Is this Billa ?

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Next morning ,...

Maya woke up due to the continuous disturbance of sunlight that peeped into her room through the windows. She tilted her head and opened her eyes slowly. She found the rose bouquet given by Billa near her. The flowers are still fresh . An unknown smile made way through her lips.

"I think its time to find you Billa 😏"

She got ready soon and went to the City Mall as per her plan she made with Priya. Both spend a lot of time enjoying and at last came to the cafe area.

M: Priya... I think I want to find him myself now.

P: who ?

M: he..Mr.Billa !!!

P: what's the big deal Maya ..go to your brother's office and meet him.

M: Hey.. that's correct... why didn't I thought about it earlier... then come lets go.

Maya grabbed priya's hand suddenly and stood. But very soon she left her hand and sat back to her seat.

P: What happened?

M: Priya... I don't know where is annaya's office...😑

P: WHAT!!! you don't know where your brother works ? Maya... that's too much..

M: I know... but now what to do ?

P: do one thing...ask directly to Vikram.

M: no way.. he won't allow... did you know how much I begged for him to show me him once. But no.. he didn't agreed.

P: Then we should find our own ways...

M: hmm.... ( a pause ) Priya ... look there .

Priya turned around and found 3 goons torturing a girl. Maya stood up in anger.

P: Maya wait...

Before Priya could react , Maya left to the spot and neared to the goons. One man was starting to grab the girl's hand. Before he could touch her, Maya blocked him.

M: How dare you try to touch a girl, that too in this public place...

With that she slapped his left cheek.

Goons: Heyyy,!!! You slapped me !! How dare you ... today I won't leave you.. guys.. catch her...

Some of them came near her. The other girl ran away leaving Maya alone. Priya stood at a distance and called her...

P: Maya.. come.. come fast...

Maya didn't knew what to do. She saw one cup of hot coffee on a table. She took it and threw to one of the goon's face. He cried when it burned his eyes. The other goons came near to him. Maya took the opportunity and ran off from the place holding Priya's hands.

They both entered an auto . But the goons started to follow them.

"Uncle go fast..."
Maya exclaimed to the driver. But the goons where nearing them and they soon blocked the auto.

Maya and Priya stepped out of the auto and again ran to an old factory.
They both entered inside and hide behind some machinery. Maya took her phone and send a message to Vikram  along with the location.

" Annayya help, we are in trouble "


Billa was in his office trying to vs someone.

B: shit.... why this phone is not working .. go to hell ( throws the phone, it breaks into pieces ).
    Vikram, give me your phone .

Vikram gave the phone to Billa. He took it and pressed the power button. The wallpaper gave him a slight relief from anger. It was her picture....
The next moment the notification came.

"1 new message from Maya
   Annayya help! We are in trouble "

Billa again fumed in anger. He opened the message and found the location .

"Renjith !!! Take the car "


P: Maya I am getting scared...

M: don't worry Priya . Annayya will come now... you please--

Goons : Hello girl's... playing hide and seek ah..? Come we found you.. now come out...

They slowly came out..
Priya's face depicted fear while Maya was with full confidence.

Goons: look at this girl, standing in front of 5 armed men still have that arrogance in her face.

The goon who was slapped by Maya neared her.  Just then a big sound of bug cans were heard.
Maya looked behind. She saw a black Range Rover coming and stopped creating a huge dust.
From the driver seat, a man in black suit and black sunglasses stepped out.

"Ba..B.. Billa.."
The goons said in broken voice.

Maya was surprised to hear the name.
"Billa...." she repeated. 

Billa came towards them and stood with hands crossed. Mark and Renjith followed him and stood in Billa's both sides. The goons came out crying..

G: Sorry.. Billa.. please leave us... please..

B: Did I warned you before, don't ever misbehave with women.

G: That.. I.. am sorry..

B: Trust no one...

G: Billa please.. I am sorry...

B: kill anyone..

G: Billa Billa.. please.. 

B: Be only one...

G:let us go Billa please... please..

B: Hasta la Vista ...

Billa took two guns from behind his coat and shoot the first two goons, followed by the next two. And then the one who was pleading to Billa. The man fell down dead by Maya's feet. She stood there with no emotions. Billa turned around and threw the guns to both sides, which was caught by Renjith and Mark.
He got in the car and drove away without even looking at her.

Renjith came near them.
R: Maya come, we will leave you home.

M: No need.  We will go .

R: its not a request Maya.. its an order. Get in the car.

Priya: Maya.. come lets go with them please. ...

She looked at the scared face of Priya and then nodded her head. Both of them went with Renjith.

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