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+Reverse Falls: Telepathy Tent+

"Wendy, Robbie, Tambry, Nate, Thompson, and Lee? How did you guys even get here?" Dominic asked the group. He only used their names because he couldn't come up with good nicknames for them, except for Wendy and Robbie.

All of them were currently in the living room of the Gleeful home. The 6 stalkers sat on two light blue couches in the room while Dominic and Tyrone stood before them with scolding expressions.

"Sorry Dipper. We kinda got curious of what you were up to and we ended up following you." Wendy replied to her friend rubbing the back of her neck.

Dominic sighed and facepalmed at their dumb decision. "I could've left you here without even knowing and you guys would've been trapped here for who know how long." He said in a worried tone, he almost sounded like a mom.

The 6 felt bad that they caused Dipper some trouble and mumbled sorries to the teen.

The teen demon shook his head. "Well since you guys are here until I go home, I might us well introduce you some people here." He placed a hand on Tyrone's shoulder and smiled. "This is my reverse self, Dipper Gleeful. His real name is Tyrone, if your wondering why I call him that." He introduced his boyfriend.

"Hm." Tyrone hummed. "Nice to meet you I guess. I'm, as Dominic said, Dipper Gleeful. You guys can call me by my last name. I'm also Dominic's boyfriend."

Dominic blushed and playfully punched Tyrone on the shoulder causing Tyrone to smile a bit.

Wendy got up from the couch and walked over to the Gleeful giving him her hand to shake. "I'm Wendy, but I guess you already knew that."

"Yeah, I ran into your reverse self earlier." Tyrone said and shook Wendy's hand. "Not really a friendly meeting, but I can tell you get the point." He could actually relax in the original Wendy's presence rather than the reverse one.

Dominic liked how Tyrone was already accepting the people from Gravity Falls. He smiled at the thought of Dipper trying to get along with the original Gideon and Pacifica.

Will came into the room setting down some drinks on the table.

"This person here is Will Cipher, my Mother. Other words my Father's Wife, he's a demon too. He's my Father's reverse self." Dominic said introducing his Mother to the others.

"Whoa man! That's awesome." Nate says amazed.
The group of six got to know Will and Tyrone while they relax in the living room while they watched tv. Once Will heard Dominic say that Bill was sulking at home because he left again, the blue demon counterpart went to go talk to Bill again. Having to talk to Bill about giving his son some privacy and freedom sometimes.

A while later reverse Mabel came in holding a letter.

"Hello dear sister." Tyrone greeted her when he saw her walk into the room.

"Hello to you too brother dearest." She greeted back unexpressively.

Wendy and her friends noted that Reverse Mabel was just like Reverse Dipper.

Tyrone gestured to his twin and started introducing her. "This is my twin sister, Mabel Gleeful. She's my partner in the Tent of Telepaty show. The Reverse version of your Mabel or Stella."

"So does me like, you two are evil just like that Gideon kid in our universe?" Robbie asked.

"Yes, so?." The Twins replied neutral expression.

The older teens could only silently stare at them awkwardly.

Mabel walked over to Dominic and handed him a letter enclosed by a little light blue heart shape sticker. "Mind giving this to your cousin Stella for me?" She asked looking away from her twin's counterpart.

"Sure. What's it for anyways?" Dominic asked curiously inspecting the envelope.

Tyrone smirk getting an idea. "Oh? Has my dear sister fallen in love with my Dominic's cousin?" He says in a teasing tone.

Mabel blushed while glaring at her brother. "That's none of your business!" She retorted with a huff. Mabel stopped away, still blushing, out of the room.

Tyrone chuckled and wrapped an arm around Dominic waist. "Denial gets you no where dear sister." He teased his twin who was now slamming her door shut with a bang.

Wendy and her friends could jaw drop at Tyrone's sibling relationship with his sister. They were mean to each other, but still in a weird way slightly caring.

Tyrone turned his attention towards Dominic. "Mind if they stay for the show? I could use some new toys." He smirks.

The older teens looked at Tyrone and Dominic confused.

"They can stay for the show, but you can't use them as toys. They're only there to watch." Dominic said detaching from his counterpart. He walked towards the kitchen to get some more snacks for everyone.

"Buzzkill." Tyrone says under his breath.

"Love you too." Dominic said happily.

Tyrone rolled his eyes, but smiled at his lover disappeared into the kitchen. He turned towards the six older teens and smirked at them. "Question time."

Wendy and her friends perked up at Tyrone's tone and boy was it dangerous.

"You six haven't done anything that hurt my dear Dominic in the past have you?" The reverse brunet asked in a sweetly sick tone.

The others could hear the poison dripping in his voice. Everyone shook their head vigorously in reply.

"We didn't hurt Dipper in any way dude." Lee says quickly.

"Yeah, he's a cool dude!" Thompson said.

Tyrone is a whole new level of evil to the group above Gideon, or even higher than him. Their instincts were telling them not to make any wrong moves or they be toast for sure.

"Hmm... Robbie." Tyrone says.

Robbie froze at the sound of his name coming from the reverse. Sure he knew he did bully the kid a bit back then, but that was all in the past and both of them went their separate ways. "Yeah?"

"I'm pretty sure you might have did something to my Dominic. Let's talk privately." Tyrone said with a fake smile. "Everyone else, leave the room. Now."

The 5 people not wanting to face reverse Dipper's authority left. Tambry squeezed her boyfriend's hand before letting him go following the others.

Robbie trembled under Tyrone's gaze while the brunet smirked at him like a predator about to kill his prey.

Outside of the living room the rest of the group, a few seconds later, they heard Robbie yelling at him to stop and forgive him. They could only pray and hope that Robbie was okay in the end.

Dominic came down the hall and saw them staring at the living room door. "What are you guys doing out here?" He asked confused.

Tambry faced Dominic and pointed at the door. "Your boyfriend is punishing my boyfriend! You have to help him." She says worriedly mixed in fear.

To back up on her statement, Robbie started yelling again in a scared tone.

Dominic sighed and handed the snack try to Thompson. He put a hand on the door to push it open, but looked back at the others. "Stay here and try not to peek inside. I'll get Stitch Heart back."

The group nodded and Dominic went inside the living room. A couple minutes later, Robbie was thrown out of the living room by their Dipper. The brunet went back inside leaving Robbie with his friends.

"Whoa Robbie! Are you alright?" Wendy asked running to the pale teen. Tambry went by his side checking him for any injuries.

Robbie was stuttering and mumbling words, but his friends couldn't understand him.

"Guys, Robbie is in too much shock to speak." Nate said to his friends.

"Thompson go check on Dipper and Reverse Dipper." Wendy said.

"But Dipper said we shouldn't-" Thompson was cut off by Nate.

Nate laughed. "You scared Thompson?"

Thompson made a straight face and walked to the door, picked up the courage to peek through the door. He gave a sigh of relief to see Reverse Dipper calm down and Dipper just shooting him with kisses on the cheek. Thankfully he didn't see anything related to Dipper's demon side, he'd probably be tramatazied for the rest of his life.

"What do you see dude?" Lee asked nudging his friend.

"Just Dipper calming his reverse self down." Thompson opened the door all the way and everyone came into the room again.

Dominic was sitting in his boyfriend's lap, stoping his actions when he saw the older teens come into the room. "Tyrone." He said in a strict tone.

Tyrone huffed while crossing his arms, looking away from the teens. "Robbie, I am sorry to have tourtured you, ... even though you rightfully deserved it." The brunet somewhat apologized.

Dominic hit him upside the head before looking back at them. "This is probably the best you'll get out of him." He smiled at them kindly. "Do you accept his apology Stitch Heart?"

Robbie nodded even though he felt that he needed more of an apology from Tyrone. But he guess he could let this slide since the younger teen was really intimidating. "Yeah, it fine."


Tyrone sighed and got up from his chair after Dominic left his lap. He pecked A kiss on his lover's cheek and left to get ready for the show, passing Wendy and her friends, not even sparing them a glance.

Dominic chuckled happily. "Do you guys still want to watch the show?" He asked them.

They gave him a nodded and all of them exited the Gleeful house, heading towards the telepathy tent. The older teens noticed the differences from Little Gideon's tent from their dimension and the reverse Twins' tent. Again, many guests arrived at the show to watch the twins preform their grand magic act.

The lights flickered on and off before going fully into darkness. The lights focused on the stage.

Let the show begin.

+Reverse Falls: Later at night+

Wendy and her friends where awed by the end of the show.

The tent had cleared out of tourist or residents is Reverse Falls and the main cast was only there.

"I assumed you guys enjoyed the show." Tyrone said walking down from the stage and Reverse Mabel walking backstage.

The group, except Dipper, looked at Tyrone like little happy kids who just got their first ice cream.

"Dude that was crazy amazing!" Wendy exclaimed.

Tambry was blogging on her phone about. "This is so going on my blog."

The three guys just gave Tyrone positive nodds.

Dominic looked at his watch and saw how late it was already. "It time to head back to Gravity Falls everyone. I didn't know it had gotten this late." He didn't really care about time, but because human were with him, he needed it. Dominic opened a portal in the tent and gestures his companions to it. "Alright guys time to go."

The group didn't want to go, but they had too. It was common sense. They walked through it and exited out of the dimension.

Before Dominic went through, Tyrone pulled him back and kissed him on the lips. The other kissed back and moaned a little till Tyrone finally let go of him. "Come back soon Dominic." Tyrone smiled at him.

Dominic blushed and nodded in a haze. "Yeah, um see you soon..." He kissed Tyrone on the cheek and walked through the portal.

Another day over and a new one will follow.

Worst chapter I ever made...

Won't post a new chapter until I finished my finals for school see you all in three days!

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