Search For the 3rd Journal and Hologram Recordings

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+Fearmid: Bill and Dipper+


Said demon appeared quickly, in his human form, quickly by Dipper's side. "What PineTree? I'm kinda busy with Pyronica, who is trying to set fire to the Amazon."

Dipper looked at Bill with a worried expression hugging his first journal in his arms. "Have you seen my third journal Bill? I can't find it."

"You lost your third journal?!" Bill exclaimed and took the human by the hand. He teleported them to their room to talk in private. "Ok, Pyronica can wait. Where do you last remember leaving your journal?" He asked calmly..

"Yesterday, I remember leaving it on my desk, before I ran off to get you so that you could erase what you put in my journal. That's the last place I remember leaving it. Bill, what if someone came into the Fearmid and found it, oh my gosh..." Dipper started panicking and breathing unevenly.

Bill rubbed Dipper's back to calm him down, "Dipper it's okay, shhh shh. We'll find it, don't worry okay?"

By the time Dipper calmed down, Bill had finished calling all his friends back to the Fearamid. They all gathered in the throne room where Bill would start ordering them around.

"Everyone! PineTree is missing his third journal!" Bill announced to them, which caused his friends to gasp and mummer about. "So with that being said, I expect you all to help find his book quick! For the sake of all of us! Search high and low and don't miss a single area! Interrogate every human you see in your sights!" Bill shouted at them.

Dipper stepped up, looking them below from Bill's high throne. "Please everyone. I'm sorry for my inconvenience." Sadly saying to the demons.

The demons grinned up at him with forgiving looks.

"Don't worry about it Sapling! We'll get your book back!" Kryptos says assuringly.

Pyronica giggled and waved her hand, "We'll find it in no time!"

The rest of them told Dipper in assurance that everything will go alright while Dipper smiled at them.

"Thank you."

With that everyone, but Bill and Dipper, left the Fearamid. Bill patted Dipper on the head as he walk past him to go search too. "Everything will be fine PineTree."

Dipper smiled more and headed to his room to do more writing to add in his first journal since his third journal was missing.

+Weirdmageddon: In the Town with Bill+

'I swear if who I think it was took PineTree book, I'm gonna...' Bill thought angrily floating through the rubble of the town. His single eye caught sight of a running foot.

Quietly he floated after the human running around. He peeked around the corner when he heard the footsteps stop.

"Did anyone see you?" A feminine once ask.

'She looks familiar', Bill thought, 'Sweater, skirt, black flats, brunet hair... Who is it?' He wondered and looked at the other, who is a male. 'Blue suit and white hair?'

"I hope not, come on now. We have to get back underground before the next meeting." The other, a male voice says to the girl.

The running resumed and Bill rolled his eyes and continued to follow after them, but he lost track of them after a couple of minutes or so. 'Dang it! I lost them. I should get PineTree and see if he wants to scope the area as well.' He thought and teleported away from the site.

+Underground Camp+

This time Mabel would be reading a few pages from Dipper's journal. "So I'm reading now?"

Ford nodded handed the journal to hear, "Might as well hear it from Dipper's sister."

"Okay, I guess." She took the book from her Grunkle Ford and opened to the next page of info.

Name: Pyronica

Species: Demon

Appearance: reddish pink cape, tall, wears heels,wears white/pink like gloves and stockings, large horns, one eye.

Likes: Partying, Spin the Human

Weakness: ???

Notes: Over the five years I spent with the only female in the group of demons, we became like siblings. She acts like the older one of course. She loves the color pink alot. I swear she has a crush on someone, but it can't tell who. She has this habit to light humans with her fire alot, I'm currently trying to help her not to do that anymore.

Mabel seemed to frown at the sibling part, then scanned the next page. "Dipper wrote in some entries too. Should I read them?"

Ford pondered about it for a second and nodded.

Entry #1 Journal 3

Recently Bill tampered with this journal like he usually does with my other journals. He added hologram recordings that I could do for myself. Just pressing the right or left corner of said page. Well might as well let the hologram talk.

The brunette laid the book on the table and did as the instructions said. Pressing the corner of the page, a medium sized hologram of Dipper appeared.

"Dipper!" The group exclaimed when they saw the hologram standing on the book.

Hologram Dipper was smiling at them softly. "My name is Dipper Pines, nice to meet you reader." He seemed to lean over to side which cut his arms for the time for a few seconds before coming back. In his hands he held the First of his journals. "Today I-" , The teen was interrupted by a beam over his form. It changed him back into when he was 12 years old. "Bill! I told you to stop changing my form!" Dipper yelled at the someone off screen.

"Too bad PineTree, I just feel like seeing your awkward and sweaty 12 year old self." Bill said to the hologram Dipper.

Dipper sighed and continued anyways. "Bill's been doing this to me for the past 5 years and it's begun to become a bad habit already. I honestly can't even remember how old I'm suppose to be now anymore." He rolled his eyes.

They heard Bill laughing in the background. "Don't act like you don't like it PineTree~"

The 12 year old Dipper kept focusing on his recording, not making any comments to Bill. "All my entries in my journal will be hologram recorded, feel free to watch them. Also if you see Bill feel free to knock him up side the head for me."

"Hey!" Bill exclaimed and Dipper closed the hologram recording.

The group thought about it.

"Bill has officially ruined the kid! He can't even remember his own age!" Stan growled out, slamming his fist on the table. People around them agreeing, some other disagreeing.

Mabel flipped the page for another entry and punched the bottom corner of the page again.

"Entry number two. Okay I'm only doing this because the others would not stop bugging me until I did. Self note to myself to never share a cool feature on my book that Bill adds with the other demons." Hologram Dipper says after he appeared on he book again. The kid was back to the male around 17-18 years old again. He seemed kinda bothered, but some what okay with it.

"Come on Sapling! We gotta record this, and your gonna be in the main attraction!" The hologram switching to the Keyhole demon, standing next to him were Pyronica and Hectorgon.

They heard Dipper sigh in the background, "You haven't event told me who we're messing with yet."

Pyronica giggled and pointed over to the throne room entrance. "We're messing with Bill, you're just gonna go with the flow okay?"

"Um... Okay I guess." Dipper said to her and the recording hologram shifted. Now dipper was next to Pyronica and Keyhole.

"Recording still going Hectorgon?" Keyhole asked.

"Don't worry it's rolling." Hectorgon told him and Pyronica got Dipper to enter the throne room where all the demons were partying again.

Keyhole looked up at Pyronica. "Who did you get to run through the prank with Sapling?" He asked.

"Amorphous Shape ya dummy. Plus he's using his human for the prank." She told him as the three of them casually walked inside, the camera following Dipper. "I can't wait to record Bill's reaction." The pink demon giggled once again.

Dipper was approached by a guy with Rubik's cube multi-colored hair, eyes each on the back of his hands, pale skin, multi-colored formal clothing, and a white blindfold covered his eyes. Hectorgon, Pyronica, and Keyhole got a little closer to hear them.

"Amorphous Shape is that you?"

The demon laughed and nodded, "I'm surprised. How could you tell?"

Dipper chuckled and ran his fingers through Amorphous' hair. "I'd know your Rubik's cube colors anywhere."

"Care to dance with me Sapiling?" Amorphous asked offering his hand to Dipper.

Dipper looked confused, "But aren't we suppose to be messing with Bill?"

"We will don't worry." Amorphous assured him and grabbed Dippers hand leading him to the dance floor in front of Bill's throne.

The group watched as the two of them danced for awhile, often times Amorphous getting closer to Dipper. The camera switched to Bill on his throne, in his own human form, red and frowning. By the time Dipper and Amorphous were done dancing, the demon put his arm around the human's shoulders and placed a kiss on Dipper's cheek.

"Okay! That's it!" The red hologram of Bill got down from his throne and floated himself over to Dipper quickly hugging the confused boy possessively. "Back off Amorphous! He's MINE!" He exclaimed angrily.

Amorphous just laughed and reverted back into his demon form. Demons who were behind him laughing.

"Chill Bill, haha, we're just messing with ya." Keyhole admitted while laughing.

Bill seemed to get angrier, hugging the still confused human in his embrace. "Either way! PineTree is not to be messed with! Only I can do that! So to prove it..." The blond demon smashed his lips against Dipper, who blush furiously. He let go of Dipper and went on a rampage on his friends.

Hectorgon dropping the book in the process which fell to the floor. The book was picked up again and showed hologram Dipper with a light blush on his cheeks. "Very big note to self, never let the others mess with Bill if I'm involved. Also delete this hologram log if I watch this again." Dipper pressed his hand to his face and moaned. "Now I'm gonna go calm down Bill. Bye for now I guess."

The hologram recording ended and everyone was speechless.

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