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*Tissue warning. Secure electronic devices in shatterproof cases.*

Winter came fierce with an overnight plunge in the temperature and snowfall. Everywhere you looked people were donned in jackets and hats or earmuffs to protect their tender flesh. The unexpected weather caused delays and many appointments were canceled.

The salon had been relatively slow all day so Donnell and the others were excited when Jace showed up with Duka and Dayquan to get their hair done. Dayquan flirted with the nail tech while he was getting his shapeup. Duka bragged to the stylist about his science award. Donnell and Jace laughed at their antics while Jace got his beard trimmed.

Once they finished there wasn't any more business. The other stylists helped Donnell clean up the shop and they prepared to leave. Dayquan and Jace went outside while Duka waited with Donnell.

"Damn it's cold as hell out here." Dayquan pulled his hood over his head to block the wind.

Jace rubbed his hands together and pulled down his cap. "And it's only the start of winter."

Duka pulled his hat over his head and zipped his coat all the way up. "I hate the cold."

Donnell chuckled behind him and pushed him out of the shop. "You've always hated the cold. Even when you were a baby."


"Yeah. Probably because you were a preemie."

A squeal of tires and an engine revving sounded down the street behind them. Dayquan turned back to look at them with a smile. "Ya'll hurry up so we can eat."

Duka sucked his teeth. "That's all you think about is food."

Dayquan opened his arms wide and gave off a brilliant smile. "I'm a grown man."

Jace turned to look over his shoulder. A green SUV came barreling down the road. The windows rolled down and his heart froze. Dayquan saw the SUV's windows roll down and frowned. The minute he saw the driver's face, he turned and sprinted towards his brothers.

Duka turned and looked behind him. "Why's that car driving so fast?"

Donnell looked behind and recognized the SUV. Three men wearing masks over their faces pointed guns in their direction. He heard Dayquan and Jace shout as he picked up Duka and turned away from the street. His eyes squeezed shut as shots rang out blowing out the glass of car windows and shops. Donnell screamed as a heavy force plowed into him, knocking him and Duka to the cold, snow-covered concrete. He realized Dayquan had run into them trying to cover them. Dayquan let out a grunt and his body trembled above them. On the street, someone was screaming and the SUV peeled out, churning up dirty snow in its wake.

"Oh my god! Donny!" Duka let out a muffled scream.

Donnell lifted his upper body off Duka. "It's okay, Duka. You're okay."

"Dad? Dayquan?"

It was then Donnell noticed the heavy weight pressing down on his back. He turned so Duka could crawl from under him.

"Dad? Dad!"

Donnell turned his head to get a look at Dayquan's face. there was blood dripping onto the snow. Alarm bells started screaming in his head. Remembering something he'd seen on an EMT show, he gently slid Dayquan onto the ground and began to look him over. In the jacket were four puncture wounds and it was darkened with his blood. Dayquan was unconscious but breathing shallow.

"Call 9-1-1, Duka."

"Okay." He turned to dial with his shaking hands. His eyes scanned the other side of the street to see people coming out in confusion, a few with their phones to their ears. Where was his father? They weren't that far apart.

"911 what's your emergency?"

Duka scanned the side of the street he was on and froze. The phone slipped from his hand and he took off running while screaming at the top of his lungs.


Donnell looked up at the heart-rending scream. Further ahead he could see a pair of oily work boots lying in the snow. His mind went numb.

This couldn't be happening.

Blinded by tears, Duka collapsed on Jace's body. "Daddy! Daddy get up! Get up, daddy. We gotta take Day to the hospital."

Cold seeped into Donnell's bones as he stood and walked halfway. Jace was lying face down in the snow. Blood pooled around his head dyeing the snow crimson. Even though he could see people's mouths moving, he couldn't hear anything. His feet felt like cement as he walked towards Duka and Jace.

Duka was sobbing and clinging to Jace's body. Some people were standing nearby on their phones explaining what happened. A woman was checking Jace's pulse while another tried to talk to Duka.

The same words echoed in Donnell's head. This can't be happening. They couldn't be hurt because of him.

A dark-haired man with windburn on his cheeks walked up to Donnell and touched his arm. "Sir, are you alright?"

Donnell felt the warm wetness roll down his cheeks and shook his head. "No. This can't be happening." He clutched the man's arm. "Tell me this isn't happening."

The man tried to keep him calm.  "It's okay. The ambulance is on the way."

"This can't be happening." He noticed the blood on the man's sleeve and pulled his hand back. The blood covered his hand like red skin, seeping under his nails. He looked at his hands in horror.

This was all his fault.


He didn't remember how he got to the hospital. He didn't remember when Dayquan entered the operating room or when the er doctor came to tell him Jace was pronounced dead at the scene. Donnell couldn't remember when he'd given his statement to the police nor did he remember who called Dazia or their mother. 

He sat in the family waiting room with Duka's head in his lap. Both were still covered in blood. Dazia showed up with Coryn and her boyfriend. When Dazia heard the news she leaned her head on Donnell's shoulder and burst into tears. Her boyfriend sat beside her and gripped her hand. Coryn covered his face with his hands and crouched on the floor. Jace wasn't his father but he was the closest he ever had to one.

Aniya arrived with reddened eyes. She sat with them until the operation was over. The physician came to tell them one of the bullets punctured Dayquan's lung and another shattered one of his vertebrae resulting in paralysis. Donnell felt as if his entire soul left his body.

His father was dead. His older brother was paralyzed.

And for what?

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