BI BI AND THE SOCKS - Pham Viet Long - 5

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Bi Bi had a pair of lovely pink socks. One winter evening, as Bi Bi went to bed, she still had her socks on her tiny feet. After a long sleep, Bi Bi suddenly woke up to the sound of a squeaking noise and felt her feet moving restlessly. It turned out that her feet were too hot, and they moaned, "Oh my, it's so hot! Too hot!" The warmth of the blanket had made her socks overly warm, not only making her feet hot but also causing them to sweat profusely. Bi Bi called for help, but no one came, and she continued to sweat. However, she had forgotten to change her socks for two days. The more she called and struggled, the hotter it got, and sweat soaked the socks. After a while of being soaked in sweat, the socks became damp and started to emit an unpleasant odor. The socks panicked and shouted, "Save me, I'm rotting!" But because that afternoon, Bi Bi was busy playing with bubbles and didn't sleep, she was too tired to wake up and rescue the socks from the sweat.

Late at night, Bi Bi sneezed a few times. With a stuffy nose, she asked her grandfather, "Grandpa, what's that terrible smell?" At this moment, her grandfather was still sitting at his desk working. He said, "It must be because of your socks." "Then please take them off for me, Grandpa!" Seeing her grandfather agree, Bi Bi reached out and grabbed the sock on her right foot. "Squeak... squeak... squeak..." The sock exclaimed, terrified, "Oh my, it hurts so much! It hurts! I might break my neck now." Bi Bi only paid attention to the unpleasant smell of the sock, so she continued to forcefully pull the sock. "Squeak... squeak... squeak... Phut..." The sock slipped off her little foot. Luckily, the sock was still new and intact, so it didn't break. Because of the pain and the struggle, the sock became even more sweaty and emitted a strong, unpleasant odor. Bi Bi sneezed a few times in response. So, she threw the sock onto the bed with force. Bi Bi then reached for the sock on her left foot. Immediately, the sock shouted loudly, "Sister, don't pull my head! Don't pull! Grandpa already said so..." Because Bi Bi loved and listened to her grandfather, when the sock said that, she immediately stopped. The sock continued speaking rapidly, "Do it the way Grandpa told you to take off the sock. Don't pull my head like you did to the other one, I'm very scared, it hurts so much!" Bi Bi gently slid her fingers into the sock's opening and pushed it downward. The sock slowly slipped off her foot. It joyfully exclaimed, "So comfortable!" But before it could celebrate, Bi Bi threw it away with a strong throw, and it landed on the bed, fell to the floor, and hid under her grandfather's desk. It wasn't because Bi Bi disliked it, but because it smelled even stronger than the sock on her right foot, so Bi Bi had to quickly get rid of it. It only managed to let out a cry of "Ouch!" before lying still next to the bed. After a moment, it moaned, "Oh my, I'm so cold! What did I do wrong to deserve this mistreatment..." Her grandfather was still busy with his work, so he didn't hear the weak cries of the sock. It seemed that only Bi Bi and the sock could communicate with each other in that silent room. Bi Bi gently picked up the sock and held it close, feeling a strange connection. The sock's cries grew louder, and Bi Bi realized it was trying to convey something important.

With a mixture of curiosity and concern, Bi Bi studied the sock closely. It was worn out and had holes in several places. The sock seemed to have a story to tell, a story of adventures and challenges. Bi Bi wondered how this little sock had ended up in her grandfather's study.

As if sensing Bi Bi's interest, the sock started emitting faint flashes of light. Bi Bi's eyes widened in amazement as she realized the sock was showing her memories. She saw images of a rainy day, a little girl jumping in puddles, and the sock getting separated from its owner. It had traveled through various places, meeting different people and experiencing the world in its own unique way.

Bi Bi felt a deep empathy for the sock, understanding its longing to be reunited with its owner. She decided to embark on a quest to find the girl who had lost the sock, hoping to bring them back together. With the sock in her pocket, Bi Bi left her grandfather's study, determined to unravel the mystery and restore the lost connection.

Her journey took her through bustling streets, quiet parks, and quaint neighborhoods. Along the way, she encountered friendly faces who offered their help and support. Bi Bi tirelessly followed the clues left by the sock, tracing its path and piecing together the story it had silently carried all this time.

Finally, after days of searching, Bi Bi stood in front of a small house. She could sense that this was the place where the girl, now grown up, resided. With a nervous heart, Bi Bi knocked on the door. A woman opened it, and Bi Bi noticed the same eyes as the ones she had seen in the sock's memories.

With tears streaming down her face, the woman recognized the sock that had been missing for years. Bi Bi explained her journey and how the sock had guided her to this moment. The woman embraced Bi Bi, grateful for her determination and kindness.

As Bi Bi left the house, she felt a profound sense of fulfillment. She had not only reunited the sock with its owner but had also discovered the power of connection and empathy. The experience had taught her that even the smallest objects could hold significant meaning and that listening to the silent cries around us could lead to extraordinary adventures.

Returning to her grandfather's study, Bi Bi gently placed the sock back where she had found it. She whispered a silent farewell, knowing that the sock's story would forever remain a cherished memory. From that day forward, Bi Bi saw the world with a newfound appreciation for the hidden stories that lie within ordinary things.

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