Chapter 5: Bunny treatment

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I woke with my head hurting like I just got smacked with a jackhammer.

Y/N: Gah my head. What happened?

I got up and looked around seeing I was in a locked room with a bunch of jackets on the ground that looked like they belonged to kids.

Y/N: Oh man I don't even want to know what happened here.

Soon the computers in the took turned on showing the woman from before.

Y/N: Oh great it's Ms.Kidnapper tell me ever heard of a show called catch a predator I bet you Chris Hansson would love to meet you.

???: Quit with the jokes, do you know how much trouble your in?

Y/N: Not as much trouble you'll be in when my lawyer hears about this.


Y/N: Which I don't have.

???: Either way Y/N. Yeah I know your name.

Y/N: Oh don't worry I'm quite popular with tons of people, I was even in someone's fanfic once which is really werid saying out loud.

???: Whatever anyway do you know how much trouble your in. Look I don't have time for this, just stay there until your parents or the police arrive.

Vanny was than shown on screen.

Vanny: Are you having fun yet.

Soon the screen went dark and I then soon I heard what like skipping and outside Vanny out side trying to get in.

Y/N: Crap!

I grabbed a file cabinet and was able to push it infront of the door which kept from opening and flipping a table over to keep her from getting into the room by the window but I heard her pounding on the door.

Y/N: That won't hold long. I got to find someway out and fast.

I started searching until I found a vent but I had no way of opening it.

Y/N: Great and I don't think there's a screwdriver around.

I than saw in the file cabinet was a pair of tweezers.

Y/N: Maybe these can work.

I quickly started to unscrew the vents until I got them open with than seeing what looked like a flash drive on the ground I took it and went through the vents and just in time cause by then she broke the door down.

Y/N: Ok little guy let's see what's on you.

I was able to plug it into my watch which gave me access to things not available before, like control of some devices in the pizza plex except the security bots and the other animatronics.

Y/N: Now this can be useful maybe I can even use it with this Freddy head I have what ever is in it?

I opened it and saw a security pass.

Y/N: Maybe I can use this pass with the watch, maybe even to use it to trick the security doors to open no matter the level.

I scanned the pass into my watch and hacked it to give me LV 10 security access.

Y/N: There we go.

Soon after I saw I was at the lobby but also saw Vanny was loose so I hide behind a wall and called for a elevator.

Y/N: Now let's get her attention.

I then activated a nearby speaker and started playing a song in another room

She than went to check it out as I made my way up the stairs with her not seeing me until I got caught by one of the security bots

Y/N: Oh fuck my life.

She was able to run to me but I activated the locked down in the room she was in closing her off a bit.

Y/N: Come on hurry up!

She than was able to get out the long way and started running up the escalators so I turned them on and turned up to max making her fall down to the main floor.

Soon after the elevator showed up and as soon I got in I started pressing the button to go up. She was soon able to get up the stairs with her custom torn up.

Y/N: Looks like your outsides match your insides.

She than try running at the door but it closed and she was trying to scratch up the door but the elevator started to move up so I sat on the ground and caught my breath.

Y/N: Man that was nuts.

I than soon got a message by Roxy

Y/N: Roxy something wrong?

Roxy: Y/N I hope you get this, I have been trying to find you but I got jumped by Monty and he beat the hell out of me, please hurry to my raceway I'll be waiting.

Y/N: Oh crap! Hold on Roxy I'm coming.

Soon the elevator opened and I hurried to Roxy race way

And that is it for now I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later. BYE!!!

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