Chapter 2: Gummybears Addiction

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[Lucky Cat Cafe]
Beyond the city there was a small cafe that is becoming popular, posts about the cake being delight, cupcakes being sweethearts, donuts being mouthful of sweet, and muffins being crumbs.

Hiro walks inside tiredly"Hi Aunt Cass"he groan walking pass her.

"Hello Miss Cass"Baymax waves in motion since he's a robot.

"Hi sweetie, Hi Baymax long day?"Aunt Cass puts away her note pad.

"Yup"Hiro replied and head upstairs to the living room.

Hiro crash landed on the couch, then Mochi shows up beside him purring at the young adult genius.

"Hey Mochi"said Hiro as he pets Mochi, feeling his fur.

"I'll be recharging in my station"Baymax went to Hiro's room, taking step by step up the stairs.

Hiro heard the back door open and footsteps coming up. Sometimes he thought its Tadashi or Cora.

"Hey Cora"Hiro waves lazily.

"Hi Hiro, long day?".

Hiro sigh"yup".

Cora nods and went up to their room. Cora use Tadashi's former room which she gets privacy.

"Hello Cora"Baymax waves.

"Hi Buddy"Cora crash out on her soft cozy bed.

"I detect stress, what's seems to be the problem?"Baymax asks, stepping out of his charge pad.

"It's nothing really"Cora mumbles on her pillow.

"I will scan for further injuries"Baymax recalls.

"W-w-wait what?!"Cora tried to escape the scan by rolling on the side bed.

"Scan complete"Baymax

Cora lands on the floor"ow".

Baymax walks closer to try to help her up but Cora refuse for his assistant"you have fallen".

"No kidding"Cora murmur"but I'm fine though".

"On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"Baymax stated.

"Eight"Cora said sarcastically.

Cora gets up and walk to Hiro's chair about to turn on his computer.

Hiro sprint to the room"you okay?".

"Hiro I'm fine, I'm just trying to escape Baymax's scanning death ray".

Hiro rolls his eyes"I think I remember doing that too, I end up in the corner of my bed plus my action figures ends up falling on me".

Cora laughs"I wish I was there!".

"You could Cora"Baymax said.

Cora looks at Baymax dumbfounded"what?".

"I record a video of Hiro's first accident for proof of injuries, I shall let you see it".

"What?!"Hiro screams.

Baymax's belly shown on video of Hiro falling and getting devoured by his action figures.

Cora laugh so hard"oh my gosh! Really?!".

"Oh shuch up"Hiro cover his mouth for his mistaken his vocabulary.

"Shuch up?! You meant shut up dork"Cora laughs.

"Oh shuch up, I-I-I mean shut up!"

Cora laughs hysterically"touché Hiro touché".

"You meanie"Hiro exclaim, walking to his bed and collapse.

"Someone's tired than me"

"You think, it was so busy that I have to cancel my dentist appointment-"

"Nah Hiro you cancelled it because you don't want the dentist to see your cute little tunnel in your tooth"Cora teases.

"Oh shut up, it's not that big, it won't start digging probably a month or so"Hiro mumbles  and roll back and starts picking his tooth.

"Hey! Your gonna make it worse!"Cora giggles.

"My mouth, my teeth"Hiro grins.

"You and your gummy bears"Cora mumbles and took a glance a bag of candy by his bed.

"Hey it's addicting"Hiro smug at the bag of gummy bears.

"How many bags of it you usually eat Bro?"Cora question.

"3 bags a week I believe. I'm gonna go on a diet"Hiro rumbles his stomach.

"What do you mean on a diet, your thin, and I don't know how your skinny"Cora exclaim and rotates her chair.

"Still"Hiro mumbles and begins to have a nap.


Later on Hiro decides to go to the grocery store for a short on supplies of his favourite food in his mind.

"Hey Aunt Cass"Hiro said like a child would say.

"You think I'm-"Aunt Cass then saw Hiro"I gotta go now bye!".

"Who was that?"Hiro ask suspiciously.

"Just a friend"Aunt Cass smile widely tapping her fingers on the counter.

"Okay...I'm gonna go to out to the store so you want anything?"

"Oh! That new sprinkles flavour is out, get me at least 2 bags of it. I wanna try with the cupcakes on it, see if the customers like em".

"Sure thing, later"Hiro wave and left the area.

Mostly the public knows of Hiro being the BH6 leader from previous times. Some girls go crazy for him, and Gogo will just give them death glares and signs of staying away from my boyfriend.

They even have their own action figures which is crazy but it was Fred's idea, to kids how good role models they are, even some of the guys wanted to date Honey Lemon and Gogo, despite much.

Hiro enters the store looking around seeing a basket. He picks the basket up went around to pick up the thing she need.

"That's 54.75$ sir"said the cashier.

"Keep the change"Hiro hands the cashier his cash.

He walk out to head on home carrying 3 bags of groceries in his grasp. Suddenly he spot something on the movie store, Hiro went in to check if there's a movie to watch. As he spot a movie that he really likes.

[Back Homr]

"You wanna watch a movie?"Hiro spoke out to Cora who's reading a book.

"Sure. What do you wanna watch then"Cora asks, She went to the couch to get comfortable to watch the movie.

Hiro went to The DVD player "let's watch Lights Out"

"The heck?"

[The Bermuda Triangle]

His Eminence walk casual to the Project Fire knowingly it's time for his achieving plan"Doctor Von Ju it's time".

"Your Eminence, if I may. Perhaps we should test his skill before we send him off to the field?"Doctor Von Ju bows.

"Very well. Prep the patient and began the simulation test"His Eminence orders calmly.

"Yes your Eminence"Doctor Von Ju bows.

His Eminence left the room and went to his office for more prep work to be done for the big plan in the future......

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