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3rd person- One year after the Battle Of Hogwarts

The swarm of students who would be living their first year at Hogwarts followed Professor Liana up the staircases that led to the great hall.

"Wait here, everyone." The transfiguration professor spoke to the students. She then walked into the hall, and shut the door behind her.

As soon as the door shut, and students began whispering excitedly to each other, ecstatic and excited about starting at Hogwarts.

"I wonder which house I'll get in..."

"I heard Harry Potter was in Gryffindor! I want to be just like him!"

"I heard all the evil wizards get in Slytherin. I hope i don't get in there..."

"I'll be the best wizard ever! I'll show you!"

The doors of the Great Hall creaked open, and Professor Liana's slender form walked out. The students fell quiet.

"We're ready for you. Follow me." She smiled.

Professor Liana led the students into the huge room, where four incredibly long tables were spread in the room. Several of the first-years gasped and marveled at the beautiful ceiling and the floating candles, while others gawked at the older students seated in the hall.

When they reached the end of the hall, there was a hat sitting upon a stool. When Professor Liana picked it up, the folded rags of the hat came to life.

"When I place the Sorting Hat upon your head," Liana spoke clearly so the students could hear her. "You will be sorted into one of the four houses I mentioned earlier."

The professor began calling out names one at a time. The Headmistress, Professor McGonagall, looked upon the new students with pride. This was the first year Hogwarts would be under her leadership.







And the Sorting Hat continued spouting out the names of the four houses. With each student sorted, their new house would erupt into cheers.

One house, though, hadn't broken into cheers at all.

With the last student about to be sorted, everyone in the Great Hall began to notice the painfully obvious detail. Slytherin had no first-years.

McGonagall became worried. This had never happened before. What was she doing wrong? Why were there no new Slytherins?

The last student was called.

A wave of anxiety passed through the teachers as they waited for the Sorting Hat's answer.



Meanwhile, in Godric's Hollow

In the night, a young girl quietly crept into the church basement. Though it was still technically summer, she was freezing cold, with only a blanket to cover her bare body.

"Are you okay?" The priest, whom seemed to have been waiting for her, asked.

"This time was worst than most." The girl answered, teeth chattering. "Solomon, I'm freezing. Can I please have some bloody clothes?"

"Yes, yes. Of course." He handed her some robes and turned away as she made herself decent. Still looking away, he spoke again. "Worse, how?"

"It felt that way." She said. "I had to steer myself away from the Hollow, so no one got hurt. The hunger was worse." Decent now, she ran up to the priest. "Was anyone hurt?! Please tell me no one was hurt."

"Relax, Beth." Solomon rested his hands on the young girl's shoulders. "No one was hurt."

Tears threatened to spill from the little girl's eyes. "Thank goodness... I couldn't live with myself if I..." Sobs escaped from her mouth as she fell on her knees. Beth couldn't have been older than 10.

"But you didn't, Beth." The priest came eye-to-eye with her. "You cannot let yourself linger in the 'what ifs'. No one was hurt, and that's what's important."

She wiped away her tears. "You're right." Beth sniffled.

"Such worries for one so young." Solomon embraced Beth in a comforting hug.

"Me worrying is what keeps people alive."

"Agreed. But now the cycle is over. You shouldn't let it trouble you anymore. You're back home, and you're safe."

Beth stayed silent.

Why me? She thought to herself, hugging Solomon tighter and choking back tears. Why do I, of all people, have to deal with lycanthropy? It's not fair!

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