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At Vaikunth

Tri devis and tri devis gathered there . Goddess Lakshmi has tears in her eyes . Goddess Parvati and Saraswati making her calm . The smile of Lord Narayan lost somewhere. Lord Shiva and Brahma can't utter a word. One girl come there . And saw this . She go near goddess Lakshmi and wipe her tears.  And hug her tightly.

Girl " maa pls don't cry ... You know na i can't saw tears in your eyes " goddess Lakshmi wipe her tears and smiles painfully. Girl go near lord Vishnu and hug him tightly smile appear on his face.

"Now I have to leave from here " said girl . Everyone stand there numb .

"Putri pls don't go ... How can I live without you ?? " Said goddess Lakshmi

" I also don't want to go but because of that curse i have to go " said girl

" Which curse ??" Voice come from behind everyone turn and saw the son of lord Indra

"Abhishek... Actually" girl began ...


The girl is playing with her friends. Suddenly she saw sage durvasa and continue playing without greet him and take blessings from him . He get angry . His eyes become red in anger ...

Durvasa: you foolish girl you humilate me today ... You have to pay for this ...

" No sage ... I am so sorry" said girl and join her hands for apologies

"You make me angry and now pay ... I curse you take rebirth in dwaparyuga . And forget about your family in vaikunth . You marries to a son of devil . You will lose your husband in war and become widow in very young age... " Said sage durvasa

Tears rolled down from her eyes

"What you say ..." Said the lord Narayana

Durvasa just realised what he said and done in anger

"Pardon me my lord ... Wait I will do something" he think something and again  said "Putri you will take rebirth in the family where your mother and father took their new rebirth ... But you will forgot everything... When you get your true love .. you will remember everything... But i can't do anything about my last two curse ... Pls pardon me ..."

She wipe her tears and take blessings from him . And leave from there

Flashback ends

" Abhi promise me you will also take rebirth with me and help me to write our new love story ... " Said girl

"Vaishnavi... I promise you ... I will also take rebirth with you and help you to write our new love story " said Abhi

They join their hands and leave from there . Lord Narayana saw towords Lord Shiva and lord Bramha and smiles

"Now the great love saga began from here ... " Said lord Narayana

Everyone just saw towords him and smiles .

Another side

"King Nikshumbh... The daughter of Lakshmi Narayan and the Son of Indra Indrani take rebirth in complete their love story " Said one demon

The king throw the earthen lamp on floor and the curtains started burning.

"They can't do that ...  Their love will become deth to me ... And i know the curse of durvasa was the plan of that foolish Narayan... No no no .... I will not die ... I have to something for stop this love story ... " Said the king Nikshumbh

"You can't do anything Nikshumbh " said lord Narayana

"Our plan is successful lord Narayana " said lord Shiva

"Now the end of Nikshumbh is near " said lord Narayana

The tri devs smiles

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