Love can take Life too

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Maya's PoV

Last one week , it's a practice now. He comes to wake me up every morning, that too in most wired ways. At first I used to get angry . But now I really enjoy it. Today morning we were doing yoga.  Yes, I was totally exhausted beacuse of his training and I wanted to have a relaxation. So I suggested yoga.
I am trying to stand on one leg, keeping the hands joined above my head for past 5 mins.
But I failed. I looked to the other side and saw him maintaining the posture like a statue for the these 5 mins. 
Once again I tried, and I succeeded, to stand for 5 long seconds.
Soon I lost my balance, I leaned forward to fall down. Just then I felt an arm around my waist , saving me from falling. I didn't looked back to see who was that, because I knew it was him. I could sense his presence, sense his touch....
He then made me stand straight maintaining the yoga posture. Then held my both hands which was kept above my head. He gently made my hands relax, bringing it down. He was very close to me, and I could feel his breath over my bare shoulders.
I stood straight, on my both legs. I felt his fingers caressing my both hands from bottom to top , finally resting on my shoulders. I closed my eyes , when I felt his lips on my cheeks.

PoV end

As the sudden realisation hit him. Took a step backwards. And then went from the place leaving a confused Maya. She looked at him until he faded away from her sight. She smiled touching her cheeks.

Days went on , Maya studied shooting as well. Billa himself was surprised to see her grasping shooting skills this fast. But he knew , shooting on bottles or aim board isn't the matter. She should overcome the fear, and be confident in aiming at enemy's head.

Maya stayed with him 24hrs, wherever he goes, whatever he does, she will be beside him. One day, while Billa and Maya were coming back from the office alone. Billa received a call from Vikram while driving the car. "Vikram, I am going to the factory , ... Ah yes, she is with me . We will be back home in one hour".
Billa cut the call. Maya wanted to have a conversation with him.  But don't know what to say. Soon they reached the factory. Workers had already left as their working time was already finished. They both entered and Billa called out for the security, who seemed to found nowhere.  Maya turned back and found 2legs behind the table. "Billa" , she uttered. He too looked at the sight Maya saw. He came nearer followed by her and they found the security laying down dead.

He heard few footsteps and Billa sensed the danger. "Maya", he called her who looked a bit horrified. He held her by shoulders and asked to come with him. They went near the car. "Get in", he ordered. She was about to say something, but his angry look made her obey him.  When she was about to open the door, he found a man wearing black and black stood at a distance behind and aiming at her. Within no time he took out his gun and shot him. Maya shocked and looked behind only to find a goon shot down. She looked back at billa who was standing with a gun on his hand.

Hearing the gun shoot , some goons , nearly 10 , came forward from their hiding places and came one by one to attack him. Billa kept his gun, to its holder and fought with them. Two of them came to Maya. Thanks to the karate classes Billa gave her. She fought with them bravely.
While Billa was busy with the last two goons , one stood up from the ground and held his neck aiming the gun on his head. The other two goons were defeated by that time. Billa was about to take his gun, but that's when he found Maya staring at him with a helpless face. Billa understood this was the best time to make her come out of the fear. He eyes at her asking to take the gun on her hand and aim.
She understood him. With much courage she took her gun and aimed at him. "Hey girl, drop the gun down, else I will shoot him now." , The man said keeping the gun more closer to his head. Billa stood calmly. He had faith on her. His eyes were on hers . And his look gave her strength. With all her might , gathering every bit of confidence, she shot the goon at his head. The man fell down backwards, and Billa still stood there with an expressionless face, looking at her.

Even after 2 hours of reaching home. Billa didn't found Maya anywhere. It was when Rohini enquired about her Billa went to her room to have a check on her. He entered her room , but found it empty. He turned to leave , but stopped by hearing the sound of shower from the washroom. He got inside and knocked the washroom door, taking her name.
But no reply was there. He called her again. Still silence. He heard her hiccups . And then he opened the door. Surprisingly it was not locked.
He found her sitting on the floor under shower, still on the same dress, holding her knees and crying.

"Maya... "

He went nearer, and closed the shower taking a towel from the shelf. He held by her shoulders and made her stand. " Maya, Why are you crying? ". As a reply, she fell on his chest holding him tightly and crying her heart out. 

"I am a murderer, I killed that man with my own hands.. I did a big sin...I can't forgive myself for taking a life ..."

She said with much difficulty between her sobs. He knew it was her grief. He made her face him and held her cheeks.

"Sin,... You think you did a sin.... Never, you killed one who came to take out lives. You did that to save me. If you didn't shot him, by this time I would have left the world"
She kept her hands over his lips interrupting him. And then nodded her head sidewise.

"You said you love me.... So what's wrong in trying to save your love.... "

He said straight looking to her eyes, making her forget all her worries.

"Love is not only giving our life, it can take the life for them too...."

I know it's a stupid logic. I know. Take it just as a story. Billa is like this. He has his own reasons for every thing. And I am trying to make billa more rude, as our original Billa is. You will soon witness it.....

Stay tuned . ..

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