Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:Free For All!

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Hey!This was one of the request that KaijuLord54 gave me.This fight is gonna be CRAYZAY.SO LETS NOT WASTE ANY TIME AND FIGHT!
The four brothers gathers around to determine who is the best.As they look at each other,Michelangelo hits Donatello in the face with the nun chuck.Raph jumps on top of Don and punches him repeatedly on the back of the head.Leo pulls out his katana and swings them at Michael repeatedly.Raph throws Don into a wall and pulls out his Sai.Don gets up and hits Raph with his staff a few times.Raph got the upper hand and kicks the staff off Don's hands.Raph tries to stab Don,but he missed,making a barrage of kicks and punch from Don hits Raph.Leo slices Michael's nunchucks in half and points the katana at his head.Michelangelo says "Come on man?!" And gets stab in the head.Leo pulls out the katana and disappears into the shadow.Raph and Don brawls fiercely until Raph stabbed Don in the left arm.Don screams in pain but he continues to fight Raph.Don grabs his staff and hits Raph repeatedly in the face with it.Raph blocks some of the hits but the others that hit him was painful.Don jumps up and kicks Raph into a brick wall.Raph gets up coughing and sees a charging Donatello coming straight at him.Raph punches Don in the face lunging him away.Don crashes into a car and holds his head in dizziness.Raph walks to Don and grabs a big rock,smashing Don's shell.Raph stabs Don in the head and looks around for Leo.Suddenly,Leo dropkicks Raph from behind pulling out both of his katanas.Raph turns to Leo and gets into a fighting stance.Leo runs at Raph and throws a fierce back hand into Raph's face continuing with a roundhouse kick.Raph exchanges with a punch into the gut and knee on the chin.Leo stumbles back,and Raph sees the opportunity to attack Leo.Raph bicycle kicks Leo and continues with an uppercut.Leo falls but does a kip-up getting right on his feet.Leo swings his katanas at Raph full speed ahead while Raph blocks them with his sai.Leo slaps Raph and elbows him continuing with a kick to the chest lunging Raph into a truck.Raph charges at Leo swinging his sai at Leo repeatedly.Leo dodges the sai and jabs Raph in the face.Raph stumbles back and stops at a wall.Leo runs at Raph but Raph grabs Leo but the neck smashing him onto the ground.Raph gets on top of Leo and punches him repeatedly on the face.Raph lifts up his sai and goes for the finishing blow.But.......Leo stabs Raph in the neck before Raph could kill Leo.Leo throws Raph's body to the side and rests himself.

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