BI BI HAS GROWN UP - Pham Viet Long - 50

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After Bi Bi's birthday, Bi Bi said to Grandpa:

- Grandpa, I am big now.

- You're big now? Is that so...

- I am bigger than before.

- So, what do you do now that you're bigger?

- I am very brave. Grandpa, the other day at my dad's friend's house, there were three little girls and even a little boy. The boy really likes to play hero games to practice martial arts like "Earth Hero," you know.

- Did your dad say anything?

- My dad told him that in the afternoon, uncle will teach martial arts. He calls my dad uncle.

- He's big so he wants to learn martial arts?

- Yes.

- So, what does Bi Bi want to do now that she's big? Do you want to learn martial arts?

- No, only boys learn martial arts, my dad says.

- Can you sleep by yourself then?

- Oh, maybe I can sleep by myself. Let me sleep alone, okay?

- Ah, that's great, so try sleeping by yourself from tomorrow.

- Yes, but tonight, you continue to tell me stories, okay?

- Right, I will continue to tell you stories tonight. What about tomorrow?

- Tomorrow, I will sleep by myself! So the next day, the grandparents prepared a cute little room with a tiny bed for Bi Bi. When it was time to sleep, Grandma asked:

- Do you want to leave the light on when you sleep tonight?

- Either way is fine!

- Oh, you've made such progress today. Aren't you afraid of the dark?

- No, I'm not scared anymore. I'm big now.

- But still, let's leave the light on.

- Okay! The tiny light emitted a small glow like a green chili. That night, Bi Bi tidied up the bed properly, only asking Grandpa to hang the mosquito net because it was too high for her to reach. Bi Bi held the net string for Grandpa to hang so he wouldn't have to step down to the ground. Once done, Bi Bi lay in bed quietly. Snore...snore...snore. A gentle sleep came to Bi Bi. Late at night, Bi Bi suddenly woke up, reached out her hand to the side but didn't find Grandpa. Bi Bi quickly called out:

- Grandpa! Grandpa came running from the next room:

- What is it, dear?

- Oh, where did you go?

- Oh, have you forgotten? You're sleeping alone!

- Sob...sob... I forgot...

- Ah, just forgot, huh. So, sleeping alone, are you scared?

- No, I just didn't feel you and forgot I was sleeping alone. You always used to sleep next to me.

- Yes, right, you're just not used to it yet. You'll get used to it in a few days! Grandpa returned to his room. Bi Bi fell back into a deep sleep. Quiet. Peaceful. Bi Bi slept straight through. The sleep was peaceful when suddenly the sky started to make noise... boom... boom... What's that sound...? Then the sound of pouring... pouring...pouring... Oh, the rain is so loud. Bi Bi opened her eyes and told herself: "I'm big now, I'm not afraid of anything, I'll just sleep." So Bi Bi closed her eyes again and snored...snored...snored. The rain was cool, and the sleep was even better... In the morning, Bi Bi suddenly heard Grandma say:

- Has Grandpa taught you yet? Bi Bi woke up with a start, reaching out:

- Grandpa, Grandpa! She forgot again. Grandpa was sleeping in the room across, and she was sleeping alone. Oh my, she forgot... So Bi Bi sat up, put on her slippers to go and called:

- Grandpa!

- Grandpa is not here, Bi Bi ran over, still hearing Grandpa snore... snore... snore...

- Oh, Grandpa is even sleeping in later than me, that's something! Grandpa woke up with a start:

- You're awake already?

- Yes, I'm awake. While Grandpa was sitting yawning... yawning and stretching, Bi Bi ran into the bathroom, turned on the water, wrung out the towel, and washed her face.

- Let me wring out the towel for you, you can't do it yet, you'll get your clothes all wet...

- I want to do it myself...

- Ah, if you do it yourself, then you can brush your teeth in a bit. Bi Bi finished all her tasks, then went down to the kitchen. Just then, Grandma brought out the sticky rice, and Bi Bi took a spoon and started eating. After eating, Bi Bi peeled the milk and drank it. At that moment, Grandpa came down and said:

- Have breakfast!

- I've eaten already!

- Oh, how come you're so fast.

- I'm big now, Grandpa.

- Then drink your milk.

- I've drunk it already, Grandpa.

- Oh, how come everything is done today, you're so capable.

- I'm big now!

- Ah, that's right, let Grandpa dress you and then go to school, okay!

- Okay! Bi Bi and Grandpa went upstairs. A while later, Grandpa came from the big room, surprised:

- Oh, you've changed your clothes already, did Grandma help you? Bi Bi just smiled and didn't say anything.

- Then who helped you?

- I changed by myself!

- Wow! Wow, how come you're so good, my dear... It's true, Bi Bi has really grown up. Bi Bi has done everything by herself. Grandpa only needs to take Bi Bi to school. But then Bi Bi says:

- Today, I will go by myself.

- Oh my, isn't that strange? Do you remember the way to school?

- I remember the way!

- Let me put the bag on for you. Then you can go by yourself! Bi Bi walked all the way to the alley, but Grandpa was still afraid Bi Bi would get lost, so he quietly followed behind... After a while, Bi Bi saw some young men revving their motorcycles loudly, but Bi Bi wasn't scared because she was walking on the sidewalk. There was a young man who zoomed past... Oh, this guy is not good, Grandpa said not to speed. Beep... beep... beep... Bi Bi looked back and saw an old man riding a motorcycle and taking a child with him. Honk... Honk... honk... This man was too careful, so he honked while calling out:

- Kid, stand aside so I can pass. Turns out, at this part, the old man went up on the sidewalk to turn into the alley quickly. Bi Bi stood tucked in on the inside. The old man slowly rode past. Bi Bi then recognized he was carrying one of her classmates: "Hello, sir! Hi friend,... hi there." And so, Bi Bi went to school by herself. In the evening, Grandpa asked how Bi Bi's day at school was. Bi Bi said:

- I just had lunch at school, and after eating, I wiped my mouth by myself.

- What did you wipe with?

- I wiped with a napkin! Before, it was a crab-shaped napkin. Now that I'm in a higher grade, it's a tomato on a plate. Bi Bi boasted to Grandpa:

- At noon, I slept by myself, Grandpa.

- That's great!

- I lay down in the right place, then quietly closed my eyes, but the kids around me kept fidgeting, fidgeting.

- Did Bi Bi lie on her side?

- No, the teacher said we have to lie straight and put our hands on our stomachs. I did as the teacher instructed, lay down for a while, and then fell asleep. I slept peacefully because the teacher said we could only get up when the alarm clock rang. When I heard the ringing...ringing...ringing... I got up right away. While the other kids were rushing to the bathroom, I neatly folded the blanket and the bedsheet. I remembered what Grandpa said, to go to the bathroom before the nap, so I didn't have to go when I woke up. The other kids didn't go before, and now they had to wait for each other, one almost wet their pants because they waited too long, there's only one bathroom for about twenty kids. Bi Bi is big now, I did exactly as Grandpa said, so I felt very comfortable.


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