The Truth

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+Fearamid: Hallway+

"Dipper thank goodness your all right! Gosh bro bro I missed you so much!" Mabel exclaimed running to her twin and crushed him with a hug.

Dipper stood in her hold stiff and not hugging her back. He was still trying to think of words to say to her.

Ford and Stan with relived smiles on their face.

"Dipper your okay." Stan said and gave Dipper a hug while Mabel was still hugging him.

"We get you out of here now Dipper. Now that Bill's away for now you can come with us." Ford told him happy with the outcome.

"S-Stop!" Dipper silenced their talking and three pairs of eyes looking at him.

They looked at him confused. "Dipper?"

"Y-Your not suppose to be here! Oh my gosh, you need to leave now!" Dipper panicked in front of them hugging his sides. "You guys were never suppose to come get me. I thought you guys would have forgotten about me already."

"Dipper we'd never forget about you! We're your family!" Mabel shouted at him. Her Grunkles behind her wondering why Dipper didn't like seeing them.

Dipper covered his ears and shook his head, the pressure of seeing them made his head hurt. He looked at them sadly and took a few steps back from them.

"Stan, Ford... Mabel.... You can't take me back anymore. I'm not normal." He told them sadly. His family tried to come closer to him, but he stopped them once more. "Suctum!" The teen recited, a blue shield surrounding him.

"Kid your normal! What makes you think you aren't?" Stan asked him looking at his great nephew through the transparent shield. They saw Dipper take short shaky breaths and to calm himself.

Dipper looked at his family as calmly as he can be. "I'll tell you the truth." He let slowly lowered the shield to the ground. "I'm was never part of the Pines Family, not from the beginning."

"What do you mean Dipper?" Ford questioned.

The brunet sighed, "I-I'm a demon's child. I'm not related to any of you. Stan, Ford, Mabel your not my family... I've been living a lie all my life until Bill unlock a certain memory door in my head." He came out to them. Tears welling up in the corner of his eyes and then trailing down his cheeks. "Please guys, you have to leave me alone and forget about me. Please pretend I don't even exist, I don't want you guys to keep any memories of me." In a desperate attempt to get them to leave him alone.

Mabel herself was crying too, she ran over the lowered shield and hugged Dipper tightly. "I don't wanna forget about you Dipper! Your my twin no matter what, even if you are not my brother then your my brother from another mother. We all know you wouldn't hurt us."

Stan and Ford looked at each other and did the same thing Mabel did. Once they were by Dipper's side the gave the two teens a big hug. "We accept you for who you are Dipper. Just come home with us please."

"Guys..." Dipper says softly, but because all the pressure from before when he saw them Dipper passed out.

"Hey Dipper! Dipper!" Stan tried to get him to wake up by shaking him a bit.

Ford checked Dipper's eyes, "He's just unconscious. Quick let's bring him back to base and wait for him to wake up. He'll probably explain everything to us better when we get home."

Stan and Mabel nodded following Ford out of the Fearamid.

+Fearamid: Throne Room+

Bill and his friend regrouped in the throne room after their search and proper burial of the deadman.

"So what's up Bill?" Keyhole asked with a smirk.

"Oh well, I gave the dead person a proper burial, PineTree's giving me the silent treatment, and he's not updating my book for awhile." Bill replied unamused with his arms crossed. "I want PineTree to talk to me! It's so boring without him!" He whined like a child, he looked at Eight Ball and Teeth. "Get PineTree, we have to take about his third journal."

The two nightmares nodded and left quickly to seek out the teen.

"So what's new about searching for his book?" Bill asked his friends.

His friends shook his head and gave him tired sighs. "Sapling's journal is really missing. Every area we search and human we talk too, none of them have his journal." Paci-Fire told him.

"How about here in Gravity Falls?" Bill asked.

"There's no sign of the citizens here since they escape. It's like they all vanished." Xanthar told the dream demon.

Bill tapped his chin with his finger, 'I could have sworn that I saw and heard two residents possibly a few weeks ago.' He himself. His train of the out was broken when Eight Ball and Teeth came rushing into the room. "What with the running guys? Where my PineTree?"

"Bill, Sapling is missing!"

"We looked all over the Fearamid, but we couldn't find him!"

Bill stared at them wide eyed and everyone could feel the room getting hot. "My PineTree... Is MISSING?!" He yelled, his whole human form becoming bright red.

His friends stood still, they were scared for their Sapling missing too, but Bill was a much larger scare.

"Quickly all of you go out and find him quickly! I'll look around the town and forest, just in case they haven't reached far yet!" He ordered them.

The demons rushed out of the Fearamid quickly to search for Dipper.

Bill still standing on his high throne looked at the remains of the town. "All right you meatsacks, I'm finding PineTree and there is no way you can stop me from taking him back." He flew out of the castle in search for his PineTree.

+Underground Cave+

Everyone was crowded around the entrance of the medical wing of the underground. The main attraction to all of them is the 18 year old Dipper laying on the bed.

"Dipper he's back."

"Thank goodness he's okay."

They murmured about watching as his family checked him over for any signs of injuries or mind control.

"He has no signs of injuries and his mind is stable." He said to Mabel and Stan reading the results on the computer screen.

"Thank goodness your okay Dipper." Mabel sighed in relief.

Dipper groaned as his eyes fluttered open, he sat up holding the side of his head. "Where am I?" He asked looking around.

"Dipper, your back with everyone." Mabel answered him.

He looked at the entrance of the medical wing and saw familiar, but somewhat changed faces. All of them wearing ragged clothing smiling at him some kids even waving at him. "How long have I been unconscious?"

"A hour and a half Dipper." Stan answered him. He handed Dipper a cup of water that he accepted.

Dipper took some sips of the water and held it on his lap. "I shouldn't be here you know. Bill's gonna come looking for me."

"Don't worry Dipper! We got a full proof plan to end Bill once and for all." Ford proudly says raising his gun that he tried to shoot Bill with before.

"You can't! Please don't hurt Bill!" Dipper got up quickly from his bed.

Everyone looked at him surprise that he was defending Bill.

"Dipper can you tell us everything now?" Mabel asked him holding his hand hoping to take away the subject of defeating Bill.

He bit his bottom lip a bit. "Okay." He said to them and saw their happy faces. "Well from the beginning is where I should start. As I told you before we're not related," He saw them sadden by the truth and the rest of the group surprised. "My real Father is Alcor, a dream demon like Bill. My Mother is Zenia, a fallen angel and shape shifter. We were a happy family living normally as we blended in with humans, but my family was found out by the government. My Father and Mother had seen it coming and was immediately set to getting me to safety. Choosing a well caring Human Family, they changed the memories of the parents, they left the baby girl alone since she was too young to remember anything. My Mother changed my appearance to a baby to blend in like the girl and I were twins, luckily she and I looked alike though, so my looks didn't really change much. My Father wished me good luck before he had locked my memories away. So life went on and I went along living with the family without knowing where my real family was." Dipper gave a weak chuckle to them he brought his legs up and hugged his legs to his chest. "Gravity Falls happened, then paranormal creatures, and Bill, and finally Weirdmageddon. That day Bill chased and caught me he had passed my body again. He went through my mindscape for some fun and found my locked memory door as he explain to me after waking up, when I returned to my body the memories of my demon family returned to me. He even found my stored up knowledge that I had inherited from my Father. I made a small deal with Bill to let you guys go and in return he could have me, so that's why I teleported you guys out of the Fearamid 5 years ago." Dipper finally done explaining to them about what happen and who he was.

"So if your Dad is a dream demon and your mother is a fallen angel/shape shifter, what are you?" Stan asked him out of curiosity.

Dipper smiled, "A combination of the both of them." His form suddenly changing into Bill's human form. "Yell-o! The names Bill Cipher!" He said using Bill's voice and turned into Mabel. "Hey I'm Mabel Bwaaa! Hahaha!" 'She' laughed. "I'm the author of the journals, StanFord Pines." Dipper shifted into Ford and then to Stan. "Step right up folks! To the world of Mystery!" He reverted into his normal appearance showing them a grin. "Shape Shifting is pretty neat."

The ground above them shook and some dirt fell from the ceiling.

"Looks like Bill's looking for me." Dipper says to them. He got up from the makeshift bed and started to head out of the medical wing.

Mabel grabbed onto his wrist, "Wait Dipper! What are you doing?"

"I'm going back to Bill, Mabel I can't leave Bill alone, trust me. It's worst then Weirdmageddon if I'm not with him." He told her and moved to leave, but Mabel still held onto him. "Mabel?"

"Don't go Dipper... Please, I miss you. Everyone here does." Looking at him with tears eyes Mabel pleaded to him.

Dipper gave her a sad smile and took Mabel's hand off of his wrist. "I'm sorry Mabel, but I have to go, I can't have Bill hurting everyone." He ran out of the room Stan, Ford, Mabel, and their friends running after him.

"Dipper please stop!"

The teen ignored their calls to stop and ran around trying to find the exit. After a few turns here and there he made it to the entrance of the underground cave and went out. "PineTree! Where are you?! Give me a sign so I can find you!" He heard Bill shout in random directions. "PineTree!" Bill continue to shout his nickname. Smiling Dipper ran away from the cave entrance and walked up to the demon in the opposite directions the underground hideout. "Bill." Was all he had to say to get the demon's attention.

Bill snapped around quickly, locking onto his PineTree. He quickly rushed over to Dipper and hugged him. "PineTree~ I was so worried about you." The blond man nuzzled his face in Dipper's brown locks of hair. "PineTree~"

Dipper laughed happily in Bill's arms patting the demon on the head.

"Let's get you back to the Fearamid quickly." Bill say to him, but before he could fly them off to the floating castle they were stopped.

"Hold it right there Bill!"

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