The Priceless Pair's Perfect Christmas Eve/Day.

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When I woke up the next morning...
I looked to my right and found no Nikki. Then I heard my bedrooms bathroom's shower running. I smiled as I knew that Nikki was in the shower.
I just laid back and noticed that the curtains were open to show a beautiful snow fall adding to what was already on the ground. I smiled as I stretched and heard the shower being turned off and see the bathroom door open and expose Nikki in a towel. "Morning." She smiled as she brushed her teeth.
"Morning my Priceless White Queen." I giggled as I sat up and she leaned down and kissed me.
"I like that." She smiled as she walked back into the bathroom. "So what's the plans for today?"
"I'm going to the cemetaries in Rigby and Lewisville to visit some graves like I have done for the past couple years. I was hoping that you'd want to come with me." I said.
"Well, it sounds rather grim. But I'm guessing you have an ulterior motive for this?"
"That's for me to know and you to find out." I grinned as she came out wearing a clean red bra and panties set.
"You really are the devil." She grinned.
"Only during Halloween."
"Ha, ha, ha. Ohh. I'm in love with a clown."
"Clown Prince, thank you, very much." I scoffed. I stood up as she approached me. "Hmm, I love you."
"Love you more Danny." She smiled as she kissed me once more before I headed into the bathroom for a shower and shave.

After I finished with the shower I carefully shaved my five o'clock shadow from the day before off my face and washed the remnant shaving cream off my face with lukewarm water and dried my face off also made sure the little remnants of what was once my beard down the drain but wiping up the bigger flecks with a piece of toilet paper. Then tossed it into the toilet and flushed before heading out into the room with the towel still wrapped around my waist and popped open the dresser and snagged a pair of boxers and light denim blue jeans. Went momentarily back into the bathroom and put them on.
When I came back out Nikki was wearing a nice cotton sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans. I smiled as I approached her and sat at her feet. "Have I told you that you look good today?"
"Well, You look sexy in the sweater and jeans darling." I smiled wider before she slid her feet into my lap.
"Could you rub my feet Danny?"
"You don't even have to ask." I started massaging her feet and within minutes I found a few knots in her feet. I gently rubbed the knots flat and kept going for a few seconds more on each foot before she smiled and put her feet on the floor and sliding in next to me.
"Thank you." She leaned into me and after a while she started tracing hearts all over my arm and I smiled.
"Ready to go?" I asked. She nodded. I stood up first and went over to the dresser and found a plain black t-shirt and a sweater. I walked over to the bed and Nikki smiled as I held out my hand to help her up. She surprised me with a last minute kiss before we headed out to the car and to Rigby Pioneer Cemetary and Lewisville Cemetary. I thought it would be best to save Katherine's grave for last instead of going straight to it like I usually do.

We went to my mothers, grandparents and great grandparents. Nikki seemed to enjoy the fact that I made sure to visit my mother and grandparents. Even though they were dead. When we arrived at Rigby Pioneer Cemetary. I grasped Nikki's hand and she leaned into me as we got out of the car and headed to my Aunt Lois and Uncle Bob's grave. I crouched down momentarily to clear out some snow from the head stones. Nikki helped me clear snow off of my great grandpa and grandma Fillmore's headstone. But when we reached Katherine's. It looked like no snow had touched it. I looked around and didn't see anything that would block the snow from falling on the headstone. But I just dismissed it and made the opening introductions. "Nicole Colace, Katherine Martinez." Nikki kneeled in front of the headstone and smiled.
"This is a beautiful headstone."
"Sadie and me picked it out. She loved Roses. So it seemed like the most natural fit for Katherine's headstone be a bouqet of roses in a vase."
"I agree." Nikki smiled. "Nice to meet you Katherine. I wish I could have met you above ground. But some things just can't be helped. But if I may say so. Thank you for taking good care of Daniel. You are a lucky girl to capture his heart. But it's kind of upsetting that your no longer here. So with your permission or blessing. I would like to take care of Danny from here on out. He's been there for me and I want to repay his kindness by being with him. I promise I'll take good care of him." A slight breeze blew past us.
"I'd say she accepts your offer."
"How do you know?"
"Some native american lore believes that when you ask a spirit or a grave a question like you did. If the wind blows it means yes if there's no wind or gust."
"Means no."
"Right. So since the wind momentarily blew. That means that Katherine accepted your deal or offer."
Nikki smiled as she stood up straight and hugged and kissed me.
"We'll be back. Not for a few weeks. But we'll be back." I said to the headstone.
"Yes, we will." She kissed me and we headed to a restaurant or at least picked up an Italian Christmas Eve dinner. I even ordered some of Trenton's delicious garlic bread to go with the gnocchi and spaghetti with meat sauce. Trenton was an old high school friend of mine that whenever I asked and he was working. He always gave me a couple extra slices of garlic bread. Once we picked up the order. We headed back to my home. Warmed up and just watched Christmas movies. I got her a plate of food and got myself one too. I came into the living room and handed her, her plate. "Danny." Nikki said.
"Hmm?" I sat next to her and started eating the gnocchi.
"I just wanted to say thank you. For protecting me from John. And I'm sure you know that you have quite the uphill battle at Clash of Champions. But regardless of all that. I'm so happy to be with someone who genuinely loves me. As much I love him." I smiled at her and she smiled back.
"There's something else." I said noticing a certain glimmer in her eye.
"I can't believe I waited so long to have a nice guy like you." She smiled.
"I'll always be there for you." I put the plate down for a moment and gently took her hand in mine. Kissed her hand and smiled wider, "Always. Of all the things that can and would happen. The ultimate greatest thing behind meeting my Katherine. Is officially being with the most beautiful and talented woman in WWE today. You." She smiled as she and I finished off both our plates of spaghetti and gnocchi. By feeding our platefuls of pasta to each other. After we finished eating. We turned off the TV and just started a fire in the small fireplace and just sat in front of it on a blanket and listened to christmas music. I can't remember a more romantic setting in my life or evening except a couple of nights I spent with Katherine when she was still around. Now I have a new girl that deserved to be treated like a queen. And I am sure that she's gonna love her gift from me. Nikki and I leaned against the bottom of the sofa and against each other. I pulled the blanket off the top of the couch and covered us both with it. "Just a precaution. In case we fall asleep." She grinned.
"Always thinking ahead." She giggled.
"That's me." I kissed her forehead and yawned.
"Ohh, is my Danny boy tired?"
"Yeah. Just a bit."
"Well, we're already comfortable. Hang on." Nikki got up and put a couple more logs in the fireplace and rejoined me. "Just in case." She grinned.
"Of course." I smiled as I pulled her in and held her close to me.
We fell asleep in front of the fireplace.

When we woke up the next morning It was still pretty warm. The embers from the died out fire I mean. So I snagged a couple chords and put them in after putting wood shavings with newspaper  before then. Causing a perfect start to another fire.
Nikki stretched and I did the same. "Any requests for breakfast?" She asked.
"Need any help?"
"You've cooked enough baby. It's my turn." She smiled. I was somewhat surprised but happily surprised. That within mere seconds she took over my kitchen.
She cooked a couple omelets, sausage, toast and even made fresh orange juice for both of us. After she was done I had put in a couple of Christmas Movies like, A Christmas Story, the animated How The Grinch Stole Christmas among others. She handed me a plate and a cup of orange juice. "Thank you." I smiled. She sat next to me and we both ate breakfast on the couch. But once we were done watching a couple of Christmas movies or specials. We got bundled up and went outside for a nice walk in the winter wonderland that was Idaho Falls today.
"So, what makes the Billion Dollar Man so rich?" Nikki joked.
"Well, aside from a limitless bank account." I replied in kind. She leaned in and kissed me. "I now have a priceless love with me celebrating the Holidays in style. And that. In and of itself makes me rich."
"Good answer."
"How about you. What makes Nikki Bella so Fearless?"
"My friends who are always there for me along with my family. Now I have a boyfriend who genuinely loves me and would do anything for me. It's their courage and undying love that makes me Fearless Nikki."
"Spectacular answer my darling." I lifted her right hand up and kissed it gently. We continued our walk for another hour but returned to my home for a little snowball fight, made a couple snowmen and even made a few snow angels. I even successfully white washed Nikki. She lauged as the snow went down her back and she even white washed me. After spending a good chunk of the day outside. We went back inside and I made us some hot chocolate to warm us up. "Here you go." I handed her a cup.
"Thank you." She gently took it as I sat next to her on the couch. "So. After tommorow. We return to work. I wish we had another few days."
"I know. But if we don't show up for Clash then you'll be put on administrative or personal leave and I'll be fired outright."
"Good point. But I doubt they would fire you."
"You have no idea what Hunter would do to me. You see, a few years ago I punched him in the throat for mentioning Katherine in the not so best light. Which is why I was not a fan of what Rhonda said to you about you and John. Or at least your non-existent sex life."
"You knew about that huh?" She asked.
"I heard rumblings. But I knew that he'd never commit to you when he really needed to or should have."
"Your right he didn't commit to me or our relationship." She cuddled up closer to me. "With him I never felt as connected as I do with you. It seems that you feel the same."
"I do." I grinned. "And when the time comes or is right. I won't run and hide from you or my comittment to our relationship." I pulled her onto my lap like she was a nine year old on an uncles knee.
"I know you won't." She smiled. We finished our hot chocolate and just sat looking outside. I ran my hand through Nikki's hair.
"I got something for you." She got up and I stood up and walked upstairs and after a minute or two came back downstars and handed her a long rectangular box. "Here. I was saving this for Katherine. But. I think she would like you to have it."
She opened it and found a jacket that said, 'Billion Dollar Beauty' on the back. "It's beautiful."
"I had Mikaze make it before I vanished as it were from WWE. But when Katherine's funeral came around I kept it all this time instead of burying it with her. Now I think I can give it a home aside from a shrine." Nikki put the box down and hugged me.
"It's beautiful." She kissed my cheek. "Thank  you." She pulled away and then ran upstairs and came back down a few minutes later. "For you." She handed me a foot long and a couple feet wide box. I took it and opened it. Inside was a t-shirt and a pair of glasses along with a pendant.
"Oh, my. You. You had this made by Mikaze the shirt at least."
"Yeah. The glasses are a special order my sister scrapped. But when I brought you home for Thanksgiving, my mother and John  found the design and had them made for you. But the pendant. That's also from me." I pulled the pendant from the box and looked at it.
"Ahh, I see how you did my initials. You had an inverted cents sign with the slash acting as the back end of a capital D and of course you left the capital B alone. But I love it Nikks." I hugged Nikki and kissed her. Not long after we just made the most out of some shake-n-bake chicken and made some instant dressing to go with it. What Nikki did though that I didn't know was when she went out with Sadie for an impromptu girls day. She snagged a pumpkin and dutch apple pie. When I saw her put them in the oven with the shake chicken I stood up and approached her as she leaned over the counter and I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. "I love you."
"I love you more." She grinned as she turned her head and kissed my cheek. We cleared off the counters as the shake chicken, pumpkin and dutch apple pie's cooked and the instant dressing was done. "One question." I looked at Nikki as we leaned against the counter. "Where do you see us going?"
"In the near future or the further future?" I asked.
"Well, for the near future. I see us doing what we love. Even move in together. For the far future. I see us married, happily of course with a couple kids."
"Speaking of. How many kids do you see us with?"
"Just right into the next question I like it." I looked her in the eye and said, "Three at least, four or five at most." I smiled. "You?"
"Actually I was going to say the same." Nikki smiled and slid into my arms. "You really are the perfect man for me."
"And you, my dearest Nikki. Are the perfect girl for me." She lifted her head off my chest and we looked into each others eyes and kissed. Once the shake chicken and the pies were finished. We sat down at the dining room table and ate and chatted about our hopes as to how far our relationship would go. The possibility of what our children would look like. Etc. When we finished we cleared the table, put the leftovers in the fridge, cleaned the dishes and pans, put them away and I moved the sofa, loveseat back a few feet to make a dance floor. Then walked over to the stereo and started Celine Dion's rendition of 'How Does A Moment Last Forever' from Disney's live action Beauty and The Beast soundtrack.
I approached Nikki and extended my left hand. "May I have this dance?"
"Yes, you may." She grinned like she was eighteen again and at her high school prom. She slid her right hand into my left hand and I led her to the center of the 'dance floor' and held her close as we slowly danced to the song and I thankfully had the actual song Beauty and the Beast on the selected list. We continued to dance for fifteen minutes until the songs started their second time of repetition. Then we both stopped and gently pulled away and I looked Nikki in the eye and we leaned toward each other and kissed heavily and passionately.

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