Chapter 9: Ebon Samurai

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[Los Angas]

It was evening time in Los Angas His Eminence send us to retrieve a device chip for their secret project that I didn't even know of. I was hidden in the shadows with my partner.

"Well well well. Looks like our boy has arrive"My Partner said, standing beside me.

"And right on time"I added, watch them go by and park by the lobby.

My partner scoffed"oh now he's. Rolling down the carpet, what is this to you a-".

"Focus"I said grumbling, zooming in my binoculars for a closer look.

My partner was an eighteen years old boy, his codename was Ebon Samurai, not much about him.

"Objective is heading inside 4 guards with him, few   8 guards first floor, 9 second, 14 penthouse."I said as we went in stealthy.

We were by the side of their building getting ready to go in.

"You know"Ebon took off his helmet"we could just go on the front door?"with a sly grin. He was half Asian American, green messy hair, thin build, grey armour with green trim.[the armour of the photo]

"And we get expose"I snarl, his behaviour has been recklessly"besides I want 

"Ooh look at The Anonymous, I'm so scared of her disguiser voice in her thick skilled helmet which I know you're a girl!".

I frown which he can see"obviously, where'd you think the feminist appearances came from?".

Ebon scoffed and he went to the wall to exam it"good spot, in and out no one knows. This job is way to easy for us darling, I mean we're the best time for anything, plus gotta work in our relationship"He smirk.

I went up to him close"don't ever call me darling and we're not dating! Remember that!"I scowl angrily.

"Oh easy Anoynmous, I was joking, you know sense of humour"He sighs and puts on his helmet.

"Besides, I'm a Samurai"He stood there silent"and also a Mercenary too, I get payed and you un well, HIS daughter eh?".

"Yeah"I stared down at the ground.


I shook of thinking of my Family.

"You ready?".

"Stick to the plan, and try not to show off"He nod and we went through the wall with our advance gadget.

We enter an closet which they heard two guards talking.

"You heard what happened at San Fransokyo?".

"No. What happened?".

"Well let's just say a group of-".

*knock knock*I knock the door giving them attention.

Both enter with their numb chucks, we knocked them out his their bodies with blanket on top.

"Hopefully they won't wake up to early"Ebon said.

"Then we better start moving"I said.

"Race you to their office Anony"He challenges, cracking his knuckles.

I sigh"fine".

As we peek through the door, we spot more guards, so I decide to roll out the smoke grenade.

"What was that?!"The guard said, looking around.

The whole room went to fog, so we went in quick to knock out the guards.

"What's that?!"

"We got an intruder!-"I knock him out.

"Smith?!"Ebon knocks this guy out.

The smoke cleared and all the guards were knock out.

Ebon chuckles"too easy".

"Don't estimate them"I said"besides I knocked out 5 and you knocked 4".


Let's skip the fighting part eh?

"Woah woah woah!"Fred cuts the story"you went through the wall?!".

"Yes"Cora said.

"How come you didn't do that in the first place?"Wasabi asks.


"See, easy"He cheers.

"Don't get carried away"I said, opening the door where the other office.

"Ya think he's in?"He asked.

"Coward's probably here"I stated, getting ready to kick the door.

I kick the door and I saw the person that we're after,

"W-what do you want from me?!".

"His Eminence requires your presence"I said.

"Him but why?!"Seen him just scrawny at the back corner.

"No questions now shut your little pipe hole or I'll shut it for you!"I harassedly said.

"Hey hey, let me do the talking okay"He patted my shoulder, and crouch down by him.

"Cooperate and you won't get hurt"Ebon explains it"don't cooperate, there's consequences got it?".

"Why should I? He's gonna get rid of me anyways right?"

"Nope"I said.

Ebon grab an bag for so he won't see of the Base location.

"What the! Who are you?! His pets?!"He laughed and made a threat to us.

"Well I'm Ebon and that's The Anonymous and we're the Immortals"He knocked him out silly.

"You read my mind"I spoke.

"Because I know you"He chuckles.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. For once".

"C'mon we don't wanna keep em waiting"

We went back to the Base to deliver the device to Him.

He was driving to the unknown location but I think they moved the base somewhere else now since I'm exposed to the world.

"Father We've got the device you desire"We both now and show him the device.

"Excellent work, I'm intrigued of your skills, both of you. Ebon here's your payment as promise"Ebon grabs the suitcase, open it up to see his cash he couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you"Ebon bows.


Ebon left the room but I stayed"Anonymous you wish to speak?".

I took off my helmet and took a deep breath"did you find them"I ask.

He sighs"I'm afraid not, but we'll keep searching".

I nod"what's the device you need Father?".

He wickedly smile, gets up from his chair and walk towards his secret room to his lab"follow me and I'll show you".

I'd follow him inside his lab and suddenly I spot a body case with someone in it"What's this?".

"This is SunFire".

"SunFire? The project they you've been planning since?".

"Correct, this will change my work, with this project I can chance the warfare and this pity war. But I need a candidate to experiment the project".

"Should I suggest Ebon?"

"I don't quite seems he isn't the fit for this kind of project, his influence is far to important in my organization, I need him, as much as I need you dear daughter. With you, Ebon, and SunFire on my side, we can change the world!".

"Hey"I looked up.

"If we meet again, I just wanna know. What's your real name?".

I took off my helmet to let him see my face so he could remember"Cora, my name is Cora".

"Nice name, I'm Keishicho, Kioshi Keishicho".

"Nice name"I laugh.

He walks to the door"I'm gonna go to bed, night".

I nod and he left. Later on one of my robots came in quick.

"Anonymous! Your Father needs to speak with you immediately"

"Can he wait til morning"I groan.

"Annoymous, we found them"

"I look up and went out my room, pushing through the robot and went off to my Father's office and that's how I start stalking you guys.....

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