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He took his hands and touched her shoulders with a confused face....
"Do you know when was the last time I saw this sunset... it was 5 years back in India... with annaya and my parents beside... "

He released his hand from her shoulders and looked to the eternity.
"Day after tomorrow is there death anniversary. I always wanted to be in India beside them. But annaya was so adamant. We left India the very next week after their death. Its been 5 years, I have departed from my parents, my home, my place.... today also I wait for day when I can go back to India.... ".

She bent her head and cried out...
He walked back to his car and sat in the driving seat....
She stayed here until its dark, relishing old memories....

Later they drove back to their place. Billa's shoulders were the pillow for her that night. Neither her protested, because somehow maybe he too felt the need of someone.... he too had a mother....!!!

Morning rays disturbed her sleep. She tossed here and there several time. At last she understood the goddess of sleep had finally left her. So she slightly opened her eyes.. welcoming a new day. Then she found herself in a bed... in her room... in billa's mansion.
She sat up on the bed...
"When did I reach here... did  I walked upto my room last night...when....". She then remembered being carried by him, when she opened her sleepy eyes in between her sleep. Maybe he placed her safely on the bed... and maybe he kissed her forehead...
No no... that can't happen...

"I have called you all here to inform something really important ".

"What is it Billa..." asked the curious Renjith.

"We are going back to India... ".

"India ??" .
Together Renjith Vikram and Mark exclaimed.

"But why suddenly? ". That was the next question raised up by Renjith.

"Billa hates giving explanations. Renjith and Vikram will accompany me to India. Mark.. you should stay here  to look after the businesses here... ".

"Ok Billa.. ", said Mark .

Billa left and stopped at the door.
"We must leave today evening itself. Renjith ask Rohini also to accompany us. Maya needs her there... ".

Renjith and Vikram looked at each other. Each day they are facing a new Billa now. A Billa with lot of mysteries.

Maya was watching tv while having her morning tea. Last day was one of the beautiful day she ever had. She was someone who lacked at least  a happy day for the last 5 years.
Their family was one of the most happiest and prosperous in Bombay city, yes now Mumbai. They lived happily. Their house was filled with laughs and smiles... small bro sis fights and lots of love. Until that day when they came to know their father had a debt of 50 crore ..
That day their life shattered. Maya who came after her shopping , entered her home only to find some police officers and her parents' hanging bodies ...

Maya was mentally shattered. Vikram who was working at Billa's Indian branch office, took Maya and flew to Malaysia with Billa's help.
Later the accident which nearly took her life happened. That time also Billa was the one who saved her.
She is always indebted to that man...

While smiling in her own imaginations, a sudden news caught her eyes . Some police officers were talking about some well known criminals who were caught with illegal weapons. The photo of their leader was shown in the news...
She tried... tried to recollect... yes.. it was same person... whom she saw with Billa yesterday. And she could recognize those bodyguards also who were caught by the police.
The news stated...
"Illegal weapons found in the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur. Police is searching for the source of these  weapons ".

Was Billa the source of these weapons. Was he handed over the weapons to him yesterday. Was Billa a criminal...

"Maya... Maya... ". Vikaram cried for her in his top voice.

She came out of her thoughts due to Vikaram's voice. She stood up from the chair and opened the door of her room.

"Why are screaming like this annaya... I not deaf ok... now what's your problem?".

"Pack all your goods.. we are going back to India....".

Maya stood still, without understanding what he said.
"What... we.. are.. going to... In.. India ?". She asked stressing each word, with complete wonder.
"Yes.. can't you here... ?". Vikram's anger was evident from his voice. How can't  he... he hates India for what it has given for them... the biggest pain... being orphans...

"But why... ", she asked in a feeble voice. "Billa wanted to go back ..... I can't say no to him.. so I agreed...". Vikram left...
Maya had a teary eyes...
Billa ... he is a real mystery....
Is he good or evil... only God knows...

Happy Easter guys...
And its been one year I am in this wattpad family...
Thanks to all who showered me with love and support..,

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