Happy Us

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+Gravity Falls: Fair Day+

Mabel and Pacifica left Dipper to his own fun after he told them he was gonna hangout with a friend. Dipper walked around the fair looking for Will.

The older twins, Ford and Stan, were busy with their own stalls they had set up for the fair.

Wendy and Soos helping or having fun with the attractions with their own friends.

Meaning that the Shack is empty.

+Inside the Mystery Shack+

The Shack was empty of its occupants, but a certain demon was inside looking around.

Bill had gone through the basement and found his love's journals in one of the panel safes. 'It'd be too dangerous to take them. Sixer would question where they were if I were to take them.' He thought. The demon opened the panel and looked through the second journal, running his black gloved finger over the familiar writing. Bill sighed and closed the book, placing it back in with the others.

He teleported upstairs to search Dipper and Mabel's room. The blond demon walked around the room and went through their things. Hoping to find what he was looking for. 'Please be around here some where.'

After looking through Dipper things in his room he went over to Mabel's room and looked thoroughly. He checked the chest at the foot of her bed looking through her numerous art supplies. At the bottom of the chest was a secret panel and he opened it finding a lose floor board. What he found after removing that made him grin happily.

An innocent glass capsule with writing on the top laid there. Bill picked it up carefully, holding it in his hands.

'Dipper's Memory'

"My PineTree, I finally found you."

+The Fair Outside+

'Seriously where's Will.' Dipper thought, slightly mad, and crossed his arms. Until he finally felt a pair of arms wrap around his shoulders.

"Here I am PineTree!" Will says happily to Dipper.

"And here I thought you'd ditched me." Dipper says back to him. He turned around to see that Will had took a difference appearance. "What's up with he new look dude?"

Will looked down at himself, "Aw you know, gotta be in disguise since I can't have people seeing me. After all I have a bad history with everyone." He reminded the teen. The yellow demon took Dipper's hand and lead him through the park. "Lets have some fun PineTree!"

They spent the rest of the day on the attractions the fair had to offer. Will and Dipper were having a blast together. Eating some food, going on fun rides, and playing at some of the game stalls.

Will's glanced at his smiling PineTree as they walked side by side. Then he looked at the afternoon sky, 'Might as well get PineTree back now.' He thought as he lead Dipper into the forest. Making sure no one saw them go and follow after them.

"Will?" Dipper says noticing they were going away from the fair. He saw Will's serious look on his face and just let the demon lead him to where ever he was taking him.

Will had taken Dipper a little deeper into the forest and let the teen sit on a rock. "PineTree..." He started out, "If you lost your memory, would you want to remember?"

"Of course I'd want to recover my memory. I'd be sad if I forgot anyone important to me." Dipper truthfully says to Will.

The yellow demon snapped his fingers and a familiar memory machine pop in front of them. He even pulled out a glass tube capsule from the inside of his tailcoat. "This is yours PineTree. You can decide whether or not you want to watch it." Will placed the capsule in Dipper's hands.

Dipper looked at the glass tube capsule labeled Dipper's Memory. 'My memory?' He thought and looked at Will for an explanation, but he saw a sad expression on the blonde's face as he looked at the capsule. Dipper looked at the machine and placed the tube on the holder correctly.

The machine turned on and some static played before showing the actual image.

Like a dam being broken and water rushing out of it, Dipper's memories were returned as he watched the video. Everything, not a single event missed.

Tears ran down his cheeks when the video finished. He looked at Will- no, Bill with a relieved smile.

"Bill." Dipper says happy, but with a hint of sadness.

The dream demon smiled himself and enveloped his PineTree into a hug. "My PineTree, I've missed you so much." He says hugging the other demon tightly.

Dipper hugged him back tightly too, clutching onto the fabric of Bill's tailcoat. "Bill I'm sorry..." He cried, "I'm so sorry."

"Shh Shh PineTree. Its not your fault, I'm glad you got your memory back." Stroking the back of Dipper's head. "Lets just relax now and enjoy the rest of the day."

"But what about tomorrow?"

"Today is today and tomorrow is tomorrow PineTree. We'll figure it when we get there."

+Mystery Shack: The roof+

Bill and Dipper sat on the hangout part of the roof on the Mystery Shack. Looking down at the townspeople having fun with the fair.

The dream demon snapped up a ukulele and tambourine up to play some music for some fun. Bill played a tune on the little yellow ukulele while Dipper played the blue tambourine against his leg.

Dipper got into the tune and started singing.

(start playing the music here, trust me its worth it to listen too)

Oh oh~ Yeah yeah~ oh~
You can be the peanut butter to my jelly
You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly
You can be the captain and I can be your first mate
You can be the chills that I feel on our first date
You can be the hero and I can be your side kick
You can be the tear that I cry if we ever split
You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin'
Or you can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'
Don't know if I could ever be
Without you 'cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need
'Cause you're the apple to my pie~

Bill hummed and sang to a different song while Dipper sang.

But I won't hesitate
You're the straw to my berry~
No more, no more
You're the smoke to my high~
This can not wait
And you're the one I wanna marry~
I'm Yours~
'Cause you're the one for me, for me~
Open up your mind and see like me
And I'm the one for you, for you~
Open up your plans and then you're free
You take the both of us, of us~
Look into your heart
And we're the perfect two
And you'll find, love, love, love, love
We're the perfect two
Listen to the music of the moment, people and dance and sing
We're the perfect two
We're just one big family~
Baby me and you~
And it's everybody's right to feel loved
We're the perfect two~
Loved, loved, loved, loved~

Dipper closed his eyes and listened to Bill sing.

Well, you dawned on me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
Now I'm trying to get back~
Before the cool dawn run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing gonna stop me but divine intervention
I reckon, it's my turn
To win some or learn some~
But I won't hesitate
No more, no more
This cannot wait
I'm Yours~

Dipper started sing again while playing his tambourine. Bill strumming on the ukulele.

You know that I'll never doubt ya
And you know that I think about ya
And I know I can't live without ya~
I love the way that you smile
And maybe in just a while
I can see me walk down the aisle~
'Cause you're the apple to my pie~
But I won't hesitate
You're the straw to my berry~
No more, no more
You're the smoke to my high~
This can not wait
And you're the one I wanna marry~
I'm Yours~
'Cause you're the one for me, for me
Open up you mind and see like me
And I'm the one for you, for you
Open up your plans and then you're free
You take the both of us, of us
Look into your heart and you'll find that
And we're the perfect two~
The sky is yours
We're the perfect two~
So please don't, please don't, please don't
We're the perfect two~
There's no need to complicate
Baby me and you~
Because our time is short. This, oh this, oh this our fate
We're the perfect two~
I'm Yours~ zzah!

Bill rocked his Ukulele as Dipper swayed to the tune.

Mmhmm~ yeah~
Hmm~ ohh~ yeah~

Dipper chuckled and laid his head on Bill's shoulder. The yellow demon made their instruments disappear and hugged the brunet by the back holding him by the hip. Bill laid his own head against Dipper's head enjoying watching the night sky.

"I think today would be one of my favorite days I'll never forget." Bill tells Dipper with a small laugh.

Dipper smiled as Bill took his hand and held it. "Me too Bill."

Fireworks went flying up and off into the sky exploding. Beautiful colors went off in different places to show off their designs.

Bill brought his head up and looked at Dipper. "Hey PineTree?"

Dipper looked back at Bill, "Yeah?"

The dream demon leaned his forehead against Dipper's forehead, looking into each other's eye. "I love you, I love you so much that I wouldn't give you up for the world." He told the blushing brunet who listened to him. "I'd do anything for you and I don't want you to forget that."

"I know Bill, and I love you too. Until the ends of the earth." Dipper says shyly.

Bill angled his head down and caught Dipper's lips with his. The teen kissed Bill back lovingly and tenderly. The sound of fireworks going off in front of them.

They broke their sweet kiss and smiled at each other with blushes on their cheeks.

Bill rubbed his thumb over Dipper's left ring finger and made a gold ring appear around it, the gold band decorated with one blue diamond. Dipper noticed it and the ring on Bill's own left ring finger, but silver with a embedded yellow diamond.

"Happy 6th anniversary to us my PineTree."

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