Avengers Vs Justice League

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Ok this one is a team battle so START.
Avengers in the Stark Tower,but when they see the Justice League,The Avengers are suspicous why they are coming.The. Justice League attacks Avengers and they all attacks each other(you can see the pic which who vs who.)
(Battle 1:Ironman vs Green Lantern)
Ironman attacks first with a flying punch.Green Lantern punches back and blasts Ironman back.Ironman breaks with a blast and a fly to Green Lantern.Green Lantern makes a big branch and hits Ironman with it.Ironman catches it but holds and blasts him in the stomach,flying and punching him in the face with a full force electriced punch.
GL(Green Lantern)makes a rocket and shoots Ironman with it,making Ironman explode to the wall breaking it.Ironman lunges back at him and grabs pushing him out the window breaking it and throwing him to the sky.Ironman blasts GL to the sky and charges his full energy blast and GL blasts a laser through Ironman but Ironman shoots his blast before it and the blast kills GL but GL already shooted to the laser at Ironman's stomach.They both fall down and dies.
(Battle 2:Thor vs Wonder Woman)
Thor spins his hammer and hits WW(Wonder Woman)in the leg and stomps her.WW Pulls out her whip and whips Thor off her and slices him with her sword.Thor got hit in the stomach and hits WW in the face with his hammer.WW lunges through the window and slamming on a truck making it explode.Thor goes to her and getting a whip in the face.WW grabs his leg with her whip and swings him through a building.Thor lunges back at her striking her with a lighting.WW blocks with her sword.
WW and Thor attacks with there weapons.Thor hits WW in the stomach lunging her though a building.WW lunges back whipping Thor in the face.Thor throws his hammer at her and It hits WW in the face.WW falls unconsiusly.Thor haves his hammer back and strikes WW with 5 large lightings.Thor jumps on her and smashes her with his hammer reapidly.WW is knocked out now.Thor gets up pulling her up too.Thor hits her to air with his hammer and jumps up hitting WW in the face making WW bleed.WW slams to the ground dead.
(Battle 3:Cap. America vs The Dark Knight/Batman)
Batman kicks through the window and lands rolling and kicking CA(Captain America)in the chest knocking him back.CA runs back at him and hits him with his shield.Batman,who dodged it by jumping,double back kicks CA in the back of the head.CA,who blocked but stumbled forward,throws his shield at Batman but was blocked by his cape.Batman runs at CA kneeing him in the stomach and punching CA right in the face.CA knocks on the window.Batman runs at him dropkicking him but CA blocked with his shield but still fall through the window and lands on his shield.
Batman jumps and lands on a car breaking it.CA throws his shield but he was suprised when Batman was gone.Suddenly a smoke bomb is thrown.CA throws his shield in the smoke.CA sees his shield was back but with a bat mark.His shield explodes And hewas strugled and his vision were blurry.Batman appears out of nowhere hitting CA reapidly and turn kicking CA in the chest.Batman elbows turning back kicking CA in the face.Batman shoots his grapple at CA and the grapple stabs him.CA looses his grab on his shield and Batman catches the shield throwing it through CA making him die.
(Battle 4:Hulk vs Superman)
Superman attacks Hulk first with a double flying punch in the face.Hulk blocks it and smashes Superman through a floor.Superman flys back right up and uppercutting Hulk in the chin making him fall down.Superman flys at Hulk and punches him Reapidly.Hulk grabs his head and smashes it.Superman fires his heat vision at Hulk's hand and Hulk looses his grab.Hulk punches him out the window and through a building.Superman lunges back flying in full speed and Hulk jumps too him.Hulk punches him in the face and Superman punched Hulk in the stomach.Hulk falls from air and too the ground.Superman,who is lunged to a building,flys at Hulk with full speed.Hulk gets up and punches Superman's face lunging him through a truck.Hulk runs at Superman and punches him reapidly smashing him through the ground.Hulk grabs his leg and smashes him side by side reapidly.Hulk throws him in Stark Tower again.Superman was dizzy for the time but gets up.Hulk jumps to Superman and punches him.Superman blocks.Hulk punches his stomach and grabs his head and jumps coming straight to the tower and smashing Superman through the floors.Superman,who is unconsiusly laying on the ground,gets smash by Hulk reapidly.Hulk lifts a building up slowly,and jumps smashing it at Superman.Hulk pulls Superman's leg to a bridge.Hulk lifts him up and breaks his spine throwing him through a building.Superman was dead.

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