Chapter 7: Green light dead light

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Me and Roxy soon found our way to the auditorium with us on the stage I looked over to see Roxy tired

Roxy: Y/N I don't know I can go nuts longer, you'll need to do the rest on your own.

Y/N: Got it, just tell me what to do?

Roxy: Ok there's a disc your looking that says "showtime", what you need to do is find that disc and play it up there

She pointed all the way on the balcony where I could see a DJ stand

Roxy: After that, it will run a program which will activate the lift, then come back soon as possible.

Y/N: Ok so find disc and start up program got it.

Roxy: Good luck, right now I need to take a nap

She soon sat down on the ground and fell down on her back to rest. I soon got off the stage and saw that the spotlights where on, and I sore I could see Vanny with her costume having patches of cloth sowed into the suit. I quickly hid and try to follow her on the cams but it only had nothing but static but after Vanny left the area she was by it was normal.

Y/N: Maybe I can use this static to my advantage, if they aren't static then Vanny isn't there, now time to get that disc, without getting caught.

I crouched down on the ground and started moving without getting caught.

Freddy: suuuuuupppppppeeeerstar

I hid underneath the table with Freddy walking by with him looking for me

Freddy: Why are you hiding I thought we where friends.

I slowly moved underneath the table with me making my way into a small garden of plants using them as cover with me being careful as I stepped through the dirt. I soon crawled out of the garden as I walked up the escalators with me soon seeing Monty walking by with his jaw dangling with a wires being the only thing keeping the jaw attached.

Y/N: ( Whispers ) Great now how am I going to get passed that fat scaley lizard.

I soon grabbed Monty shades, and I soon saw a glass window. I reared my arm back and tossed his glasses at a window with it shattering getting Monty attention as he ran towards the sound. Before I went there I tripped over a bag and what felled out was a tazer.

Y/N: Ooooooooooohwooooaaaaahwoah. ( Picks up tazer ) I know a lot of people will love to get a taste of you ( test tazer )

I soon put the tazer in my back pocket as I soon made it to the top where there was a bunch of CDS

Y/N: Ok She said a disc that said "showtime", that has to be here.

I looked through the entire collection until I found the disc with it showing Freddy and cew about to put on a show with it saying "showtime" on it.

Y/N: Bingo, the show is about to begin

I inserted the disc in and soon a hologram of Freddy and crew singing.

Y/N: Ok time to head back.

I started to make my way back  to the stage, but I soon felt myself get grabbed and was held by Chica


I grabbed the tazer and jammed it into her neck which seemed to electrocute her a bit which caused her to drop me and from the looks of it she was paralyzed but only for a bit. I saw that scream she made alerted the others

Vanny: Get him!

I started running back and I saw Freddy was running up the stairs so I jumped off the banister and rolled onto the ground and kept running to the stage. Soon Monty try to get in the way but I pulled a chair out and jumped onto the table and kept running with the stage coming up

Y/N: Roxy push the button!

She try to walk but she fell onto the ground, but she started to drag herself to the panel which she pressed the butto which caused the platform started to descend. I quickly jumped off the table and hurried to the platform which I jumped down and rolled onto the ground as we got away.

Y/N: Well that was something.

Roxy: Yeah, it shouldn't he long now

He soon heard a cracking laugh and saw moon drop looking at us

Roxy: Shit get ready to run!

Y/N: You don't need to tell me twice!

We soon got off and ran for our lives, with us soon finding a recharge station.

Y/N: There! Hurry!

We soon gunned it for the recharge station but as we made it to the station the door closed behind me where I saw Roxy get dragged away by Moondrop.

Y/N: Hey get back here!

I forced the station open and tried to chase after him. I soon came across a door labeled "parts and service" and when I tried to open the door I saw that it was locked and it required a key card.

Y/N: Great, the only time my pass doesn't work, I got to find a way to get the key card for parts and service.

I soon checked my watch to see if there was somewhere I can get a key card. Through the cameras I soon found a nearby office where I saw the card on the desk.

Y/N: Bingo, let's do this.

I pressed a button on the wall that led to that office but when it opened it led to a wearhouse full of motionless endos.

Y/N: This is kinda creepy.

As I started to walk down through the warehouse I kept my flashlight on as I explored the place I soon heard footsteps and as I turned around I saw that they have moved.

Y/N: Oh you got to be kidding me! Think they only move when I don't look at them but how am I supposed to look at them and make sure I don't knock something over.

I soon looked over and saw what seemed like a truck with it's rear mirror attached

Y/N: Hmm, I have an idea.

I grabbed the wrench I kept and smacked off the mirror.

Y/N: Now need something to attach it with.

I soon found a helmet and some tape.

Y/N: Bingo.

I grabbed them and attached the mirror to the helmet and put it on and when I looked into the mirror I can see them and they stopped moving.

Y/N: Ok then, let's make this quick.

I started to run off with me passing by most of the wearhouse with me avoiding most of those endos cause even though they might not move doesn't mean I want to touch them.

Eventually I made it to the office with me closing the door behind me where I found the key card.

Y/N: You are my golden ticket to get to Roxy.

As I grabbed it an alarm went off where I saw through the cams that the endos where coming.

Y/N: Shit!

I soon saw a computer that had a shut down program on the endos.

Y/N: Come on hurry up.

I pressed away trying to get it to activate but it said it would need a few minutes.

Y/N: Great, better bunker down, let's see what I can work with.

I first moved a filing cabinet to the front door, as I pushed it to block the door I went back to the computer to hurry up the process. As I typed away I soon heard banging with those endos trying to get in.

Y/N: Come on!

Soon they broke the glass of the door trying to reach inside. I soon left the computer and went for my wrench as I bashed away at them with them trying to get through the door I even smacked one of their heads off.

As I kept on trying to hold out the door soon broke down and as I fell to the ground I thought they would get in but they stopped and fallen to the ground that's when I saw the program had finished.

Y/N: Think you technology for not letting me down yet. Anyway time for Roxy.

I soon left as I hurried to parts and service.

And that it sorry it took almost a year to finish, I kinda hit a road block but I decided to jump back to this and push this chapter out. Anyway that is all and I'll see you later

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