all treasures here are hidden in "nooks")

Minor Treasures

Just to the right of the Drow (x 1213 y 770) is another nook o' treasure:

Sling of Avoreen +4 (casts Sonic Boom once a day)

Minor Treasure

Along the path to the top of the map (x 2500 y 580) is some treasure:

Greenstone Amulet (can protect user from Charm, Stun and Psionics,

useful against Mind Flayers, no doubt)

Rainbow Obsidian Necklace

There is treasure at the top of the map (x 2130 y 175):

5200 gold


Just left of that one is another treasure (x 1815 y 195):

Minor Treasures

Well south of that (x 2450 y 1080) in a passage to the left is a larger

thing of treasure (it's not a nook, I mean):

Minor Treasures

That is that for the Beholder City. Once you have killed all the

Beholders, you can take your leave and know that you have done good work



5.3 [THLLTH] The Illithid Lair (AR 2400)





Note: You WILL want to make an Archive Save before going in here!

So, do a normal save, and call it "Illithid Lair", and don't

save over it until the entire lair is finished. That way, if

you screw up, you can easily go back to the beginning.

The most difficult, and potentially rewarding, of the three lairs is the

Illithid Lair, which you can get to via the Underdark. It is located in

the Southeast corner of the map, and you go right (x 5070 y 3400).

Once you have entered, you will be quickly captured by a group of Mind

Flayers who then enslave you.


You wake up in a very small cell. Despite being slaves now, you still

have all of your items. After all, Illithids don't really fear physical


A minute or so later, an Ogre will open your door and tell you that it is

time for you to fight. Remember the Gladiators back in the Copper

Coronet? Same idea, except now YOU are the gladiators. Soon enough you

are thrown into a pit to fight 3 Umber Hulks. Beat them and you will be

put back in your cell. When you are back, you will be given Healing


Open the side door and talk to the Gith, Simyaz, inside. These Gith were

here to recover the Silver Blade (which you now possess, assuming you

went with Saemon) and ended out here instead. He offers no solutions.

Soon the Ogre comes again and this time takes the Gith out to fight.

Soon the Gith return and tell you that they are to fight you in the next

battle. However, they have a better idea. They will keep the Mind

Flayers busy, while you try to find an escape from the Lair. You will

soon be taken into the battle. Defeat the Kuo-Toa's and then escape out

to the right while the Githyanki keep the Mind Flayers busy.


Kill the Ogre Jailor here (10,000 exp). Then search the table:

Hilt of the Equalizer (which means that you probably have all 3 pieces)

Go right into the next half of the room. There are four doors here.

Open the bottom one first (x 3390 y 1760). Kill the 2 Kuo-Toa's here.

Then open the top right door (x 3270 y 1515) next to kill a couple of

Sahuagins. Next open the right door (x 3380 y 1620) and follow this

passage right. Kill the Mind Flayer here. Then go to one of the Vats,

and manipulate it until you get the Goo.

Go back to the Ogre Jailer room, and open the southern door (x 3050

y 1960). Go down this passage, fight the 2 Mind Flayers, and then go

right into a weird slave-control room. Find one of the smaller machines

and pour the goo into it (via clicking it twice). This frees the slaves

from their stasis. They tell you of a way to make Control Collars, as

well as ask you to find them a way out.

Go up to the big machine in the room and Use it to make Collars. Keep

using it until it no longer works. You will get 4 Collars. Equip these

in your Quick Item slot to use them. Then when you find a Mind Flayer,

use the item on him to control him permanently. (Control ends when you

open a door with him)

Note: How to get extra Mind Flayers (to open doors for you). There is

a room where you get the "Goo" which frees the slaves. In this

room a lone Mind Flayer will spawn once every minute or so (if

one is there, a new one won't spawn). There are at least two

doors that require a mind flayer to open and for both doors I

just went back to this room, controlled the mind flayer with one

of the collars and marched him over to the door. I didn't have

to turn into the Slayer once throughout the game (after the

first time which you don't control). [from Rakhiir]

Return to the right portion of the jail, and open the northern door

(x 3050 y 1450). Go through the passage and into the room. Search the

grate on the northern wall to find:

Methild's Harp (Bards can dispel Hold Person effects, 3x day)

Now try to open the door to the right and you get a strange message.

Only a great mind or a creature with godlike strength can open this door.

Which means either you go capture a Mind Flayer with the collars... or

you turn into the Slayer and force the door open. Turn into the Slayer

(unless you managed to keep a Mind Flayer alive), lose the 2 reputation

points, and go through the LEFT door. Once you are in the next room, go

up through the north door until you reach the Brine Room.

The Githyanki will now be freed and will come out to congratulate you.

Oh, and they aren't going to help you get out of here. (everyone gets

25,000 experience)

Once in the Brine Room, try to capture some Mind Flayers (don't use all

your collars). Click on the 8 vats to create 8 Brine Potions, which can

be used to protect your party from Psionic Attacks. Give these potions

ONLY to front line fighters, and use them ONLY when you are near Mind

Flayers, they have a very short effectiveness.

Go back to the previous room and open the lower left door (opening these

doors requires only that you have a Mind Flayer in the party, x 1690

y 1235). Have only your best fighters proceed, each having taken a swig

of the Brine Potion. (or using the Greenstone Amulet from the Beholder

City) Continue left to find a large group of Illithid and Umber Hulks.

From this room there are 3 doors, one to the north, one to the south and

a secret door to the northeast. Since we are being thorough, take the

south door first. This leads to a room with three bizarre Pod-like

things in it. Open each of them to reveal an enemy.

Kuo-Toa Priest - 2000 exp, Magic Bolts, etc.

Insane Dwarf - 1750 exp, Ring of Fire Control (50% fire res., spells)

Umber Hulk - 4000 exp

Back to the other room. Now open the Secret Door (x 1140 y 1300). Go

up this way to find 3 Mind Flayers and several Umber Hulks. Once they

are dead, search the table to find:

Staff of Command +2 (casts Domination once)

Back to the other room. That leaves only the northern door to go

through. (x 950 y 1280) I'm not sure why, but I had to turn into the

Slayer to open this door. What then was the point of taking control of

several Mind Flayers? If you have a Mind Flayer in your party, you can

then Lockpick the door as normal. Anyway go through there to find the

Big Evil Illithid Brain. Kill that first (40,000 experience), then

concentrate on the other Illithids in there, then the Umber Hulks and

finally the Brain Golems. When the Brain dies you automatically gain

some of its blood to give to Matron Ardulace.


Head back and then right to (x 3730 y 1100) to find the slaves who are

now escaping. They thank you (45,000 experience and a Reputation +1)

and leave. You should do the same.

You will find the Githyanki outside in the Underdark under the Tent.

If you have the Silver Blade on you, then they want it back and are

prepared to fight and die to get it.


5.4 [XTFRTU] Exit from the Underdark (AR 2402)




- KUO-TOA DUNGEON (for the Kuo-Toa blood for Matron Ardulace)

This one is by far the hardest to spot. From the Underdark head west.

Go to just south of the Svirfneblin bridge. Then continue west into the

darkness. You will find that you can travel at (x 150 y 1840). It's not

marked on the map, and if you didn't know it was there, you might go

right by it.

If you did the Silver Dragon Quest, then you will appear at the END of

this particular level. In that case you may want to backtrack to find

all the spiffy items.

Anyway, go right. There are many strange symbols drawn on the ground.

The spiral indicates "danger". Go up the northern "spiraly" path to find

some beholders. (well one Beholder and 2 Gauth) These things are easily

killed by anyone with the proper Cloak of Mirroring (or Shield of

Balduran). Go back.

Now go up the northeastern passage (x 1230 y 1315). There are a group of

Kuo-toans here, including some wizards. Finish them off. Then search

the nearby pool to get some Tainted Tadpoles. Go back.

This time we go right. The path will split, one portion going north and

another continuing right. We want to keep going right, however, the

way is dangerous as a Flame Strike will hit you. Cross over and open the

big door (x 2800 y 1670).


Within is an empty room with several statues. At the top of the room is

a gigantic statue of a Demogorgon. It asks you to put a sacrifice in

front of it to "awaken the five." This is best done by casting "Animal

Summoning" or a similar spell, and putting the animal in front of the

statue. The animals dies, and the five demon knights appear.

Each of the Demon Knights is tough, does level drain and has some odd

spell casting abilities (such as Horror). Kill them.

16,000 experience each

Two Handed Swords +1

Soul Reaver: Two handed Sword +4 (not usable by Good)

Girdle of Frost Giant Strength (21 STR, part of the Crom Faeyr)

Armor of the Hart: Full Plate +3

Go back to the passage, and take the northern path.


Just a little ways up the passage you will run into another large group

of Kuo-Toa's. Take these goons out.

Continue northeast into a small round room. It may have Kuo-Toa's in it,

or they may be in its two side rooms. In the right room you will find

the Kuo-Toa Prince. Kill him.

Kuo-Toa Prince - 4000 experience




Bracers of Blinding Strike (casts improved Haste)

Oh, and if you want to, you can put the Tainted Tadpoles in the pools in

the right room. (If this is done before the battle, it weakens the



Now if you did the quest for Matron Ardulace, go back the way you came.

However, if you need to, you can leave the Underdark completely to the

left. I wouldn't recommend that, but if you have to, why not. (Your

disguise WILL fail if you attempt to leave, and then you can never

return to Ust Natha)

If you were merely teleported here by Adalon, then fight through the

Drow guards (some have good EXP, but none have good items) to exit the

area through the gates to the left.


This next series of passages leads to the surface. You will first

encounter a large Drow war party that needs to be taken out. Go up to

the next room to find Drow warring with surface Elves. They tell you to

get to the surface and talk to Captain Elhan. There is another battle

through the northwest doors.

Open the southwest doors (x 800 y 520) and go through. There is yet

another battle with Drow here. Continue through. Open the last door and

exit to the surface.


6. [BCKTAT] Chapter 6: Back to Athkatla




You exit and are confronted by Elves who at first think you are Drow, but

even when they realize their error, still don't like you. You are taken

to see the Elven leaders, first a General, then Elhan...




Elhan now will grill you on your various adventures. He has a sage

behind him who will verify the veracity of your statements (sort of like

a polygraph test). Just answer truthfully and things will go better.

For example, on the first question I told him that I left the Drow

"bloodied and battered... I did not flee." The conversation at first is

an exchange of information... mostly from you to them. Then once they

know that you know more than they, they want you to help them. They need

the Lanthorn to re-enter the city, but it was stolen by Bodhi. You must

find her and retrieve the item. Ask for their help in this matter and

get Holy Water and Stakes off of them.

If Viconia is in the party they force her to swear a Geas to serve you.


Naturally the first thing you will want to do upon exiting the Underdark

is to head over to Cromwell to make the Crom Faeyr, Long Sword of the

Equalizer and Gesen Bow. (all of which we have now found all the pieces


However, on your way anywhere, you will bump into Drizzt Do'Urden and

his friends: Bruenor, Wulfgar, Regis and Catti-Brie (from the Salvatore

novels). If you happen to have killed Drizzt in the previous game (and

imported a save-game) then Drizzt is fairly hostile to you. If your

imported character had any of Drizzt's items, then he starts out fairly

hostile to you. Otherwise he is fairly friendly to you. He is, after

all, a force for GOOD in the world.

The point of Drizzt is to ask him to help you fight down the evil Vampire

Bodhi, which he promises to do. If you do that, then you can simply

meet him in her crypt in the Graveyard.

EVIL Parties: I'm betting, however, that many of you are going to fight

Drizzt to try to steal his nifty items. First off, this

makes you EVIL, as Drizzt is good. Secondly, several

party members will leave your party (or attack you) if

you do this:

Jaheira (leaves, goes to Athkatla)

Keldorn (leaves your party and attacks you)

Others aren't happy about it, but don't complain.

When the fight begins, Drizzt immediately summons forth

his spectral panther, Guenwhyvar to help him. I'd take

out Drizzt first, followed quickly by Catti-Brie. They

are the two fiercest here. Then concentrate on Wulfgar,

Guenhwyvar and Bruenor. Save Regis for last. This battle

shouldn't be too hard for you.

Catti-Brie - 12,000 experience

Tansheron's Bow +3

Long Sword +2

Chainmail +2

Regis - 1500 experience

Leather Armor +1

Mace +2

Ruby Pendant (Dire Charm 1x/day)

Bruenor - 3500 experience

Battle Axe +3

Mithril Field Plate +2

Wulfgar - 3000 experience

Aegis Fang (War Hammer +3)

Guenhwyvar - 1400 experience

Drizzt - 12,000 experience

Scimitar +5, Defender

Scimitar +3, Frostbrand

Mithril Chainmail +4

If you DO kill them and steal their things, later Malchor

Harpell will appear and attempt to retrieve these items.

(This often leads to strange bugs, where he doesn't

actually do anything, but keeps hanging around).


If you didn't want Drizzt as an Ally, there are other places to look for

friends. (You don't actually need any allies if you are confident enough

in your battle abilities)

The Shadow Thieves: Talk to Aran Linvail (basement of the Shadow Thieves

Guild) and ask him to back you up when you invade Bodhi's place and he

will send his "best" assassins out to help you.

Order of the Radiant Heart: Head over to the Order and a Squire will

meet with you. Then talk to Prelate Wesselan in the side room and ask

for his help in defeating Bodhi and he will send a contingent of Paladins

out to the Tomb to help out. (Interestingly, one of the Paladins sent has

the Two Handed Sword +3: Harbinger, that when it hits may hit with a

Fireball as well)

You may also be able to convince a Temple to help you IF that Temple is

your Stronghold.

You can recruit all of them to help, or none of them. Up to you.

WARNING: If you are in a romance with someone, remove their equipment

before heading to the graveyard.


Head over to the Graveyard to listen to Bodhi. If you are currently in a

Romance with someone, that person will be turned Cyan (such that you

cannot talk to them) and a battle between your party and Bodhi's vampires

breaks out. Your romantic interest will then be spirited away.

Head out to the entrance to the lower levels (x 590 y 980). The other

entrances are mostly barred to prevent entry. Go down into the crypt.

If you have allies down here, you will find them fighting away. I will

assume that you have no allies, so any allies you have will merely help

you. (although you get no experience for anything the "allies" kill)

Search the two nearby containers to find some spells (and some Stakes if

you need them):

Spells - Finger of Death

Symbol of Death

We're on the same battle plan as the first time we came here, namely kill

Vampires with names, and Stake them when they retreat to their coffins.

Go up the passage to find Valen and Del. Kill them, then enter the room

to the left to Stake the two of them.

Go up the northern passage (x 360 y 1080) to the blood bath room.

Here you will find more vampires (Salia, Meredath) and a pool of blood.

Kill the vampires. Neither of them deserve staking. Then go up to the

Pool and click it twice to use the Holy Water on it. This cleanses the

pool and weakens the vampires.

Go through the passage to the right. There you will find a HORDE of

vampires (hence why you wanted the allies, I would think). Simply go

forward until a couple vampires come your way, kill them, go a little

further forward, do some more, and so on. When the last of this room's

many vampires are dead, go back to the Coffin room and Stake it.

Tip: Other ways to kill vampires would be to launch Cloudkills into

the room, use Turn Undead (from an Evil priest you seize control

of Vampires and can turn them on each other).

Head into the next passage to the right to get to the Spiky Room. Here

you find a Guard Vampire, who casts spells on himself. Nothing a good

Breach spell can't remove. (x 2150 y 675) Enter the spiky room. There

are many Vampiric Mists and Traps in here. Search the center blood pool

to find:

Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise (+1 THAC0, +2 Damage)


Back to the main room, and take the stairs to the lower level.

(x 1575 y 550)

If any of the three allies came with you (Drizzt, Eric the Paladin or

Arkanis the Shadow Thief) then they will automatically appear with you

(even if it didn't look like they understood what stairs are). This

first passage has 2 traps in it before you reach the door. Arkanis will

detrap these if he is with you.

Michael Schneider has a battle plan:

I recommend the following course of action if you have the

Mace of Destruction +2: Allow NO ONE to fight in the final Bodhi

battle save your strongest fighter with this weapon and some good

armor equipped (you won't take much *physical* damage in this battle

if your AC is -7 or lower), and a Cloak of Spell-turning (or Shield

of Balduran). The Mace of Destruction renders him immune to

level-drain (and the level-drain ability of the vampires and even

fledgling-vampires are enhanced for this battle; presumably this is

what the Holy Water weakens), which means that all of your party

(being unaffected) will be eligible for the big XP payoff at the

conclusion. Otherwise you'll need to cast a lot of Restorations

before staking her.

Open the door to find Bodhi. She gives her final Evil Rant and attacks.

If your lover was turned, you will find them here and they will attack

you forcing you to kill them. Make sure to loot them if you didn't

remove their equipment earlier. Go up to the Pool (any of them) and use

a Holy Water on it to weaken the vampires further. Kill Bodhi (91,000

experience) and she will flee to her coffin in the top right room. Go

up there and Stake her. (x 1700 y 100) This gets you:

55,000 + 48,500 experience for each character

Rhynn Lanthorn (needed to enter the elven city)

Before leaving be sure to get:

Bodhi's Black Heart

Body of your Lover (if applicable)

The Vapiricus Omnibus: Unabridged (from the top left room)


Well, before we go to Chapter Seven we have to undo the rest of what

Bodhi did, namely we have to reverse the vampirism. The Vapiricus

Omnibus mentions the god Amaunator, whose temple we restored when we

defeated the Shade Lord (or, if you didn't do that, check out the Umar

Hills section). Go to the Temple Ruins area.

Enter the temple ruins. Make your way to the lettered-floor room

(where you can only cross safely by stepping on the letters AMAUNATOR)

cross and enter the left room with the giant statue. Place the Body and

Bodhi's Heart in the arms of the statue (x 2615 y 1620). Your lover will

be restored back to life and will be very thankful.


Go back to the 'exit from the underdark' area and talk to Elhan again.

Everything he says just reveals more and more that the elves knew

Irenicus and Bodhi from before. However, he does not wish to tell you

the entire story, and says that if you can rescue the Priestess Demin

from the city, Suldanessellar, then she will reveal all to you. (everyone

gets 74,500 experience) This is continued in the section titled




QUEST: Restore Yoshimo's Soul

If you still have Yoshimo's (black) heart, you can try to remove

the Geas that holds his soul. Take it to any Priest of Ilmater

(for example, the Temple that is on the Roof of the Copper Coronet)

and ask that they help him. For this you gain 200,000 experience.

And no, Yoshimo cannot be resurrected after this. But hey, you did

save his soul!

OTHER: Find the Silver Hilt for the Vorpal Sword

You've had the Silver Blade forever now (assuming you went with

Saemon) and are probably wondering just when you are going to get

that pesky hilt for it. Well, when wandering near the Adventurer's

Mart in Waukeen's Promenade I encountered Kruin, a mean Gith who

needs the Sword to re-enter Limbo.

Refuse to hand over the sword and he starts casting spells like

crazy. Did I mention that he has several Gith buddies around?

Kill them to get the Silver Hilt, used to finish the Vorpal Sword.

(Rhetorical question, why didn't the Cowled Wizards show up when

the Gith started casting spells?)

OTHER: The Doppleganger Brigands

While traveling between areas you will be "waylaid" by a group of

what appears to be peasants. They ask if you are the famous

adventurer, renowned throughout the Sword Coast. Say yes and they

suddenly turn themselves into cloned versions of your party! Who

knows what diabolical scheme they have concocted to use with a

cloned version of your party. Kill them. I didn't really find

anything else remarkable about them.


6.1 [3NWARS] Three New Areas





You probably couldn't help but notice that when you emerged from the

Underdark there were 3 new areas on your map. From left to right these

are: Small Teeth Pass, North Forest and the Forest of Tethir. We'll

hit them in that order starting with the Small Teeth Pass. There is

nothing in the Small Teeth Pass. Sure, you can fight some Wolfwere's,

or Vampiric Mists or even Gnolls, but other than that you won't find a

single thing of significance here. On to the next area.


This area is very small, but actually does have more significant things

in it. There is a grave (x 1550 y 525) near the top of the map that has

some random treasures in it. Yes, you heard me, random. Nothing great,

possibly some spells, potions or gems. At night this grave is guarded

by some Genies (a Djinn and an Efreet).

Further down from that you will find another set of graves, this one

defended by a Mage, a Priest and their goons. I would take out the mage

first to prevent him from casting his Time Stop and other spells. You

can search them, but they don't have any great treasures.


Unlike the previous two areas, this one actually has something in it! A

Quest even! With murder and intrigue! You will likely start out at the

top of the map. Immediately to your right you will see a cage hanging

from a tree (x 2320 y 225). This is the Wolfwere camp and becomes

significant later. From there go south to the branch (x 2430 y 1630)

go left onto the branch and from there onto the really big fallen tree.

Go north up this tree to the next branch (x 1600 y 1180). Go left on

this branch to reach the Cabin.

Here you will meet up with Coran (x 580 y 1130) who tells you that he

wandered out here with Safana but now she has been kidnapped by

Wolfweres. Agree to help him out. (Also you can search the left side

of the cabin to find a minor treasure, it's on the wall) If you enter

his cabin you will find it overrun by Vampiric Mists and similar

creatures. There are also some +1 and +2 items in here, but by this

point in the game that isn't very noteworthy!

Leave the cabin and return to the Wolfwere camp to find Coran. Lanfear

has been "holding" Safana captive, but it turns out that they are in

cahoots and are out to get you for some bounty or another. Treachery!

And you thought Yoshimo hurt! (Safana and Coran were with you in Baldur's

Gate) However, Lanfear has her own plot to steal Coran away, and kills

Safana once he is there. A battle soon breaks out. Try to keep Coran

alive if you want (isn't important). If your main character was Female

then Lanfear simply kills Coran before the battle. (such is life, I

suppose) And that is that for Coran.

Back onto the left log (x 2020 y 1620). This time take it south to where

it intersects with another log (x 3040 y 2800). Now there is a branch

just to the south (and a little east) that leads south off of this

log (x 3240 y 2960). This leads to another branch that goes east.

Go north once you are off the branch until you reach the Door (x 4500

y 2220). Enter. Search the lake:

Mana Bow +4 (20% magic resistance)

minor treasures

There's nothing else worth looking at in here, so leave. (If you did go

into the back room, be sure to check for traps first) We're also done

with this area, so you can leave.


7. [SLDNSS] Chapter 7: Suldanessellar (AR 2800)




Elhan uses the Lanthorn to open a hole in the tree to the Elven City of

Suldanessellar (everyone in the party gets another 74,500 experience).

The elves then re-enter their city and bid you to follow them...




In case you are wondering, you are in the Forest of Tethir to start with

(see the above section 'Three New Areas' if you haven't been here

already). Enter the city. The elves move out to look for survivors, and

Elhan tells you to be careful and look for Ellesime.

We are currently in the bottom right portion of the map. Go north to

find the first building (x 4640 y 2500). Enter. Kill the three Golems

in here to save the two elves. They reveal that you will find Priestess

Demin in a house in the Southwestern part of the city, then leave.

Search the large bookcase on the right (x 680 y 270) to find the:

Stone Horn (needed)


The container just north of that bookcase holds a:

Cloak of Elvenkind (Hide in Shadows +50%)

The rest of the containers hold merely minor treasures. Exit the


Head up the northwestern path (x 4515 y 2450). Beware Golems that may

lurk around here. There was a group of Rakshasa's (x 4060 y 1950) just

outside the next building. Be ready for a large battle, and enter the

building. If you cast Protection from Evil 10' on your party, then the

Glabrezu will not attack you. Once inside take out the mage first and

the rest will be easy. There is nothing else to be done here for the

moment, but remember this place (Temple of Rillifane), we will be back.


Note: If you have the artifacts of Rillifane before coming here the

first time, and quickly placed them in the Altar, you could let

the Avatar of Rillifane fight this battle for you. (Rolander)

Head down the southwest path to the unmarked building (x 3160 y 2730).

There will probably be more Golems here to fight. Go up the stairs on

the building to rescue some elves. Tell them to get to the gates. South

of this building is a platform where some elves and trolls are fighting.

Once the trolls are defeated the elves "move out" to help out other

sections of the city.


Go down the next southwest passage to the next building (x 2080 y 3240).

Enter the TOP room first, and search it until you find the Wardstone.

Then leave that room and enter the lower room. You can find the Meteor

Swarm spell on the fireplace mantle. To the right you will see three

dead elves around an odd piece of furniture. The answers to this thing's

questions can be found on the wardstone. Go up and use the thing:

First: Press the Rune of Corellan Lotharian

2nd: Press the Symbol of Rillifane

3rd: Press the elven Symbol of Water

4th: Press the Rune that denotes the Tree of Life

Do that correctly to get the Symbol of Rillifane. Leave this room.


Go west (where you will see Elves battling skeletal warriors), then

northwest to get to Demin's House (x 780 y 2140), which is guarded by a

Drow and a Demon. Go up the stairs and enter the building. Inside you

will find Demin fighting three Rakshasa's:

Girdle of Stone Giant Strength (20 STR)

On the shelf behind her you will find:

Spell - Absolute Immunity

Afterwards talk to Demin to learn all about Irenicus' past and why he has

invaded the elven city. She also has an idea to help clear the city of

its current pest problem, to restore the Guardians of the forest. What

you need is to find the three artifacts of Rillifane: The Cup, the

Symbol and the Moonblade. We already got the Symbol, all we need is the

Cup, which is on the Dragon to the northwest and the Moonblade, which is

in the Temple of the Moon to the east.

Leave her house.


Go up the northern path to the Harpist's House (x 1060 y 625). Outside

the house a group of elves are fighting some golems. If you manage to

save the elves they give you 13,000 experience. Enter the building.

Search the desk in the top left to find:

Stone Harp (companion to the Stone Horn)

Leave the building.

Go up to the northwest passage (x 500 y 725). This path leads to a new

area with the Black Dragon that we must defeat to get the Golden Cup of

Rillifane. Take the passage. Once at the new area, cast whatever

protective spells you wish (I used Haste, Protection from Evil and

Mazzy's Protection from Fear), then go southwest and fight the dragon.

You can try to reason with him, but he won't fall for it, and a battle is

inevitable. Just keep his spell defenses down and attack. By this point

in the game you should be mighty enough to easily whack this pest.

Nizidramanii'yt - 52,000 experience

Golden Goblet of Life (fancier name)

Bladesinger Chain +4 (elven chainmail, AC 1)

Minor Treasures

Note: You can also trade all your possessions for the Goblet if you

would rather. You could drop all your items on the ground before

talking to the dragon, then he just takes all your gold.

I wonder what the Dragon would do with Boo, anyway...

Once the Dragon is dead, head back the way you came.

Alternatively: You can give the Dragon everything you have (gold and

items) for the Goblet. Naturally, you'll want to drop

all your items before doing this.

Go southeast, past the Harpist's House, southeast down the next passage

to get to the House of the Moon (x 1830 y 1450) and site of the final

artifact of Rillifane. Enter.

Within the house you get to watch as an elf kills a Balor, but is

destroyed himself in the process. Search the elf's remains to find the

Moonblade. Then search the rest of the room to find:

Boots of Elvenkind

Spells - Gate

Return to the Temple of Rillifane and place the three sacred objects

(Cup, Moonblade and Amulet) in the Altar in the center. This will

create the Avatar of Rillifane who is irritated that his temple has been

defiled by Irenicus. (everyone gets 65,000 experience) After talking

with you he summons forth the Guardians of the Forest, who clear out the

city and unseal the Palace for you to enter. You also get:

Staff of the Woodlands +4 (+3 AC, best weapon for Druids)

Leave the temple. Just outside the temple will be a new elf, Reirra, who

offers to sell you things. When you are ready head up to the Palace

(x 3450 y 600). Near the House of the Moon you will find some elves in

conflict with some monsters. Help out (although the elves seem to get



Go up to the tree and keep using it until you get all the nuts (the

screen will fade to black). There is now only one door to go through,

so go through it. This leads to a pleasant garden with a waterfall in

the center. To the left are two statues, use the statues to put the

Stone Horn and Stone Harp on them. (3000 exp each) This removes the

waterfall and replaces it with a staircase. Go down the stairs. (after

first talking to your party members about the upcoming battle)


When you first enter this area, Ellesime talks to you. She tells you

that you need to slay 3 parasites on the tree in order to weaken Irenicus

to the point where he can be defeated.

From where you start, go all the way left (x 1970 y 450) and one of your

Seeds will grow into a new branch that continues left. Go left to find

the first parasite (x 1430 y 140). Click on it to try to kill it,

however it has a defender that leaps out to attack you. (for me it was

2 Earth Elementals) Once they are dead, click on the parasite to kill

it. One down, two to go.

Go a little left and down from the first parasite and a new branch will

grow in. Cross it and go down. (x 877 y 1070) Follow this path down to

find the second parasite (x 1180 y 1480). Click on it until its

guardians attack you (air elementals). Once they are dead, kill the

second Parasite and Ellesime will contact you again. She is very excited

now and thinks there is a good chance that you could kill Irenicus. (or

as she calls him, Joneleth) One more Parasite to go.

Go down. You will pass right by Irenicus (x 1800 y 2035), go past him

on the path that leads eastwards. (x 2340 y 2400) Another branch will

grow in, cross it. Keep going right until you find the final parasite

(x 2875 2025). Do the same thing to kill it. When the last parasite

dies you are automatically teleported over to Irenicus.


There are many ways to fight Irenicus. Some might suggest summoning a

Nishruu or Hakeashar to deal with him. Others would recommend using

Protection from Magic scrolls. An easy strategy that often works is to

let him cast some spells, then just wander off for awhile. Most mages

don't follow you, and it can easily allow you to do what you will

(protective magics, healing, etc.). But perhaps the easiest strategy

for dealing with Irenicus comes from Xar: Since you can reach Irenicus

before killing the parasites, fill his areas with the nastiest traps you

have (either you need to be a thief or have Jan along – Imoen/Nalia’s

trap skill is too poor). The traps won’t activate until you get the

arch-villain speech. Seven traps (with some special snare or advanced)

will kill him before he can raise a single barrier. Next.

When Irenicus is dead, everyone is sucked into hell with him. If anyone

died, don't worry about their possessions, they will appear in hell

with you.


7.1 [TH9HLS] The Nine Hells (AR 2900)




When Irenicus died, your stolen soul did not return to you and as a result

you followed Irenicus into hell. Imoen has a theory as to why the same

didn't happen with her, that Bodhi's vampirism made the soul transfer

easier. In any case, you must find Irenicus and finish things, once and

for all.




Well that big giant door to the north seems like a likely place to have

to end out eventually, if only you could open it. Go over to the left

(x 575 y 840) and down the stairs.

Note: Each of these "tests" has a GOOD and an EVIL way to accomplish

them. Which you do has some fairly drastic effects when you

get around to opening the final doors.

Alternate Route: [from Henning Roes]

In your walkthrough you walked left and started with the Wraith of

Sarevok. If you walk right instead it seems that whatever you do you

will stay good. In my first game I went left and everything was like

you described. In my second and third game I went right and wasn't

able to get the evil reward or become evil. I sacrificed a peasent

for example by choosing the evil path to avoid the loss of DEX. When

I placed the Tear my alignment didn't change and I got the 'good'

reward. Same in every other cave.

The exception is the Wraith of Sarevok. When I showed him my wrath I

got the evil reward and my alignment changed.

There is even a small benefit by going right beside the benefits

mentioned above. Sarevok's Wraith is not able to hurt you when you're

immune to 0/+1-weapons. You can kill him with a dagger or your fists.

Walk forward a little to find Wraith Sarevok (he was the final bad-guy in

the first Baldur's Gate, if you didn't play it). Talk to him. He tells

you just about everything you will need to know about this hell you are

in. How you need to collect the Tears of Bhaal to open that door, and

to confront Irenicus for your soul. If you get really mad at Sarevok and

yell at him and so forth, then your stats will be increased. (It's along

the lines of you deserving the power of the Slayer) My Barbarian gained

+1 STR. That, however, is the EVIL path.

Note: Choosing the evil path when fighting Sarevok's Wraith gives you

+1 STR. This is permanently added to your STR. The +2 reward is

added to your actual equipment. For example: You have STR19,

gain the +1 then you have 20. Adding the +2 gives you 21. If

you're wearing a girdle of STR21 then your STR is increased to

21+2=23. (Henning Roes)

Go back up. Then go down, and left to the next staircase (x 830 y 1830).


You will immediately confront a demon by the name of Greed. He greets

you and gives you the Blackrazor longsword (a +3 weapon with many good


Walk forward to find the trapped Genie. He gives you a little riddle.

The gist of which is that to free him and gain the Tear of Bhaal that you

need requires the use of the Blackrazor. You can either give him the

sword (20,000 exp) or you can kill him with it. (11,000 exp) In any case

once you have the tear go back up. Giving him the sword is the GOOD

path, killing him the EVIL path.

Note: I've heard you can pickpocket the tear off him, but haven't

confirmed it.

Go right, then down the center stairs (x 2100 y 2200).


Walk forward to find the demon Selfish. It tells you that it has a Tear

but that you have to prove yourself worthy. It then steals one of your

companions (and if you happen to HAVE no companions, then it steals a

mortal from some random place... I have also heard that you can simply

dismiss an NPC before going here and he will still summon the peasant).

Then the choice becomes thus, if you go on the left path you must

sacrifice to save this person, if you go right you sacrifice nothing

(but the person being held is killed).

If you take the Left path, you will lose:

First Door: 2 HP from maximum

Second Door: 1 point of Dexterity

Third Door: Experience

Ard has an interesting alternative:

I have found a way around it. I came in with my main char and Imoen (I

did the whole game with one but kept Imoen when she returned) so Imoen

was taken hostage. She wore the boots of speed (perhaps haste works

too). I paused immediately when she appeared below and cued her to run

to the bottom left door and open it *from the inside*. Imoen could

just reach this before being held.

The demon was satisfied, gave up the tear and buzzed off without any of

the damage described.

Andrew Scarvell has another interesting alternative:

I found this out quite by accident. One of my multiplayer characters,

a female gnome illusionist/thief (aka Wierdo), had a Dispel Magic spell

stored away in a Contingency, set to go off if the character became

"helpless". Anyway, Wierdo was spirited away by Selfish, and had the

Hold spell put on her, thus rendering her helpless. The Contingency

spell therefore kicked in, and the dispel magic freed her.

Now, with Wierdo free in the demon's domain, she could simply talk to

the demon and the GOOD path was automatically chosen. She was then

able to open the final left door at her leisure, which caused the main

character to lose some experience, but this was the only penalty I

suffered as the other doors are now inactive. No loss of DEX or HP.

And I didn't cheat in any way - in fact it was positively in spirit

with the game, as a very innovative (or lucky) application of the

contingency/dispel magic combo. This is quite similar to Ard's cheat

involving the boots of speed, except that it isn't a cheat.

If you take the right path, YOU lose nothing, but the person held dies.

This is a permanent death (unless you have the Rules set to the easier

levels). Also if you are a Paladin or a Ranger you will become Fallen.

Naturally making the sacrifice is GOOD, and getting them killed is EVIL.

There is also some minor treasure by where your companion is held. Time

to leave this area, go back and get to the next set of stairs to the



You will immediately encounter the Fear Demon. He tells you that there

are horrible fiends beyond him that will devour you alive. Your only

hope is a magical Nymph-skin cloak that he has. Don't take the cloak as

you don't need it. Taking the cloak is the EVIL path, not taking it is

the GOOD path.

Tip: Cast Remove Fear on your party ahead of time.

Past this demon there are two paths, a northern one that leads to

Beholders and a southern one that has a Fear aura on it. Take the

southern passage to the right, skip by the treasure chest. At the end

of the path is a bright red crystal. Click it to get the Tear of Bhaal.

Go back out, and there is only one last set of stairs to hit. (x 3385

y 1000)


Here you will meet with the final demon, Pride. He has a big long speech

since he is the last demon (actually any of them will give you this

speech if you do them last). Then he tells you that to get the last tear

you must defeat a big evil monster. Ask him what KIND of monster it is.

Then keep bugging him about the creature. Why does it deserve death?

Keep bugging him until he admits that the creature might just give you

the tear anyway.

Go forward to find the Dragon and it will give you the tear. That was

easy, wasn't it. Doing it that way is the GOOD path, fighting the dragon

anyway is the EVIL path.

There are some potions in a hidden container to the left by the red

glowing crystals.

If you chose to fight whatever was in there, it will be a Red Dragon and

it will have some interesting treasures, but at this point in the game,

it isn't really worthwhile.

Go back out.


I bet you're just saying to yourself, just how many times must I kill

Irenicus before he finally dies!? Well just this one more time, honest.

Head up to the Big Door (x 2050 y 400) and click it. Click it again to

remove the seals. (and again...) Depending on whether you did the

tests as "Good" or "Evil" you get these bonuses: (bonuses from ANDY)

FEAR TEAR (the Nymph cloak)

Good: Immunity to +1 weapons or less

Evil: +2 CON

SELFISHNESS TEAR (sacrifice for companion)

Good: +10 resistance to magic

Evil: +2 to your AC

GREED TEAR (the Blackrazor sword)

Good: +2 to all saving throws

Evil: +15 to HP

PRIDE TEAR (the dragon)

Good: +20% resistances to fire, cold and electricity

Evil: Gain 200,000 experience

WRATH TEAR (Sarevok)

Good: +1 to WIS and CHA

Evil: +2 to STR

IMPORTANT NOTE: If in any of the above tests you choose the Evil Path,

you lose one reputation point and also have the

alignment changed over to evil (if you were good or


When the door opens, Irenicus blasts out to face you one last time. This

time, it's personal.

This time Irenicus summons forth 4 demons and then becomes the Slayer.

I ignored Irenicus and killed the demons first, then I concentrated all

firepower on Irenicus. I found this battle to be easier than the earlier

battle with him, but that is just me. He also will teleport around the

area. When he dies, he dies rather spectacularly.

And so the game ends...


X1. [STRNGH] STRONGHOLD Walkthroughs


These do not tell you how to get the Hold, (though they do tell you where to

start) these are intended to tell you what to do with the Hold when you get

it. Only the main character gets a stronghold. That means if your main

character is a Fighter, Monk or Barbarian, you get the Warrior Stronghold.

Sorcerers get the Mage Stronghold.

Warrior --> De'Arnise Hold

Talk to Nalia in the Copper Coronet in the Slums to get this

quest started. Then at the successful completion of the quest,

Nalia gives you the fortress as thanks. You MUST accept the

Stronghold when she first offers it! If you do not, it will

be seized by her enemies.

This stronghold's primary ability is to raise money, which it

does at a rate of 500 gp per week. This gold is collected in

the library on the second floor. You can also sleep anywhere in

the Keep. Also you can "raise the tax rate," which results in

an instant 1000 gp gain, but makes the people less happy. You

want to keep your people happy since when they get too unhappy

they will revolt. And if they revolt you lose control of the


Plus about once a week someone will come to visit you at the

hold. These are "mini-quests" and usually involve a choice on

your part. Most of these are worth only experience. The best

time to know when to return to your keep is when you get the

message saying that "Gold has been placed in your Keep".

Event 1: Angry Merchant. Tolmas Bendelia is here and he is

quite upset. His caravan was waylaid by bandits in

your land and he wants restitution. From you. If you

do NOT pay him, he threatens to make life miserable

for your people. The caravan was worth 1000 gold.

You can either pay him the money, buy the debts of the

farmers, or laugh him out of your sight. Once that

is done you must decide what to do about the bandits.

You can hire mercenaries for 500 gold, 250 gold or

ignore them. Depending on your answers you get exp:

Buy debts for 1000 and 500 for mercenaries: 15,000

Pay him 1000 and 500 for mercenaries: 15,000

Pay him 1000 and 250 for mercenaries: 0

Pay him 500 (CHA of 15+) and 500 for mercs: 15,000

Event 2: The Guard Thief. Captain Cernick has caught one of

your guards stealing. Cernick, if asked, would have

the man executed immediately, but that won't gain you

anything. Talk to the thief and learn his side of the

story. Turns out he has a very good excuse (medicine

for wife). You can execute him, expel him from the

guard or help him out. The medicine costs 500 gold.

Forgive him: 15,500 exp

Expel him: 11,500 exp

Execute: nothing

Buying the medicine makes the people like you more,

and less likely to revolt.

Event 3: The Cleric of Tempus (Tempos). A priest of Tempus

wants to set up shop in your Keep. He's a very odd

character, and not someone that you will like.

Keldorn will recommend him, while Anomen doesn't like


Let him stay: 15,500 exp

Don't take stranger into keep: 11,500 exp

Tell him to beat it: nothing

If you do keep him, you can find him upstairs in the

Golem area. It requires going through some secret

doors but it is your own temple.

Also letting him stay makes the people like you more.

Event 4: Somewhere around 2 weeks later (for me it was 16 days)

a messenger appears and tells you to get back to the

Hold within the next week OR ELSE.

Once you are there you meet with Lord Farthington

Roenall who wants you to give up the Keep. I suggest

you NOT do that.

Event 5: Chanelle the Maid. She has two men who wish to marry

her and only you can decide which she is to marry.

The first, Jessup, is poor but she loves him. The

second, Malvolio, is rich but she doesn't love him.

Marry Jessup: 15,500 exp

Marry Malvolio: 11,500 exp

If you let her marry Jessup then you have the option

of providing a dowry. A 500 gold dowry makes the

people like you more.

If you let her marry Malvolio, the people like you

less. However, if you refuse his 500 gp, then they

like you more (however, the two cancel each other out

so you end out where you started).

Event 6: The two moneylenders. They claim that the previous

Lord De'Arnise borrowed money from them and that you

are responsible for paying it. The Major Domo says

that there was no such debt, and that they could have

forged the documents themselves. You can pay them

their money if you wish, but you get no experience

from it. Either threaten them with executions or have

them executed.

Turns out they are blackmailers, but they might have

a hold over your people. If you didn't buy off the

blackmailers, you have to pay your people.

500 gold: 11,500 exp

1000 gold: 15,500 exp (and people like you more)

And not paying makes the people angry with you.

Event 7: Flooding. The old dikes have broken flooding the

land. Several angry farmers demand satisfaction from

you. You need to spend money to repair the farms:

5000 gold: 15,500 exp

partial: 4500 exp

none: nothing (and this makes a revolt more likely)

If you do a partial amount, you get experience based

on how much you shell out:

4000 gold: 6500 exp

3000 gold: 4500 exp

2000 gold: 2500 exp

1000 gold: nothing

And the less you pay, the more angry at you they


Then you need to spend money to repair the dike:

2000 gold: the people like you more

none: nothing (possible bad effects with Roenall)

Listen to what the farmers say when they leave. If

they compliment you, then the people like you, if

they say... not so nice things, beware.

Event 8: Invasion. Lord Roenall now intends to take this Keep

by force and has invaded your lands. Your forces will

not hold up long. What you are asked to do is go out

to the battle and kill Lord Roenall, thus ending the

invasion. Captain Cernick asks that you go out to

help with the battle.

Just past the drawbridge you'll find the two opposing

forces. After Roenall taunts you, attack him with

everything you have. All you have to do is kill him

and the battle ends.

Roenall - 12,000 exp

Full Plate Mail +1

Bastard Sword +1

Back inside you are told the Keep is yours forever

more (assuming you don't tax yourself into a revolt)

and you get 50,000 exp. Be sure to search Roenall


The Keep is now yours forever, to generate an income, and be

a base of operations.

Priest --> Cult at the Temple District

Normally when you go to the Temple District you see a cult form,

and a Priest of Helm talks to you. Well when you go here as a

Priest, a representative from your Temple (ie Lathander) tells

you to come with him.

Return to whomever gave you the quest to accept your reward

(I got 8000 gold from Lathander as well as a Reputation +1).

They then give you a room in the temple and you are part of the

temple now. Then talk to their Acolyte to learn what you need

to be doing now.

Lathander - Acolyte Lara

Helm - Acolyte Byron

Talos - Acolyte Vilon

You then have to meet with some people and help them out. Talk

to the person, decide on a course of action. Then wait until

they return to tell you the results. After 24 hours or so, the

Acolyte will return to grade your performance. (The people are

the same in all temples, however the reward for what you have

them do changes)

Note: If you do something that the church you are a member of

doesn't like (such as a Priest of Lathander telling

someone to "kill all the witnesses") then you will be

stripped of your title.

Lathander: (best choices)

Glinden - Wife is unfaithful. Tell him to forgive her and let

her do as she will. Later the Acolyte comes and

evaluates your performance. (20,000 exp)

Ti'Vael - Killed a man. Have him pay restitution to the man's

family. 48 hours he returns. (20,000 exp)

Rania - Lost her faith. Give her time to think about

things. 48 hours later Acolyte Lara reappears and

gives you 20,000 exp.

Cortirso - You were instantly promoted over this gentleman in

the church, and he demands satisfaction (a duel).

Don't fight him and Lara will give you 20,000 exp.

Lara then gives you the task to assassinate the

Weathermistress Ada, chief of the Talos Temple. Every

follower of Talos is now your enemy. Head over to the Temple

and kill Ada. Return to Lara for your reward: 1000 gold and

35,000 experience.

Helm: (best choices)

Glinden - Wife is unfaithful. Tell him to remind his wife of

their vows. Byron will return later and give you

20,000 exp.

Ti'Vael - Killed a man. Tell him to turn himself in to the

authorities. Byron gives you 20,000 exp.

Rania - Lost her faith. Stress the importance of duty and

following. She doesn't like it that much, but

Helm does. Byron returns later to give you 20,000


Cortirso - You were instantly promoted over this gentleman in

the church, and he demands satisfaction (a duel).

Accept his challenge and kill him. Byron then gives

you 20,000 experience for following Helm.

You are then given the task of protecting the Temple of

Lathander from an attack of Talos. Also you must prevent the

Lathandites from gaining revenge on Talos after the attack.

Head over to the Temple of Lathander and prevent the assault

from going through. Then talk to Lara and talk her out of

assassinating Ada. (2,1) Return to Byron to get 1000 gold and

35,000 experience.

Talos: (best choices)

Glinden - Wife is unfaithful. Tell him to murder his wife AND

her lover, then when the Inspector shows up turn

Glinden in for a reward. You get 200 gold and

20,000 experience when Vilon returns.

Ti'Vael - Killed a man. Tell him to kill all the witnesses to

his crime. Then when he returns to you, kill him.

Then take his head to the government district and

give it to the inspector. Return to the temple.

When Vilon returns you get 500 gold and 20,000 exp.

Rania - Crisis of faith. Kill her for her lack of faith

(oh, and keep her head around).

Cortirso - You were instantly promoted over this gentleman in

the church, and he demands satisfaction (a duel).

Now take Rania's head to the Inspector and frame

Cortirso for the murder. Vilon will give you 30,000

experience for this clever action.

Now you are told to go assassinate Dawnmaster Kreel of the

Lathander temple. Go do so, and you have to attack every

follower of Lathander on your way there. Return to get your

reward of 35,000 experience and 2000 gold.

Paladin --> Order of the Radiant Heart

Talk to Lord Jierdan in the Copper Coronet (Slums) to get this

ball rolling. Finish the quest and return to Garren, who now

offers to help you enter the Order of the Radiant Heart. Your

Paladin special abilities will also be increased. Do NOT kill

Firkraag until you are asked to.

Note: Although it says that your abilities are increased,

nothing appears to happen.

Go to the Radiant Heart and talk to Prelate Wesselan in the top

left side room. Agree to what he says, then go talk to William

Reirrac. You are given a small room in the Order and started

out doing quests:

Event 1: Go to Umar Hills and rescue Knights from an attack.

When you arrive at the Umar Hills, a runner

immediately takes you to the site of the battle.

There are Orgs, Ogre Mages and Ettins around. Kill

them and try to keep the other Knights alive. Return

to Reirrac to get your reward: 10,000 exp.

Event 2: Reirrac now wants you to go back to Umar Hills to meet

a Baron in the Inn. This Baron wants you to remove

some Squatters from his land. Talk to Brunson, Pardo

and Moreno outside of the Inn before going inside and

speaking with the Baron. When speaking with the Baron

tell him everything you have learned from outside, and

Lanka will turn against him. A fight breaks out, kill

the Baron. Him and his goons range in experience from

3400 to 8000 and have some very minor treasures. Go

outside and the farmers will thank you. Return to the

Radiant Heart. Tell Reirrac what occurred to get

25,500 experience. (If you didn't talk to the farmers

and help the Baron remove them then you get a mere

10,000 experience, if you DID talk to the farmers but

removed them anyway you get 15,000 exp)

Event 3: The Morningales are being slaughtered for opposing the

slave trade. Only one member of this family has

survived, Tyrianna. Head out to the Docks district.

Enter the house just to the right of the Temple of

Oghma. Once inside you get to meet the "pleasant"

Tyrianna. Soon you will be attacked by assassins,

which can be easily dispatched. Then Tyrianna's

godfather, Hurgis arrives. There are two possibilities

here, 1) he may be an evil assassin, or 2) he has

no proof of his identity, but doesn't detect as evil.

So, cast Detect Evil to see which he is. If he

detects as evil he is an assassin that must be killed,

otherwise hand her over to him and return to the

Order. Talk to Reirrac to get a reward: Pride of the

Legion +2 (Plate Mail with AC of -1) and a Large

Shield +2. If you had "Fallen" then your Paladin

abilities will be regained.

Event 4: The final event is to retrieve the Avenger from the

Red Dragon Firkraag. Return to the dragon's lair and

go up to the dragon. Make your battle preparations.

Now pause it, click on the dragon as though you were

going to talk to it, then switch over and have

everyone attack it instead. If it works right, he'll

wait for you to talk to it, while you are busy

pummeling him!

Firkraag - 64,000 exp

Red Dragon Scales

Holy Avenger +5

Cloak of the Shield

1500 gold

Spells - Invisible Stalker (Mage)

Return to Reirrac to get some experience (35,000).

Take the Scales to the Docks area and have Cromwell

make it into the Red Scale Armor. (AC of -1)

Thief --> Shadow Thieves Guild (at the Docks)

Go over to the Shadow Thieves Guild at the Docks (they'll let

you in since you know Gaelan). Go to the back of the Guild, and

up the stairs. (or you could just go in the side door) Talk to

Renal Bloodscalp and finish up his quests. At the end of which,

Renal gives you control of Mae'Var's former guild as well as

10,500 gold to get it up and running. When he says he wants a

profit out of you, he means it! Everyone in your party also

gets 45,500 experience.

Go to your new Thieves Guild. You now have a new guard outside,

Brannel (whom you can chastise if you feel like it). Go inside,

and then open the top door to talk to Jariel. Jariel explains

the workings of your guild, that you direct your thieves

activities (high risk or low risk), bail them out of jail, etc.

At the beginning the thieves are at the Low Risk level, just

covering the quota. You are also offered the chance to change

your 5 thieving groups level of risks (one option at a time).

The more risk involved, the more money you can collect. Once

that is done, come back in 5 days. Collect your money from

Jariel, and possibly bail someone out of a jam. Then wait for

Joster to arrive and pay him your dues. (You will receive a

message above your head saying that he has arrived. When you

get that he appears next to Jariel)

Thieving Probabilities: (based on what you assign them in

conversation with Jariel)

Gold Gained

% success % jailed Hz: Gh: Kr: Ma: Va:

Thread: (2,1,2): 90% 10% 200 200 250 100 150

Thread: (2,1,1): 80% 20% 400 300 500 250 300

Thread: (2,2,2): 80% 20% 400 300 500 250 300

Thread: (1,1,2): 80% 20% 400 300 500 250 300

Thread: (1,1,1): 65% 35% 600 500 750 500 500

Thread: (1,2,2): 65% 35% 600 500 750 500 500

Thread: (2,2,1): 65% 35% 600 500 750 500 500

Thread: (1,2,1): 50% 50% 900 750 1000 750 800

Cost to bail out: ................ 100 200 50 250 300

Quotas: 1: 500 gold

2: 500 gold

3: 1000 gold

4: 1000 gold

5: 350 gold

Every time after is random:

50% - 500 gold

20% - 900

20% - 300

10% - 1000

If you fail to pay your Quota, then you lose your Thieves Guild.

To max out your returns, have all your first three thieves go

for the highest risk (1,2,1). If you want to see some more

Money Charts to support this, check out the Appendix.

Note: You can charm the person give the Shadow Thieves'

tribute to if you have the thief stronghold. Then take

him out of your guild (using charm) and away from any

out of the sight of any of your guildmembers. Then

attack him with no reputation loss. As long as none

of your thieves see him die, you're fine. [from

Nathaniel Ragatz]

Beyond that there are also events to deal with:

Event 1 - Talk to Lathan (the other thief by Jariel) and he

mentions that he is your "eyes and ears". He has

nothing to report, but soon another thief, named Ama,

appears. She wants you to help take out a government

official. Simply meet her any night after this in

Waukeen's Promenade. If you saved Kamuzu from the

cells that Mae'Var kept, then he will warn you NOT to

trust her. Gee, someone betraying you? Haven't seen

THAT before!

Anyway, at night, wander over to Waukeen's Promenade.

She'll appear and ask that you put your weapons away,

supposedly to not scare someone. Yeah, her. Soon,

you will be attacked by 6 assassins. They have some

minor treasures.

Event 2 - Talk to Lathan again, and tell him to never let such

things happen again. Then he has a bit of a problem,

a pickpocket is keeping profits from you. The

pickpockets know who is stealing but won't tell you.

You have four options here: Kill them all, kill one

of them (your choice), dock their pay or let their

supervisor, Kretor, fix it. It takes 5 days to get

results. (The thief is Darronal Gwin II)

If you dock their pay, the thieves will "fix" this

problem on their own, by killing the thief.

If you choose to do nothing or kill all the thieves,

Kretor will quit and you lose one of your thieving

divisions. This will make getting your quota that

much harder.

If you kill the wrong thief, then Kretor will quit.

If you choose to kill Darronal Gwin then the profit

skimming ends.

And that is that for the Thieves Guild.

Ranger --> Umar Hills Quest (start at Government District)

Talk to Delon in the Government District (near the statue) to

get the ball rolling on this one, then go to Umar Hills and

complete the quests there to gain control of the Ranger Cabin.

When you beat the Shade Lord talk to Minister Lloid and he'll

give you the cabin.

Note: Do NOT give the kids in Imnesvale beer or swords, or

you could get kicked out of your stronghold!

Search the cabin again to find new magical items, some gold and

a scroll from the townspeople. If you fail to make it back

after you are told of an event here, they will board up your

cabin and you won't be the Ranger Protector anymore.

Event 1: After three days you can find Mairyn in your cabin.

Mairyn is a spirit of the forest and needs your help.

Humans are tearing down her forest in the Temple Ruins

area. I found the "humans" in the south center of the

area. Talk to Lord Igen Tomblethen. Then search to

the east of him (x 3875 y 2315) to find a mithril

medallion and a note from his ancestor. Give him the

medallion and don't accept a reward of gold to get

10,000 exp. Return to your cabin, talk to Mairyn

again to get another 21,500 experience.

Event 2: Three days later Delon comes up to you again and asks

you to come back to Imnesvale to deal with some Orcs.

You have three days from the time you get the message

to get back, else they strip you of your cabin. Talk

to Minister Lloid who will apprise you on the

situation. Head out to the cave (x 1600 y 1300). At

the outside of the cave you will find Orogs. Go

into the cave. Talk to Madulf inside to get 21,750

experience. Talk to Minister Lloid again to get

another 25,000 exp. (this works out a little

differently if you killed Madulf before, of course,

you only get 20,000 exp when talking to Lloid)

Event 3: About 5 days later Delon comes to you and asks you to

return. It seems that the Umar Witch has returned.

Go talk to Minister Lloid again. Now go to the Temple

Ruins again. Before you enter the ruins, Mairyn

appears and asks the same thing. Enter. There are

many undead in here, as well as a Glabrezu (demon).

You will find Umar at the Crystal (x 760 y 1250).

Talk to her, but be ready for a fight. Turns out she

is just some minor mageling. Kill her and return to

the surface. Mairyn will then reward you with a

Moon Dog figurine, Reputation +1 and 26,750 exp. If

you were a Fallen Ranger this will also restore your

Rangerhood. Minister Lloid offers no reward this


Moon Dog -- Cerebus


17 17 9 9 9 9

THAC0 HP AC Attacks Weapon

11 74 0 1 3d4 (strikes as +1)

Saves: Death - 6, Wand - 8, Polymorph - 7,

Breath - 7, Spells - 9

Resistances: All Physical Damage - 25%

Magic - 25%

Immunities: Charm, Fear, Poison,

Normal Weapons

Special Abilities: Healing Lick 3

Moon Dog Howl 1

Moon Dog Sight (True Sight) 1

Improved Invisibility 1

Mirror Image 1

And that is that.

Wizard --> The Planar Sphere

Talk to the Cowled Wizard in the main government building and

agree to track Valygar. Complete this quest as normal (oh, and

keep the Solamnic Knights alive). Once the Sphere quest is

completely finished, go back inside and talk to the Knights.

They want you to find them their way home (naturally), although

the Planar Sphere is no longer capable of such an action. Then

the wizard Teos appears with an offer. He proposes an alliance

between you and the Cowled Wizards. Accept. Then ask for his

help in returning the Knights to their home and he refers you to

Ribald at the Adventurer's Mart.

Event 1: Return the Solamnic Knights to their home. Go to the

adventurer's mart and talk to Ribald there. For the

price of 9000 gold he will send a mage out to your

Sphere tomorrow. Exactly 24 hours later, the mage

teleports herself directly into the room where the

Knights are. Talk with her and send the Knights home.

You get 45,000 exp and a Golden Girdle as reward.

Exploit: There is a way to get experience for this

one repeatedly. After talking to her once,

before she is completely teleported away,

simply talk to her again. As many times as

you can talk to her you get experience and a


Alternatively you can talk to Prelate Wessalan at the

Radiant Heart and ask him to let the Knights live

there. Tell the knights and you get 45,000 exp.

(Therefore the Mage is better, not only do you get a

Girdle, but there's a chance for multiple experience!)

Training Apprentices:

16 hours after getting the Sphere (give or take), Teos

will appear in the Sphere with three apprentices for

you to train, Morul, Larz and Nara. Teos leaves but

promises to return several times over the next few


You now have to decide what to have your Apprentices


cost time to complete

Wand of the Apprenti -- 1000 gold -- 4 days

Dagger of <yourname> -- 250 gold -- 4 days

Ring of Protection -- 2000 gold -- 4 to 5 days

There is a random chance that they will fail to make

whatever they are working on, no matter how easy.

When they make the Ring of Protection, Larz gets

vaporized (whether they succeed in making the ring or


Note: You can tell if they are going to succeed in

their tasks, if when they tell you how long it

will take they say it will take a "few days".

If they say "few days" then they will succeed,

if they say "4 days" then they will fail. (this

works for the final choice as well)

Next they want to know which spell to transcribe:

Mislead -- 250 gold -- 4 days

Abi Dalzim's ... -- 1000 gold -- 4 to 5 days

Meteor Swarm -- 2500 gold -- 4 to 5 days

They will then give you a scroll of whichever spell

you assigned. If learning Meteor Swarm, Nara will be


Finally there is one last artifact they want to try:

Robe of the Apprenti -- 250 gold -- 4 days

Ring of Wizardry -- 3000 gold -- 4 days

Staff of Power -- 10000 gold -- 4 days

Nothing (the only way they'll all live to graduate)

Whether these objects are completed depends on how

many Apprenti have survived: the more, the better the

odds. But still whether the objects are completed is

random. The Robe of the Apprenti kills Larz.

The Ring of Wizardry requires that all Apprenti be

alive, and it will kill Nara and Larz to make it.

The Staff of Power requires all Apprenti to be alive

to make. (else it results in a bug while creating)

Then it kills all three Apprenti, but you MAY get the

Staff! (random chance and all) A day after killing

them all, Teos returns to chide you (though he doesn't

seem to care).

If any of your Apprenti survived your training, then

Teos will hold the Graduation Ceremony in the Sphere,

about 5 minutes after appearing.

If all survived, then Graduation happens, but is quite

a bit more heartwarming. Funny too. For your trouble

you get 50,000 exp. (you only get Exp if you kept them

all alive, if only 2 survive you get nothing, if 1

survive you get nothing)

If Morul survives, he will return again after you

complete the rest of the Stronghold as an Apprentice

and every week he will make you potions. I hear that

he won't appear if you have fought Cowled Wizards (the

ones who appear in the streets when you cast a spell).

Event 3 - Two days later a messenger tells you to return to the

Sphere (therefore if you are IN the sphere after two

days, you'll need to leave it). Return to the

Sphere. Teos appears, but he seems to be as confused

about this as you are.

Soon it becomes clear that you have both been set up

for an ambush as the messenger reappears with a lot

of backup. Teos manages to hide during the battle,

and reappears when you have won. This attack was

precipitated by an anti-magic fanatic, Lord Argrim.

Teos wants you to take him out, not kill, but remove

him from existence with a Rune that he gives you. You

can find Argrim in the Inn at the City Gates,

upstairs. Have someone use the Rune on him (put it in

the Quick Item slot), then kill his guards.

Return to the Sphere and talk to Teos. Whether you

killed Argrim or Mazed him makes no difference, you

get 7500 experience either way. Then he tells you

what happened to Imoen.

After that, Morul reappears and offers to join you

as an apprentice again. He makes potions every week.

There are four random sets of potions that he can give

you, each has 5 potions in it:

Set One: Set Two:

2 Potions of Genius Empty Potion Bottle

Oil of Speed Potion of Firebreath

Elixir of Health Potion of Agility

Potion of Fire Resistance Potion of Defense

Potion of Cold Resist

Set Three: Set Four:

Potion of Extra Healing Potion of Genius

*Potion of Invulnerability Potion of Regeneration

Potion of Insight Potion of Stone Form

Potion of Perception Potion/Frost Giant STR

Potion of Master Thievery Potion/Invulnerability

* Set Three's Potion of Invulnerability is Cursed

Note: If you killed Agrim in the final Event, instead

of imprisoning him, then Morul will NOT appear.

(Henning Roes)

And that is that for the Mage Stronghold.

Bard --> Theatre beneath Five Flagons

Go to the Bridge District and into the Five Flagons. There you

will find a Theatre in the basement. Watch the horrible show

and listen to Raelis Shai's plea for help. Complete this quest

and you will get control of the theatre.

Once you are back in the theatre, the owner of the Five Flagons,

Samuel Thunderburp asks what is going on. You can tell him that

you were given the Deed to the Theatre by Raelis before she left

for Sigil. He also sends Higgold the famous director to talk to

you. He tells you to bring money in half a week.

Whenever you are needed, Higgold sends a boy out to bring you

back in. Each event is about 4 to 6 days apart. Do NOT delay

in getting there once the messenger talks to you, else the play

quality will suffer. You get THREE DAYS from the time you are

given the message until the play suffers from your absence. The

Play Quality determines how well the play does in the end, and

how much money you will earn from it later.

To determine your Play Quality, talk to the actors in the back.

The more confidant they sound, the better the play. They have

three separate comments: one is really depressed, the other is

unsure of themselves and the last they are super happy about


Here are the events:

Event 1: Choose who to star: Naive Jenna or Actress Iltheia.

Sure, Jenna might be the sympathetic favorite, but

Iltheia will net you a better play in the end.

How much money to invest: the minimum is 1000gp, but

you can spend up to 10,000 gp. Naturally the more

you spend the better.

Event 2: Solve the jealousy between Jenna and Iltheia. If

Iltheia is playing the small role and you put her in

the larger one you improve the quality of the play and

get 6750 exp. Force Iltheia to accept her small role

for 15,750 exp and improve the Play Quality. Expand

her role for a mere 6750 exp, however the Play Quality

will suffer. If Jenna is in the small role and you

put her in the larger one, you get 6750 experience

but hurt the quality of the play. Letting them solve

things on their own cuts the quality and nets you no

experience. If Iltheia is in the lead, don't threaten

her or the play quality will dip. Compliment her for

11,500 experience. Then you have to give her 500 gp,

but it further improves the Play.

Event 3: Zeran is improvising. Allow him to rewrite the play

for 15,750 exp and improve the Quality of the Play a

lot. Allow him to keep improvising for 11,500 exp and

improve the quality of the play slightly. Stop his

improvisation and you get NO experience and the Play

Quality slips a little.

Event 4: Everyone is rewriting their characters. Have faith in

Zeran's changes, with a charisma of 17 or better and

the quality of the play improves. Stop all

changes for 11,500 exp. Stop the changes and pay them

500 gp as a bonus gets you 11,500 exp as well, this

also improves the quality of the Play. Threaten to

"let them walk out" and you get no exp and the Quality

of the Play drops. You can also take control of the

rewrites yourself, and if your Charisma is 17 or

better then you will also improve the quality of the

play and get 11,500 exp.

Event 5: The curse? Lots of weird things are going on, and a

Priest offers to cleanse the theatre for 1000 gp.

Give him the gold and get 11,500 exp and improve the

play quality. If you have a high charisma you can get

away with giving her 500 gp for 11,500 exp, but no

change in Play Quality. If you can't afford to pay

and have a high charisma you can give her nothing and

still improve the Play Quality. If you send her

packing, or have a low charisma you will hurt the play

quality quite a bit.

Event 6: Problems with the music. Your musician has vanished.

Hiring Balmitance (the famous musician) has a great

effect on the Play Quality and nets you 15,500 exp at

a cost of only 500 gold. Making Marcus write the

score hurts the Play Quality quite a bit. If your

Intelligence is 15 or less then letting Marcus play

while you write really hurts the play and gets you no

experience. If your INT is 16 or 17 you get 6750 exp

and a slight improvement to Quality. At 18 INT

letting Marcus play the Harp while you rewrite the

music for 11,500 exp. 19 or better INT gets you the

best experience 15,500 and a better improvement to

play quality (thought not so good as hiring the famous


30 or so days later...

Event 7: Barbarians have invaded the Theatre. You meet Higgold

on the main level of the Five Flagons this time and

he begs for you to get rid of the barbarians who have

taken control. Go downstairs, clean out the five

goons here (including one mage) and get 15,500 exp.

Event 8: A day later you can watch the dress rehearsal. (You

could take notes on what is being said... it's kinda

important! Or you could just continue using this FAQ)

Event 9: Within three days (rather than the week you were

promised) you are summoned again. And again he is on

the main floor. Seems a major player at the City

Council is going to attend and Zeran is ill. You

must take up the role of the wizard (whether you are

male or female it doesn't matter).

The Play: Since you are now in the role of the wizard, that

means you have LINES to perform. Weren't paying

attention in the dress rehearsal? Your lines are:

2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1

The City Council person speaks, and depending on how

YOU personally did you get experience:

49,500 experience (near flawless)

35,500 exp (several mistakes)

19,500 exp (many mistakes)

If you get the "near flawless", you also are given

a gift, the Aslaer's Harp.

Next the overall quality of the play is judged:

50,000 experience (near perfection)

29,500 experience (not quite perfect)

19,500 experience (not even close to perfect)

Finally Higgold offers to buy the theatre off of you

for 10,000 gold. (If you got the "near perfection"

score, anyway) This is totally up to you.

How much money the Theatre generates during a week

depends entirely upon how much you invested at the

start and the quality of the play. The more you

invest, the better the return. If you invested the

maximum of 10,000 and had a phenomenal play, the max

amount per week is 1800 gp/week. Every week past the

first, the gold/week drops by 100 gold until it hits

500 gold/week where it will remain.

And that is that for the Bard's Theatre.

Druid --> Druid Grove (start at City Gate)

Talk to the man at the city gate to learn of the problems at

Trademeet. Complete that quest to gain access to the Druid

Grove. Your Druid MUST be at least level 14 to take control of

the Grove (but it isn't necessary to clear the Trademeet quest).

At the normal completion of clearing the grove you get the

Staff of Thunder and Lighting.

Note: If you complete the Druid Grove Quest, but are lower

than level 14 you can't take control of the Grove.

However, once you hit level 14 a Druid will arrive to

tell you to go to the Grove.

Challenge the Druid to a duel to assume control of the Grove.

For beating the Druid you get 10,000 exp. For becoming the

Great Druid you get another 20,000 exp and 10,000 gold as well

as a Cleric's Staff +3 and a Ring of Protection +2.

Event 1: Within 8 hours the Spirit of the Grove will come to

you and ask if you accept your responsibilities. By

all means, accept! She then challenges you to take

out the new leader of the Trolls, Nilthiri. To help

you with this task she gives you a club, The Root of

the Problem, which has special powers vs. unnatural

creatures (like trolls). If you didn't go by there

earlier, the Troll Mound is almost exactly south of

the Druid Grove. (though you have to go around to get


Don't bother with going inside the Mound. Make sure

you have some method of killing Trolls, Fire or Acid.

(arrows, spells, weapons that do fire or acid

damage) From the Mound go right until you find

Nilthiri, the Troll Shaman. Kill Nilthiri and her

trolls (10,000 exp for Nil.) and the Spirit will

return and say "good job." (she also gives everyone

in your party 18,500 Quest Experience points) That's

it for now. (oddly, after this I went back to the

Grove and talked to the Challenge Master again, and he

gave me the reward for becoming the Great Druid again!

Very odd, but nice!)

Event 2: About 9 days later (maybe 10) sleep within the Grove

again and the Spirit will ask you to do another task.

This time the descendent of a great druid is in

danger, the child Loren. You must go to Trademeet to

protect this child. Loren is found outside of the

city walls, just to the right of the Yellow Tent.

Ask the child about the voices he hears, and then tell

him to fight the voices so that you can face them.

(3,1,1,1,1) Loren falls unconscious and Chaos

appears. Chaos turns into an odd phased-Beholder like

creature and attacks. (12,000 exp) When it is dead,

the Spirit returns and rewards you with a Golden Lion

Figurine (summons a Lion for 5 min, just like the Moon

Dog figurine). Also every character is given 20,500

Quest Experience points.

Golden Lion Figurine -- Joolon


18 9 9 9 9 9

THAC0 HP AC Attacks Weapon

15 45 6 3 1d12 (strikes as +1)

Saves: Death - 13, Wand - 15, Polymorph - 14,

Breath - 16, Spells - 16

Resistances: --

Immunities: Charm, Fear, Poison,

Normal Weapons

Special Abilities: Cloak of Fear - 1

Blur - 1

Although the Spirit mentions a ceremony of Ascendancy (for

Archdruids), that appears to be all you can do in the Druid


Vash (on the GameFAQs Message Board) found a way to get two Strongholds:

I took a break from my main game to experiment with the much heralded

dualled Kensai/Mage. Very powerful, and I can only imagine how powerful

he'd be with his defenses after Tenser's Transformation kicks in.

Anyway, part of the experimenting was to see if he can get a stronghold for

each class and I found he can. He cleared out the de'Arnise keep first with

Nalia in the group, but initially refused to take over (I believe the

response used was something along the lines of ''I don't think I'm the

right person for this'').

Note: You could also simply not talk to her after clearing out the

Stronghold. (Robert Pay)

Then he went and cleared the Planar Sphere immediately after. At the end,

he was granted the Sphere by Lavok and it became the character's

stronghold. I found that if I accepted the keep from Nalia first, Lavok did

not grant the Sphere.

Then, I went back to the de'Arnise keep and told Nalia I would agree to her

proposition to lend his name to the keep and the keep became his stronghold

as well.

So in the end, I ended up with two strongholds.

Rabbit on the Shadowkeeper Message board has a cheating way to get all


To get all 8 strongholds you must do the following:

1. When talking to the person who gives the stronghold quest, and when

talking to the person who ends the quest, use Shadow Keeper to give

yourself the appropriate class.

2. After getting each stronghold, you must set the stronghold flag back

to zero by typing the following into the debug console:



X2. [THLMTD] The Limited Wish Adventure




This quest can be done whenever you feel like it, in either chapters 2, 3

or 6. You must have the Mercenaries of Riatavin still alive in Delosar's

Inn. Then cast Limited Wish, ask for a One-Time wish and select the

Adventure like you've never had before (it does require 10 or better WIS

to cast). A scroll appears at your feet.




Reading the scroll reveals several things about this quest: One, it is

about a gong, two, you should talk to the mercenaries of Riatavin at the

Delosar's Inn (Bridge) and three, there is someone named Captain Dennis

who should have the Gong.

Head out to the Bridge District and go near the Delosar's Inn. (x 1830

y 2880) Just outside you will meet with a man named Vittorio who asks

for your help in collecting money off of Dennis, who is inside. Agree to

help him and follow him inside.


Captain Dennis and Vittorio are having a shouting match when you enter.

Listen to what they say. Seems that Vittorio stole and sold Dennis'

mother's gong in order to buy ale. That sounds bad. Agree to help

Vittorio find the gong. He says that he sold it to one Roger the Fence,

who you will find in the sewers beneath the Temple District.


Go to the Temple District and enter the sewers. You will find Roger in

the southern part of the sewers (x 1680 y 2300). Ask for a Gong and

say that you want Vittorio's gong. He doesn't have it, and won't tell

you where it is until you take care of a small problem he has. He wants

you to kill a local Sea Troll before he'll tell you anything. This troll

can be found by going left from Roger (x 400 y 2366). When it is good

and dead, return to Roger. Aside from whatever rewards you get for

killing the Troll (see the Sewers section above) he will also tell you

that he sold the gong to a Troll Shaman in the Troll Mound out by

Trademeet (you will probably have to talk to him again to get him to

reveal that).

Head out of the city and over to the Druid Grove (which may require

going through Trademeet).


At the Druid Grove, head left to find the Troll Mound (x 1330 y 2210).

Grae, the shaman, will be just outside of the mound. When asked about

the Gong she attacks you instead of giving it to you. When it gets close

to being defeated it tells you where the Gong is in exchange for its

life. (you can always kill it anyway) She says that she sold it to an

Ogre Mage in a tower to the northeast of here.


Wander north, then east, across the bridge to find the big house. We

don't want to enter the house, we want the tower that is south of it.

(x 4840 y 1270) (There is a little path leading southwards just past the

bridge) Enter the tower. This Ogre Mage is quite the peaceable

sort and is quite willing to trade the Gong for a Wand of Frost. If you

have a Wand of Frost, then you can trade for the gong. (12,250 exp)

Oh and don't mind the smell. Also in here you can find:

Scimitar +2: Belm (+1 attack per round)

Tip: Belm makes a great off-hand weapon, especially for Thieves (and

other characters who don't normally get multiple attacks).

Return to the Bridge District and give the gong back to Vittorio.

Everyone is happy and you get your reward:

1500 gold

16,500 experience for each character

Boomerang Dagger +2


< < < < [THRNFB] Throne of Bhaal Walkthrough > > > >


Note: Throughout the game, Imoen will be developing powers like you did in

the original Baldur's Gate. These are small things, like Cure Light

Wounds, but it is interesting to note.

Bugs Note: Due to a wide number of bugs in the game, it is HIGHLY

recommended that you NOT use the Quick Save feature, and simply

create new save slots as you go (from the options menu).

TAB Note: Remember to use your new TAB function. It will highlight all

doors, containers and items around. Very helpful.

Duplication Bug: I mention this here, because it can be very interesting.

Now, when you are in battle, then flee to another area,

not only will the enemies follow you (which they did in

BG2:SoA), but now the original enemies will remain in the

old area. Result? Two enemies of the same kind!

Therefore if you want to kill the City Gates Lich over and

over and over... you can. Or if you want to get 2

Celestial Furies, you can do that too. Just draw the

enemies to you, flee to the previous area and wait for them

to join you.

This was removed in the patch.

I wrote this using my Barbarian. Luckily for me (I'll explain why) I had

kept a save at the VERY end of the game (just before you open up hell and

fight the final battle). So I just loaded this up, beat SoA and took that

into the expansion. If you simply start an expansion game, or even import

a game into the expansion YOU WON'T GET ALL THE BONUSES from the end of the

game. Therefore I suggest you do what I did. You should have a "Final Save"

created when you beat the game the first time. (Although your alignment might

be altered depending on how you beat the first game)

If you start an Expansion Only game you begin down in section 2. The Grove of

the Ancients.


1. [WTCHRK] Watcher's Keep (AR 3000)


Note: Most of the good items found in Throne of Bhaal are located right here

in the Watcher's Keep. (and many can be made even better by your

abyssal butler, Cespenar)

Also, if you start the expansion right away, you'll be taken to the

next section, the Forest. Watcher's Keep is listed first since it

can be accessed from the regular game as well.




Go up and talk to "Brother" Ordren, who explains the whole sticky

situation to you. Helm has sealed some great and powerful evil in the

Watcher's Keep, that is gradually getting free. It is your job to enter

the Keep and prevent the Evil from getting out. Oh, and they tell you

specifically NOT to kill it, as Helm has forbidden it. Agree to help

them and they'll take you to the top (Level 1). They give you what

you will need, and bid you good luck.

Talk to Brother Pol to get the Holy Symbol and the Scroll. These items

are needed. When you reach the evil, you are to perform a ritual to

deal with it. You don't kill it.

At this point, you can talk to them again and ask questions, or talk to

the Sister to buy items and so forth.

Note: Two of the items that she sells, Firetooth +4 and the Short

Sword of the Mask are items that can be upgraded by your

abyssal servant Cespenar (if you haven't gotten your Pocket

Plane, the Abyssal Fortress, then you won't know what I'm

talking about).

When you're ready, enter the Keep.

- LEVEL ONE (AR 3001)

The difficulty of the keep depends on several things, your preset

difficulty level, the number of people in your party, your level, and

your experience. The puzzles don't get any easier on the other

difficulty modes... if you're wondering.

The entrance to the next level is the Mirror Portal (x 1450 y 1150),

however there are quite a number of things that must be done first.

Note: There are many traps on this level, most are attached to the

various containers, although there are 2 traps on the ground.

Open the left door to find the ghost Archivist. (x 1925 y 1860) Talk to

him, but he is simply Cold. We'll have to remedy that. There are 4

containers in this room, 2 are trapped. Take whatever treasure you want,

but be sure to get the:

Paladin's Bracers (+10 HP, paladins only, upgradeable by Cespenar)

The next room had a Stone Golem in it. Not too tough. Open the next

door (x 1530 y 2010) and enter a library type room. There will be some

monsters here. The shelves on the right side have some Notes with Clues.

Also note Elminster's Ecologies (there's one in the next room as well),

which explain some of the properties of the new Monsters. Be sure to

check the shelf at (x 1330 y 1590) for the wonderful:

Golem Manual (creates Flesh Golems, upgradeable by Cespenar)

Also check the Treasure chest near the end of this room for more treasure

and another note. Open the next door (x 888 y 1574) and proceed.

Yes, that statue is watching you. There are 3 containers in here, and

the one at (x 625 y 1140) is trapped:

Case of Plenty +1 (unlimited +1 bolts, upgradeable by Cespenar)

You need to get the Bell at (x 450 y 1250).

The final container in this room, a trapped chest (x 775 y 1200)


Crimson Dart +3 (returns to owner)

History of the Imprisoned One (in case you're curious)

Potion of Superior Healing

Chainmail +2

more treasures...

Open the door to the right (x 840 y 1220) and go through. Depending on

your level, there will be all sorts of statues in this, the central

hall. Worry about it later, go up to the door on the left side (x 670

y 900).

Get the Candle in the chest by the fireplace (x 340 y 1050). There are

other minor treasures in here, and a fireplace. Go back.

Across the hall, enter the middle door (x 1620 y 865). This room has

several traps on the floor, so beware. Also, of the 4 containers in here

2 are trapped.

Get the Slippers from the left shelf (x 1550 y 750).

The trapped armoire (x 1840 y 600) has:

Quiver of Plenty +1 (unlimited +1 arrows, upgradeable by Cespenar)

Handwritten Note

The trapped alcove (x 1980 y 580) has:

Ammo Belt (actually a container that holds arrows, bolts, etc.)

Tinderbox (if only we had a fireplace... wait a second!)

Open the lower door and enter another library. Kill anything moving in

here (I got spiders). Search the shelf at (x 2240 y 920) to find:


The other shelf in here has a Potion of Superior Healing. Open the next

door and hit the almost-final room.

Search the Armoire (x 2775 y 1210) to find:


Potion of Superior Healing

The other container, a shelf, has the final Tattered Parchment, if you're

curious. Open the door to the left and hit the final room.

Search the armoire by the door (x 2610 y 1485) for:


4 Potions Extra Healing

King's Tears

The table has a Handwritten Note. Go back to the large hallway.

Almost ready to do the ritual. Go back to the Fireplace room, and click

on the fireplace to light it (Tinderbox...). This summons the Archivist

who is now quite conversant. He'll tell you about the old Priest, and

a little about how to reach the next level.

Open up the large door on the top of the right side (x 1375 y 730).

Enter. This is the burial place of the High Priest, complete with

Guardian Golems. The alcove over to the left (x 1040 y 430) has the

final Handwritten Note. When you're ready, click the Sarcophagus to

open it. The golems come alive, and attack you. They're each worth

13,000 experience. Open the Sarcophagus.

This causes the resident of the tomb to arrive and chide you for waking

him up. He notices that you have his slippers, and asks for them. Give

them up. This is worth 20,000 quest experience, and he leaves you alone

to your graverobbing. Click the Sarcophagus one last time to get the

Mental Note. This is worth 8,000 quest experience.

Note: If the guardians DON'T come alive, you can always force-attack

them later.

Back to the main hallway. Go up to the altar at the top of the room,

open it and place the Bell and Candle in it. When that is done, the

statues come alive and attack you. Destroy them. When the statues that

came alive are dead, the giant statue talks to you and asks for the


Ring the Bell

Ring the Bell

Light the Candle

Open the Book (only works if you opened the Sarcophagus)

Ring the Bell

That completes the ritual, and opens the Mirrored Portal to the next

level. This is worth 25,000 quest experience. At this point, the rest

of the statues came alive and attacked me. This was a much more

difficult battle, and you should definitely take care of the mages first.

Also they had some interesting equipment:

Usuno's Blade +4 (scimitar)

Foebane +3 (Bastard Sword, upgradeable by Cespenar)

Whenever you are ready, go on down. This requires that you got the Vigil

Stone from Pol. If you don't have it, exit and talk to Pol to get it.

Note: If you want to rest (and this would be a good time), go to the

Protected Room in the right corner.

- LEVEL TWO (AR 3016)

As you appear, a Chromatic Demon talks to you. He is the only thing that

can get you to the next level, but he won't do that until you do a little

something for him. He has been trapped in this place for a thousand

years and it isn't where he thought his life was heading. Naturally he

wants your help in getting out. Sounds fair. He needs you to get him

out of his cage. Agree to it. You need to find the Four Scepters and

place them in the slots around his cage. Only then will he allow you

entrance to the next level.

Note: If you want to go back, use the Portal to the Left.

Also, beware of Traps! They're everywhere.

Enter the room to the southwest (x 1670 y 1850). Careful in here, there

are many traps on the floor and containers. Detrap the room. Time to

search for treasure, and clues.

The top right shelf (x 1600 y 2130) has a Handwritten Note.

The top left shelf (x 1325 y 1925) has:

Wand of Spell Striking

Star Sapphire

The small shelf (x 1000 y 2110) has some good stuff:

Right Horn (used by Cespenar)

Ice Library Note (a Clue!)

Read the Ice Library Note to learn how to clear out the Fire room.

Essentially you need to deal with the Fire Elementals first, but you

can't just kill them or they'd respawn, they must be lured into the Ice

Room and frozen there forever.

There are other minor treasures in here as well.

Back to the center room, now take the upper left (northwest) door (x 1700

y 1350). There are some Fire Giants in here that need killing. This

place also has many traps to be dealt with. Enter the room. You'll find

an imp in the upper passage here. He'll tell you that the Fan is the

key to everything before leaving. Time to search the room.

You'll find a Handwritten note on a table (x 1130 y 860).

The top of the pillar (x 1260 y 760) has:

Wand of Cursing

5 Potions of Superior Healing

more treasures...

Search the small shelf (x 1370 y 870) to find:

Fire Library Note (another Clue!)

There are other minor treasures in here. On to the next room (x 2420

y 1350).

This room is filled with various types of Golems. It is again trapped

quite thoroughly.

The Handwritten Note is at (x 3210 y 1000).

The Air Library Note is at (x 3000 y 900). This note mentions how you

might clear out the poison room, and the usefulness of lightning when

dealing with the new slimes found therein.

Nothing much else here, go down to the final room (x 2425 y 1840). Here

you must deal with some Mutated Spiders.

Search the shelf to the right (x 2900 y 1900) to find:


other treasures

Search the far right shelf (x 3225 y 2120) to find:

Slime Library Note (the last Clue!)

5 Potions of Extra Healing

Read the final note to learn that the demon's Air form is weak against

poison and acid. Also you'll learn how to set the fan to blow poison

from the Slime Room into the Air room to kill weaken the creatures there.

We have everything we need, time to make the most of it.


To get to the Fan Room, go into the Red Room (upper left), and up to the

door (x 1800 y 675) where the Imp was. Go in and turn the fan. This

will get you attacked by several Air Elementals. Kill them to get the:

Air Scepter

Go up to the fan and click it again to get more air going. This allows

you to open the door to the right, into the Slime Library. From there

continue going down-right and open the next door into the Slime Room.

This room is filled with noxious vapors, and lots of slime/poison related

monsters. Quickly open the bottom door in this room to clear it of all

its poison. Kill the snake to get:

Slime Scepter

Also, search the pool of slime to get:

Flail Head (Poison, Cespenar can upgrade the Flail of Ages with this)

Note: Getting too close to any of the "pools" results in damage taken.

In the slime room you get Acid Damage, for instance.

Head down to the next, icier door (x 2350 y 2500) and open it. Now,

run back to the Fan Room, click the Fan control once to reset it, and

click it again to shoot the poison from the poison room into the Ice

Room. Sweet.

Go back to the Ice Room and kill the monsters there. The poison didn't

bother me too much, but you could just stand at the edge of it and attack

from there. When the Ice Golem dies you get the:

Ice Scepter

Left Horn (used by Cespenar)

Note: To clear the room of poison, just click the Fan again. Also,

the Ice Room has a slowing effect.

I'd leave all of your party (save one) in the Ice Room.

Open the door to the left, go through the library and up to the next

door. Open that. Enter the room, avoid the giant. Wait for a Fire

Elemental to appear, then lead it back into the Ice Room, for your

waiting party to kill. Wait for the Elemental to FREEZE (there will even

be some text to this effect), then attack. The elemental shatters,

letting you know you've succeeded. Do this for 4 elementals (it doesn't

have to be all at once, or one at a time, just lure as many as you can).

Doing that gets you 22,000 experience.

When that is done, go up and kill the Fire Giant:

Fire Scepter

Helm of the Rock (+25% fire, ice, elec. res., upgradeable by Cespenar)

100 gold

You now have all 5 scepters. I'd rest, save, then go talk to the Demon.

Everyone gets 20,000 experience, and he, of course, attacks you. Who

saw that coming?

Chromatic Demon -5 AC 140 HP -5 THAC0 4 Attacks 95% weapon res.

Your weapons will damage him, but they just won't do much damage. As he

is damaged, he will switch forms. Just remember what each form is weak


Red Demon > Ice

Ice Golem > Fire

Shambling Mound > Lightning

Air Elemental > Poison

If you're in ToB, this is an easy enough fight, buff-up beforehand,

keep the fighters in the front and use whirlwinds. Three or four fighter

types doing 10 hits/round at 4 damage a hit should knock it down fast.

Tip: After you have all 4 scepters, but before you free the Chromatic

Demon, close the lower door in the poison lab. Then turn off the

fan in the air lab so the poison lab is full of gas. Move all but

one of your party members out of the way (the fire library works

nicely). Then have your remaining character (preferably having

them hasted first) release the Chromatic Demon. Lure the

Chromatic Demon into the poison lab (via the air library), then

exit the poison lab into the air library, closing the door behind

you and trapping the Chromatic Demon in the poison lab. Then just

sit back and wait for the Chromatic Demon to die. It doesn't take

long. (Jeremy Hanson)

When he is dead...

55,000 experience

Circlet of Netheril (Cespenar can upgrade)

Portal Key

Ixil's Spike (+2 dagger, Cespenar can upgrade)

Whenever you're ready, enter the right portal to the Next Level.



\ / Ooh, Isometric!

/ \


Our informer on this level is a crazy elf named Yakman. When you talk to

him he becomes convinced that you are some demonic illusion out to kill

him, causing him to run away. Follow him through the portal (x 1350

y 1100) and try talking to him again.

(AR 3011)

There is a pile of stuff (x 615 y 630) in the middle of the room:

Bard's Gloves (Cespenar can upgrade)

There is more treasure up in his tent (x 860 y 360, TRAPPED):

Madman's Journal (a Clue!)


Long Sword (you may want to take this... seriously)

Scepter of Radiance (you definitely need to take this)

other treasures...

Once you're done looting, talk to Yakman. You need someone with 16 or

more Charisma, or an Elf to get him to trust that you aren't an

illusionary demon. Ask all the questions you can, about the Demons,

why they fight each other, the level, the way out, the rod and its

gems, etc. Next tell him he needs some sleep, to learn that he never

sleeps. Offer to heal him, and the conversation ends. (the character

who spoke to him MUST be a cleric for this offer to come up)

Cast Heal on him and he is back to normal... although you might prefer

the insane version (he's quite arrogant). This gets you 5,000 quest

experience points. With that he exits the Watcher's Keep to find out if

he can restore his old life.

Enter the top portal (x 380 y 350) to return to the previous area (the

other portal takes you back to the beginning).

Note: Resting anywhere in this maze will get you attacked by Succubi

(er...), Glabrezu or other types of demons, which makes this a

great place to get experience, as they give between 6000 exp and

24,000 exp each. (Later you fight devils, but they're not as

much fun)

(AR 3003)

Head into the East Portal.

(AR 3008)

There will be various demons fighting amongst themselves here. They

mention the Blood War (see: Planescape: Torment). Kill the demons here.

(pretty easy to do since they're fighting each other)

Have someone of a lawful good alignment click on the Pillar to get: (evil

people get Horridly Wilted)

Purifier +4 (Bastard Sword, Upgradeable by Cespenar)

Go "east" again (x 1070 y 150).

(AR 3012)

Here you are confronted by a Tanar'ri. If you are evil, you can side

with it. It will want you to kill its enemy Ka'rashur. If you are Good

you will have no choice but to kill it. From its body, take the Scepter


Note: When you return with the Heart of Ka'rashur he gives you the

mighty Thieves Hood (useless until Cespenar upgrades it). This is

the ONLY way to get this item, he won't have it on him if you

kill him.

There is a trapped alcove (x 650 y 320) with some treasure.

Head on down "south" to the portal at (x 880 y 720).

(AR 3004)

This is a "no magic" zone. Kill off the demons in the area. Also there

are traps on the ground where the 4 hallways meet the center room. You'll

have to pass one to fight the monsters.

Go "south" again (x 1350 y 1100).

(AR 3006)

Welcome to the Succubus area. Whee. They'll attempt to tempt you, but

don't bother with them. Of course, if you turn them down, they attack

you. Ah well, demons just can't be reasoned with, I guess.

Head through the south gate.

(AR 3013)

Here you'll find the Baatezu (the very same ones that you were asked to

kill by the Tanar'ri earlier). If you're evil you can side with them,

otherwise prepare for a fight.

Be sure to search the corpses for the second Scepter Gem.

There is a small container (TRAPPED, x 960 y 360) above. It has some

minor treasures.

Again, use the lower portal.

(AR 3010)

There are some Glabrezu lurking around here. Also, if you go back

through the portals you entered from, you'll get back to the beginning.

We want to take the "western" portal, so head down and left to (x 150

y 785).

(AR 3005)

We experienced a "no-magic" room earlier, now we have entered a

"wild-magic" room. Here, magic just doesn't work as you might expect,

much like the "wild surge" effect you get if you play as a Wild Mage.

There are some Tieflings in here, but they aren't important.

Here's a twist, re-enter the portal you just came from (the "north"


(AR 3007)

There's a Cambion in here, but you don't have to deal with him. If you

do fight him, he'll summon several demon knights to help out.

Again, like the last area, re-enter the portal you entered from (the

"north" portal).

(AR 3014)

Right out of the portal are some really deadly traps. Try to disarm them

before engaging in battle.

Here you must fight a Demon Wraith and his armies of the undead. Kill


There are lots of minor treasures in here. There is also a really

good item as well:

(x 340 y 640) - White Dragon Scales (Cespenar can make armor of these)

Again, take the portal you came out of (the "north" portal).

(AR 3015, the "Exit")

This is more or less where you would have been taken if you got abducted

by a Succubus.

Just for arriving here, you get 10,000 quest experience.

When you first appear here, you'll find Aesgareth confronting you. He's

not from around here. He also has the necessary Scepter Gem in order

for you to move to the next level. That is not of the moment. Be civil

to him, but don't reveal that you have a possible way out. He wants to

play cards with you, the stakes being the Scepter (essentially). Agree

to it. The conversation ends so you can "prepare."

Note: Sounds like your cue to SAVE THE GAME. If you lose the game,

reload. After winning, save it again.

Also... You can pick-pocket Aesgarth for the deck of many

things during the "Let me think about it" time. Your pick-

pocketing skill should be at least 150+ though. (Xander77)

Talk to him again. The game involves attempting to survive whatever the

Deck of Many Things hurls at you. The stakes are, for him the Scepter

Gem, a Wish Scroll or a Spectral Brand, and you get to pick:

Note: The Spectral Brand (Long Sword +4) is upgradeable by Cespenar.

The Way Out (The Vigil Stone)... wager this!



Note: If you get the strength card and lose your Strength, use a

Remove Curse spell to dispel it. (thanks to Doug Scheurich)

In general, Remove Curse will dispel the negative effects,

should you get one.

You win by picking the "higher" card, which usually means the "worse"

card! Winning a game is worth 25,000 quest experience. If you win the

first two games (for the Spectral Brand and Wish scroll), talk to him

again and get an instant 20,000 quest experience.

Try to get the Spectral Brand if you can. Even if you lose the draw,

Aesgareth will return the Vigil Stone to you (so you don't lose anything)

and even give you the Scepter Gem to boot! What a nice demon.

For completing this you get 25,000 quest experience.

Note: The maximum experience playing the game is 95,000 quest

experience. Remember quest experience is NOT divided among

the party, everyone gets that exact amount. (when you kill a

1000 exp monster, on the other hand, it is divided amongst

everyone in the party)

Alternatively: You could be hostile and attack him.

Aesgareth - 21,000 experience

Deck of Many Things

Scepter Gem

Tiefling - 14,000 experience

Tiefling (2) - 18,000 experience

Tiefling - 16,000 experience

Fell Cat (2) - 9,000 experience

As well as many small treasures...

Total experience 105,000. (divided among your party,

so if you have 6 people, each person gets 17,500 exp)

Also, it is possible to win the first two games, then

lose the last game, and fight him then. You still get

less Exp for killing him than letting him go.

The Deck of Many Things (if you killed Aesgareth and got it):

Card Drawn Effect

Donjon Imprisoned

Ruin Lose 100,000 gold

Void Disintegrated

Magician Transformed into a rabbit, Remove Curse to undo

Skull Summons a hostile death shade, harmed by +5 or higher

Key Random magic item

Star If you are a warrior then +1 to strength; if you are

a Priest, +1 to wisdom; if you are a wizard, +1 to

intelligence, if you are a rogue, +1 to dexterity

Throne Party gets 1,000,000 experience

Moon Character gets +10 to max hit points

Euryale Character loses 1 to all saving throws

Flames Summons a hostile Baalor and some fire elementals

Knight Summons in four demon knights

Rogue Charms the character (they become Red and hostile)

Talons Blinds character. Remove curse to undo

Fool Lowers Wisdom to 3 and Confuses; remove curse spell

Comet Character gets +5 fire resistance

The fates Temporarily boosts +1 to all stats, lasts one day

Gem Get a rogue stone, king's tear, sapphire, diamond,

ruby, and emerald

Vizier Mantle spell for one day

Jester Character gains 50,000 experience

Sun Entire party gains 300,000 experience

Balance Deck vanishes

Time to get out of this maze. Before leaving this level, prepare for a

battle with Mind Flayers. Cast some protective magics on sensitive

players, Haste, etc. Enter the right portal.

- LEVEL FOUR (AR 3017)

Watch as a mage (MAD mage) forces some giths and illithids to fight a

battle. Then you get to talk to him, but this proves to be quite

unfruitful as he simply sends some goons to attack you. (In my case, it

was Illithids)

Note: When I encountered Carston on the fourth floor of Watcher's Keep

I asked him what happened to all his apprentices. He got huffy

and he me with a lightning bolt (maybe chain lightning?) and

then left me alone. Not so bad when the other option is having

him summon a bunch of Mind Flayers. [from Kevin Horan]

Up above the machine, there are four large containers (x 3300 y 1550).

Besides having the normal assortment of minor magical items, they also

carry NON-magical items. You might want to take some, you're going to

need them.

Open the door near here (x 3600 y 1660) and enter this room. There are

2 containers upwards, both are locked, the one on the left is trapped.

They have only minor treasures. There's another locked chest at the

lower end of this room with more minor treasures.

Open the next door (x 4100 y 1300) to find the Magical Golems. These

guys can be hurt ONLY by non-magical weaponry (hence the shelf full of

that stuff), so be sure that everyone is equipped with something mundane.

However, once you have normal weapons equipped, these golems are


Enter their room, and search the giant Pool to get some Blue Oil.

The three containers (the middle one is trapped) at the top of this room

have more minor treasures.

Back to Carston's Room. This time, take the door to the south (x 2600

y 2300)

The container just to your south (x 2850 y 2600) has a large variety of

healing potions.

The treasure chests at the top of the room are not treasure chests at

all, but Killer Mimics that attack you. Once the mimics are dead, you

can search the containers for more minor treasures.

The final door (x 2130 y 2670) leads to several torches, which you can't

light just yet. Back to Carston's room. Head up to the top stairs

(x 2400 y 1500). You'll be fighting more Mind Flayers, so be ready.

Go down.

(AR 3021)

Once here, I summoned a Mordenkainen's Sword, and sent it down. The

enemies all attacked that (quite uselessly) allowing me to swoop in

behind them and slaughter them.

Open the door to the left, and go down the passage to a small circular

room. There were some Umber Hulks here that wanted to be killed. Once

they're dead, search the circular thing in the center for:

Illithid Rod

Wand of Cursing

other treasures...

Go back, then open the lower door and enter that room. There are more

Hulks and Illithids in here to be killed.

Search the table at (x 1600 y 915) for:

5 Potions of Extra Healing

Handwritten Note

other treasures...

Open the cell door, and search the table in there for more small

treasures. Also the table to the right has more treasures, healing

potions, etc.

Enter the right cell and talk to the dying Apprentice. Ask him about

Carston and the exit to the next level. The key is the Machine, of

course. He dies, and you can then search the table behind him for more

small treasures. For helping him die (I guess) you get 1000 quest


Open the southern door, and go down the passage to another circular

room. There are 3 illithids in here and some Umber Hulks. Kill them.

One of the illithids has the second part of the Illithid Rod key, once

you get it you get 4000 experience and the completed key. The container

in the center of the room here is TRAPPED and has minor treasures.

Go back up to the cell room, then left (x 1200 y 1000).

This is the Red Oil Room. When you take the red oil from the vat you

will be attacked by a couple of Vampiric Illithids (the best of BOTH

worlds there). They're each worth 14,000 experience.

Head back up to Carston's level.

(AR 3017)

Drop down to the lower stairway (x 4000 y 2600) and go down.

(AR 3022)

If you thought that the Gith might be more reasonable than the Illithid

were, well you're wrong. They're not.

Note: Some of these Gith are considered to be Anti-Paladins. Don't

you wish that you could be an Anti-Paladin?

There are 3 chests in this first room, and the "middle" one is trapped.

They mostly have minor treasures with one exception...

Be sure to get the Flint and Tinder from the lower chest (x 880 y 550).

The door to the right has more Giths and some minor treasures.

Open the lower-left door and go through (x 900 y 800).

Fight off the Giths in this room, then search it for treasure. There is

another Handwritten Note here at (x 400 y 950).

Open the door in the lower right (x 900 y 1200) to go to the next room.

You'll have to fight through a wave of Gith, but if you can take on the

Illithids, the Gith should present no problems at all. When they're

dispatched, go further to the right to find the captain. You can't talk

him out of a fight, so don't bother trying.

Captain - 7500 experience

Diary of Carston's Apprentice (a Clue!)

Angurvadal (Long Sword +4, upgradeable by Cespenar)

Search the "teeth" of their ship (x 1350 y 1550) to find:

Montolio's Clasp (part of Montolio's Cloak, upgradeable by Cespenar)

other treasures...

Search the purple pool (x 1550 y 1700) to get:

Purple Oil

Open the door in the bottom right corner here (x 1830 y 1960) and


(AR 3018)

Follow this down to find a great red Dragon, Saladrex. In case you're

planning on attacking him (don't yet), here are his general stats:

244 HP -12 AC -6 THAC0 3 Attacks 30% all weapon res. 64,000 exp

Staff of the Ram +4 (Upgradeable by Cespenar)

Rogue Stone

1500 gold

other treasures...

Anyway, let's just have a pleasant chat with him for a bit. You can

attack later if you want. Try to use the "flattering" answers whenever

possible ("oh mighty Saladrex") as he is a very vain dragon. Ask him

what he's doing here, and he'll tell you that he was summoned by the

Mad Mage Carston like everyone else, but he found that he liked it here.

Depending on how flattering you were, you'll be able to ask him some

questions. Ask him everything that you want...

Then, if you so desire, you can attack. Most of the "trick" strategies

for killing dragons that worked in BG2, no longer work (Fake Talk,

tossing out Cloudkills, etc.), so you might actually have to prepare for

a real fight. I'd make sure to cast Resist Fear on everyone, as Dragons

tend to be frightening.

Tips: Killed the dragon by using one of the many spell striking

wands to lower its resistance (cast about 3 times), then

used wand of lightning a bunch of times. Used cleric to

heal/cast resist fire/resurrect. Important to note that the

dragon in watcher's keep cannot fit through its big doorway,

allowing you to stay out of range of all but it's fire

breath. Fun stuff. If you're really crafty, you can grab

some additional fire protections, and nix the cleric. This

method is mainly for those who go straight from Irenicus'

Dungeon to Watcher's Keep. [from Braden]

Once you're done here, go back up.

(AR 3022)

Want to fight a Demi-Lich? Whenever you've prepared, head over to the

left, open the door (x 750 y 1850) and descend.

(AR 3027)

Nothing here, but a Demi-Lich! I'd send in only one character and

attempt to draw him out of his little hidey-hole. I'd keep your mages

WELL away from this battle so they can cast Freedom on anyone who happens

to get imprisoned by him. So, what I did was cast Simulacrum, and had

that stay in the battle with me, and had my real mage go hide somewhere.

I'd also send your main character away as well, this prevents him/her

from getting imprisoned and ending your game. Of course, if you have a

Berserker in your party, just Berserk and hit him hard and fast.

Berserking makes you immune to imprison.

Note: There are all kinds of ways to kill a Demi-Lich, and the monster

strategies section above on Undead has them all.

Demi-Lich - 55,000 experience

Star Dagger +4 (upgradeable by Cespenar)

20,000 gold

other treasures...

Be sure to check his coffin for more treasures.

Go back to the Gith level, and from there back to the main Mad Mage


(AR 3017)

Head left to the torches (x 1680 y 2860). There are 6 torches, 3 on the

left and 3 on the right. Here's the color coding...

Red Blue

Red Purple

Purple Red

Click on each torch and light them according to the pattern. (You get

the pattern from the tiles in the two side rooms, if you're curious...

it's easier to see if you look at the mini-map) When all the torches

light, the door opens and everyone gets 10,000 quest experience points.

Enter the last room.

Here you must fight two Minotaurs, Rock and Garock. Somehow they also

summon other monsters to help them. But after clearing out a dragon and

demi-lich, what are 2 minotaurs?

Rock - 15,000 experience

Axe of the Unyielding +3 (Upgradeable by Cespenar)

2 Potions of Superior Healing

Battle Axe +3

Garock - 10,000 experience

2 Potions of Superior Healing

Battle Axe +3

Time to search the Vaults. The left one is trapped, the right one is


Get the Crystal Mallet from the left vault.

Be sure to get the Clay Golem page from the right vault. The other

treasure is decidedly minor.

Head back to the great machine, and click on it. You need to hit the

thing SIX times in order to get Carsten out of it. Once he is removed

from his cocoon, he isn't quite as arrogant. Let him live and he'll

give you his journal. You get 10,000 experience for letting him live.

(He's worth only 6000 to kill) Read his journal to learn how to activate

the portal to the next level. However, we have a machine to play with


Save it first, then use the machine. All the handwritten notes you have

been gathering are the formulas for what you can do with it. Each

valid combination requires 3 switches/buttons/whatever to be pressed.

They can be done in any order. The bonuses work on whoever used the

machine, not just the main character. So, if you need your priest to

gain some wisdom...

Here is a complete list of the valid combinations:

Triangle Green Medium > Storm Star +3 (Cespenar can upgrade)

Blue Green Long > Gain Magic Res.

Circle Blue Long > +1 INT

Square Blue Short > +1 DEX

Red Green Short > +1 CHA

Circle Square Triangle > +1 WIS

Circle Red Long > +1 CON

Square Short Medium > +1 STR

Triangle Red Medium > Exit to next level

Note: You can only do the Stat bonuses ONCE.

If you enter in an INVALID combination, you get some really bad random

effects (well, mostly bad):

10% chance to gain a Potion of Superior Healing.

10% chance to get 100,000 experience (only for whoever used it)

10% chance to become Imprisoned (bad if it's your main character)

10% chance for 50 fire damage

10% chance turned to stone (bad if it's your main character)

10% chance to lose 1 INT

10% chance for 75 lightning damage

10% chance to be poisoned

10% chance to lose 15 levels

10% chance to lose 1 DEX

Anyway, use the machine's Triangle, Red, Medium combination to open up

the portal to the next level. This is worth 25,000 quest experience.

The portal you want to enter is the Right Portal (x 2800 y 1400).

- LEVEL FIVE (AR 3019)

Well here we are on the final level. In fact, you can see the Final

Seal just ahead. All you have to do is figure a way to open it. The

other portal here takes you out of the dungeon.

There are 3 doors around this area, one below, one to the left and one

to the right. Open the lower door (x 2460 y 2460) and talk to the

Helmite Ghost. Be confident and tell him that you are ready for anything

that might be ahead. Tell him that you are ready for the challenge and

he tells you to enter the 3 doors behind him.

Enter the left door first (x 2300 y 2950).

(AR 3025)

You will be fighting orcs in here. Lots and lots of orcs. This area is

on a timer. As long as the timer is going, there will be a constant

supply of orcs for you to fight. So, until the end, there will be 10

orcs in the room.

After a short while, the spirit appears, congratulates you and gives you

21,000 quest experience.

Search the pool for:

Ixil's Nail (Cespenar can upgrade)

5 Potions of Extra Healing

minor treasures...

Go back up.

(AR 3019)

Now open the middle door (x 2640 y 3000) and go down. You will be

fighting a Dragon, so be warned.

(AR 3024)

This challenge is much more interesting, you get to fight a Green Dragon!

I found this dragon quite a bit easier than the Red one earlier. Anyway

I simply summoned up some Mordenkainen's Swords (2), a Fire Elemental.

Then I cast a few protection spells and hacked at the dragon till he


Dragon - 62,000 experience

Warrior's Skull

Hindo's Doom +3 (upgradeable by Cespenar)

1500 gold

other treasures...

With the dragon dead, you get congratulated by the ghost and another

21,000 quest experience.


(AR 3019)

Time for the last door (x 2900 y 2900).

(AR 3026)

Here you meet up with a gaming imp. No way out, you'll just have to

answer her questions. Oh, and if you fail, she Imprisons your entire


First, here is her riddle:

"I have as many brothers as sisters, but my brothers have twice the

number of sisters as brothers. How many children do my parents have?"

Answer: Seven

This is worth 10,000 quest experience.

Next you play the Game of Coins. Here is the way to win at this:

You take:

2 coins (he'll take 1 coin)

3 coins (he takes 3 coins)

1 coin (leaving him the last coin, so he loses!)

Beating the Imp again is worth another 10,000 experience. The Spirit

appears again, congratulates you and gives you another 21,000 quest


There are 3 containers in here with various minor treasures. Also, the

chest against the wall is TRAPPED. When you're done looting, exit.

(AR 3019)

When you appear, the Spirit talks to you, and gives you the Heart Key.

(actually, for me, he gave it to Jaheira)

1 key down, 2 to go.

Go up and to the left, and open that door (x 1240 y 1580). Kill off any

monsters in here. This is the Orb Room, where colored balls shoot out of

a machine to be deposited in large pillars. Why, you ask? For a key.

Go up and examine the machine. You'll have to go through the Notes

before it actually lets you play with the machine. You're going to have

to press each of the 4 buttons 4 times. Each time you press a button you

get a new Orb of the same color as the button. After you get an orb,

place it into the same colored Pillar. There are some side effects to be

aware of:

Note: Despite what the machine says, you only have to put ANY ONE of

the colored globes into their proper Pillar. That means you can

get away with pushing only 4 buttons total, rather than 16.

Red 1: Summons Hobgoblins

Red 2: Summons Kuo-Toas

Red 3: Summons Trolls

Red 4: Summons Greater Wolfweres

Blue 1: Summons a Mage (11,000 exp)

Blue 2: Summons a Mage (14,000 exp)

Blue 3: Summons a Mage (20,000 exp)

Blue 4: Summons a Mage (6000 exp)

Purple 1: Summons Skeletal Warriors

Purple 2: Summons Shadows

Purple 3: Summons Vampires

Purple 4: Summons Liches

Green 1: Summons Mutated Spiders

Green 2: Summons Umber Hulks

Green 3: Summons Earth Elementals

Green 4: Summons Beholders

Note: Each button pressed gives you 1000 quest experience for a total

of 16,000 quest experience.

Tip: With the "purple" undead monsters, I turned the script off of my

Cleric, and had her stand near where the monsters appear. Then,

because of being at a high level, every undead was blown to bits.

Here's a list of what the first 3 orbs do for each color: (Dave Loveland)

Green - Summon Shambling Mound

Green - Melf's Acid Arrow

Green - Temporary +5% magic resistance (on caster)

Blue - Cone of Cold

Blue - Greater Restoration

Blue - Protection from Normal Missiles

Purple - Invisibility

Purple - Mass Cure

Purple - Cloud Giant Strength (on caster)

Red - Fireball

Red - Good Luck (temporary +1 to saves for each member of your party)

Red - Heals 64 hit points

When you're done, you get the Mind Key, which is worth 10,000 quest

experience. 2 down, 1 to go.

Go over to the right door (x 2900 y 1300) and go in. You'll have to

fight through some enemies, but nothing you can't handle. Go up to the

pedestal and click it to place the Skull you got from the dragon on it.

This teleports you to a hidden realm ...

(AR 3023)

You cannot move. In fact, all you can do is control the Spirit Warrior

and tell him where to go. This dungeon has been reduced to almost a

Text Adventure level. Your Spirit Warrior has 50 HP, 7 AC, 10 THAC0.

Map: (start in Room 1)

Room 12 -- Room 11 -- Room 10

Mummy Chest > Heal Gibberling (use scroll)

(Req. Key) |

Room 7 -- Room 8 -- Room 9

Ghost | Desk (Bracers +1 THAC0)

Chest (Helm) | chance to be poisoned when opened

Room 4 -- Room 5 -- Room 6

Poison Scroll War Dog

Fountain Search for Potion (Heal) & Key

Room 1 -- Room 2 -- Room 3

Goblin Treasure Chest (Wand)

Skeleton attacks when opened

Wand Note: If you don't use your wand beforehand, it will be more

powerful when you fight the Mummy later.

Fleeing Note: If you flee the goblin you take 2 damage.

If you flee the skeleton or War Dog you take 5 damage.

If you flee the ghost you take 7 damage.

Experiences: You get 4000 quest experience for getting the Helm.

4000 QExp for getting the Potion & Key.

4000 QExp for getting the Scroll

4000 QExp for getting the Bracers

3000 QExp for using the Scroll on the Gibberling

4000 QExp for using the key and opening the chest

As you can see from the map, there are many ways to do this one. The

route I favor is this:

Room 1: Go North to 4.

Room 4: Go North to 7.

Room 7: Kill ghost, open chest to get the +1 AC Helm. Go south.

Room 4: Go south to 1.

Room 1: Go east to 2.

Room 2: Fight goblin. East to 3.

Room 3: Open chest, fight skeleton, get Wand. Go up to 6.

Room 6: Fight War Dog, search for Potion (Heal) & Key. West to 5.

Room 5: Search for Scroll. Up to 8.

Room 8: East to 9.

Room 9: There is a 33% chance to get poisoned if you open the desk.

The Bracers +1 THAC0 are nice, however. North to 10.

Room 10: Use Scroll to kill Gibberling. West to 11.

Room 11: Open Chest (needs the Key from room 6) to get healed. Go

through the Arch to 12.

Room 12: Fight the mummy. Use the Wand first, then attack.

If you don't want any of the items, the non-violent (at least until you

get to the Mummy) route is:

Room 1: Go north to 4.

Room 4: Go east to 5.

Room 5: Search for scroll. North to 8.

Room 8: East to 9.

Room 9: North to 10.

Room 10: Use Scroll to kill Gibberling. West to 11.

Room 11: Go through Archway to 12.

Room 12: Fight Mummy. I believe the mummy is stronger if you don't

have the Helm and Bracers.

Thus you are released from the Spirit Warrior, having succeeded in

getting the final key. For this you get 21,000 quest experience.

(AR 3019)

Go over to the great Seal on the floor. There are 3 pedestals around it,

click on each of these. Each key used gets you 20,000 quest experience

(for 60,000 total). Now that we've stuck the keys in, we still have

to turn them. And when you turn the keys, monsters appear. As soon as

you turn the key, I'd pause it and survey your enemies. If you have any

mages, take them out quickly to avoid getting Time Stopped.

Upper Right - Spirits of Priests (and one mage)

Items: Club of Detonation +3

Lower - Lich (25,000 experience), Flaming Skulls

Items: Erinne Sling +4 (upgradeable by Cespenar)

Serpent Shaft (upgradeable by Cespenar)

Upper Left - Final Guardians

The Final Guardians are meant to be very tough, and so they are. They

consist of:

Nalmissra - Tanar'ri

25,000 experience

Scroll: Wish

The Huntress - Demonic

20,000 experience

Taralash Bow +4 (increases movement rate, Upgradeable)

Y'tossi - Demonic

23,000 experience

Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization (+1 THAC0, +2 dmg

+ 1/2 attack per round)

Amerilis Zauviir - Cleric

20,000 experience

Hive Mother - Beholder

50,000 experience

Xei Win Toh - Fighter

28,000 experience

There are also lots of minor treasures too.

To prepare for the final battle, I summoned up some Mordenkainen's Swords

and placed them around the portal. I then moved my party well over to

the left, cast protective magics on them (and a Simulacrum as well).

If you have the Cloak of Reflection or the Shield of Balduran, be sure

to have those equipped on someone, and have them rush the Beholder.

I had the Swords attack Y'tossi as she is very tough and requires high

enchantments (the Swords are +5) to even hit. I then hit Nalmissra

(after doing a Remove Magic on her) since she was close before

concentrating more fully on the Beholder. Once those monsters are gone

it's practically smooth sailing.

Note: Getting killed by Instant-Death attacks? Try using the Death

Ward (cleric) before hand.

Saving after the battle is a GOOD idea.

Alan Cherry has a good idea: Keep everyone near the exit portal. Take

out one or two of the opponents, then use the portal and leave as soon as

someone's hurt bad. Heal up and recharge spells, and come back in. As

long as nobody's too far from the portal, you can exit anytime. Cast

Resist Fear before entering, since you can't control a character who


Konstantin has a more magical strategy: All it requires is a Mage or a

Sorcerer and the skull trap spell. I call this the chain reaction.

Anyway, the best kind of fight is when you get the XP for free. So I had

my thief set snares around the room and then using project image I had my

Sorcerer pump the room full of skull traps about 12 in each of the places

where the monsters would appear. This of course took a few minutes.

Then I took a rest and cast all of my protective spells, and got ready

for a fight. I carefully came up to the key thing (whatever it is) and

turned the key. There was a laugh, then my screen froze for a few

seconds as the skull traps were going off, when everything was finished

all the guardians were dead. They did not touch me once.

Xander77 offers the following strategies:

To begin with. it may be a good idea to kill all the monsters at the

monster machine except for the purple (undead) ones. Then start turning

undead with a sanctuaried cleric and recruit a bunch of Vampires,

Skeleton Warriors and Liches to your cause before going after the


Finish the other seal guardians, rest-up and buff-up (For this battle I

suggest summoning 1 planetar 2-3 skeleton warriors/hashekars and 1-2

Mordenkainen's Swords. Cast a storm of venegance over the area if you

feel like it. Now. arrange everyone according to the strategy of your

choice and - open the last seal.

Strategy 1 - General pile-up.

Simple enough - send all the summoned creatures into battle. Let your

characters stand back and use every area-damage spell they know

(preferably summon-friendly ones). Chain-contingency + horrid wiltings

might work here (it might work in any big combat). Timestop + Improved

Alacricity is also nice.

Strictly according to the rules. A bit-touch-and-go, but doable

(especially if your level is 20+)

OTOH - It does seem somewhat impersonal, doesn't it? Going on to:

Strategy 2 - divide and conquer.

Make sure that all your guys and summons take their assigned places

(see below) except for one mage that opens the final seal. At this

point we handle 3 of the guardians on a party-monster basis, while the

summons distract the other 3. Simple enough.

Nimarha - Send a guy with negative plain protection (IMOD for example)

and charm protection against her. All her attacks are ignored, while

the guy uses a ranged weapon to help his friends. If you can find a

mage with the above specifications - even better. We need all the

fighters we can get taking down Ytossi and the Hive mother - the mage

can just stoneskin, and sit there doing his thing.

Ytossi - a fighter or 2. Breach her protection from magic weapons (a

mage should alternate between breaching her, breaching the hive mother

and magic missiling anyone who seems to be up to something).

Hive mother - one guy with Cloak of reflection. An enraged Korgan is

good - maze and imprisonment won't work. Possibly another guy with high

MR\Cloak of Balduran to help him send her on her way before she starts

targeting the other party members.

BTW - If your main char is a fighter, you can distract them all the 3

on the right by yourself, and let the summons help your party. Both the

kensai and the archer have +1 weapons (the archer has a +2/ or maybe

+3 sword, but she only uses it once she runs out of arrows) so they

can't hurt you. You should carve the drow up bad enough that she won't

have time to fire of a spell.

Vice versa - you can handle the 3 on the right with your party (just

run on in and keep hitting them. Keep a mage free to keep the 3 on the

left in line) and let the summons handle the ones on the left in the

meantime. In which case:

Namirra - One skeleton warrior, or something else she can't charm and

can stay alive after a level drain or 2.

Ytossi - one mordy sword. 2 if you feel like breaching and letting them

finish her.

Hive mother - one skeleton warrior and one Hakeashar. Both magic


Planetar - wanders around and kills anything that needs killing.

Cast a death word on your weaker party members in case a spell goes

after the wrong person, and finish the whole thing quickly - they start

turning to opponents other then the ones they're currently facing after

a while.

Once they're dead and gone, time to click the Wheel above the Seal to

open it.

Going down...


Ah, finally we meet the elusive "Imprisoned One"... He'll try to talk

you out of using the Scroll you were given, at the moment we don't want

to listen to that. Get out of the conversation, put the scroll in a

Quick Item Slot and use it. This is worth 80,000 quest experience.

Of course, the Imprisoned One was right, and you are now trapped down

here. You can go up the stairs and look at the portals, but you sure

can't do anything about it. Talk to the demogorgon again. Listen to its

plan, it will open a small rift in the seal to let you out, you go talk

to the false-Helmites and trick them into coming to check on the

Imprisoned One, he kills them and everyone is happy. Sounds like fun.

Agree, and he'll open the portals.

Use the Right Portal to get back to the beginning.

(AR 3000)

You'll appear on the ground level, find the stairs up to the roof to

talk to Odren. Tell him what the Imprisoned One told you to tell him,

(that you killed the Imprisoned One) and they'll go rushing down to

check for themselves.

After that a Specter appears and talks to you. She tells you that Odren

was indeed corrupt, that it was He who was supposed to do the ritual

binding the Demogorgon (prince of demons) in the Keep. He wimped out

and thought to sacrifice you. She says Helm has sealed his fate. She

gives you three options to do:

Flee in Terror

Enter the Keep and Save Orden

Use a New Scroll to Seal both Demogorgon and Orden inside

Pick either Enter the Keep or Use the Scroll and she'll give you the

scroll (just in case). This is worth 25,000 experience.

Note: If you tell Odren either that you understand why he did what he

did or that you cannot forgive him and that he should get out of

your sight (but you don't attack him), they both bring you +1

rep, 10,000 quest exp, and you hear the seal is now in place-

cutting off access to demigorgon. You can tell Orden that you

want to be rewarded for 10,000 gold and 7000 quest exp. After

you receive the gold you can say it wasn't enough and attack

Orden or decide that it is enough and receive +1 rep.

[from Nathaniel Ragatz]

The easiest is to simply take the New Scroll, use it and seal both

inside. This gets you 80,000 quest experience.

Note: Once you seal the Demogorgon in with the Scroll, you can never

again attempt to kill him.

... Except for a very small area on the door that still allows

you to enter, that is.

Of course, many people might think it too easy to simply use a scroll,

if so the it is time to go back inside. Drop down the stairs to the

ground, then over to the left and into the Demogorgon's Lair.

If not, then congratulations on completing the Watcher's Keep.

(AR 3020)

Everyone dies really quickly around the Demogorgon, so you can't expect

help from the "knights." Demogorgon also summons up a pair of Mariliths

(similar to Y'tossi from earlier) making this a very tough battle indeed.

Anyway, before dropping down to his level, you'll want to prepare

yourself. Protection spells, summonings, anything you think might help.

Make sure everyone has +4 weapons so that they can actually hit something

down there (otherwise, just leave them up by the portals). If you kill

one set of minions, he'll summon more. In order to hit the Demogorgon

you'll need to lower his defenses. I would suggest Khelben's Warding

Whip. Use all of your special abilities/items/spells that you can while

in the battle. There's no better time than now to try out your Whirlwind

attacks. It is not ESSENTIAL to take out his Mariliths, you could leave

them be and just try to kill Demogorgon. If you do kill his Mariliths

he'll summon more... again and again. Remember, you can't hurt him

if he has protections on, so use Warding Whip!

If you have the higher abilities, summon Planetars and other similar

creatures (those can sure take a beating). You may get poisoned, so

either have an antidote, or a spell handy. Set up Contingencies if you

can, and Spell Triggers.

Demogorgon - 290 HP -12 AC -8 THAC0 5 Attacks

36,000 experience

Mariliths - 23,000 experience

Balor - 26,000 experience

Glabrezu - 12,000 experience

Cambion - 18,000 experience

Note: This is probably the most difficult battle in any of these

games, so if you can't do it after several attempts, try

coming back later.

Also, you cannot cheat to kill the Demogorgon. It won't work.

Demogorgon is not stopped by Time Stop, so unless your mage

can fight him on his/her own, don't use it.

Exploits work against Demogorgon quite well. Drop a "Pit

Trap" in the center before he appears (Or, drop several). Or

if you're into magic, use the Project Image spell exploit to

summon multiple Planetars.

Find Demogorgon too easy? Try David Gaider's (a senior designer

at Bioware) more difficult Demogorgon:

Killing the Demogorgon is also worth 100,000 quest experience. Talk to

Orden to get 20,000 quest experience.

Note: If you kill Demogorgon, the game prevents you from sealing

Watcher's Keep by causing the sealing scroll to disappear, but

the scroll doesn't disappear until 1-2 seconds after you've left

the keep. This is more than enough time if you're ready. Save

the game after killing Demogorgon, but before leaving the keep.

The instant you appear outside the keep, pause the game. Now

trigger the scroll and seal the keep. You'll get the full

experience for sealing the keep on top of what you got for

killing Demogorgon! The timing isn't all that hard, but if you

don't pause the game in time, reload and try again.

[from zambkptkn]

Either way, you are done with the Watcher's Keep!


2. [GRVFTN] Grove of the Ancients (AR 4000)




Any drow items that you were cheaply carrying around in the sunlight (from

earlier tricks) will turn to dust.




Sarevok 18/00 17 18 17 10 15 Human Fighter Chaotic Evil

Sarevok has been killed by you (twice), but now lives again thanks to a

piece of Bhaalsoul. He offers you information and help, but can you

really trust your old nemesis? Yes, actually, you can.

Also, although he is Chaotic Evil at the moment, depending on how you

treat him, you can get him to change alignments to Chaotic Good. In

order to get him to switch, don't ask for him to make the promise, then

act good around him yourself, giving him second chances and whatnot.

Found in: Hell

Grade: A There isn't a better fighter in any of the Baldur's Gate

games. Plus if you're really crazy you can dual him to a mage

or thief for even more fun. The only real problem with

Sarevok is his Chaotic Evil nature, which adds conflict to a

good-aligned party.




Time to talk to some big heads. They give you the standard cryptic

prophecy routine, then set you in a different place in this area. You

sense that you are about to be attacked and soon a woman named Illasera

appears. She is a child of Bhaal like yourself, and very quickly she'll

turn hostile on you. She appears to be a minor mageling (98 HP). Take

her out:

10,000 experience

Boots of Speed

Dagger +2

2 Extra Healing Potions

Ring of Protection +1

Sylvan Chain +2

Note: This battle, like many others, becomes more difficult based on

the strength of your party.

Also, don't worry about the items, they'll be teleported with


After the battle, when you attempt to move, you will collapse and awaken

in hell.


You wake up and a Solar greets you. She is as cryptic as the giant heads

were (there must be a rule about this, all divine beings must be

unintelligible) and offers no real answers... yet. She does mention that

Alaundo was her servant, and therefore might know something about his

prophecy and your powers. She vanishes, and Sarevok appears.

Sarevok is not quite what he used to be, in fact, he is probably only a

shadow of his former self, called into being because you happened to be

thinking about him at the time. In any case, he offers some sage wisdom

on the nature of this place. You have managed to create a subplane

within Bhaal's realm, and this subplane is currently separating you from

the greater plane. Sarevok noticed this creation in progress, and came

to wait for you with a deal. He wants to live again, and only you can

make this happen. In exchange for this, he offers you knowledge.

At this point you can try badgering him to give you the information right

now, but he won't. He needs some Bhaalsoul to get him up and running

again. If you have Imoen with you, you can ask her to do it instead.

Either way Sarevok returns to life (and you don't feel any worse off).

He has a good hearty laugh, then launches into some Vital Clues for you.

He opens up a passage to a "challenge" that you must face, and tells you

to not attempt it alone. He then tells you that you must eventually get

to the Tethyrian city of Saradush where all things will begin. Next he

wants to join with you, and even offers you an Oath of Fealty.

There are several empty containers in here. Use these to store your

items that you don't know what to do with (such as Component Items for

upgrading your weapons... see below).

Summoning Party Members: On each side of the Planar Exit are statues of

people. Click on them to talk to the Spirit. Eventually it will reveal

that it can summon people who are tied to you. Use this to summon any

party members that you would like to join you.

Note: Although Yoshimo appears on this list, he is regarded as dead

and cannot be summoned.


Walk a little left and down to find Cespenar, your imp-butler blacksmith.

His purpose is to upgrade your weapons and items. (like Cromwell, but

better) Here is the complete list of everything he can make, along with

a list of ingredients required to make them:

Note: Unless I say otherwise, assume the item costs 5,000 gold to make.

Also, several items (such as the String of Gond) are used in the

making of several items. This means you must choose which item

you want to upgrade, because once you upgrade one thing, you can't

do the other.

Most of these are found in the Watcher's Keep, unless otherwise


Case of Plenty +2 -- Case of Plenty

Heartwood Ring -- Oaken Ring (Amkethran)

Nymph's Tear (Forest of Mir)

Thieves Hood (better)- Thieves Hood

Ring of Invisibility

Antidote Potion

10,000 gold

Helm of the Rock -- Helm of the Rock

(better) Horn (left)

Horn (right)

Montolio's Cloak -- Montolio's Clasp

Montolio's Cloak (Amkethran)

Wondrous Gloves -- Bard's Gloves

Star Sapphire



Rogue Stone

Blessed Bracers -- Paladin's Bracers

10,000 gold

Circlet of Netheril -- Bronze Ioun Stone (Vampire Nest, Saradush)

Circlet of Netheril

Golem Manual -- Golem Manual

Clay Golem Page

& 5,000 gold

Stone Golem Page (Marching Mountains)

& 10,000 gold

Juggernaut Golem Page (Abazigal's Lair)

& 15,000 gold

Improved Cloak of -- Cloak of Protection +2

Protection +2 Scroll: Invisibility

Scroll: Improved Haste

20,000 gold

White Dragon Scale -- White Dragon Scales

Blue Dragon Plate -- Blue Dragon Scales (Abazigal)

Aslyerferund Elven -- Bladesinger Chain +4 (Dragon in Suldanesselar)

Chain +5 Scroll: Protection from Normal Weapons

40,000 gold

Bag of Plenty +2 -- Bag of Plenty (Marching Mountains)

King's Tears

10,000 gold

Erinne Sling +5 -- Erinne Sling +4

Fire Tooth +5 -- Fire Tooth +4

Bowstring of Gond (Sendai's Lair)

Quiver of Plenty +2 -- Quiver of Plenty

Rogue Stone

10,000 gold

Darkfire Bow +5 -- Bowstring of Gond (Sendai's Lair)

Darkfire Bow (Capt. Erelon, Amkethran)

Taralash +5 -- Bowstring of Gond (Sendai's Lair)

Taralash +4

Runehammer +5 -- Runehammer +4 (Siege Camp)

Rune of Clangeddin (Sendai's Forest)

Flail of Ages +4 -- Flail of Ages +3

Flail Head (Poison)

Flail of Ages +5 -- Flail of Ages +4

Flail Head (Electric) (Abazigal)

Storm Star +5 -- Storm Star +3

Starfall Ore (found in Kiser's House, Saradush)

Club of Detonation +5 - Club of Detonation +3

Ring of Fire Resistance

Hindo's Doom +4 -- Hindo's Doom +3

Hindo's Hand (Abazigal's Lair)

Spectral Brand +5 -- Spectral Brand +4

Skull of the Lich (Sendai's Lair)

Ravager +6 -- Ravager +4 (Yaga Shura's Lair)

Serpent Shaft

Staff of the Ram +6 -- Staff of the Ram +4 (Watcher's, Dragon)

Roranach's Horn

Axe of the -- Baalor's Claw (Marching Mountain)

Unyielding +5 Axe of the Unyielding +3

Ixil's Spike +6 -- Ixil's Spike

Ixil's Nail +4

Dagger of the -- Dagger of the Star +4 (Watcher's, Demi-Lich)

Star +5 Star Sapphire (5)

Carsomyr +6 -- Carsomyr +5 (Firkraag)

Eye of Tyr (Sendai's Lair)

Gram (improved) -- Gram the Sword of Grief +5 (Abazigal's Lair)

Heart of the Damned (Sendai's Lair)

Purifier +5 -- Purifier +4

Eye of Tyr (Sendai's Lair)

Foebane +5 -- Foebane +3

Fflar's Scabbard (Saradush Sewer)

Angurvadal +5 -- Angurvadal +4

Liquid Mercury (Sendai's Lair)

10,000 gold

Sword of Mask +5 -- Short Sword of Mask +4

Heart of the Damned (Sendai's Lair)


If you don't have a party, go summon one (the statues by the top door),

then make your way up the stairs to the challenge.

At the challenge you talk with a man called Gavid, a Bhaalspawn who died

before learning of his heritage. Gavid "dies" and you are beset upon by

monsters. They start small and work their way up in difficulty ending

with Drow. After which Gavid appears and tells you there is no way out

of retribution... or is there?

Note: The challenge gets even more difficult if you are a higher

level. Also the challenge differs depending on your alignment.

If you are good you fight evil monsters, if you are evil you

fight good guys (say, peasants, elves and so forth).

The place where you are standing changes a bit, but you're still in Hell.

Everyone gets 25,000 experience, while the main character gets 30,000

exp. The main character also gets the Pocket Plane ability, which will

return you to your private dimension.

Time to go...


3. [SRDSHH] Saradush (AR 5000)





You appear in the middle of a ... disagreement. The authorities believe

you to be hostile and attack on sight. Better clear them out quickly.

After they're all dead, Melissan talks to you. She sums up the situation

for you: the city is under siege by Yaga Shura (Bhaalspawn) preventing

anyone from leaving, and the city is under control of Gromnir

(Bhaalspawn) who is quite Mad and probably will get everyone killed.

After that you can ask her some questions. Ask everything you can.

Note: As this is a city under siege, don't stay in any place too

long... fire tends to rain from the sky.

There are various Minor Bhaalspawn in town. Unless I

specifically mention them, they aren't important.

Also, there are various random treasures to be found in the

containers of the city.

The Harlot in the main city has nothing at all to do with the

Vampire Courtesan plot you'll find later. In fact, she simply

wants to wish you well in getting to Gromnir. There are some

interesting Romance notes here as well, if you do agree to go

with the Harlot it ends a romance with Aerie, however, Viconia

is simply amused and convinced that this will make you realize

just how much better she is. After killing Gromnir, talk to

the Harlot again to get everyone 1000 experience points.

- THE TAVERN (AR 5003)

Enter the Tavern (x 1050 y 1550). The first thing you'll notice are some

soldiers pestering a waitress. Confront them about it. You can either

bribe them off (500 gold) or fight them. Once they're dispatched (1400

exp, various +2,3 weapons and armors) talk to the waitress to learn that

Gromnir has a secret entrance in the sewers. Naturally.

Note: You'll also find Viekang in here... he's the guy who "blew up"

in a tavern back in Trademeet. If you talk to him you'll learn

that he simply teleports away whenever he felt threatened. He

has a quest too, see below.

Also you can find Volo in the back room.

Talk next to Pyrgam Aleson. Ask him for a secret way into the castle,

and he'll tell you... for a fee (1000 gold). Of course, if you have 14

Charisma or more you can negotiate this down to nothing. He tells you

that there is a way through the old abandoned jail (which has become

overrun with undead). He refers you to the Temple of Waukeen for more


There are 3 containers in this tavern: (x 420 y 530), (x 750 y 220),

(x 420 y 900)

2 Potions of Extra Healing

2 Potions of Superior Healing

Oil of Speed

Random Treasures...


Go over to the temple of Waukeen (x 1280 y 1900) and talk to Farielle.

(she won't help you willingly if you're evil) Ask her about the key to

the castle that Pygram mentioned and she'll tell you. She gives you the

key to the jail, and warns you about the undead there. Everyone gets

1000 exp.

The pool behind her (x 370 y 350) has a:

Water Opal

Also the 2 bookcases to the side have some random treasures. You may

want to buy some Elven Holy Water if you don't have any... *hint*

We now have the key to the Prison, let's get the key to the Sewers. Exit

Waukeen's, then head left to the Barracks (x 630 y 1800).

Once in there, you'll be accosted. Be as hostile as you wanna be, there

is no way out of this fight. Slaughter the troops. Search the room for

treasure (practically all of it is Random) and the Key to the Sewers

(x 375 y 290).

You now have 2 different keys, each leading to roughly the same place in

the end, Gromnir. They merely differ in their methods. After finishing

whichever of the Quests from below, enter either the Sewers (any of the

entrances on the ground) or the Prison (x 1350 y 2250).



QUEST: Mateo's Imminent Execution

Militia HQ - Saradush (AR 5000, x 1740 y 810)

Countess's Manor - Saradush (AR 5000, x 1370 y 1370)

Kiser's Home - Saradush (AR 5000, x 2080 y 1820)

Errard - Saradush (AR 5000, x 2370 y 700)

Enter the Militia HQ (x 1740 y 810) and watch the, um, trial take

place. A man named Mateo is taken away based on, well not much

evidence. Looks suspicious. Talk to the captain and get him to

agree to let you talk to Mateo and investigate this further. You

can also ask him more questions, but he doesn't know much.

The bookcase against the wall has some:

2 Potions of Superior Healing

Go up and into the prison. Get the jailer to open the door, then

go up and talk to Mateo, who is in the closest cell. Ask him

whether Kiser is involved and he thinks this somewhat likely. He

says that if Kiser is involved then the Countess is in trouble.

You'll need to talk with her next.

Also, search the back wall of the other cell for:

5 Superior Healing Potions

Exit the building.

You'll find the Countess's building just down the large stairs, to

the left (by the Harlot). Enter. Talk to the Countess and mention

that you have spoken to Mateo. She quite quickly tells you that it

was Kiser behind everything. Kiser, you see, has kidnapped her son

and the only way to get him returned was to turn on Mateo like

that. She also says that Kiser will never give up her son. She

wants you to visit with Kiser to somehow get her son back. Sounds


Note: Her treasure chests raise an alarm if you touch them.

Head out, and down to Kiser's place. Inside bug him about what you

know. Ask him about Mateo. Now if you have a 15 CHA, or have

talked to the Countess, or are evil, or are neutral with a bad

reputation you can get him to divulge more information. He says

that he does indeed have the Countess's son, but he won't give him

up unless you kill Errard, whom he says is the real evil force


Note: You can pickpocket Kiser for a Shakti figurine. (Ken


Kiser also has quite a bit of treasure in his house, many of which

is horribly trapped (and all of it Randomized too). I don't think

that you can de-trap these either.

EVIL Note: Following the evil path, he asks you to kill either

the countess or Errard. If you do kill the countess,

he gives you 10,000 gold. If you kill Errard you

get 2,000 gold. Either way gets you 5000 exp for

every party member.

Errard: 20,000 experience

Cleric's Staff +3

Robe of Good Archmagi

Avoiding Errard Note: In Kiser's basement, there's three hidden

switches that can be found by using 'detect traps'

(two in the main room and one in the small bedroom

behind a door). When you press all three, it opens

the secret door that leads to Ardic, and Kiser

appears and attacks you like he normally would after

you talk to Errard. (Dave Loveland)

Interesting. Head out. You'll find Errard at the top of the city

standing on the wall. Talk to him. If we're following the Good

path, tell him that Kiser sent you to kill him. He is a little

shocked, so fill him in on the details. Errard will then track

down the Countess's son for you, and tell you that he is within

the home of Kiser himself.

Return to Kiser's, and drop down to the basement. Kiser threatens

to kill both you and his hostage for revealing his intentions.

Bah. Kill him.

Fighter (2) - 6500 experience (various magical treasures)

Kiser - 6500 experience

Shakti Figurine

Secret Jail Key

other treasures

Fighter - 8000 experience

Thief - 10,000 experience

Mage - 10,000 experience

Find and talk to Ardic for 7000 quest experience points. Besides

3 containers of potions and/or random treasures, search the

cabinet at (x 650 y 350):

Starfall Ore (a component of a more powerful item)

King's Tears

Return to the Countess for your reward: 2000 gold, 5000 exp for


QUEST: Tazit's Dead Father

Tazit - Saradush (AR 5000, x 2425 y 1550)

Just to the right and down from where you started, a man will get

whacked by some fire from the sky. Talk to his son, Tazit, who is

quite distraught over this. Offer to have a cleric help (or if you

are a Cleric, to do it yourself). Have your cleric talk to the

boy, and offer to try the spell. When he is raised everyone gets

1000 experience and a Reputation +1.

Alternatively, if you have the Rod of Resurrection you can use


QUEST: Save the Elves

Elves - Saradush (AR 5000, x 1240 y 1180)

Just above the tavern, some elves are having trouble with the local

authorities (seems familiar). Threaten the guard by telling him

that you are a Bhaalspawn, then talk to the elves. They believe

that as soon as possible, the guards will make their move again.

If only someone would offer them refuge.

Head down to the Temple of Waukeen and talk to Farielle. She'll

help the elves out. Return to the elves and tell them the good

news. You also get a reward: Reputation +1, 3000 exp for all

party members.

QUEST: Stop the Dwarves

Dwarves - Saradush (AR 5000, x 1010 y 2180)

Just below the Temple of Waukeen some dwarves are getting angry at

the local authorities. Talk them out of violence for: 1000 exp

each. You could side with the dwarves in a violent struggle, but

you won't get much to make it worth your time.

QUEST: Help Viekang

Tavern - Saradush (AR 5000, x 1050 y 1550)

When you first talk to Viekang, the Bhaalspawn who "exploded" back

in Trademeet, you learn that when he feels fear, he is

uncontrollably teleported away. So, you think he could just get

out of a city under siege. Problem is that Melissan cured him of

his fear. So, if you have an INT of 18 or more, talk to him again

and suggest that maybe a Horror spell could make him feel fear

again. He thinks it could work.

Note: The main character needs the INT of 18. So, if you don't

actually have the Smarts for this one, there are always

potions for that.

Your main character dosen't have to have 18 intelligence

to make Viekang jump. Just simply have someone cast

Horror on him and Viekang will jump! [from Brock Meyer]

Next, have someone cast Horror on him, and he'll be cured. For

this everyone gains 2000 experience points.

QUEST: Lazarus's Missing Spellbook

Arcana Archives - Saradush (AR 5000, x 710 y 1280)

Hectan - Saradush Tavern (AR 5003, x 1070 y 530)

Squip - Saradush (AR 5000, x 990 y 1140)

In the Arcana Archives, you'll discover its caretaker, Lazarus has

had his spellbook stolen. Therefore he can't really sell you

anything. Agree to help him with his problem. He suspects that

Hectan is involved, but can't prove it. Ask for any other clues

to learn of a set of VERY small muddy footprints. Hectan is not a

small man.

You'll find Hectan in the Tavern, in the back. Talk to him and he

denies any involvement. In fact, he has numerous witnesses that

place him in the tavern.

EVIL Note: If you have a low reputation (say, 8 or lower) just

threaten him and he'll cop to the whole story.

Go outside, go up and talk to Squip. Ask him about the spellbook,

and he'll want 1000 gold to tell you anything. You could be nice

and give that to him (heh), but he'll settle for nothing. He tells

you that he did steal the book, and then immediately gave it to


Back to the tavern. This time Hectan admits to it, but says he

only took it because he believes that Lazarus has a teleportation

spell. He wants you to get this from Lazarus. Very well... Go

to Lazarus and get the scroll. However, the scroll is useless as

Yaga has powerful magics preventing anyone from teleporting out.

Take the scroll to Hectan and he'll exchange that for the


Note: If you tell him to TRY using the scroll right there you

lose 1 Reputation.

Return with the spellbook and give it to Lazarus. This not only

reopens his shop, but also gets everyone in your party 5000 exp.

QUEST: Peltje's Vampires

Peltje - Saradush Tavern (AR 5003, x 980 y 815)

Inside the tavern you'll find a fellow named Peltje who believes

that he is not insane. Seems that he believes that all the

"courtesans" have become vampires and have a secret lair where they

drain the blood of innocent mortals like him.

At night, enter the tavern, and go to the top left corner (where

the elves and dwarves sit arguing) to find the Dark Courtesans.

Conveniently, there is one of each gender. Instead of doing the

usual services, they take you to the vampire nest and attempt to

kill you.

OTHER: Kill Fire Giants [from CY Lee]

During the siege of Saradush. Go to northern end of the battlement

where Errard is (the mage in Mateo's quest). You will notice that

the militia is shooting arrows at some unseen Fire Giant. The Fire

Giant is located behind the tower and is NOT selectable as a

target. However, equip your men with missile weapons and set to

aggressive scripts and they will start shooting at the Fire Giant

(XP : 8000, instant re-spawning) and the best part is that the Fire

Giant would not attack your party members and there's no random

flamingballs from the sky (probably to avoid killing Errard). Leave

them there for unlimited xp.

Average : 8000 xp ( per kill ) every 20 sec. i.e. ~ 1.5 million



- Unlimited ammo missile weapons (eg. Firetooth, Azure Edge,

Gesen Bow, Sling of Everard, etc.) would be useful.

- Be sure to check on your men occasionally as they get fatigued

(after a couple days of shooting at some giant) and also to

level up (to avoid wasting excess xp)</pre>

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