Chapter 5

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Do you know when you see something, but you know it can't be real. You know what's in front of your eyes isn't possible, yet there it is. Right in front of you. So you just stair, hoping it will go away in a blink of an eye. But it doesn't.

I stare at this girl, kissing my sister, and I can't move, I can't do anything. I feel scared, confused, utterly paralyzed.

Their lips leave each other's and Cassie looks towards her doorway. Our eyes meet. I see the color drain from her face, she my the tears fill my eye and run down my cheek. “Evie!” She gasped. “Evie? What are you doing home so early?” I could hear the panic in he voice. Though it was nothing compared to the fear in her eyes. She starts running towards me and grabbed my hands. “Evie, it's not what you think-”

I cut her off by pulling my hands out of hers and yelling at the top of my lungs as tears keep raining down my cheek. “Your, you like girls! Your gay! Your a fag!” everything happening so fast, I can't process it, I can't even think before words start spilling out if my mouth. “Your a sinner! Your going to hell! Your not my sister!” I yell as loud as I can and I can see the hurt in my sister's eyes. How my words hit her like bullets going through her heart.

Before I could say anything else I might regret, I ran downstairs as fast as I could. I ran outside and sat in the corner of our rap around porch. I hugged my knees as I tried to process everything. My sister likes girls? She's going against everything my family believes. She's going against God himself! Though it made sense, she's a complete tomboy, there are signs. Signs that I pushed away, that I missed. Ones I could have put together so easily.

But not everything made sense. She didn't seam gay! How long has she known? How long has she been keeping it from me? I tell her everything, why can't she trust me the same?

I put my head on my knees as I closed my eyes, hoping to wake up from this horrible dream. Just them, the front door opens, a short girl with black hair and hazel eyes came walking out to me. “Hey,” She said soft. “Can I sit?” I didn't give her a awnser, I didn't even look at her. I just kept my gaze on my knees. She took the silence as a 'yes’ even though it was nothing of the sort. She sat next to me, a little too close, if I may add. “I'm Charile.” She told me. “I know what you saw scares you. I know your family is extremely religious and against the whole LGBTQ+ community. And Evie, that's your choice, your beliefs. Though it's also your choice to expect those who are part of the community. It's your choice to be understanding and accept people for who they are.”

“But God himself is against gays and tans! He said there sins!” I yell at her. I can't believe this girl is actually trying to get me to except the LGBTQ community!

“No where in the Bible does it say that. God never said those words.” She told me, and although that's true, how would she know that?

“How in the world would you know that? You cant be religious.” I never jugged someone this harshly, I'm never like this. I don't like it. I don't like the mean and hurtful words that are coming out of the mouth.

She let out a small laugh, and shook her head. “Actually I am, I'm a Roman Catholic just like your family. I pray when I wake up, and I pray before bed. I give thanks to the Lord for my food on my table in the roof over my head, I go to church every week and I read the Bible. And because of my religion, I believe that God made everyone perfect, and he loves them all just the way we are. We're all children of God and that's why I'm not afraid to be myself.”

“Your not afraid to be gay.” I tell her.

“I'm not gay.” She laughed. I was puzzled when I heard this, is she really going to tell me that she's straight? “I'm pan, pansexual. I like everyone, because again, I think everyone is perfect.”

“Your pansexual!” I never met a pansexual person before, I was told they're horrible, the evilest of the evil. But this girl, Charile, she seems so nice, so religious, God loving. “You like everyone? Everything? Even toasters!”

She laughed again, as she squeezed my hand to comfort me. “No Evie.” She could stop laughing. “I don't like toasters. Nor do I like everyone. Just how you may like guys, but you don't like every guy. I can have fellings for any gender and sexuality. As long as there a good person, that's all that matters.” She looked at her phone as she got up. “I better go before your brother's get home.” She headed for the stairs, though she turned around and looked at my once more. “Evie, just so you know, your sister isn't gay. She's as straight as they come. I made a move, I, I like her. You could judge me all you want, you can even tell me to stay away from your sister. And I will respect that and I will, just know that your sister is a holy and respectful Catholic.” She turned to walk away, though turned back one more time. “People say that gays and transgenders lost their path from God, but how I see it, those who are so close-minded, those who do not accept God's children for who they truly are. Those are the people who truly lost their way. And Evie, I hope you find your way back to God.”

Me! I lost my way from God? No, she's wrong. This girl, she's so horribly wrong.

Or, or is she?

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