Their Here! The Arrival of The Colace-Boyce Three.

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On September 12, at 6 AM on the button. I was shaken awake by an In pain Nikki. Who was doing her breathing excercises to try and keep the pain to a minimum.  I rocketed out of bed and got everything downstairs and by the door. I'm fairly certain that at least once I ran into the door frame while I was focused on getting Nikki's stuff ready to go to the hospital. Which I'm sure that Nikks found amusing. Sadie who also had been on high alert after I left Nikki in her charge when I went to the meet and greet in Boise, met us outside and stayed with Nikki as I headed to the garage and retrieved the car and pulled it up in front of them. Sadie helped Nikki into the car and I practically threw the ready bag into the trunk and joined Nikki in the front and Sadie, after she locked up both our homes was in the seat directly behind Nikki and was trying to keep her calm as I broke every traffic law, speed limit speed record to get to Mountain View Hospital. And I did in fifteen to twenty-five minutes. I grabbed a wheelchair, her ready bag from the trunk then with Sadie's help got her into the hospital and the receptionist noticed Nikki she immediately called for help. They wheeled Nikki into the back and before I joined her I looked to Sadie and handed her the car keys and she knew what I wanted her to do. But I also hugged her and went into the back to join Nikki and our impending arrivals. The moment I vanished from sight, Sadie went outside, got in the car and parked it in the parking lot and on her way in, called Brie and everyone she met at the wedding and told them the news.

Meanwhile, Nikki and I were in a private room as the doctors didn't think she was ready to deliver just yet. So I just laid in the hospital bed with Nikks which did keep her calm and happy. But every time a contraction hit. She gripped my hand as tight as she could and I returned the same pressure from he squeeze or as much as I could muster anyway. Finally we saw a familiar face, well at least Nikki did. Brie and Birdie came in along with Kathy and John and JJ. Sadie was also with them. "No babies yet huh." Sadie asked.
"No." Nikki said with a heavy sigh. "She looked to me and smiled as I had fallen asleep. "Poor Dani had been right here and I want to let him sleep. He's been a real trooper throughout my pregnancy that I think he deserves a break." She leaned over and kissed my forehead as I continued to sleep. Brie looked to me and just found it heartwarming to see me just seeing me and Nikki holding hands while I slept. "Daniel's idea. Whenever a contraction hits. I squeeze his hand and he squeezes on return for as long as he can." Just as she said that the mother of all contractions hit. The sheer pressure on my hand was enough to jolt me awake. If she wasn't ready at that moment then we wasted the time and effort to come to the hospital. But the nurse came in as Sadie had gotten her from the nurses station in the hall. She checked on Nikki and not a second later.
"Okay,  I'm going to get the doctor because she's ready to deliver." Nikki looked at me and smiled as I smiled at her. Pretty soon, Nikki was rushed into the delivery room and set up for the delivery of our three babies. I was next to her throughout the entire birth of our children while our visitors waited in our room.

After three to four hours of hand breaking, ear splitting and cursing my existence. We finally heard the first cry of one of our three babies. Then after a ten minute debate as to whether or not she could do this, our second baby came into the world crying. But when our last baby came into the world. He. Cried his head off. "Congratulations, you two. You have three girls." The doctor said.
"All girls?" I asked.
"Oh. My apologies.  I've been delivering babies since one a.m. this morning." The doctor laughed until I walked up to him. "Sorry."
"So, what's the exact number of girls?"
I looked over to the three cribs and as Hiram said. Nikki and I were proud parents of two girls and a boy.
"Two girls and a boy." The doctor said as he stood up and took his leave. I returned to Nikki's side and we briefly held our daughters and son.
Nikki was overwhelmed with emotion. I grinned at my son who was in my arms and our daughters who were in Nikki's arms.
"Oh, Dani their beautiful." She sobbed as she she looked at our newborn children.
"Their more than beautiful." I started, she looked at me. "Their perfect. Just like their mother."

Pretty soon we were taken back to our room and the moment we came in with our three newborn babies. Everybody swarmed us like a plague of locusts. Sadie snagged our son. Kathy snagged the oldest of our two girls and Brie snagged the youngest of our two daughters. Me and Nikki smiled as we watched our families turn into babbling idiots over their new nieces, nephews, and grandchildren. After about forty-five minutes of watching the jibber jabbering parade. A nurse came in with three cribs and the baby's birth certificates. Which meant name time.
"Okay. What are your children's names?" The nurse asked.
Nikki and I looked at each other and smiled.
"The oldest in my mother's arms," Nikki started. "Is Katherine James Colace-Boyce." Nikki smiled.
The nurse jotted down the name.
"The youngest of our daughter's name is Harley Nicole Colace-Boyce."I said without hesitation. Nikki smiled at me. And only our son remained.
The nurse jotted down the second name.
Nikki smiled as did Sadie. "And our sons name." Nicole started. "Is, Daniel Gordon Colace-Boyce." I looked at her and smiled as the nurse jotted down the last name of our last baby. Then left the room.
Brie then said, "You know what?" Everybody looked to her. "We should take a picture of the happy parents and their kids." Kathy and Sadie both agreed. So they handed me DJ and little Katherine as Brie handed her little Harley then everybody saw the priceless family.
Kathy, Brie, and Sadie all took pictures of us holding our kids. A couple of them were taken with me and Nikki's phones. Once everyone left, and our phones were handed back to us.
We checked out the photos that were taken and after eyeing them closely. We made the announcement on Instagram.

We are happy to announce the arrival of our triplets. Katherine James, Harley Nicole, and Daniel Gordon. Two girls, one boy. And we're beyond happy that their here. And for those of our friends and family who weren't here to meet them. You'll get your chance. We'll be home soon.

The response was overwhelmingly positive.

They are so cute and you guys look so happy, can't wait to meet them.

You two look incredibly cute with your three children. Aunty Sasha's going to take great pleasure in spoiling them. Within reason.

After we announced our great news on IG. Nicole fell asleep in tandem with our kids. It was quite surreal to be the only one awake in the room. When Sadie came back in along with Brie. I escorted them to the hall so Nikki and our newborns could get some sleep.

"So how does it feel to be a father?" Sadie asked.
I looked through the window into me and Nikki's room with her sleeping surrounded by our three newborn children. "Honestly, I don't think I could be anything else. I mean. Having a title would be great. But, I have a beautiful wife. Three lovely children and a career in WWE. To think it was close to a year ago when I came back and picked up where I left off. But to be honest. I'm happy. I'm excited about being the father of those three kids. But I'm also very, very lucky. I've loved two people that were the loves of my life. The first I lost because god wanted another angel in heaven. The second is right in there sleeping with our three newborn babies. And I couldn't be happier. I love them deeply." I smiled.
"Well, I'm happy for you Dan." Sadie grinned.
"And we think you'll make a great father to your three kids. I always knew. That you and my sister would be married one day." Brie hugged me.
"How come you didn't tell me before?" I asked her.
"Well, most things that I think will happen more often than not, don't happen. So I didn't count on being right. But if there was ever a time I enjoyed being proven wrong. This is definitely one of those times. I've never seen Nicole so happy. Even with he who must not be named. You are the perfect man for her."
"And she's the perfect woman for me." I smiled.

A few days later...
We pulled up to the house and found it decorated and considering that Brie, JJ, and John were still here. But some of the letters in 'Welcome Home, Boyce Family'. Were quite distinctive.
The 'B' in welcome back had the distinctive look of Sasha's type of style to it. And a 'C' in both welcome back also had the distinctive feel of the Princess of Staten Island and The Queen. All in all a welcome home party was thrown by our friends and extended family. Everyone that asked or otherwise deemed by me or Nikki. Got a chance to hold our daughter's. The worst of them were Sasha and Mandy Rose. I mean they were selfish with our daughters. The most selfish with our son happened to be Charlotte. With Alexa coming in a close second. After the party and all the gifts were opened.
Everybody started to slowly but surely go to their hotels or lodgings for the night. Charlotte, Sasha and Mandy along with Alexa stayed at our place as JJ, John, Kathy and Brie went next door with Sadie when she left.

Sasha approached Nikki and smiled. "How does it feel to have your children here finally?
Nikki smiled as she looked to me holding Harley, Mandy who was holding little Katherine and Alexa who was holding little DJ. "Honestly Mercedes. It's great to have me and Daniel's children finally here." She giggled. Which in turn made Sasha laugh. "I'm especially happy to see Daniel look so content and relaxed now that our children are here. He's a great guy. I'm so happy to have him as my husband and to see him with our babies. Is just, so heartwarming to me. And he just looks so natural as a father. I...I'm just so happy and blessed to have a man that loves me and to have three kids with him. Just completes my life."
"Any plans of having any more?" Mandy asked as she approached Nikki and Sasha.
"Maybe in a couple years. But we'll see." Nikki grinned.

Pretty soon they all went to bed. But Nikki and I were with our little ones in the nursery. "Oooh, Daniel. I still can't believe that their finally here."
"Neither can I." I laughed as she slapped my left shoulder. "But I'm very happy that they are here."
Nikki brought up a question that believe it or not, I actually expected. "Daniel. Honey. Would you want to have more kids with me?"
I looked to her and kissed her forehead as I replied, "Nikki. Darling, baby. I would love to have as many kids as you want. Because I love you and because they would be our kids." Nikki smiled and we headed to bed after going to each crib and kissing our little ones on the cheeks or their foreheads. We then headed to bed ourselves and since the doctors put a no sex for four weeks restriction. We just kissed each other goodnight and cuddled up close together, I took my glasses off and put them on the bedside table and wrapped my arms around my wife and we both fell fast asleep.

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