Never Anger a Demon Father/Dad

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"Look guys, I'm warning you right now to just walk away, before things get really bad." Dipper warns the three bullies while Mabel tried her best to hold her uncle back.

The three teen merely laughed at them while everyone in the cafeteria watched them, some even laughing along. "Please, the only one who should be going away is you ya Freak! Rumor has it that yellow triangle is your so called dad! Now that I look at it, it's so funny to see the darn thing!" The kid with red hair exclaimed.

"Hey Fred I also heard that everyone else living in Gravity Fools are dumb and weird too. So that must mean Freak here must be dumb and weird too!" A dirty blond hair kid added. The red hair boy, Fred, continued laughing harder.

"You must be right Peter! Proof is that the Freak here thinks that weird triangle is his dad!" The brunet next to Peter says in agreement. His name was Jimmy by the way.

Now the whole cafeteria is laughing at them. Dipper clenched his fist to his side tightly trying not to lose his temper. He was making the pain inside by their words. Dipper's rage is on the same scale as his Father, but if pissed off entirely then he can make anyone go insane.

Mabel got in front of her older cousin and tried her best to defend him. "Stop laughing all of you! My cousin is the smartest person you'll ever meet, a long with his father! You should all be ashamed at yourself!" She yelled over the roaring laughter.

Jimmy pointed at her and smirked settling the laughter. "Then that means your a freak too. If your that Freak's cousin. So what's your dad? A circle? A star? Or maybe a square? Gosh you guys from Gravity are seriously dumb."

'Temper... Temper.... Control your temper..." Mabel and Dipper thought to keep themselves calm.

Bill on the other hand was already losing it. His triangle form has turned red, eye turning black with he retuning red vertical pupil, glaring at the stupid humans.

Mabel was seriously wishing her two best friends were her to back them up, but they were having class at the moment. Luckily someone familiar popped into existence next to her.

"Dad!" She happily says.

Bill ignored his brother, but Dipper acknowledge the square demon's presence. "Uncle Tad? What are you doing here, and where Sixer?"

"There's a huge road block on the road and it's taking forever to get it out of the way. I can here first to check on you guys, literally meaning my brother." Tad explained and examined the current situation and he didn't like it one bit.

"So your dad is a freaking thing like that Freak's! Man you weirdos are something." Fred says laughing again at the four demons.

Tad glared at them going red like Bill. "Your making my daughter very sad, maybe I should shut that mouth of yours." The purple demon says seriously hovering close to his daughter.

"Look you stupid meatsacks, I'm gonna give one last warning now or your suffering the consequences of messing with my son and niece!" Bill exclaimed loudly that everyone had to cover their ears at the sound.

But the three didn't back down. Peter and his friends didn't back down and kept their heads held high.

Finally the parent protection instinct kicked in.

Bill and Tad took the answer as a no and floated in front of their kid. They transformed into their human forms. Their demon forms engulfed in in their respective flame color and they stood taller than the teens in their human form.

"MaYBe SOmE MaDNesS BuBbLes WilL PuT tHeM In tHEir PLacE, HuH dEaR BrOTHer?~" Bill asked Tad in a distorted deep voice.

Tad nodded calmly, but filled with anger. "Yes dear brother, I must agree. Also some nightmares may be of good use too."

Bill conjured three madness bubbles and trapped the three boys inside. Peter, Fred, and Jimmy started screaming and yelling to get out. Tad added in their worst nightmares/fears which made them scream and cry louder. Everyone except the four demons cringed at the terrified screams and pleas for help.

The two elder demons gave a crazed smirk at the suffering boys in the bubbles.

"HAppY NiGhTmaREs!" Bill exclaimed in obvious joy.

Tad enjoyed too. "And Madness too."

It lasted 19 minutes before, Dipper and Mabel gave a sigh finally pitying the three human. Both of them have a snap of their fingers and the teen boys fell out of the bubbles.

The three were hugging each other and wetting themselves leaving a visible stain. Tears staining their face as their hair in a wild mess.

'Their probably traumatized... Possibly therapy is needed? But this is Father and Uncle Tad's doing... I don't think therapy can help...' Dipper though with a hand to his chin while his eyes narrowed.

Mabel used her magic to fix them up, not to Bill and her Dad's liking. But they can't really go against the only girl of the family though.

Dipper had taken the time to calm his Father and Uncle down, so the red color finally receded.

"This is a warning to all of you. Never anger a demon's child." Dipper says loudly enough that everyone heard him.

The students gasp in shock and surprise.

"Your demons?!" Jimmy says in surprise with a him of being terrified.

Dipper and Mabel nodded without hesitation to expose their kind.

"How do you think I fixed your appearance?" Mabel says giddily walking over to her Dad.

Before anybody could say anything the bell rang again.

"Ah~ Seems like the next class is about to start." Tad says normally.

Bill staring at all of them shivered at his gaze. "Scram."

With that order, everyone left the cafeteria in fright.

"I'll see you after school Dip Dot! Need to be off to my next class!" Mabel rushes out the cafeteria with Tad following after her.

Dipper did the same rushing out to his next class which was cooking.

The class passed by in a flash, Bill, in his triangle form again, helped his son cook. Both had managed to make a delicious strawberry cake, a tempting one at that too.

Next class was Latin, it was really easy for Dipper since mostly all the spells and chants he uses are in Latin, even text charms. Bill helped explaining the difficult meanings in some words.

After that was Band, Bill listened to his son play the Sousaphone chuckling sometimes. Dipper didn't seem to mind his Father's chuckling and continued playing the music.

Then there was free period, Dipper and Bill spent time in the library read and writing in the PineTree Journal. Most of the book is already filled with well informed information by Bill and the creatures themselves. All of Dipper's assignments were already completed in class if your wondering.

Finally Geometry was the last class of the day and it pretty much tortured Bill a bit. The yellow triangle explained to Dipper, through telepathy, that this was literally like porn to him because the stupid teacher was drawing triangles non-stop on the white board. It also didn't help that the teacher was using a blue marker reminding Bill of Will. Dipper snickered to himself while rolling his visible eye in amusement.

School is finally over and Dipper met Mabel by the car that Ford was driving.

"When did you get here Sixer?" Bill asked.

Ford groaned. "Just a few minutes ago, they finally got rid of the road block. Hurry up and get in, we need to get back to the shack."

"Is something wrong Grunckle Ford?" Mabel questioned.

The old man nodded. "Apparently Stan just call before I got here. He says there's some weird lady at the shack asking where the hell Bill Cipher is."

Bill slapped his had to his face and moaned.

"Father?" Dipper says confused.

"I'm transporting all of us to the shack." Ignoring his son's confuse expression. With a snap of his fingers everyone, plus the car, was in front of the shack.

All of them went inside to see Stan and the weird lady, but Bill was tackled by someone with black and reddish orange hair.

"Bill you meanie! You promised that you would visit me today! You lied!" The person who was sitting on Bill's stomach said not happy in a childish way.

The group looked at the mystery person. It was a female, dressed in a red and black tuxedo with long boot black heeled shoes, pale skin, right eye color red while the other eye was gold. The woman's hair is long and black with some reddish orange color on the tips of her hair. Her height is the same as Bill.

Bill rubbed the back of his neck, "I forgot." He admitted bluntly.

Before the lady could get mad Dipper asked a question.

"Father, who is that?" Dipper say in a serious tone. "Don't tell me your cheating on Mother now... Are you?" The brunet asked in a dangerous tone giving him the death of disapproval look.

Bill panicked and vigorously shook his head. "No! No! No! I'd never cheat on your Mother PineTree!" He answered hastily.

"Then. Who. Is. She?"

"PineTree, meet Illuminati Fox, my cousin on my Father's side of the Family. You can call her one of your Aunts if you want." Bill says introducing his cousin.

Dipper seemed to relax at the answer and smiled at the two.

"Well aren't you just an adorable little spawn! Like Bill said, I'm his cousin, but my you can call me Aunt Illumi for short~ Let's get along PineTree." Illumi cheerfully says and gives Dipper a strong hug.

All the more exciting to meet another member of the Cipher Family.

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