Chapter Two

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Solomon and I passed through the barrier into platform 9¾.

The train would leave in about 23 minutes, and the platform looked incredibly crowded.

I only had three bags, my big initialed suitcase, a leather shoulder bag with some of my personal belongings, and a small handbag with a small bottle inside it. 

The bottle was for emergency wolfsbane potion, which I had learned how to brew when I was living in the church. Of course, it wasn't easy, and it was a bit costly, but Solomon and the others at the church were always there for those in need.

Solomon helped me load my bags onto the baggage car, and then pulled me aside, out of the crowd.

He looked at me fondly and stroked my hair. "Please remember that I believe in you, no matter what happens, nothing will change that." He leaned down and kissed my forehead. "You'll always be the daughter I could never have."

I wiped away the tears budding in the corners of my eyes. "I'm proud to hold that title. I hope I can make you proud."

"You already have, Beth." He gave me one last hug. "Now go on, hurry before the train leaves without you."

I walked away, giving Solomon one last wave of goodbye before boarding the Hogwarts Train.

I wandered the hallway, and seeing that plenty of compartments were empty, I sat down in one of them.

I straightened my grey skirt. I was already in my school uniform, as I didn't want to change on the way. If anyone sat next to me, there'd be no hiding my savage scars.

I suddenly felt incredibly worn out from everything. And now that I was aboard the train, I could finally get some rest from the hectic day.

I put on my black robe and wrapped both ends of it around me and my handbag before leaning back against the window and closing my eyes. I gave one long, relaxed sigh before I felt myself drifting.


I heard voices, and I was immediately on alert. But I kept my eyes shut and pretended to sleep.

"C'mon, every other compartment is full. Besides, I think she's asleep." It sounded like a boy my age.

"Fine. Just sit next to me." Another young voice said, but this time it sounded like a girl.

I heard shuffling and the compartment door shut. "Why do I have to sit next to you?" The boy grumbled.

"Well, it's either that, or I sit next to her." The girl said as if it was obvious. "And I don't want to disturb her, so I'm sitting next to you."

"Whatever." I heard the boy plop down in the seat across from me.

I heard the seat shift, so I guessed the girl sat down next to him. "Just so you know, I'm not particularly thrilled about it, either. And sit up straight! God, Dan, you're going to hurt your back."

"No I'm not! Stop fussing over me, you're not my mum!" The boy, Dan, tried to shove his sister away, but accidentally hit my leg.

I pretended to jump awake. "What the-"

"Ahh! I'm terribly sorry, it's my brother." I saw the girl. She had long black hair, with a blue headband placed in it. She had hazel eyes, and lots of freckles dotting her face. I noticed she was wearing her Hogwarts robes, and so was the boy who sat next to her.

"Speak for yourself, you started it!" Despite his defensive words, Dan still looked slightly embarrassed. I then noticed that the two were obviously siblings, with Dan having the same coloured black hair and hazel eyes.

"Um, it's fine." I shot the two a smile. "No need to worry."

"I'm Catriona, by the way." The girl held out her hand, and I shook it in return. "Cat for short."

"I'm Dan." Dan gave a small wave.

"Dan, you're being so rude..." Cat turned to him and gave him a short lecture that was too quiet for me to hear.

"Jeez, okay okay! I get it, you don't need to go around being a-"

"Uh..." I cleared my throat and interrupted the two before Dan could finish. "My name's Beth.." I coughed awkwardly.

"Good to meet you, Beth." Cat nodded with a smile. "Sorry about all the arguing. We're twins, and he can be sooo annoying-"

"Oh please, like you can't!" Dan interrupted.

"You're right Dan, I could never be annoying! Well said, brother!" She spoke in a teasing tone.

Right before Dan could reply, there was a tapping on our compartment door. The door slid open, to reveal a boy peering inside.

"Um, can I sit with you guys?" He asked, nervous and shy. "The other kids kicked me out..."

"Of course!" I said quickly, before Dan or Cat could find something about this to argue over. "Here, sit next to me." I scooted over a bit in my seat.

"Really?" The boy's anxious expression immediately brightened into a grin. "Oh, thank you so much!"

He walked into the compartment and shut the door behind him. He sat down next to me, and I got a closer look at him. The first thing I noticed was that he was wearing the robes, like the rest of us. He had sharp green eyes,  a light brown complexion, and curly dark brown hair.

"I'm Catriona, Cat for short." Cat introduced herself to the boy. "This is Dan, my brother, and that's Beth." She gestured to Dan and I respectfully.

"Good to meet you all." The boy said. "I'm Felix."

"Are you guys excited for Hogwarts? Ah, I know I am!" Cat exclaimed excitedly.

"Yeah, I'm so happy I got picked to go!" Felix agreed.

Dan brightened at the question. "I can't wait! I wonder which house we'll get picked in."

I didn't trust my voice to speak without shaking, so I just put on a fake smile and nodded eagerly. Truthfully, I was still terrified at the prospect of going to Hogwarts.

Only Felix seemed to notice my faked enthusiasm. I shot him a quick look.

Please don't ask. Please don't ask. Please please please don't ask, not in front of them, I inaudibly begged him.

He gave a tiny nod. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"What about you, Beth?" Cat's voice snapped me back to reality.

"What about what?" I asked nervously.

"What Hogwarts house do you think we'd get in?" Dan elaborated.

"Um, well..." I thought for a minute. "Well, I don't know. It's up to the sorting hat, I guess."

"Felix, why are you staring at her?" Cat asked, noticing Felix's curious eyes on me.

I prayed to myself that he didn't look too closely at the back of my neck.

"Uh-" Felix immediately blushed. "Well, I just- um, I thought I've seen Beth somewhere- I mean, before today." He averted his gaze and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

I decided to chime in and help him out of this awkward situation before Cat or Dan could reply. "Well, maybe you have." I said quickly. "I live in Godric's Hollow."

"Yeah, so do I!" Felix said. "Maybe I've seen you around town somewhere."

"Maybe you have." I tried to make it seem like I shrugged it off, but inside, my mind was paranoid and storming with nervous thoughts.

He actually did recognize me?? Oh god what if he knows what I am? Would he tell the others? I never should've agreed to this...

"That's so cool that you both live in Godric's Hollow!" Cat said excitedly. "Our Mum is a witch."

"Is your Dad a muggle?" Felix asked.

Dan chuckled. "Oh, we don't have a Dad. We have two Mums."

"Ohhh. Sorry for assuming."

"It's fine." Cat said, her cheery attitude still prevailing. "Except with two Mums, you'd think Dan would learn how to sit up straight in his seat!" She cast a smirk at her brother.

"Oh, shut up!" Dan's cheeks flushed.

Felix and I both laughed, right along with Cat.

In the midst of our laughter, I found myself thinking about a feeling I'd never felt before.

Is this what it's like to have friends?

1373 words, y'all.

And an update in just 5 days?? Is it Christmas??

No my friends, it is not Christmas. I have just simply rediscovered my passion for this story.

I mean I never really lost it, I swear I love this story too much for that to happen.

Hurryup1 is reader of the year. You are the freaking best, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Well it's kinda just filler, but it's also for introducing some new characters.

So yeah Catriona and Dan's parents are either lesbians who adopted or one of their moms was bi and gave birth to them before the father left/died/broke up with/divorced the bi mom and then she married a woman. You choose, just no hate in the comments kay bbys? I was about to write that their mom was a muggle and their dad was a wizard, but then i was like NO SCREW STEREOTYPES THEIR PARENTS WILL BE LESBIANS

Yay diversity. JUST NO HOMOPHOBIA IN THE COMMENTS OR I WILL REPORT YOUR HATEFUL ASS. If you're too holy for this minor detail in my story, don't let the door smack ya on the way out.

Okay i need to go now see you all soon

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