BI BI STICKS TO HIM - Pham Viet Long - 44

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Bi Bi loves spending time with her grandfather. Because he is such a gentleman, Bi Bi sticks to him like glue. Whenever he moves around the house, Bi Bi always asks, "Where are you going, Grandpa?" This question becomes a constant refrain throughout the day. To address this, Grandpa sets a rule:

"I'll let you know first when I go out of the house. If I'm just moving around inside, I won't say anything, and you won't ask. Do you agree?" "I agree," Bi Bi responds. After setting this rule, whenever Grandpa moves within the house, Bi Bi refrains from asking. However, one day when Grandpa goes to the kitchen to get some water, Bi Bi forgets and asks again. Grandpa reminds her of the rule, and Bi Bi apologizes, promising to remember.

As time passes, Bi Bi becomes accustomed to Grandpa's movements and stops asking where he's going. One evening, Grandpa tells Bi Bi that he'll be late coming home from work, and Bi Bi agrees to sleep first if he's not back in time.

As the evening progresses, Bi Bi eagerly awaits Grandpa's return. Despite repeated inquiries to Grandma, who doesn't know when Grandpa will be home, Bi Bi persists. Eventually, Grandma becomes annoyed and warns Bi Bi that asking too much will delay Grandpa's return. Bi Bi, upset, eventually falls asleep.

When Grandpa finally arrives home, Bi Bi immediately asks about his whereabouts. Grandpa explains he was delayed because he was eating in the kitchen. Bi Bi, unable to wait any longer, goes to the kitchen and encounters Grandpa on the stairs. Grandpa lovingly embraces Bi Bi and asks if she waited for him, to which Bi Bi responds affirmatively.

Grandpa then asks if Bi Bi listened to him about not asking too many questions, to which Bi Bi admits she didn't. Grandpa acknowledges there are consequences to not following instructions but decides not to punish Bi Bi this time because he appreciates her waiting for him. Instead, he encourages Bi Bi to do something good to make up for it.

Later, as Bi Bi feels cold and seeks a blanket for Grandpa, she remembers her promise not to be afraid of the dark. Overcoming her fear, she retrieves the blanket from another room and returns to cover Grandpa.

Upon waking up and finding Bi Bi missing, Grandpa calls out, and Bi Bi playfully responds that her whereabouts are a secret. She then surprises him by covering him with the blanket she retrieved. Together, they share a warm moment, symbolizing their bond.

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