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+Mystery Group: Walking Deep into the Forest- night time+

"Hey Uncle Bill?" Mabel says running up to him.

"What is it Shooting Star?" Bill replies as he keeps walking.

"Why do you need Dipper in every alternate dimension with you? I mean, we all saw that memory of when you went to a meeting with your alternates and when you... Um... Died." Mabel nervously asked.

Bill was silent and slowed down his pace. "Okay Mabel, you see when I died that day, I only thought of one thing that keep me sane and happy. That was Dipper from a long time ago. When I thought of that all the alternate Bill's ended up becoming very insane because of it. So all of us got attached to every reincarnation of Dipper quickly for us to remain stable. If we lose him we become very uncontrollable and dangerous. That's why Dipper can't become attach to any other being except me." Bill explained as the others listened to him with concern.

"It's because Dipper was the only one who stayed with you right? Just before you died." Stan said straight face.

The blond nodded and Ford asked him a question.

"How about Dipper being the key factor to every universe?"

"Ah~ PineTree is kind of unique as you could say. He can start anything from World domination to World peace he can do pretty much anything. Dominic can tip the balance scale of fate anytime he likes. The Bills can motivate him to do anything so it depends on the two's common interests basically." Bill playfully says while the others feel a little fear on Dipper's power.

They stopped walking a few hours later.

"We're here."

Tad noticed his brother seemed a little more sane now. Even at a few inches away Dipper's powers were still noticeable to Bill.

All of them could hear talking from inside the hidden cave.

Tad yelled inside the cave.

+Inside with Kryptos and Dipper+

Dipper's laughter rang through the cave.

"Whoa! This is so cool Kryptos!" The teen said in awe.

Kryptos was teaching him some new magic spells. He even found he has yellow flames he can manipulate.

"See kid! I told you that you should listen to me more often." Kryptos exclaimed patting Dippers messy brown hair. Green fire danced in his hand and showed it to him. "Let's get to the next spell shall we!"

"Alexander Kryptos! Get you butt over here right NOW!" A familiar voice yelled angrily into the cave.

Dipper's face scrunched in confusion.

Both Dipper and Kryptos went out of the training room they were in and headed outside where they saw Bill, Mabel, Tad, Ford, and Stanley.

"How did you find this place Cipher." Kryptos hissed.

Bill smirked while his powers swarmed around him. "You know you were always bad at hide and seek right? Got to be thankful for that."

Kryptos launched himself towards Bill and both of them started fighting. They ended up tumbling down a big hill, leaving the group by themselves.

Mabel and Tad ran to Dipper and pulled him over to their group. Tad even placed Dipper to sleep with his magic to make it easier without the struggling.

"Give him back his memories Kryptos!"

"No way Cipher!" Kryptos smirked. "Unless you're willing to make a deal with me."

Bill managed to give the other a good right hook to the cheek. "Please, like I'm dumb enough to make a deal with you."

Both of them glared at each other stubbornly.

"Why do you need PineTree anyways?! He can't be that important to you!" Kryptos asked growling.

"I don't have to answer to you cuz, but let me warn you that something really bad will happen if PineTree isn't with me." Bill smirked at the other mischievously looking innocently away.

Bill and Kryptos let go of each other and backed away. Neither of them letting loose their focus on each other. Kryptos knew Bill was never gonna give up, so he just gave up for the time being to annoy his cousin. There were more important matters to attend to anyways.

Kryptos sighed."I'll give you PineTree's memories on one condition."

"That is?"

"You let me stay in your current living housing." The star demon said.

Bill now looked at him confused. "Why do you need to live here among the humans when you have a much better home in the demon realm."

"I'm gonna be honest with you Bill. The things going on in the demon realm aren't really great at the moment. Most demons have left in order to get away from the problems going on there. It's not safe." Kryptos explained to the mind demon.

Bill hesitated at first, but judging by his cousin's body language and tone he was telling the truth. So he nodded his head. "Fine, but you have to give PineTree his memories back first."

"No problem cousin." Kryptos snapped his fingers. "That should do it when he wakes up."

Bill held his head up it one hand to his face. "Great, now I have to convince the twin brothers there's one more resident living with us." He groaned out.

"More fun for the future with me here with you and PineTree~" Kryptos gleefully sang out and snickered.

The two of them raced up the hill quickly and walked over to the others. The group saw Kryptos with Bill and got into a defensive position around Dipper. Tad just stood relaxed because he knew the star demon wouldn't attack them.

"Why is that menace with you Bill?!" Ford exclaimed with a harsh glare.

Bill looking away said with a bored tone, "Oh, Kryptos needs a place to stay for awhile. It seems that there are some problems in the Demon Realm so he wanted to get away from it. He thought it was a good idea to take PineTree away from me just so he could get my attention." He explained and strolled over to his son's side to pick him up.

"And it worked~" The star demon says annoyingly.

"He fixed PineTree's memory in exchange for a living space." Bill groaned out, while walking towards the Mystery Shack.

Stan and Ford looked at each other and then at Bill's back as they followed along with everyone else to the shack.

"So where's he staying?" Stan asked knowing he wasn't going to like the answer.

"... The Mystery Shack..." Bill answered loud enough that everyone in the group heard him.

The twin brothers facepalmed and muttered to themselves. Ford looked up. "We're having a long talk when we get back to the shack Bill."

Bill scurried off quickly towards the Mystery Shack in a run. Tad, Mabel and Kryptos ran after him.

"This is so unfair." Stan groaned.

"I know, we have to keep another evil demon in the house." Ford said with exhaustion.

"Not that Ford, I'm talking about them using their demon powers to go run ahead! Come on, we've gotta catch up!" Stan exclaims and runs after the others as fast as he can.

Ford starts to run too, only to quickly pass by his panting brother.

"Okay! I admit it! I need to start working out!" Stan shouts out loud that the demons and Ford laugh, making it ring throughout the forest.

+ Mystery Shack: Living room+

"So where am I going to be staying?" Kryptos asks Stan with a smile.

Stan pointed down the hall to a door on the left. "You'll be using that room. It's my handy man's break room, but since your staying with us you'll be using it. Don't worry, I'll tell him not to go in there anymore when I see the guy."

Kryptos nodded and looked at Bill setting down his son on the arm chair.

Thats when Dipper starts to wake up.

"Dipper!" Mabel exclaims happily, rushing to his side.

Dipper's one eye slowly open and blink to adjust to the lighting in the room. "Ugh...Where am I? Did a car hit me? Who got the car's license plate number?"

"Dip Dot you weren't hit by are a car, but you could be a little tired from what happened while you lost your memory." Mabel says slowly.

"Hey PineTree. Just want to give you a quick check up~ Just answer my questions! What's your name? How old are you? Where do you live? Who are your relatives? Who are your friends? Who are your parents?

Dipper rubbed his eye and looked at Bill like he just said something stupid. "My name is Dominic Dipper Cipher. I am 17 years old. I live in the Mindscape and Gravity Falls. My relatives are Uncle Tad, my cousin Mabel, Grunckle Stan, and Grunckle Ford. My friends are some Gravity Fall's supernaturals, and maybe Soos and Wendy. Lastly my father is Bill Cipher, Master of the Mind and the Demon of the Mindscape."

Bill picked his son up and hugged him tightly while spinning around. "Finally my little PineTree is back! I'm so glad your back to normal!"

"Father calm down! Also will you please put me down!" Dipper begged his father.

"Never!" Bill responded as he continued to hug Dipper.

Kryptos leaned over to Tad. "Is this normal? I've never seen Bill so happy before."

Tad patted Kryptos's shoulder. "Its very normal when he's around Sapling. Bill's is kinda of like a dotting father to the kid. You'll see it a lot more often now that your staying here."

"Alright everyone time for bed. We've all had a long rough day." Ford says turning off the lights as everyone exits the room.

They said all their good nights, but before Dipper and Bill went up for bed, Bill introduced Dipper to Kryptos. Dipper got along well with the star demon to both of the older demons' surprise.

The three bided each other good nights and headed to their rooms.

+Dipper's room+

Bill watched his son sleep peacefully at his side. 'Oh PineTree you are such a trouble magnet.' He thought to himself.

The blond demon draped an arm around Dipper's stomach and slowly pulled him into a hug. Bill relaxed and let his body sink into the mattress closing his eye.

'But I wouldn't have it any other way.'

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