Chapter 22

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Khushi P.O.V

Sitting on my bed, I was thinking about the man...
Why he looked at me like that??? 

His eyes and face expression was covered with pain, it's like I hurt or betrayed him....

Why he teased me at market???  And, Why he said that I am like my sister???

What did he mean??? Just then Maya entered my room without knocking and looked at me angrily as if she wanted to kill me... 
" You bitch, how dare you you???" saying she slapped me hard... 

"What happened, Maya???" I asked painfully... 

"Don't try to act innocent, you bitch. How dare you try to snatch him from me???" saying this she again slapped me.... 

"Please, trust me Maya. I didn’t snatch anything or anyone from you. I don't understand what are you talking about" I told her... 

"Oh, you don't know, ha?? After dancing with him, you are saying  that you don't know him. Listen you bitch, stay away from him. He is mine, only mine" Maya told me angrily... 

"You are misunderstanding me, Maya. I didn't try to snatch him, he himself asked me to dance with him" I said her.. 

"Oh, just shut up. A poor nerd and an orphan girl like you, always tries to trap rich man. I know the girls like you but don't forget he is mine"

Saying this when she was again about to slap me, uncle entered my room and dragged Maya with him out of my room.... 

Maya's word is repeating in my mind... 
A poor nerd

I wish someone would come and save me from this hell and give me his name so that I can say that I have a surname. I have a family. I can say that I am not an orphan...  

Please Allah have mercy on me. Please save me form here. I am tired, really tired. Please send someone to save me.... 

Hearing the Asha's ( prayer time) Azan, my thought broke... 

After making wudhu, I started my prayer and after my prayer I started reciting Quran... 

Reciting Quran always calm me. It fills my mind and heart with peace, it always give me hope...  

After sometimes, I went downstairs to make dinner but I was surprised.

Uncle already ordered dinner from hotel. Seeing me, uncle called me and said to have dinner with them... 

Sitting in dinner table, I looked around but couldn't find Murat vaia (brother). May be he is in his room... 

When I was about to go towards his room for calling him, Aunty asked," Where are you going??"

"Aunty, for calling Murat vaia ( brother) " I told her...  

"He is at his friend's place. He is going to stay there tonight. Now sit down and finish your dinner " said Aunty... 

"Ok, Aunty" I replied her... 

After dinner when I was about to leave, Aunty called me and said, "Good night, Khushi. I hope you have a good sleep"... 

I was very surprised because it was first time aunty wished me good night but when I looked at Uncle and Maya, I found they have an evil smile on their face.

Nonetheless I wished them back and went back to my room... 

I didn't know why but some negative thoughts started coming in my mind and I started sweating and fearing...  

After sometime later   

I was roaming here and there in my room...
My every move was showing how restless I was...

I was cleaning sweat from my forehead again and again...
I looked at my phone which was on the table beside my bed... 

I took the phone and dialed a number. I put the phone on my ear and started praying…please pick up the phone but no one received the call.. 

I tried again but no response...  Must be he is sleeping now because it was already 12 at night.

So I lie on my bed for sleep but sleep was far away from my eyes. So I took my parents’ photo and looked at them... 

After some time slowly I closed my eyes and fell asleep...



Can you guess whom Khushi was calling??? 

Assalamualaikum readers 

Enjoy, vote and comment 

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