Presents, Sleep, Protect

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+Mystery Shack: With Tyrone and Dominic+

"Ow!" Dipper sucked on his index finger.

"Dominic, want some help there?" Tyrone asked.

The other nodded. "Yes please."

The two of them are currently trying to make Bill and Will's presents. One in case the two remain kids for Christmas and the other if they turn back into adults for Christmas. Tyrone already finished making adult Will and kid Will's presents. Dominic finished the adult Bill's present, and is now currently working on kid Bill's present.

If your wondering where the two little demon kids are, they're being distracted by Soos and Wendy.

+Mystery Shack: In the Gift Shop+

"And that's how we managed to save the town from that horrible shape shifter." Wendy finished her story to the two kids.

"Wow!" Bill and Will said in awe.

Then Bill made a pout (meant to be a angry) expression. "Well I wanna tweach thwat no gwood shwape shwifter a lesson or two abwout messing with mom!" He declared punching the air.

Will sniffed. "Thwat meanie got what he deswerves."

Wendy and Soos chuckled at their comments.

"Where's mom and dad Red?" Will asked finally noticing that Dominic and Tyrone were not in the room with them anymore.

"There out getting some things little dudes. Don't worry, they'll be home soon." Soos assured them.

The yellow and blue child looked at each other both with worry.

Then the vending machine came opened up and Ford came out.

"Hey Mr. Ford! How's things going down in the lab?" Wendy asked the old man.

Ford smiled at her and held up two new invention. "Great! I even managed to make a two new invention for Mabel and Dipper's Christmas gift."

"Cool dude! What's it do?" Soos asked.

Ford walked over to the counter and set it down. "This pink one is for Mabel. It's a mini robot that helps her decided on things she wants to do, it also provides supplies for her crafts. It's like a mini servant practically." He explained and looked at the blue invention. "This invention is kinda of a puppet, for Dipper. Considering his magic skills he'll make of use of this invention the way he wants it to work."

Bill grinned at the word puppet. He absolutely loves puppets that could bend to his will. So he founded his powers on the blue puppet invention.

Said invention lifted up, with a light blue glow, and settled onto it's feet on the floor. The blue puppet stood proud and tall, walking over to Bill and Will sitting on top of the barrels they were sitting on.

"What the?!" Ford exclaimed and looked over at Bill waving his hand covered in a small blue flame. "Bill! Stop. You can't play with Dipper's present." Ford says towards the kid. The old man put his hand on th puppet's shoulder, but to his surprise the puppet flipped him over it's shoulder.

"Dude!/Mr. Ford!" The two co-workers exclaimed.

"Wou cwan 't tell me what to do!" Bill said.

Will on the other hand started tugging on Bill's arm. "Bill, pwease stop. Mom and Dad might gwet mad at you." He says to the blond child.

Bill stared at Will for a bit before getting the puppet to come over and pick them up. It carried them out of the Gift Shop and into the living room.

The puppet returned into the gift shop by itself and fell to the floor unmoving without the blue glow anymore.

"Even being young, he's still as powerful as ever." Ford groaned as got helped back onto his feet.bhe walked over to the puppet and picked it up.

He hid both presents behind the counter and the three people headed into where the puppet probably brought them to.

They looked into the living room to find Bill playing with Will. The blue child sitting on the floor innocently watching Bill make a pillow fort, not knowing where Bill got the pillows.

Bill grinned, "I'll be rwight back Will. I need one mwore pillow thwen it'll be done." He ran past Will and got the pillow laying on the couch. Bill was about to run back to put it on the pillow fort, but an idea formed in his head.

Slowly he approached Will from behind quietly while Will kept his focus forward. Just as he got behind Will to surprise him, he felt a piercing stare behind him.

Bill glance behind him to see Tyrone narrowing his eyes at him and using his powers to levitate a couple of pillows in the air. "Hi dad... Hehe..." He nervously laughed.

Tyrone sighed and demised his powers letting the pillows drop to the floors. "Bill."

Will turned around and smiled at him. "Dad your back!" Will says happily and walked over to him and gave Tyrone a hug. The brunet gave him a hug back.

"Where's mom?" Bill asked him.

"He's upstairs in his room sleeping. Don't bother him, he needs to sleep." Tyrone told them.

"I wanna slweep too!" Bill said to him.

Will went to Bill's side. "We're twired."

Tyrone picked both of them up. "Yeah, you both need to rest too. Your young and need sleep." Bill and Will yawned. "And a lot of it." He smiled and carried them out of the room, abandoning the forgotten pillow fort.

Wendy and Soos returned to the gift shop to continue their job and Ford went to fix up both Mabel and Dipper's presents.

+Mystery Shack: Dipper's room+

When Tyrone entered the room, Bill and Will started to squirm in his arms. "Calm down you two. You can't wake Dominic up." He whispered to them.

They stopped their squirming and looked at their mom sleeping on the big bed.

Tyrone crawled onto the bed slowly, holding the kids with one arm. He set both of them on the bed, Bill next to Dominic and Will next to the Bill. Tyrone laid himself down next to Will.

So the kids were sandwiched between Tyrone and Dominic.

Bill instantly feel asleep and snuggled close to Dominic's warmth. A pleasant smile plastered onto his face as he slept.

Will clutched onto Tyrone's vest. He looked at the brunet who looked back at him. "Mom and Dad will stwill be here when we wake up, rwight?" He asked in a shaky voice.

Tyrone stroked Will's soft blue hair smiling ever so softly. "Of course Will, we'll never leave you two. We promised you."

"Mom and Dad pwomised us? When?" Will asked rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"A long time ago." Tyrone told him quietly.

The next thing he knew Will fell asleep after his answer. Tyrone kissed Will's forehead.

"Your gonna be a great father you know."

Tyrone looked at Dominic's half opened eye. "How long have you been awake?" He smiled at him.

"Not long. Just when Will started asking you that question." Dominic said to him in a quite voice.

Tyrone reached over and held Dominic's hand. "Get some more sleep. We might have a long day later."

"Okay, you just get some sleep too." He said back to his boyfriend.

"Of course." Tyrone said and watched him close his eye back shut. Once he was sure Dominic was asleep, he himself drifted off to sleep.

+Mystery Shack: Gift Shack- Night+

Illumi, Kryptos, Mabel, and Tad came into the Shack with smiles on their faces.

"Alright, spill it you guys. What's with the smiles?" Wendy asked them.

Mabel held up a green liquid filled bottle. "We managed to make the antidote for Bill and Will!" Mabel exclaimed jumping towards Wendy.

Wendy gave her a fist bump. "Alright dudes. I would recommend giving it to the two kids tomorrow though."

"Why?" Illumi asked.

"Bill and Will went to sleep. They were tired out, they're in Dipper's room sleeping right now." Wendy replied to her. She got up from behind the counter and headed to the door. "I'll see you guys tomorrow! Night guys." She left the 4 demons.

"Then we'll give it to them in the morning then." Kryptos says crossing his arms.

Tad put his hands on Mabel's shoulders. "We had a long day Stella. We should rest is too."

"Okay Dad!"

Both of them went up the stairs to their room to rest up for the night. Mabel setting the potion on the nightstand in her room.

Illumi and Kryptos shared a room, so they headed to bed together too so they could get some sleep.

+Mystery Shack: Midnight+

In the middle of the night Bill and Will woke up hearing a loud thump down stairs.

Will turned to Bill. "D-Did wou h-hear thwat?" He asked in a quite scared voice.

Bill nodded. "Let go chweck it out."

"B-but s-shwouldn't we wake up Mom and Dad?"

"It'll be okway Will." Bills slowly sat up careful not to wake up his mom and got off the bed.

Will followed Bill's example and made sure not to wake up his dad and got off the bed.

Quietly the both of them exited the room and tiptoed downstairs.

"B-Bill I'm gwetting really scwared now." Will whimpered silently. Tears pooling in the corner of his eyes.

Bill turned to Will and held his hand. "It's okway Will. I'm here, I'll protwect wou." Bill comforted the blue child quietly. He kissed Will's cheek and smiled at him. "I won't let anythwing hwurt wou."

Will smiled shyly at Bill and let the blond continue to hold his hand.

Bill led them to the gift shop where they heard the sounds coming from.

Both of them peeked around the corner of the door to see a black human figure stealing stuff off the shelves of the shop.

"It's stealing from the shwop." Bill whispered to Will.

Will squeezed Bill's hand a little.

Bill quickly ran with Will behind the counter of the register without the thief noticing.

"Bill look." Will pointed to Dipper's Christmas Present sitting on the floor.

"I'll stop him with thwis." Bill said. Carefully he used his powers to make the puppet move again.

The puppet stood to it's feet and started moving towards the thief. The two kids secretly watching.

The thief turned around and saw the puppet. Since it was dark, said person couldn't tell it was a puppet he was facing.

"Caught huh? Not exactly!" Judging by the voice, the thief is a male.

Bill saw a glint of something metal and moved the puppet to the side quick.

The male swiped at the puppet, but missed. Both kids saw the knife in the man's hands.

Bill moved the puppet to punch the thief and it connected. The male was sent flying back towards the counter.

In the corner of the theif eye he saw Will's blue hair sticking out. He grabbed Will by the hair and held the knife close to his neck.

"Try something and this kid gets it!" The male yelled at the puppet.

"Ow! L-let me go! Pwease!" Will pleaded.

Bill was stuck, so dam stuck. If he moved the puppet in anyway threatening Will is gonna get hurt. He gritted his teeth and made the puppet do a sure ending pose by raising his hands up.

The theif crackled with laughter.

'I pwomised to protwect Will! I cwan't back out!' Bill thought. Determined to save Will, he surprised the thief by ramming the puppet into the man.

Caught in surprise the theif let go of Will and the knife. Bill rushed over and caught the blue child in his arms in time.


"Bill!" Will exclaimed and hugged the blond child.

The thief recovered from the ramming puppet and grabbed the knife. "You little brats!" The man got up and started running at them. The knife pointed at them. "I'll kill you!"

Bill covered Will from the point of the knife waiting for impact, but it never came.

"What do you think your to them!?" Both the kids heard their mom's voice in rage.

"Mom!" They exclaimed looking at the doorway.

Dominic stood there, his other eye revealed without the eyepatch. His brown hair red from anger.

Tyrone appeared behind him glaring at the thief lighting his hand with power from his amulet.

The thief started to slightly cower at the two's presence. He grabbed Bill and Will tightly. The knife dangerously aimed at them. "Hahaha.." The laughs was shaken up. "Hurt me and you'll hurt these two little ones too!"

Tyrone used his powers to freeze the man's movements. "Bill, Will. Close your eyes and do not open them until we tell you too." He ordered them in a calm voice.

Will and Bill did as they were told and kept them shut tight.

"You've messed with the wrong family." They heard Dominic say in a dangerous tone. "I'll make you wish you never messed with us."

Bill and Will felt themselves being removed from the thief''s arm. One hand covering each of the children's eyes.

They heard the man scream in terror and agony. Pleading to be let go and saying apologizes.

"Dad... What abwout everyone else?" Bill asked.

"Dominic placed a spell on them to keep them to sleep until this is all over." Tyrone explained to them.

Police sirens were heard outside the shack.

The screams stopped and turned into wimpers and mumbling apologies.

"You can open your eyes now, you two." Tyrone said to them, removing his hands from their eyes.

Bill and Will looked at the thief curled up on the floor in shock and probably traumatized.

The police came in and took care of the man leading him outside. Dominic and Tyrone giving them the explanation of what had happened. The police left after making the report.

Now all four of them were in their room. The two teens looking at the kids with disapproving looks.

"Why didn't one of you wake us up? You two almost got killed!" Dominic says to them.

Bill and Will were holding each other's hands looking at the covers of the bed.

"We jwust wanted to chweck the noise we heard downstairs." Bill says. "It's not Will's fwault! He twied to stop me, but I didn't liswen to him." He said to defend Will.

Tyrone sighed once again. "We are both still disappointed in you, but... We're so glad your okay."

Dominic wrapped his arms around the two kids, hugging them close to his chest. "I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you two."

Will and Bill hugged Dominic back tightly while listening to their mom cry in their sweaters. "Sorry mom..." They both apologized to him.

Tyrone joined the hug by hugging Dominic close, his hands patting the kids on the back.

Soon the two kids went back to sleep still holding hands, fingers intwined with each other's.

Dominic smiled at the two and laid his head on the pillow, Tyrone doing the same.

"Good Night Tyrone."

"Good Night Dominic."

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