Fired~James Maslow

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Today just sucks. I honestly feel like today is the worst day of my life.

First my bestfriend, called me crying because her boyfriend dumped her, and i was being a good friend and stayed up until 2:09a.m.

And then My Boyfriend James Maslow despite all my pleads decided he wanted to makeout with me and attack my neck until Fox jumped into bed. And thankfully because of that i got sleep.

But I didn't get to set my alarm, which means I was late.. really late. And lets not even start on the rain.  Its raining. Its been raining all day. Not sprinkling. Not a little drizzle. No.  Pouring down. To make things worst, I decided to say the very words what else could go wrong.

And then guess what The car wouldn't start so James gave me a ride to work. But honestly.. I think the only good thing about that morning, or about my day was James.

*This Morning*

"Babygirl, hey it's gonna be okay. Something positive will come out of today. I promise you. Besides you look amazing. " he pecked my lips.

"Beautiful" kissed me again.

"Hot" kissed me again. I giggled.

"James" i said inturrpting him.

"Sexy" he said pulling me in for one last kiss.

"Im gonna be more late then i already am." I said frowning. Looking down.  James pulled my head up.

"Hey, you're not aloud to be sad baby.  In fact I won't let you out of the car until you smile that sexy, beautiful, turn on smile of yours." He said winking. I snorted.

"I have to go james." I said trying to open the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"Its not gonna open unless I do it. " he said smirking.

"You did not, child lock the door. " i said looking at him.

"I wanted you to be happy before you left. And you're going to be wether that means you're locked in here and u have to call in sick. Or long enough for us to have hot passionate steamy sex in the back seat of the car. I mean the choice is yours. " he said wiggling his eyebrows.  And I laughed.

"Where would I be without you, James David Maslow. " I said smiling.

"I was really hoping for a oh james i want you make love to me in the back seat of this car,  but hey you're smiling now he said in a joking tone.

"Yeah so now let me out " i said laughing.

"But its raining."  He let out a groan.

"Not my problem Maslow, you did it not me. " i said smirking.

"Ugh you're lucky I love you." He said getting out of the car into the rain and opened the door.

"I love you" i said before walking away. Or trying too. James grabbed my wrist pulled me back and kissed me hard in the rain.  He was Cupping my face with both hands as I stared into his Brown eyes.

"Remember I love you and no matter what nothing will change that. Fox loves you too, but not as much as me. "He said smiling before pecking my lips and letting me go into my work. 

And see just like that.

Walking in the rain thinking about James was the better part of my day. The best actually. For those split minutes to even those last few seconds I had forgetten everything. All my probelms gone.

I took that as a sign that things would only get better. But boy was I wrong.

Not even Half way through the day I got a call from my bosses assistant, Patricia, to meet my boss in his office. Which led to, a you're fired.

And if my luck couldn't have gotten any better, my phone died. So no calling James to pick me up. i had no money for a payphone.

So I decided just to walk home. Along the way I broke a heel, I took my shoes off which only led to stepping in sticky stuff from the cold, wet cement, and I dont even wanna begin on the chills I got.

Like I said, today just sucks. Im cold, wet, hungry, sad. Today is totally a sucky day.

I finally made it home. And I opened the door, To james looking at me with a Shocked facial expression.

"Baby what you doing home?how did you get home?" He ran up to me. And I sighed.

"I just wanna go to bed. " I said as I walked into our room. I stripped down into my panties and bra. And put on one of James over side shirts. And got under the covers. Fox ran in, and laid down with me. Darkness soon took over.

"Baby... honey.. " I was awoken by James

"come on lets go." He said.

"What ?? Where are we going. How long have I been asleep, what time is it ?" I asked.

"Follow me, and its 7:35p.m. " he said grabbing my hand. He took me into the bathroom, where I gasped.

Candles where everywhere.  They aluminated the place. A trail of Rose pedals, led to a bubble bath, which smelt like roses.

I looked at james and smiled. He walked over the bathroom counter, as he played she will be loved on his Ipod. I started at him as he looked into my eyes walking over to me.

He kissed my lips, and slowly took off my shirt. His hands went to my hips as his hands traveled up to my bra. And i turned around. His delicate fingers, gave my chills as I felt them slowly go up my spine. And he placed my hair on my right shoulder leaving my neck exposed.

His hot minty breathe hit my neck, as his finger tips slowly went up and down my sides. His tounge and teeth began to massage my neck as he removed my bra. He turned me back around as he kissed me.

Once more before kissing down my stomache to my panty line. He kissed both sides, before romoving my panties, and helping me into the warm bath tub.

I leaned back as he massaged my sholders. I felt so relaxed.

"I love you." James said and I smiled.

"Thankyou James, I love you too babyboy." I said smiling.

He kissed my temple before leaving to let me clean myself. He came back with towels, lotion, some of his loose clothing. And he left again. I got out and put my hair in a towel as I walked downstairs to James cooking. It smelt so good. 

Cheeseburgers and french fries. Was wha we had that night. When we finished, james picked me up bridal style into our bedroom where we spooned.

And Fox was sleeping near our feet. Today may have started crazy and horrible, but im so blessed for James i dont know what Id do without him.

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